Of course, no matter how much he loves these leeks.

There will be no concessions in terms of price.

Especially after he knew how far the player had to go in order to have a C-level robot, he was more confident.

The second-type killing robot level has reached the D level.

And if there is no accident, the level of the three-type combat robot will reach the C level.

It is not easy for Shen Yi to upgrade the robot to the third type.

Especially for other players.

10,000 E-Class blueprints are not so easy to get hold of.

Unless these players are so lucky, the blueprint of D-level and even C-level is directly exposed.

Of course, even if those players really can produce C-level robots by then.

Actually it's not a big problem.

As long as you put out the B-level Type II killing robot with your backhand, those players will inevitably rush to it.

Of course, this is hardly likely to happen.

Players do not have a golden finger like Shen Yi, and it is too difficult to develop.

Even players on the same dangerous planet as Shen Yi.

Absolutely can't do that either.

Because it is impossible for him to have so many powerful robots to use like Shen Yi.

And this basically means that the entire player group is supporting Shen Yi.

Under the support of such terrifying resources.

He will always be fast... No, he is a fast player!

"Master, are you freeing the purchase rights of players from other countries?"

At this time, Shen Ling asked aloud.

Shen Yi thought for a moment, then nodded: "Let's go, we didn't set a limit on the number of purchases anyway, but the price is three times that of domestic players."

Before, I was worried that the player's fatness was not enough.

It can't be bought even if it is released, and there are some rebounds.

But it's different now. On the one hand, most players feel the benefits of the C-level Type-I combat robot, and they are basically advocating it like crazy.

Even his C-class Type 1 combat robot has become a luxury car and a mansion, used to pretend to exist.

Therefore, no matter how much is released, no one will say anything.

On the other hand, the wallets of players have also been enriched because of this wave of transactions.

It is enough to support this wave of large-scale leek cutting activities.

Shen Yi estimates that the number of orders for the C-class Type 1 combat robot this time is at least around 3,000 units.

In other words, it is conservatively estimated that he can have 15 million energy revenue.

Moreover, this is only the most conservative estimate.

This wave of transactions has really fattened a lot of people.

Even among these billions, ninety-nine percent of people are not qualified to trade.

But even if only a few thousand people are qualified to trade, it will be a very huge resource.

At least, it can ease his urgent needs.

More than 30 million... It's too scary.

Thinking that the army of 600,000 robots needs to consume 42 million energy every day, Shen Yi shouted "good guy".

"Yes, Master!"

Shen Ling responded.

There is news about the consignment of the C-class Type 1 combat robot, which will soon be on the top of all channels again.

Just 500 energy points.

For today's Shen Yi, it's nothing at all.

Even if it was thrown on the ground, he didn't bother to pick it up.

However, this news caused a huge sensation, and all the players were shocked for a while.

"My God! Has the big boss Shen Yi started to make a big deal again! This wave of crazy feedback!"

"Ah! Have you finally opened up common resources in exchange for channels! I love you, Mr. Shen Yi!"

"These are all mine! Don't steal them from me!"

"Five E-level blueprints urgently, just take 2000 energy directly!"

"Wow, our foreign players can finally buy it, thank you, Mr. Shen Yi! You are our Maoxiong's forever friend!"

"Our Sakura Country will always be your faithful friend!"

"Hahaha, I'm so happy to see that the foreign group is going to buy three times the price! It's a great summer!"


For a time, the entire chat column was caught in a big earthquake.

Everyone was boiling.

Those who didn't grab the robot before were even more ecstatic.

Because, the resources they have been saving, finally have a channel to buy.

Even if it's just a C-level Type 1 combat robot, the increase to them is absolutely huge.

It can definitely make their growth rate much faster.

It can even save many family members in danger and harvest the resources there.

In other words, the C-level Type-1 combat robot sold by Shen Yi is actually very much like the first recharge package of those web games.

Although the things given are not particularly powerful.

However, it can make the first-charge players and ordinary players a long distance away.

and many more...

Good guy, could it be that the identity of the big boss Shen Yi is actually official? !

Otherwise, why would such an outrageous thing come out!

For a time, many players felt as if they had grasped the truth.

Of course, even if this kind of thing is true, they would never dare to say it.

After all, Shen Yi is now their only source of stronger bots.

God knows if Shen Yi will be offended to death if he speaks out.

Of course, what more players are discussing is Shen Yi's strength.

Because, according to their statistics.

There are at least 5,000 C-class Type 1 combat robots sold by Shen Yi in this wave.

And Shen Yi, who can sell so many C-level Type 1 combat robots, has a terrifying robot army under his command?

"I guess Shen Yi must have at least 30,000 C-level Type 1 combat robots under his command! If it was me, I would have sold so many if I had more than 30,000!"

"Do you think everyone is as stingy as you! I estimate that the boss of Shen Yi is around ten thousand at most!"

"Don't... There are so many C-level Type 1 combat robots under Mr. Shen Yi's hands, and the resources must have skyrocketed! How could there be only so many? I think there should be 50,000!"

"50,000? That's too scary, didn't the big boss Shen Yi say that the cost price is sold to our national server players? Where can there be such terrifying resources!"

"This... just listen to it, but I'm very grateful if you can sell it to us! Thanks to the big boss Shen Yi"

"That is, if it wasn't for Shen Yi, how could we possibly have access to C-level robots."


Although many players can actually guess that Shen Yi cost may not be what he said.

However, no one will point it out.

On the one hand, they feel that no matter how low the cost is, it will not be so low.

After all, that's a C-class robot!

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