Interstellar Survival: My Technological Creations Can Be Strengthened A Hundredfold

Chapter 51: Break Through Tens Of Millions Of Copper And Iron Resources, And Upgrade The Survival Ba

According to the experience of many post-purchase players, this has been confirmed.

That is definitely pure and pure C-level combat power.

Even in the C-class is a very strong category.

Terrifying firepower, super fast movement speed, sturdy armor...

It seems to have no flaws.

All-round powerful group.

On the other hand, he was afraid to offend Shen Yi by speaking out.

As long as it is not cerebral palsy, it will never be done that harm others and not oneself.

Moreover, that kind of cerebral palsy is basically not alive now.

This game of technological soaring is not so safe.

Every minute and every second, a large number of players still die, and the numbers on the chat bar are changing every second.

That means the loss of a life.

Either because of bad luck, being killed by powerful monsters finding a base, or because feeling hopeless and committing suicide...

In short, there are really too many causes of death.

Even immature people are definitely a lot more rational at this moment.

And their conversation, Shen Yi naturally saw it.

Shen Yi didn't know what to say to those players' guesses.

"Am I so unbearable in their hearts..."

There was a hint of helplessness in Shen Yi's eyes.

God is a 50,000 C-class combat robot.

How despised he is!

He is now more than 50,000 as a B-class Type II killing robot!

Really ignorant!

Shaking his head, Shen Yi closed the chat bar, and then asked Shen Ling, "Shen Ling, how many Type 1 combat robots are there in total?"

Shen Ling immediately replied: "Master, the total number of transactions of Type 1 combat robots is 7,825, of which 5,521 were purchased by players in the Celestial Empire and 2,304 by foreign players."

"In addition, among domestic players, 4,121 use energy to pay, 1,400 use resources to pay, and among foreign players, 1,272 use energy to pay, and 1,032 use resources to pay."

"This time, a total of 39.685 million energy points were collected, and a total of 22.48 million units of iron, 13.488 million units of copper, and 2.248 million units of psionic crystals were collected from resources."

Shen Ling's words were just finished when Shen Yi's breathless voice resounded in the living factory.

"I have more than 10 million iron and copper resources under my hands?"

Even though he had seen many big scenes, he was still a little stunned at this moment.

What a horrible number this is!

I'm afraid it's enough to support him to upgrade the survival base to level five!

Moreover, the total of nearly 40 million energy obtained is enough to let him breathe a sigh of relief.

Don't worry about going broke tomorrow.

Otherwise, he would have to start working on that medium-sized biological genetic research institute in advance.

In fact, within the 3,000-kilometer range detected by radar today, the place where the energy is the largest is there.

The energy provided by those A-level monsters is really terrifying.

Each head can provide millions of energy.

Adding up more than a hundred heads, it can easily reach hundreds of millions.

Plus those more than a thousand B-level monsters, and tens of thousands of C-level monsters.

If all is wiped out, he will get 1.1 billion energy in one breath.

It's just that, after all, he has never fought against A-level monsters, and Shen Yi is not sure what kind of destructive power the opponent can cause.

Therefore, he does not dare to say that he can win 100%.

It is very necessary to attack later and unfold your own situation.

In this way, even if he really loses, he has a chance to make a comeback.

After all, as long as he has enough resources in his hand, he can make the mechanical army make a comeback at any time.

At that time, if he still owns a multi-purpose energy harvesting vehicle covering 3,000 miles of land to maintain energy balance for him.

Then, he can fully grasp the initiative of the attack.

You don't need to be in a hurry for fear that you will go bankrupt tomorrow.

Of course, his losses may actually be small.

After all, although he was at the peak of his combat power, he was a little worse than those monsters.

But he is strong because he can fight for war.

Robots can be continuously produced and put into the battlefield.

And those monsters are dead one less, and they have not yet commanded, they are just scattered sand.

"Also, before attacking, you can upgrade the survival base and try to see if it can fly. At the same time, the six small biological genetic research institutes should also be developed!"

Shen Yi's eyes flickered, and now he has passed the accumulation stage.

Entered a period of explosive strength.

If nothing else, once the primary biological genetic laboratory is unlocked successfully.

Then, he will have A-rank and even S-rank war beasts!

At that time, he still had to push the planet horizontally?

Of course, this is what it looks like in theory.

It's just that Shen Yi doesn't know what other conditions are needed after the primary biological gene research lab is unlocked.

But, at least there is such a direction.

He just needs time to practice now.

"Shen Ling, upgrade the survival base first!"

Shen Yi ordered.

If the survival base really takes off, it will be of great help!

He can take root directly near the battlefield.

Then frantically produce robots to join the battlefield.

You know, he can get energy by killing monsters.

Especially killing monsters with high levels of life, he can get more energy.

This also means that he can completely support the war with war, and produce more robots to put into the battlefield.

In this way, even if the army of 600,000 people is really invincible.

But as long as it's not a one-sided battle.

He can also use the grinding method to grind the opponent to death alive.

Of course, all this depends on what changes will be made to the fourth-level survival base.

"Yes, Master!"

With Shen Ling's response, a lot of resources were instantly deducted.

At the same time, a prompt flashed before Shen Yi's eyes.

"You have deducted 1 million iron, 800,000 copper, 80,000 psionic crystals, 100,000 of any C-grade metal material, 10,000 of any B-grade metal material, and 3 million energy, and the third-level survival base began to upgrade. It took 3 hours and is now 2:59:59 more!"

This time the upgrade took a full three hours, which is not particularly long.

Shen Yi couldn't help but look forward to it.

I don't know what a level four survival base will look like!

And then, all he has to do is wait.

On the one hand, waiting for the army of 600,000 machines to take over all the 3,000-kilometer sites except the medium-sized biological genetic research institute.

On the other hand, it is waiting for the mining of six small biological research institutes.

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