Interstellar Survival: My Technological Creations Can Be Strengthened A Hundredfold

Chapter 47: The B-Level Of A Team Is More Than The Sum Of The Six Small Research Institutes!

in this terrifying explosion.

The Thorns Iron Armored Dragon couldn't even hear the screams.

The scorching high temperature directly melted its sound into it.

After a full three seconds, as the red dot of life on the radar disappeared, the Type II killing robot stopped shelling.

In this short three-second period, the Type II killing robot fired 6 main artillery shells, 30 secondary artillery shells, and more than 9,000 machine artillery shells.

This terrifying firepower is enough to match the power of a rocket division launching at the same time.

In the place where the thorny iron armored dragon was before, there was a huge pit that was dozens of meters wide and more than 20 meters deep.

The walls of the pit still emit billowing smoke.

It seems that he is accusing himself of the inhumane treatment he suffered before.

As for the Thorns Iron Armored Dragon, which was judged to have an amazing defense.

At this moment, there is not even a scum left.

"This is too exaggerated!"

The power of the Type II killing robot, even Shen Yi was a little dumbfounded.

"Master, in fact, this is not the full strength of the Type 2 killing robot, and its biggest feature is not its firepower."

At this moment, Shen Ling suddenly spoke up.

Shen Yi's face first showed a trace of confusion, and then he asked with great interest: "Oh? What is the biggest feature of this type-2 killing robot?"

After all, the data on paper is pale and empty.

It is impossible for Shen Yi to see what the specific data is from the paper data.

Only as an artificial intelligence, Shen Ling can understand every detail of the Type II killing robot.

Only then did I know the full strength of the Type II robot.

And this is where artificial intelligence is powerful.

Of course, if other players want to have artificial intelligence at the level of Shen Zero.

Well, they have to have at least a B-level AI blueprint.

After all, Shen Ling reached the current level after going through a hundred times the enhancement of the system.

"Master, please look!"

Shen Ling said and stretched the lens.

It can be seen that the three thorn iron armored dragons that came before this moment.

With red eyes and white smoke in his breath, he charged towards the Type II killing robot with murderous aura.

Obviously, the death of the previous thorny iron armored dragon deeply stimulated them.

These former war beasts are now out of control monsters, although their intelligence is not very high.

However, the instinct of being a beast still exists.

The death of the same clan obviously deeply stimulated them.

If nothing else, they will be immortal with the Type II killing droids.

It's a pity that since the Type II killing robot is named after killing, it will naturally make the enemy's family neat and tidy.

However, this time, it was not able to focus the fire directly as before.

The three thorny iron armored dragons that attacked came from three directions.

At their speed, the Type II Killer Bots settle for one end of time.

The other two thorn iron armored dragons will rush directly to the side of the second type robot.

Also a B-rank, Shen Yi didn't think the Type II killing robot could get anything better.

He couldn't help but become more curious.

I don't know what kind of ability the Type 2 Killing Robot has, so that it can face three thorn iron armored dragons at the same time.

At this time, the Type 2 killing robot also moved under the control of Shen Ling.

At this moment, like a real spider, it moved its four legs flexibly and quickly rushed in the direction of the iron armored dragon without thorns.

Moreover, while exercising, the fort on the upper body also did not stop.

Although the firepower is slightly slower than before.

However, the dense barrage is still very impressive.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

A mushroom cloud keeps rising.

A rushing thorn iron armored dragon was directly shrouded in it.

The figure of the other party instantly disappeared into the fire.

However, the Type II killing robot that issued this terrorist attack did not sway.

Still maintaining a speed of more than 600 yards, moving at high speed.

It does not give the Thorns Iron Armored Dragon a chance to approach.

Moreover, because of the continuous blocking of artillery fire, the distance between the two sides has been maintained at a constant distance.

The Type II Killing Robot can easily suppress the Thorns Iron Armored Dragon.

On the other hand, the thorny iron armored dragon has no way to take the second-type killing robot.

But in just half a minute, the four red dots on the map that belonged to the Thorn Iron Armored Dragon completely disappeared.

Obliterated under terrifying fire.

"Not bad! These two types of killing robots are definitely top-notch even in the B-level!"

Shen Yi was not stingy with his admiration.

In addition to the shorter range, only 8,000 meters, which is a distance of eight kilometers.

The Type II killing robot is absolutely perfect in terms of firepower, movement speed, and even mobile shooting.

At least, in the face of these melee monsters.

The Type II Killing Robot is too cheap!

"Shen Ling, distribute all the 3,000 Type 2 killing robots and start to speed up the eradication."

"By the way, take those six small biological laboratories first!"

Shen Yi straightened up and ordered.

Of those six small biological research labs, even if one can provide him with a 1.8% progress, the six together have a full progress of 10.8%.

It's more than enough to unlock the primary biogenetic lab.

And at that time, he must be able to unlock high-level biological beasts.

Even if it is only a C-rank beast.

A wave of strengthening is absolutely comparable to the existence of A-level.

At that time, a group of A-level war beasts will be swept away, and I am afraid that not S-level monsters can easily die.

After reaching that step, it can be said that as long as he does not encounter monsters beyond S-rank, this planet is in his hands!

"Yes, Master!"

Shen Ling respectfully responded.

The Type II killing robot, which was originally on standby around the base, immediately took action.

It was directly divided into six teams of five hundred Type II killing robots.

Quickly rushed towards the six small biological research institutes.

At this moment, Shen Yi's subordinates are only the number of B-rank robots in a team.

It has far surpassed all the B-level monsters around the six small biological research institutes.

This wave of washing the ground will naturally not have any surprises.

However, the more delicate finishing work still needs to be done by a C-level combat robot.

After all, those ordinary monsters below rank C don't provide much energy.

But if it all adds up, it's a lot.

"However, the energy is still far from enough!"

Shen Yi glanced at the energy that he had basically used up, and couldn't help sighing.

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