Interstellar Survival: My Technological Creations Can Be Strengthened A Hundredfold

Chapter 48: 600,000 Mechanical Army, Terrifying Expenses!

Moreover, the Type II killing robot needs to consume 150 energy points every day.

This is a full five times that of a fighting robot.

Even if it is only the current 3,000 units, the energy that needs to be consumed in one day is as high as 450,000.

Plus other various robots and the consumption of the base.

His daily energy consumption alone is close to 700,000.

This is an astronomical figure even for the best-developed players.

"It seems that the promotion of the multi-functional energy harvesting vehicle and the site must be carried out simultaneously, otherwise the energy will not be enough at all!"

Shen Yi couldn't help but have a headache.

If it is a normal situation, the player wants to produce a B-level robot.

The infrastructure is naturally not too bad.

Energy harvesting equipment will certainly be more advanced.

After all, his Type 1 multi-purpose energy harvesting vehicle is only C-class after being strengthened.

However, it is also a happy annoyance.

After all, when he produces B-level Type II killing robots, he only consumes the materials of ordinary Type II killing robots.

Next, there is nothing for Shen Yi to worry about.

He went back to the entertainment room again and started exercising frantically, in order to consume the energy in his body.

As for other matters, it was all left to Shen Ling to handle.

What Shen Ling can't handle will be handed over to him.

It can be said that after possessing Shen Ling, he was completely liberated.

Have more time to do your own thing.

if it is another player.

At the moment, he is still staring at the computer hard, issuing orders to his robot.

For fear that one of his own carelessness will attract some powerful monsters.

Let the robots that are not many become more rare.

Time passed quickly, and ten hours passed quickly.

According to the time on earth, it should be almost night at this time.

However, the sky outside the base was still extremely bright.

Obviously, the time on this planet is not the same as on Earth.

According to the message from the information integration stick earlier.

On this planet, a day and night is about 49 hours, which is a little more than twice that of the earth.

This also means that it will have a very long day and night.

Of course, these naturally have little effect on Shen Yi.

In today's base, the internal environment can be changed at any time.

Even trying to simulate a jungle environment is a breeze.

Simulating a day and night change is simply not too simple.

"Shen Ling, how was the harvest today?"

Shen Yi got off the treadmill and walked towards the living factory.

Mingming had been running at full speed for up to four hours.

But he still looked like a normal person.

The five-fold increase brought by the high-level nutrients he took before made his physique like a monster.

However, under such a terrorist movement.

The energy consumption in his body is also very considerable.

According to Shen Ling's analysis, it only takes half a month at most.

The energy brought by the advanced nutritional supplements that can meet the energy needs of the human body for at least three months will be completely consumed.

And such a terrible energy consumption, if it is maintained by normal eating.

Shen Yi needs to eat at least half a ton of beef in a meal to maintain balance.

"Master, the current energy harvest is 35.72 million points, and the site has been advanced to 312 kilometers. At the same time, all six small biological genetic research institutes have been won, but the follow-up development needs to wait until the map is opened up, and then send robots to clean."

Shen Ling's voice rang in Shen Yi's ears.

However, the information in the words made Shen Yi pause.

Immediately, he recovered quickly, and then walked to the living factory.

"35.72 million energy points? Sure enough, these institutes are still valuable."

Shen Yi's face was full of sighs.

Of the more than 35 million energy points, most of them were provided by B-level monsters.

These B-level monsters have about 300,000 energy at either end.

Ten heads add up to 3 million directly.

After six small biological institutes plus a perimeter sweep.

It's not surprising to see such a large gain.

It's a pity that these small biological research institutes are too far apart, a distance of 700 kilometers.

It won't be able to sweep away at all for a while.

Otherwise, he is afraid that he has all collected in the biological gene research laboratory.

At the same time, the six small research institutes are like treasures, and there is a large wave of material resources waiting for him to harvest.

However, these things will not run long legs.

Shen Yi wasn't particularly anxious either.

"How many Type 1 utility vehicles do we have now?"

Shen Yi then asked.

"Master, now we have a total of 14,040 Type 1 multifunctional energy harvesting vehicles. The occupied locations will be automatically supplemented with new Type 1 multifunctional energy harvesting vehicles."

"Now 5.61 million energy can be produced every day, and 4.89 million energy can be earned in addition to the 720,000 energy needed to maintain energy."

In a flat tone, Shen Ling said something that made Shen Yi feel uplifted.

He is now finally making ends meet.

Of course, all of this is only temporary, and it is naturally impossible for him to create such a little robot.

"Yes, let's start by producing 197,000 Type II killing robots, 293,000 Type I combat robots, and 99,000 armed drones!"

Shen Yi thought for a moment and said.

In this way, these battle robots under his hands.

You can round it all up!

At the same time, such a rapidly expanding mechanical army will definitely make his advancing speed extremely terrifying.

The only downside is that if you don't have enough energy to pay the next day.

He could go straight into bankruptcy.

Wait until the end of this batch of production.

His subordinates will reach 200,000 of the Type II killing robots with a rank of B.

The C-level Type I combat robots and armed drones will also reach astonishing numbers of 300,000 and 100,000 units respectively.

In this wave of production robots, Shen Yi consumed a full 22.56 million points of energy just in terms of energy.

The consumption of copper and iron is equally astonishing.

Iron alone cost 591,000 units.

Almost drained half of his stockpile of iron.

And copper also consumed a full 197,000 units.

However, the most terrifying thing is not the consumption of these manufacturing needs.

The resources spent to create these robots are actually just a small head.

The real horror is the energy that needs to be consumed every day after that.

This 600,000 mechanical army consumes as much as 42 million energy every day!

Worse than the cost of producing them!

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