"Master, the first batch of transactions has been completed. It is expected that in three minutes, the transactions of other players will also start."

Recreation room converted into gym.

Shen Ling's voice rang out.

Shen Yi, who was holding a pair of barbells weighing 2,000 kilograms with some difficulty, raised his eyes slightly at this moment.

Gently place the barbell in your hand on the ground.

"Has the transaction been completed, so the progress of the Mechanical Technology Laboratory should be enough?"

Shen Yi took the towel aside and wiped his hands, asking.

"Yes Master."

"The progress of the Mechanical Technology Research Laboratory has reached 100%. It only takes 30,000 energy points to start upgrading the basic robot. In addition, if you spend another 100,000 energy points, 10,000 units of iron, 7,000 units of copper, and 3,200 units of psionic crystals , 1000 units of any C-level material, you can start to upgrade the mechanical technology laboratory."

Shen Ling's voice sounded.

"Oh? I need a lot of resources!"

There was a hint of surprise in Shen Yi's eyes.

If it is an ordinary player, I am afraid that it has developed to this stage.

Not many people can afford this feature at all.

On the one hand because of energy constraints, on the other hand because of blueprint constraints.

The explosion rate of the blueprint is really low and ridiculous, even if he has not released the second blueprint now.

There may be a black face in it.

However, the low explosion rate is indeed a fact.

As for energy.

Although 3W energy may not be worth mentioning to him.

The energy that the robot needs to consume every day far exceeds this figure by more than ten times.

But it's also because there are enough powerful monsters for him to slaughter.

At the same time, the level of the robot under the hand is high enough.

So this is not worth mentioning to him.

However, if it were another player, it would never be like him.

On the one hand, there may not be so many powerful monsters on the opponent's planet that can be killed.

On the other hand, and also the most important aspect, other players do not have a hundred-fold enhancement system like him!

Even when he started, he had a C-class robot.

Normal players have to wait at least until the intermediate mechanical technology laboratory upgrades the basic robot twice before they can own it.

Even those special European emperors.

You also need to wait until the D-class Type II robot is unlocked.

Then use a large number of D-level Type 2 robots to kill C-level monsters and explode the C-level blueprint.

The difficulty of this one can be imagined...

Even if other players want to catch up with his starting point, it is difficult, and if they want to catch up with him, they can only say they want to eat.

"I didn't expect that I was still very strong!"

Shen Yi's heart was filled with joy.

It's a pity that, thinking of the danger on this planet, his Anshuang was suppressed again.

After all, he might be doing well among players.

But in the face of countless civilizations in this vast starry sky, it is too weak.

Not to mention, there is a trouble he can't solve within the 3,000 kilometers detected by radar today.

And under Shen Yi's orders.

The primary mechanical technology research laboratory also quickly started to work.

A 25-minute and a 45-minute countdown appeared in front of Shen Yi.

The former is the time required for the primary mechanical technology laboratory to upgrade the basic robot.

The latter is the time required to upgrade the primary mechanical technology research laboratory.

This time is not particularly long.

But if it can be completed, his strength will inevitably usher in a surge.

After arranging these things properly, Shen Yi continued to lift the full 2,000kg barbell and started his own exercise.

Although his character determines that he will not go out of the base to take risks.

However, a strong body is still very necessary.

Moreover, such exercise, although not able to increase his physique.

But it can speed up the consumption of energy in his body.

I'm afraid it won't take half a month before he can completely deplete the energy in his body and continue to take nutritional supplements.

After 25 minutes, the countdown ends.

The mechanical prompts in the base sounded in Shen Yi's ears.

"Ding, the technology has been successfully developed, and the advanced arms type II killing robot, type II engineering robot, and type II tactical drone have been launched."

Shen Yi's eyes suddenly lit up, and he immediately put down the barbell in his hand.

"Have the Type II robot finally appeared!"

"Shen Ling, transfer the data of the Type II robot!"

Shen Yi sat on the chair beside him and said.

These three brand-new Type II robots are not easy to just hear the names.

It can be seen that the grade is definitely much higher than that of the first type.

"Yes, Master."

Shen Ling responded.

Immediately, the data of the second-type robot was adjusted.

【Type II Killing Robot】

[Production requirements: 80 points of energy, 3 units of iron, 1 unit of copper]

[Capacity: Equipped with a 50mm caliber main gun, two 35mm caliber secondary guns, and four 20mm caliber six-barreled cannons, with a maximum range of 2000 meters and a maximum speed of 120km/h]

[Consumption: 10 points of energy are consumed every day]

【Grade Rating: D Level】


【Type II engineering robot】

[Production requirements: 70 energy points]

[Capacity: The highest power can lift 10 tons of heavy objects, the maximum load is 100 tons, and the maximum speed is 160km/h]

[Consumption: consumes 7 points of energy every day]

[Grade Rating: E ​​Grade]


【Type II tactical drone】

[Production requirements: 60 energy points]

[Ability: Possesses certain optical stealth and radar stealth capabilities, can launch two tactical missiles in one second, has a maximum flight altitude of 1,000 meters, a maximum flight distance of 100 kilometers, and a maximum flight speed of Mach 0.5]

[Consumption: consumes 7 points of energy every day]

[Grade Rating: E ​​Grade]

Next to the data information, are the appearances of the three robots.

Shen Yi first looked at the Type II killing robot.

However, just at a glance, he deeply fell in love with this hideous behemoth.

The Type II killing droid definitely lives up to its name.

It's a terrifying machine built to kill!

In terms of appearance, the Type 2 Killing Robot is very different from the Type 1 Fighting Robot.

Instead of a tracked chassis, it became four stout spider legs.

Enough to allow it to ignore all kinds of terrain constraints.

And its upper body has also become a tank-style polygonal turret.

The 50mm caliber main gun is located in the middle position, eyeing the front, full of murderous aura.

On both sides of the main gun, there are two slightly thinner 35mm caliber secondary guns.

The remaining four 20mm six-barrel cannons were evenly distributed in the four corners of the fort.

It is not difficult to imagine what kind of terrifying metal storm will be formed once this kind of war weapon is fired.

This is completely the existence of a meat grinder!

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