Among the 100 C-class Type 1 combat robots sold in this wave.

Thirty-two options are energy payments, and all the others are resource payments.

Therefore, this wave of light is energy, and Shen Yi directly earned a full 160,000.

The 2500 energy points that were originally spent were directly multiplied by 64 times!

It can be said that Shen Yi has already made a lot of money just from this energy.

And that's not counting the remaining resources.

The remaining 68 combat robots exchanged for resources.

It brought him 340,000 units of iron, 204,000 units of copper, and 34,000 units of psionic crystals.

Such huge resources are enough to allow him to have a lot of surplus after fully upgrading the base.

The only thing he lacked now was energy.

As long as the energy is in place, he can start a full upgrade.

Shen Yi clicked on today's upgradeable interface.

[Secondary Survival Base: Upgrade Requirements Iron 342,000/20,000, Copper 205,000/15,000, Psionic Crystal 34,000/3,000, Energy 234,000/300,000]

[Intermediate Radar: Upgrade Requirements Iron 342,000/3000, Copper 205,000/2000, Psionic Crystal 34,000/300, Energy 234,000/30,000]

[Intermediate machinery factory: upgrades require iron 342,000/5,000, copper 205,000/3,000, psionic crystal 34,000/500, energy 234,000/25,000]

[Intermediate Living Factory: Upgrade Requirements Iron 342,000/1000, Copper 205,000/800, Psionic Crystal 34,000/100, Energy 234,000/10,000]

[Primary energy mining equipment factory: upgrade requirements iron 342,000/2000, copper 205,000/1500, psionic crystal 34,000/300, energy 234,000/20,000]


Now his resources such as iron and copper are more than enough.

However, the energy aspect is a bit worse.

Of course, the difference is not particularly large, and it is estimated that it can be collected in an hour or two.

In less than a day, the survival base was directly upgraded to level three.

This speed is absolutely appalling!

Shen Yi couldn't help but feel a little joy in his heart.

A second-level survival base can withstand D-level attacks.

The third-level survival base can at least resist the attack of the C-level.

Even in the face of a B-level attack, it may not be impossible to resist for a while, coupled with the automatic defense system of the Holy Shield.

It can be said that as long as it does not encounter a large-scale wave of A-level monsters, or monsters above A-level.

He is at least in the safety aspect, there is no problem.

Moreover, when the radar is upgraded to an advanced level, the detection range will inevitably become wider.

He was also able to spot the enemy hundreds or even thousands of kilometers in advance.

Such a long distance is enough for him to have enough time to prepare.

"Next, just wait!"

Shen Yi leaned back in the chair with a hint of comfort.

As long as he completes a wave of upgrades to the base, the next step is to fully expand the army!

A type of combat robot and a type of multifunctional energy harvesting vehicle are two things that must be mass-produced.

One is his current main combat power, and the other is his future energy source, both of which can be described as top priorities.

However, both also require a lot of energy to produce.

Shen Yi was casually bothering the chat bar, when a message from the private chat channel caught his attention.

Li Luoxi: "Boss, do you need this blueprint? [D-level: Elementary Artificial Intelligence Blueprint]"

Shen Yi immediately sat up straight.

"D-class artificial intelligence blueprint?"

He suddenly became excited.

He didn't expect the artificial intelligence blueprint that he was thinking of.

I actually got it from Li Luoxi, a high-quality leek.

It's more than just premium leeks!

This is super leeks!

Can give him a baby automatically!

The message was sent two hours ago, when he should have been working on the information-gathering stick.

So, I didn't see it in the first place.

I don't know if they stayed or not.

This can't help but make Shen Yi a little nervous.

After all, this was the first time he saw a D-level blueprint in the hands of a player.

You must know that even his holy shield automatic defense system is only D-level.

"Yes, what are you going to change?"

Shen Yi replied to the message after thinking for a moment.

This is also his decision after consideration.

Li Luoxi impressed him very well, and gave him the blueprint for artificial intelligence he desperately needed.

He should open up more options for Li Luoxi.

Even a multifunctional energy harvesting vehicle can also be included in the transaction.

On the other hand, Li Luoxi, who originally thought that Shen Yi was not interested in this drawing, saw Shen Yi's reply, and his face suddenly showed a mixture of joy and worry.

The joy is that the big boss Shen Yi actually returned to her!

This really surprised her.

After all, in her opinion, there are probably no less than tens of millions of people like Shen Yi who talk to him privately every day.

How could she pay attention to her little transparency.

The relationship between the two is limited to one transaction.

The worry is that this primary artificial intelligence blueprint is actually not very good.

Although it is also the blueprint of the D-level, the level is still above the first-type battle robot.

However, according to the introduction of this blueprint.

The intelligence level of this primary artificial intelligence is really too bad.

I am afraid that at most it is about the same level as the artificial mental retardation of Siri.

In fact, after sending the blueprint to Shen Yi, she already regretted it.

Unfortunately, this chat system does not have a withdrawal function.

She quickly explained: "Big brother, the function of this blueprint is not very good, let's forget it, I can't cheat you!"

Shen Yi raised his eyebrows when he saw Li Luoxi's words.

Good guy, is there really such a person in the world?

He could see that Li Luoxi didn't want to raise the price, but really didn't want to sell him garbage.

However, he is not afraid that this primary artificial intelligence is artificial mental retardation!

There is a hundred-fold enhancement system, even Siri, he can make it complete super evolution.

According to the previous experience of strengthening the automatic defense system of the Holy Shield.

This is just a D-level primary artificial intelligence blueprint, and there is a high probability that it will be directly enhanced to the B-level level.

This level of artificial intelligence is likely to be comparable to the original Jarvis.

"It doesn't matter, this blueprint is very helpful to me. What are you going to change?"

"A type of combat robot? A type of work robot? Or a type of multifunctional energy harvesting vehicle?"

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