Fortunately, this civilization has played itself out.

Otherwise, Shen Yi wouldn't have the confidence to go to war with such a monster-level civilization.

Of course, his current situation is also not much better.

It is very likely that there are monsters beyond the S-class on this planet. God knows how terrifying the destructive power of those monsters.

However, according to the information gathering stick.

This kind of monster has a high probability of breaking the limit of the "weapon" of planetary civilization, and has a terrifying combat power that surpasses S-class weapons.

As for how strong it is, Shen Yi has no idea.

Shen Yi only knows now that he can't even defeat monsters with a life level of S rank.

No, even in the face of A-level creatures.

These robots under his hands are only C-level, and they are completely incapable of doing it.

There is only the Holy Shield automatic defense system.

It can make him a little more confident when facing A-level monsters.

"Not strong enough!"

Shen Yi sighed and suddenly felt that the porridge in his mouth was not so fragrant.

On this planet now, there are too many things that can threaten him.

"Still haven't revealed the blueprint yet?"

Shen Yi asked aloud.

"Sorry master, I didn't find any blueprints, and I didn't find any valuable blueprints in the trading line or chat."

Shen Ling's slightly deserted voice sounded again.

Sure enough... the burst rate of blueprints is too low!

Shen Yi whispered in his heart.

I don't know what the explosion rate of this blueprint is.

Apart from the previous Divine Shield automatic defense system, he never saw the second blueprint again.

This low explosion rate is ridiculous!

Wait, it's not just because of his dark face, is it?

Thinking of this possibility, Shen Yi's face turned ashen.

It seems so possible!

If it weren't for the fact that his face was not dark, he would not have been sent to such a desperate planet!

If the system is not activated, he may not even be able to pass the level of the horned dragon.

"Impossible, how could I be black! It's just that the explosion rate is too low!"

Shen Yi hurriedly pushed the thoughts out of his mind.

If this is really his face is black, is it still good?

I'm afraid it's not those monsters that are S-rank or even beyond S-rank, you can go to him when you go shopping!

"Upgrade first."

"Shen Ling, upgrade all the upgradeable bases to one level."

Shen Yi said.

"Yes, Master."

With Shen Ling's voice falling.

A large amount of resources were immediately deducted, and the prompts flashed on the screen in front of Shen Yi's eyes.

"You have deducted 20,000 iron, 15,000 copper, 3,000 psionic crystals, and 300,000 energy. The second-level survival base has been upgraded. It took 1 hour, and now it takes 59:59!"

"You have deducted 3,000 iron, 2,000 copper, 300 psionic crystals, and 30,000 energy, and the intermediate radar has been upgraded. It took 45 minutes, and now it takes 44:59!"

"You have deducted 5000 iron and 3000 copper..."

"You have..."


For a time, the survival base, radar, machinery factory, living factory and energy mining equipment factory entered the upgrade process at the same time.

This wave of required resources is definitely an astronomical sum for ordinary players.

If it is just ordinary iron, copper ores, it may be better.

After all, some of the European emperors start with the ore veins.

As long as there is family help, a sufficient number of Type 1 work robots can be manufactured.

It's actually not that difficult to cobble together these resources.

However, for other players, the hardest part is the energy...

Energy is so important!

It can be said that any development of the base requires energy.

Producing robots, upgrading bases, and keeping bases running, which of these things don’t require a lot of energy?

Before the survival base was upgraded to the second level and the primary energy mining equipment factory appeared.

Killing monsters around the base is the only way for players to get energy.

However, the amount of energy given by killing monsters is also provided according to the level of the monster's life.

So, if the monsters around the player's base are not at high health levels.

Then, they must have difficulties if they want to develop.

Of course, if the life level of the monsters around the base is too high, they may not be able to beat them.

Even if it is forced to fight, it is very likely that huge battle losses will occur.

After all, they are not Shen Yi. They have a hundred-fold enhancement system, and they directly swept the Quartet with a C-level Type-I combat robot.

Therefore, many players in this environment are equivalent to being directly sentenced to death.

Even their families are heartbroken.

They can only give up helplessly, or just give the minimum energy to continue their lives.

Of course, the status of these players changed after Shen Yi started to gradually increase the number of C-Class Type 1 battle robots.

After all, whenever you buy a C-class Type 1 combat robot.

These players will be like gold mines with huge potential.

And this group of people are also the ones who support Shen Yi the most.

Whenever someone said something bad about Shen Yi, they would immediately jump out and spray that person into the blood.

After all, Shen Yi was equivalent to giving them a second life.

After Shen Yi finished his breakfast, the countdown to the comprehensive upgrade of the base also ended.

As soon as Shen Yi gave an order, the entire base would begin to undergo earth-shaking changes.

Shen Yi sat on a chair in the hall and fixed himself.

Then he said to Shen Ling, "Let's start upgrading."

"Yes, Master."

Shen Ling replied.

The next moment, the entire base trembled violently.

This time the shock was even bigger than the last time.

Everywhere in the entire base, like Transformers, quickly began to churn.

The metal pieces seemed to come alive and deformed rapidly.

The space within the entire base is also undergoing tremendous changes.

However, what surprised Shen Yi was that instead of continuing to expand, the space in the hall continued to shrink.

And, it seems to keep rising.

Eventually, when all changes stop.

The command hall has become a room only less than fifty square meters.

There is only an exit door behind it.

It is no longer connected to places such as machinery factories and living factories as before.

That's right, the command hall at the moment seems to have been isolated and become a separate room.

And the blue light ball transformed by the original holographic computer is still suspended in the center of the command hall.

However, what caught Shen Yi's attention the most was the surroundings of the command hall at this moment.

At this moment, the walls around the command hall have been replaced by white walls that are the same as the projection walls of the living factory.

If nothing else, this thing should also have the projection function.

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