On the other side, Li Luoxi also saw the message of three things sent by Shen Yi.

"Hey...that's too exaggerated!"

Li Luoxi took a deep breath and felt that her scalp was numb.

Of the three things sent by Shen Yi, the C-class Type-I combat robot is of course needless to say.

She has already bought one.

So know very well how exactly it performs.

What shocked her was the newly added C-class Type 1 multifunctional energy harvesting vehicle and D-level Type 1 working robot.

The performance of these two robots is simply outrageous!

【Type 1 Multifunctional Energy Harvesting Vehicle】

[Ability: Due to special reasons, it has been greatly enhanced. If you are in any environment, you can generate 100 energy points/day. If you are in a special environment, you can generate 300 energy points/day]

[Grading: Grade C]

【Consumption: None】


【Type 1 working robot】

[Capacity: The highest power can lift 80 tons of heavy objects, the maximum load is 800 tons, and the maximum speed is 280km/h]

【Grade Rating: D Level】

[Consumption: consumes 20 energy points per day]


The fact that a multi-purpose energy harvesting vehicle can produce 300 points of energy per day is already very scary.

300 energy points a day, 9000 points a month.

If the number of this type of multifunctional energy harvesting vehicle is large enough.

Not to mention how much energy she can earn, at least she can achieve a stable energy balance!

You know, she needs to pay a large amount of energy every day to keep the base and robots running.

Even, it is necessary to hoard energy to prepare for the upgrade of the base.

If it weren't for the fact that there were too many monsters on Mom and Dad's side.

It has provided a lot of energy for their big family, and now they are afraid that they will not even make too many robots.

"And this D-class Type 1 working robot, this is too exaggerated!"

Li Luoxi was almost scared to cry by this performance.

This is dozens or hundreds of times more powerful than an E-class Type 1 working robot!

An ordinary Type 1 working robot can only lift 1,000 kilograms, or a ton of weight.

And this D-class Type 1 working robot can lift 80 tons.

The maximum load even reached 800 tons, a full 800 times more.

What a magical transformation this has gone through!

As expected of the big boss Shen Yi!

Even such an ordinary type-one working robot can be transformed into such a pervert.

"To actually use such a powerful thing in exchange for garbage like me..."

"The big guy is too good, he has a bad personality and will suffer..."

Li Luoxi felt both joy and guilt in her heart.

Originally, she felt that she had taken a huge advantage of the C-class Type-1 combat robot before.

It turned out that Shen Yi still wants to take such a precious D-level or even C-level robot and exchange it for her with a useless D-level primary artificial intelligence blueprint.

This is not soft-hearted, what else could it be!

She hurriedly typed and said, "Don't worry about the big deal, I'll just give you this blueprint. Also, you can't always be so kind, and you must help others without affecting your own development. ."

Seeing the message from Li Luoxi, Shen Yi's face became extremely strange: "kindness?"

Can he still relate to the word?

Whether it is from the plan to exterminate all the creatures in the radar, or from selling robots at high prices to drain the players' money.

He has nothing to do with kindness.

"However, this Li Luoxi is indeed a good woman."

Shen Yi touched his chin and clicked his tongue.

However, he could actually understand that Li Luoxi would have such an idea.

In fact, it is not surprising that the other party has such an idea.

After all, outsiders don't know that he has such an outrageous thing as a hundred-fold enhancement system.

I can't imagine how easy it is for him to get a D-level or even a C-level robot.

In the imagination of normal people, even if Shen Yi can upgrade the robot, he will definitely pay a big price.

At this time, Li Luoxi also initiated a transaction request and sent the primary artificial intelligence blueprint directly.

Just need Shen Yi to click to confirm, you can directly get it in the bag.

Obviously, the other party did this either because he wanted to gamble, or he really wanted to give it to him.

Shen Yi thought it was the latter possibility.

Of course, even if the opponent is the former.

But if the other party can really keep pretending, it is no different from the latter.

But at least she made Shen Yi very satisfied now.

Since it is such a good leek, it naturally cannot chill the hearts of others, even if it is not likely.

Shen Yi sent a Type 1 combat robot, a multifunctional energy harvesting vehicle, and a Type 1 operation robot, and then clicked the agreement.

The two parties directly completed the transaction, and the D-level primary artificial intelligence blueprint appeared in his hand.

On the opposite side, Li Luoxi apparently also received the three robots.

Li Luoxi: "!!!"

Li Luoxi: "Boss, you made a mistake!"

Li Luoxi: "I'll send it back to you!"

The appearance of the three robots obviously surprised Li Luoxi.

However, Shen Yi had no plans to take back what was given.

Instead, he looked at the blueprint in his hand with satisfaction, and typed back: "Take it with confidence, this blueprint is very useful to me, and the price of C-level robots will still be the same as before, and the price of D-level robots will be lower, as long as three One percent, if you can get it all together, I'll do it directly."

Shen Yi's attitude towards a high-quality leek who voluntarily gifted treasures is naturally different.

He also didn't think of the artificial intelligence blueprint he was thinking of.

I actually received it from Li Luoxi.

Moreover, there is a high probability that the opponent will use the C-level Type-1 combat robot he provided to explode.

This taste is really amazing.

After saying this, Shen Yi ignored Li Luoxi and studied the blueprint of primary artificial intelligence that he just got.

When the artificial intelligence is produced, he can almost be freed here!

You only need to coordinate the general direction, and leave the rest to artificial intelligence!

On the other side, Li Luoxi looked at Shen Yi's words, a cold and pretty face full of emotion: "Shen Yi..."

For some reason, she didn't want to add the word "big guy".

This kind of loving and capable boy is really attractive.

Of course, the proportion of this ability may be higher.

However, under the premise of ability, it is also full of love, which is really a bonus.

At least, Li Luoxi really wants to get to know Shen Yi now.

It's a pity that now they are forced into a game of technological soaring, and basically they may not be able to meet in this life.

Thinking of this, Li Luoxi couldn't help biting his lower lip subconsciously, feeling a little unwilling in his heart.

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