Shen Er understood Shen Yi's painstaking efforts, and was not prepared to talk about it to Shen San,

Knowing that their mission is to observe everything around the spaceship and avoid others from sneaking up on them.

Observing everything around the spaceship every day, nothing new happens.

At first, nothing appeared around the spaceship, and I thought maybe Shen Yi's news was not reliable at all, or when Shen Ling had some subtle problems.

Thinking of this, Shen Er wanted to take a good rest. He was so tense and exhausted every day.

Suddenly, I felt something suddenly appear not far away, moving very fast.

Shen Er quickly adjusted his state and found that the one near their spaceship was actually an interstellar monster.

Seeing more and more interstellar monsters approaching them, I was shocked and didn't know what was going on for a while.

The number became more and more, Shen Er did not know why there were so many suddenly, and felt strange.

Suddenly I remembered that Shen San could communicate with the interstellar monster, calm down and not let his heart fluctuate too much.

Quickly ran to find Shen San, Shen San watched Shen Er suddenly come to him, and didn't understand what was going on.

"Shen Er, why are you here suddenly, do you remember something, or do you still need my help?"

Shen Er didn't say a word, dragged Shen San and didn't want to leave.

Before Shen San could say a word, he was pulled outside, and Shen San noticed the interstellar monsters outside.

I was surprised to see so many interstellar monsters, thinking that they had come to the interstellar monster lair.

"We didn't come to the lair of interstellar monsters, so much at once."

Seeing that Shen San thought so, Shen Er smiled faintly.

There is absolutely no problem in Shen Ling's work in this regard, and how could it be possible for the spacecraft to drive into the group of monsters, these interstellar monsters are clearly aimed at them.

"No, on the contrary, these interstellar monsters are gradually approaching us at a long distance and unknowingly they are getting closer and closer to us, can you ask what's going on?

It was only then that Shen San understood that it was these interstellar monsters who took the initiative to approach the spaceship, but it seemed a little strange that they approached so much at once.

I just can communicate with the interstellar monster and figure out what is going on in this matter, which can be regarded as helping Shen Yi share the pressure.

"Don't worry, I'll try to communicate with them now to see what's going on. We haven't been close to this kind of interstellar monster, so how could it suddenly come over. 35

Shen San tried to communicate with the other party, hoping that the other party could answer his own questions.

"Why do you suddenly appear here? Shouldn't you be living well on the planet you live in, and wandering in interstellar space at will will encounter danger."

The interstellar monsters that were gradually approaching them did not seem to expect that someone would be able to communicate with them.

After a long time, an interstellar monster responded to him.

"We just accept the commission of others who are willing to provide us with some of the energy we need, and we just need to come to Shen Yi for trouble.

Shen San told Shen Er the news, and the two realized the seriousness of the matter.

This matter is actually related to the alliance organized by those people, and Shen Yi must decide how to solve it.

"`" Shen Yi, I found a lot of interstellar monsters nearby, and let Shen San have communicated with them, what should I do next?

Shen Yi, who was resting in the room originally, was slightly stunned after hearing this.

"Did you understand why these interstellar monsters suddenly approached us, we did not bring anything to attract them. 99

Shen San knew that Shen Yi was shocked by the sudden appearance of so many interstellar monsters, and he couldn't accept it for a while.

But they just (promised money) received the benefits of those alliances in order to cause trouble to Shen Yi.

However, Shen San himself didn't know exactly what effect these monsters had when approaching Shen Yi.

"They were all influenced by the alliance to suddenly approach you, but we don't know what the purpose is.

Thinking about it carefully Shen Yi knew that his strength had never been exposed to others.

Even if they formed an alliance, there were many people and great power, and they didn't know their own strength, so they were still somewhat fearful.

"Don't worry, it's okay, Shen Er, you just go out and solve them. 35

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