Shen Yi ordered a Yangzhou fried rice and ate it slowly.

To be honest, there is really not much for him to worry about next.

Shen Ling shared 99% of his workload.

Especially those less important, but more tedious tasks, are fully handed over to Shen Ling to deal with.

And he only needs to coordinate the operation of the general direction.

This kind of salted fish life is simply not too cool.

"However, when this wave of upgrades is completed, it's time to start working on that medium-sized biological genetic research institute!"

A ray of light flashed in Shen Yi's eyes.

Taking down this medium-sized biological genetic research institute, he will definitely be able to make a lot of money directly.

The strength will usher in a new surge.

At that time, even in the face of those S-rank monsters, or even beyond S-rank monsters.

He can be even more confident!

At that point, the entire planet is not his back garden?


Time flies, and the army of 600,000 machines is under the control of Shen Ling.

It spreads around like locusts, and wherever it passes, nothing grows.

Thick gunpowder, centered on the base.

It quickly spread around, and on the radar map, the red dots representing life were also decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At the same time, the green dot, which represents a multi-functional energy harvesting vehicle, is also rapidly spreading.

Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner.

Four hours later....

The countdown to the upgrade of the survival base has returned to zero.

The beeping reminder sounded throughout the base.

"Master, do you want to start the upgrade? This time the upgrade may be a bit big. For the sake of safety, please fix yourself."

Shen Ling's voice rang in the ears of Shen Yi who was taking a bath.

Today's living base can be said to be very comfortable.

There's even a jacuzzi.

After exercising for a while, soaking in hot water with a suitable temperature is simply refreshing.

Of course, nowadays other players have difficulty even taking a shower.

At most, wipe your body with water.

Only Shen Yi can take such a comfortable bath.

"Are you going to upgrade, I hope you don't let me down!"

Shen Yi, who was closing his eyes in the bathtub, opened his eyes with anticipation.

For the next stage of the survival base, he is very much looking forward to it.

If the next stage of the survival base can really fly, it will be of great help to him.

On the one hand, the base is no longer subject to restrictions and can be moved at any time.

On the other hand, it also means that he has a mobile arsenal.

Once you meet a tough opponent.

The survival base can be docked nearby directly.

Then directly build soldiers on other people's faces and grind the enemy to death.

In this way, various problems caused by untimely support can be avoided to a great extent.

Of course, Shen Yi will never let the survival base come directly to the battlefield, he has not lived enough.

A gentleman does not stand under a wall of danger.

Although he is not a gentleman.

But it will never stand under a dangerous wall.

Shen Yi stepped out of the bathtub and quickly wiped the water off his body.

Then he changed his clothes and walked towards the command room.

It is worth mentioning that, in the living factory, it is actually possible to use energy to make all kinds of clothing.

Anything you can imagine can be done here.

The set Shen Yi changed was a simple set of black jeans and a T-shirt.

Sitting down on the seat, Shen Yi fixed himself.

At this moment, after two upgrades, the seats are now much more comfortable than before.

The current seat looks like a notched eggshell, and the inner wall of the eggshell is wrapped with a layer of white soft cushion, which has excellent shock absorption.

Even if it experiences a magnitude 10 earthquake, there will be no problem at all.

"Upgrade! By the way, show the appearance of the base, I want to watch it upgrade!"

After Shen Yi fixed himself, he said expectantly.

"Yes, Master!"

Shen Ling responded.

Then, the depression angle image of the base was immediately displayed in front of his eyes.

The next moment, the base vibrated violently.

A large number of black diamond-shaped blocks flew out from the original shell of the base and rapidly expanded towards the surroundings.

The scene was extremely shocking.

At the same time, Shen Yi clearly felt that his position was rising.

And the truth is exactly as he feels.

At this moment, the construction part of the original survival base is being raised rapidly.

A huge hull appeared below the original survival base.

Moreover, it quickly extended and spread to both sides, and the scene was extremely shocking.

"It turns out that the base is upgraded like this..."

Shen Yi was full of shock.

He has thought about the appearance of countless base upgrades.

But I didn't expect it to be in such a shocking way.

These metals just seem to come alive, automatically going where they should be.

But then, he was attracted by the shape that the survival base was about to change.

If he looks good, the base is really going to develop in the direction of the spaceship now!

This made Shen Yi excited.

Although Shen Ling had predicted the probability before.

But probability is only probability after all, it is possible to happen!

and what actually happened are two completely different things!

This time, the change process of the survival base lasted for fifteen minutes before it ended.

Fifteen minutes later, a behemoth with a body size of a thousand meters long and a width of more than 300 meters stopped quietly on the barren Gobi Desert.

This behemoth is entirely covered by a black-gray shell that reflects the sheen of metal in the sunlight.

It seems to have a decent defense.

It has a duckbill at the front and a huge disc at the back.

On the flanks of the disc, there are two slightly smaller semi-circles protruding.

It's like the grid of a sword.

On the whole, the survival base at the moment actually looks a bit like the Q version of the giant sword.

The barrel of the B-class Divine Shield automatic defense system.

It is evenly distributed on these two small discs.

It's just that the automatic defense system of the Holy Shield, which was originally domineering, looked a little miniature at the moment.

It is completely incomparable with the current survival base.

"Shen Ling, open the current panel of the base!"

Suppressing the excitement in his heart, Shen Yi ordered like Shen Ling.

"Yes, Master."

As Shen Ling's voice fell, the panel of the current survival base popped up.


【Current level: Level 1】

[Current facilities: Advanced Radar, Advanced Machinery Factory, Advanced... Junior Strategic Weapons Research Center]

[Spaceship Defense Factor: Class B]

[Current energy: 13.72 million points]

[Current consumption: 3000 points/day]

[Upgrade requirements: iron 23.31 million/10 million, copper 13.32 million/8 million, psionic crystal 2.27 million/800,000, any C-grade metal material 220,000/1 million, any B-grade metal material 40,000/100,000, energy 51.72 million/30 million]

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