At this moment, all players cheered for it.

Even those players outside the Xia Kingdom are the same.

Although they still couldn't buy a C-class Type I combat robot.

However, they can sell the E-Class blueprints they have accumulated in their hands at a good price!

In fact, the number of E-Class blueprints is not much now.

Of course, this does not mean that the explosion rate of E-level blueprints is high, but the base of players is really too large.

Billions of players participate in the game at the same time, even if 10,000 or even 100,000 people lose one.

Under the terrorist base of billions, there will still be tens of thousands of people who will explode the E-level blueprint.

However, for various reasons, they did not put these E-class blueprints for sale.

But it's different now!

You can use the E-level blueprint to exchange for one C-level Type-I combat robot, or three D-level Type-I work robots.

Such a great opportunity, who wouldn't want to take it?

Even if they can't exchange it, they can still sell the blueprint for a good price!

For a time, the entire player market was boiling because of Shen Yi.

For the first time, the player has a large-scale trade activity.

Of course, no matter what, the biggest earner this time was naturally Shen Yi.

On the one hand, he uses a few Type 1 combat robots and Type 1 working robots that can be made with a mere 25 or even 15 points of energy.

In exchange, a large number of E-level blueprints were used to improve the progress of the primary mechanical technology research laboratory.

meet his own needs.

On the other hand, the large-scale trade between these players has also allowed these players to make great progress.

By the time of the next transaction, the wallets of these players will inevitably be larger and more abundant.

I am afraid that even if hundreds of thousands of Type 1 combat robots are sold at one time, these players can eat it.

However, this transaction process is not a short process.

Shen Yi handed over all transaction affairs to Shen Ling.

I began to study other functions after a comprehensive upgrade.

[Advanced radar: The coverage can reach 3,000 kilometers, and all energy-containing objects and metals within the range will be detected. In addition, it can penetrate into the ground for a maximum of 100 kilometers, and has a strong shielding ability. Non-S-level cannot be detected. 】

[Advanced Machinery Factory: A maximum of 5,000 robots can be produced at the same time, and the manufacturing time of robots below C-level is reduced to half of the previous one]

[Advanced Living Factory: After taking the nutritional supplements, the effect is doubled, and the interval between taking them is shortened by half]

[Intermediate energy harvesting equipment factory: After production, the maximum capacity of energy harvesting vehicles within a certain range is increased by 50%, and the energy harvesting effect is increased by 30%]


"The promotion is so exaggerated?"

Seeing the introduction today, Shen Yi couldn't help but take a deep breath.

This high-level radar alone is already very against the sky.

The coverage range is 3000 kilometers, but it has become the most inconspicuous improvement effect.

What impressed Shen Yi most was the ability to penetrate up to 100 kilometers underground.

This means that the underground is no longer a blind spot for his vision.

Unless there is something that can burrow directly into the ground more than 100 kilometers underground, go around his base and launch an attack.

Of course, if the other party really has the ability to move freely 100 kilometers underground.

That Shen Yi considered himself unlucky.

After all, the huge pressure underground is not comparable to that on the ground.

To be able to do this, the opponent must at least be an S-rank existence.

In the face of an S-class existence, what else is there to say!

Anyway, at his current level, it is impossible for him to be an opponent of S-class creatures or technological creations.

Secondly, it is the function of advanced radar to detect metals and things containing energy.

This function has two advantages. On the one hand, it can discover the technological means of the enemy.

After all, the biggest feature of technological creations is that they are made of metal and contain a lot of energy. Through these two points, it is easy to discover those hidden technological creations.

On the other hand, it can be used to detect mineral veins buried in the ground.

As long as it is not more than 100 kilometers underground.

None of these veins escaped radar scans.

In addition to the radar, the improvement of several other factories is also very terrifying.

Take the machinery factory for example.

It not only expanded the production line, but also shortened the production time of robots below the C level.

C rank, that is a rank that can only be achieved after a type of battle robot is strengthened!

It can already be called the conventional combat power of a top planetary civilization.

After the upgrade of the machine factory this time, the time for Shen Yi to manufacture the robot army will be greatly shortened.

Let him get out of the current dangerous situation as soon as possible.

After all, the environment he is in now is not safe.

At any time, it may face the attack of S-rank or even beyond S-rank monsters.

He must seize all the time and develop as soon as possible!

Otherwise, if one day there is an S-rank or more S-rank monster on a whim, it will come to him.

He was afraid that he would have to go back to before liberation in a wave, and it was all taken by the other party.

The improvement of living factories is smaller than that of other facilities.

But it still helped him a lot.

The double increase in the effect of nutrients may be the same for ordinary players.

But for him who has a hundred-fold amplification system.

The increase effect is directly increased to a hundred times!

And the shortening of the taking interval will also allow him to have this hundredfold increase faster.

At that time, let alone tear up Gundam by hand.

Even if the starship is torn by hand, I am afraid it is not difficult.

Of course, the improvement of energy mining equipment factories has also helped Shen Yi a lot.

Because, if according to the statement on the introduction.

Within one kilometer, the maximum number of Type 1 multi-purpose energy harvesting vehicles that can be placed will reach 45.

At the same time, the daily energy conversion of each Type 1 multifunctional energy harvesting vehicle will also reach the level of close to 400 points.

This means that the scope of the site remains unchanged.

If the 300-kilometer range is fully covered with Type 1 multi-purpose energy harvesting vehicles, he will be able to lay 13,500 vehicles.

Moreover, the highest energy he can obtain every day will reach...5.4 million!

And if all 3,000 kilometers are covered, that's 54 million!

"Looking at it this way, the monsters beyond the S-rank don't seem to be that scary!"

Shen Yi couldn't help but sigh.

Although this wave of upgrades consumed a lot of his resources.

However, the improvement to him is incomparably huge!

Just give him enough time to digest the current improvement.

What counts as a monster that surpasses S rank?

If he continues to develop, he is afraid that he will be able to press the opponent to the ground and blast the hammer by himself without relying on the robot.

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