"1150 million energy?"

This terrifying number made Shen Yi's eyelids jump wildly.

This is too scary!

Since he came to this planet, the total energy he has obtained so far is less than a fraction of this!

"Also, this is only 3,000 kilometers away..."

"If the monsters on the entire planet add up, how terrifying is the energy provided?"

Shen Yi's heart trembled slightly.

He didn't even dare to imagine that number, it must be an astronomical number.

Moreover, this is just the monster near the research institute.

Compared with military bases equipped with a large number of war beasts.

The number of war beasts owned by research institutes mainly for research and innovation will undoubtedly be much less.

Those military bases are definitely the real energy giants.

Of course, military bases are not so easy to deal with.

"Currently, there are 13 iron ores underground within 3,000 kilometers, with a total output of about 350 million units and 8 copper mines with a total output of about 270 million units and 11 psychic crystal veins. The output is about 78 million units, containing 13 tungsten mines, with a total output of about 130 million units, containing 7 aluminum mines, with a total output of about 110 million units."

At this time, Shen Ling also went on to report.

This is also currently detected by advanced radar, the base is within a radius of 3,000 kilometers, and the mineral resources within 100 kilometers underground.

To be honest, this resource distribution is still very impressive.

If all are mined, it will be enough for Shen Yi to develop for a long time.

However, these mineral resources are not close to Shen Yi's base.

Even the nearest ore vein is more than 700 kilometers away from the current location of the base.

The Gobi Desert where his base is located is really poor!

In addition to the rolling yellow sand and some underground caves, there are no other resources at all.

No wonder the federal military bases are reluctant to settle here.

There is really no need for a military base here.

Only the Dres Institute of Biology, a small biological genetic research institute, would put the address in this location.

After all, it is indeed a good place to experiment with the power of war beasts.

Moreover, most of the research at the Drais Institute of Biological Studies are also sand-type war beasts and flying war beasts.

"Shen Ling, what is the use of this tungsten ore and aluminum ore? What grade of materials are they?"

Shen Yi asked aloud.

He doesn't seem to see these two materials on the upgrade panel of the survival base.

"Master, both tungsten ore and aluminum ore are grade D materials, which are equivalent to iron ore and copper ore. However, according to the information in the information integration rod, if iron ore and aluminum ore are processed by special means, a super alloy will be formed. , and if you add tungsten ore to process it together, you will get Heman alloy."

Shen Ling replied.

"The composite material of superalloy and seaman alloy? This is not small!"

Shen Yi nodded knowingly. He didn't think that super alloys and Heman alloys could be dug out.

Alloy alloys are naturally synthesized metals.

"In the information integration rod, is there any record of the production methods of superalloys and seaman alloys?"

Shen Yi narrowed his eyes slightly and asked.

The future is accompanied by the improvement of the level of science and technology.

The demand for C-level and even B-level materials will inevitably continue to increase.

If he can master the production method, it will be of great help to him.

At least let him apart from tearing down the house.

There are other ways to obtain advanced materials.

"Sorry master, the information integration rod does not record the production method of superalloy and seaman alloy."

"However, it records a possible place. There is a large metal processing factory 13,000 kilometers northwest of the base. There is an 87% possibility that there is a refining method in that place."

Shen Ling replied.

Thirteen thousand kilometers away...

Shen Yi raised his hand and waved, and the three-dimensional figure of the planet under his feet suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

At the same time, a red line quickly extended from the base to the northwest.

It's just that on a planet five times the size of Earth.

A distance of 10,000 kilometers is really insignificant.

At best, it occupies one-twentieth of the planet's circumference.

"This location... seems to be very close to the state capital in this area!"

Shen Yi's expression became a little dignified.

According to the information of this world he got before.

The federation is similar to a beautiful country on earth, consisting of autonomous states one by one.

The states are like kingdoms, and the governors of the states form members of parliament to jointly govern the federation.

The situation of the alliance is similar to that of the Xia Kingdom, where all power belongs to Zhongzhou, which is a patriarchal state.

Unlike the alliance, the army is very concentrated.

It is basically ruled by several major military regions, and the troops will not be divided everywhere.

Each federal state has its own armed forces.

In particular, the locations of the state capitals are the most important positions for the opponent.

As long as there are no accidents, he can basically be sure that he will face a large number of monsters in a military region.

At that time, the number of A-rank monsters was not as many as thirty or forty as it is now.

That is to start with a few hundred heads, and there is no cap!

Moreover, there are countless B-rank monsters and C-rank monsters.

Shen Yi didn't even dare to think about pushing such a place horizontally.

At least he has to have a large number of A-level robots, or have S-level combat power under his hands, before he dares to attack that kind of place.

"It's not that it can't be taken down, as long as these research institutes are taken down, it will be almost the same."

Shen Yi flicked his fingers across the seven research institutes marked on the planet and murmured in a low voice.

He didn't try the other functions that followed.

There's not much to try with these features either.

After all, the promotions are all manufactured items, and there is really nothing to pay attention to.

He is now waiting for the Type II robot to appear.

Not going to make other robots.

After all, if the cost of the Type 2 robot is not expensive, he plans to completely eliminate the Type 1 robot and mass-produce the Type 2 robot.

The gap between the B-level and the C-level is still a bit big.

During the next waiting time, Shen Yi went to the recreation room, spent 30 energy points, and came up with a set of training equipment.

He started exercising frantically, just to get used to his strength as soon as possible.

And about three hours later.

The first wave of players has also officially started trading!

A C-level Type-I combat robot directly exchanged 15 E-level blueprints for Shen Yi!

Celebrating the 7-day National Day holiday and reading books! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP coupons!

Immediately rush to recharge (event time: October 1st to October 7th)

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