Interstellar Survival: My Technological Creations Can Be Strengthened A Hundredfold

Chapter 39: Mechanical Ru0026D Laboratory! Opportunity For The Second Type Of Robot To Be Born!

"Shen Ling, open the current base panel!"

Shen Yi suppressed the speculation in his heart and said.

"Yes, Master."

The next moment, a transparent virtual frame appeared in front of Shen Yi's eyes.

Above is the current data panel of the base.

【Survival Base】

【Current level: Level 3】

[Current facilities: Advanced Radar, Advanced Machinery Factory, Advanced Living Factory, Intermediate Energy Harvesting Equipment Factory, Primary Machinery Technology Research Laboratory, Lounge, Recreation Room]

[Base Defense Coefficient: Grade C]

【Current energy: 495,172 points】

[Current consumption: 300 points/day]

[Upgrade requirements: iron 1.34 million/1 million, copper 850,000/800,000, psionic crystal 60,000/80,000, any C-grade metal material 320,000/100,000, any B-grade metal material 50,000/10,000, energy 490,000/3 million]


"Good guy! Want so much?"

Shen Yi couldn't help being surprised when he saw the pile of items requested in the upgrade requirements column.

Although, he has met most of the upgrade conditions at present.

Even the columns for any C-grade metal material and any B-grade metal material are satisfied.

But you must know that he only got so many materials after dismantling a small biological research institute of a planetary peak civilization!

Biological Institute of this specification.

Even a superpower like the Federation only has more than 100 institutions.

Is this something that ordinary players can raise?

Moreover, a full three million energy is needed in the back!

Compared with the second-level survival base, the third-level survival base is ten times more expensive.

Not to mention other players, even Shen Yi can't get so much out of it for a while!

Even if he swept away all the monsters in the 300 kilometers around the base, it would only be about this number.

However, more resources are required.

To a certain extent, it also represents the greater change in the base.

After consuming such a huge amount of resources, what is the survival base to be strengthened into?

Of course, even if Shen Yi wants to complete the upgrade again, it is not an easy task.

After all, it is impossible for him to put such a huge amount of energy into the upgrade all at once.

Otherwise, will he continue to develop?

"Huh? There are so many more facilities this time?"

At this time, Shen Yi also noticed three new facilities in the facility bar.

It was because I was taken aback by the extremely long column of requirements for the next upgrade of the base.

After calming down now, he naturally noticed the facility bar that also grew out.

Unexpectedly, the lounge and entertainment room that he had been thinking about before appeared!

Of course, it wasn't these two facilities that attracted him the most.

It was the newly emerging primary mechanical technology research laboratory.

This is a research laboratory that has reappeared after the primary biological genetic research laboratory that appeared because of the information integration rod!

"Is this the role of a biological genetic laboratory?"

Shen Yi was full of expectations and opened the introduction of the Bio-Gene Research Laboratory.

[Primary Mechanical Science and Technology Laboratory: You can unlock the progress of the laboratory by collecting blueprints or finished technology products. When the progress of the laboratory reaches the standard, you can upgrade the basic robots in the machinery factory, and only when the progress reaches 100% can further upgrades be made. The current progress is 67%]

"Good guy, it really is!"

There was a hint of ecstasy in Shen Yi's eyes.

As long as the basic model of the robot under his command can be upgraded to D-level, he can have a large number of B-level robots under the power of a hundred times stronger system.

At that time, his fighting power was not what it is now!

Class B monster?

What rubbish is that!

You don't need a round of fire, just send it away with joy!

A-level monster?

How many rounds can it survive?

If it was an S-rank monster, it might still be impossible to deal with it now.

But it's definitely not an unattainable existence.

As long as the robot is upgraded to a new level, the S-class monster is nothing but garbage!

"However, this 67% progress is not due to the two D-level blueprints and the E-level blueprint, right?"

The blueprints he currently owns are the D-level Sacred Shield automatic defense system, the primary artificial intelligence blueprint, and the E-level armed drones.

Other than that, there seems to be nothing else.

If this is the case, then it seems that it is not difficult for him to make this 100% progress!

"Shen Ling, release the news that fifteen E-level blueprints can be exchanged for one C-level Type-1 combat robot or three Type-1 operation robots. There is a lot of demand! By the way, only Xia Guo can buy it!"

With a big idea in mind, Shen Yi immediately began to act.

The price of an E-level blueprint, the market price is about 300~400 hundred points of energy.

However, Shen Yi's side is obviously at a disadvantage when it comes to purchasing with energy.

Of course he couldn't buy it with energy.

Isn't it sweet to buy him with a robot!

With only 25 energy points, he can directly buy things that can only be bought with a high probability of about 5,000 energy points!

Moreover, the person who bought it has to be grateful to him!

Of course, the bottom line is that these drawings are unlikely to be concentrated in the hands of a single person.

Even if he finds them one by one, the other party obviously cannot afford them.

Is it possible that he can still pay with energy?

As for the direct one-to-one transaction with the robot, Shen Yi even thought about it.

He has to have cerebral palsy before he can influence the market price he has set.

Previously, Li Luoxi's side was just an exception, letting him use a Type 1 combat robot, a Type 1 operation robot, and a Type 1 multifunctional energy harvesting vehicle for a D-level blueprint.

However, that was only because the other party really loved him too much.

Of course, the most important thing is that he believes that Li Luoxi will not let him suffer this 'loss'.

The current expenditure, the other party has plenty of money in the later stage, and will definitely make up for it.

What is this wave called, this wave is called loan consumption!

As for other players, Shen Yi doesn't think they deserve such trust.

Don't let the players worry about changing the blueprints themselves.

He just had to sit back and wait for the results.

"Yes, Master!"

Shen Ling responded and immediately advertised on all channels.

This time, all players were shocked again.

Unexpectedly, Shen Yi started helping the poor again in just one day!

"Damn it, Mr. Shen Yi is really a good guy. Fifteen E-level blueprints can be exchanged for a C-level Type-I combat robot? It's such a bloody profit!"

"Blueprint dealers are ecstatic. I collected blueprints before and you thought I was a fool. Now you are the fool! Haha!"

"It's a loss, a loss, I used to sell the E-level blueprint for 100 energy points, damn it!"

"Dogecoin gives me back my blueprint! I hate it! The price of this blueprint can't soar?"

"After confirming the eyes, it's still a price I can't afford! But the big boss Shen Yi has changed his tricks to help us!"

"However, what did Mr. Shen Yi collect so many blueprints for? Is this a new technology to develop? Sure enough, Mr. Shen Yi is actually a big tech guy, right?"

"The tech tycoon tells you, you're thinking about shit, it's just that the big boss Shen Yi is awesome, not the tech boss!"

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