Interstellar Survival: My Technological Creations Can Be Strengthened A Hundredfold

Chapter 56: There is no right or wrong in evolutionary warfare, only the strong are qualified to sym

And the last energy mining equipment factory, the improvement is also very gratifying.

The previous energy mining equipment factory was upgraded from primary to intermediate.

It has already increased the efficiency of the produced multi-functional energy harvesting vehicle by 30%.

And at this moment, upgrade from intermediate to advanced.

It also increased the efficiency of a multifunctional energy harvesting vehicle by 70% again.

That is to say, the Type 1 multifunctional energy harvesting vehicle at the moment is already twice as powerful as before.

You can get up to 600 energy points per day.

This is if the previous three thousand kilometers are covered with a multi-purpose energy harvesting vehicle.

Then, Shen Yi's daily harvest will be as high as 81 million.

And this also means that even if Shen Yi doubles his troops, he still has enough energy to support his daily consumption.

"Shen Ling, how is the laying of the Type 1 multifunctional energy harvesting vehicle?

Shen Yi asked.

If you can double the strength of your troops before attacking.

This is undoubtedly a great help to him.

At the very least, he would be more confident in the face of the hundred or so A-rank monsters.

"Master, now you have occupied a range of 2,713 kilometers, and a total of 122,085 multi-purpose energy harvesting vehicles of the first type have been installed, and the daily energy can be obtained at about 73 million. 35

Shen Ling said respectfully.

"Is it already 120,000 units! What an amazing number! 99

Shen Yi sighed.

It has only been three days since he came to this planet.

Unexpectedly, the robot under his hand has exceeded the terrifying number of more than 700,000.

The territory already occupied by the hands has reached more than 3,000 kilometers.

This area is already comparable to the area of ​​Xia Kingdom.

After all, the territory he occupies is a circle, and the area is very terrifying.

"What about the resources? How many resources are provided by the six small biogenetic institutes?39

Shen Yi followed suit.

This is something he is very concerned about.

Today, the D-class Type II killing robot has begun to demand material resources.

Although the amount required is not particularly large.

However, if the number increases, the resources that need to be consumed are still a very staggering number.

In particular, C-grade superalloys and B-grade Heman alloys.

These two resources may also be in large-scale demand when the third-type robot or the fourth-type robot is born.

Today, before mastering the manufacturing methods of superalloys and Heman alloys.

The only places where he can get these resources are these research institutes.

Shen Ling replied: "Master, the six small biological genetic research institutes have obtained a total of 7,174,217 units of iron, 4,234,144 units of copper, 1,745,527 units of superalloys, 214,172 units of seaman alloys, and psionic crystals. 422,227 units. 55

Rao was prepared in his heart and guessed the approximate number.

However, Shen Yi still couldn't help but burst into ecstasy.

"Sure enough, the fastest way to get rich is to grab other people's resources!"

Shen Yi sighed.

If he is allowed to mine slowly, when will he mine.

But now, if you loot a wave, you will get rich in one wave!

Of course, before he grew up, he absolutely did not want to encounter any civilization.

On the one hand, he may not be able to fight, on the other hand, even if he does, the loss will definitely not be small.

He is already very satisfied when he encounters a relic of civilization like now.

"Then, can the Biological Gene Laboratory be unlocked!"

Shen Yi asked with anticipation.

The biological gene research laboratory is also a function that he is very much looking forward to now.

It can be said that the value of the biological gene research laboratory is no worse than that of the mechanical technology research laboratory.

Which of the abilities of those biological beasts is simple.

Take the previous Black Eclipse Dragon as an example.

The lethality of the opponent against the creatures is really too great.

Under the sway of black-purple phosphorus powder, once it is contaminated with the surface of the organism or inhaled into the body.

It will directly let the other party fight wildly together, and before the war begins, he has already become a mess.

Besides the horned dragon, the opponent's advantage is actually very obvious.

Not to mention the hard skin, the basic characteristics of biological war beasts.

The opponent's desert is like a fish in the water, and the ability to move freely is the opponent's real advantage.

Once controlled, this creature is like a monster in the desert.

In comparison, the only advantage of a C-class Type-I combat robot of the same level is its firepower.

"The Biogenetic Lab has been unlocked, master. 35

Shen Ling's respectful voice sounded.

In fact, she should have reminded Shen Yi when the Bio-Gene Research Institute was completed.

It's a pity that even if it has been strengthened, Shen Ling is only a B-level artificial intelligence.

Therefore, in the absence of Shen Yi's order, she cannot make independent judgments at all, which is slightly worse.

Of course, the current Shen Ling has already made Shen Yi very satisfied.

After all, compared to other players who still need to work hard.

Shen Yi, who can liberate himself from tedious operations, is already thousands of times better.

"Then open the Biological Gene Research Laboratory!"

"Let me see how many biological war beasts can be produced by the biological genetic laboratory today!"

Shen Yi's eyes were full of anticipation.

If nothing else, the primary biological gene research laboratory will allow him to create B-level biological war beasts.

After all, he collected seven small biological genetics institutes.

Has a large amount of B-level war beast information data.

How could it be simple for the biological gene research lab unlocked by so many B-level biological data!

And if it goes through a hundred times strengthening system to strengthen it.

Doesn't that mean that he will be able to have S-rank war beasts?

At this point, as long as you don't provoke those beasts that surpass S rank.

Then, he can completely walk sideways on this planet!

Even, even in the face of the beast that surpassed the S-rank, it would not be powerless to fight back!

"Yes, Master!"

Shen Ling responded, and the next moment a curtain of light appeared in front of Shen Yi.

The information displayed above is the current information of the current primary biological gene research laboratory, as well as the biological war beasts that can be produced.

[Primary Biological Gene Research Laboratory: It can produce 100 biological war beasts at the same time, and currently it can produce up to B-level war beasts. If you want to hatch higher-level war beasts, you need to upgrade the level of the biological gene research laboratory]

At present, there are a total of 173 kinds of biological beasts that he can make.

Among them, there are 87 types of D-level beasts, 63 types of C-level beasts, and 23 types of B-level beasts.

It is all the war beasts that were obtained from the six small biological genetic research institutes before.

Shen Yi directly skipped the D-level and even C-level war beasts.

Although these war beasts are not bad in strength, as long as they are manufactured and strengthened by a hundred times, they are at least B-rank or even A-rank.

But, that doesn't make any sense at all.

In terms of low-end firepower, it is enough to have a large number of B-level Type II killing robots and C-level Type I combat robots.

On the one hand, they are very cheap.

On the other hand, their firepower is enough to sweep away those monsters below A-rank.

What he needs to solve is only those monsters that are A rank or even above.

And the B-level war beast that may be strengthened to S-level in one step is undoubtedly the best choice.

"Shen Ling, select the most suitable object for production from the B-level war beasts. 39

Shen Yi leaned back in the chair and ordered.

It is naturally impossible for him to study by himself.

Professional things, of course, have to be done by professional people. Shen Ling, who has a lot of information, is undoubtedly more suitable than him.

"Yes, Master! 9

Shen Ling replied respectfully.

After that, the manufacturing panel in front of Shen Yi changed rapidly, and finally there were only three biological war beasts left.

【Black Eclipse Dragon】

[Production requirements: 100,000 energy points, 30,000 units of iron, 10,000 units of copper, 8,000 units of psionic crystals, 3,000 units of any grade C material, 1,500 units of any grade B material]

[Ability: Maximum speed of Mach 2 per hour, can diffuse black and purple phosphorous powder, contaminated creatures will fall into a state of madness, attack surrounding targets indiscriminately, and can breathe dragon breath at the same time, with 5000 high temperature]

[Consumption: 150 energy points are consumed every day]

【Grade Rating: Grade B】

【Iron Armored Hammertail Dragon】

[Production requirements: 100,000 energy points, 30,000 units of iron, 10,000 units of copper, 8,000 units of psionic crystals, 3,000 units of any grade C material, 1,500 units of any grade B material]

[Ability: The maximum speed is Mach 0.8, with strong defense, and the tail hammer can threaten the defense of the A-level level]

[Consumption: 150 energy points are consumed every day]

【Grade Rating: Grade B】

【Sonic King Bat】

[Production requirements: 100,000 energy points, 30,000 units of iron, 10,000 units of copper, 8,000 units of psionic crystals, 3,000 units of any grade C material, 1,500 units of any grade B material]

[Capability: Maximum speed of Mach 4 per hour, can be attacked through infrasound waves, has a strong range of attack, the longest killing distance is 30 kilometers, and the maximum killing effect range is 3 kilometers]

[Consumption: 150 energy points are consumed every day]

【Grade Rating: Grade B】

"Master, these are the three most cost-effective biological war beasts at present, the black eclipse dragon's team-fighting chaotic ability, the iron-armored hammer-tailed dragon's powerful defense and attacking ability, and the sonic king bat's range-killing ability are currently the best choice.

"Even in the face of a large-scale monster group with S rank, it can still have a great killing effect.

Shen Ling then explained the reason for his choice.

"The production demand is so high!

Seeing the astonishing demand, Shen Yi couldn't help but stunned.

The D-level Type II killing robot only needs 80 energy points and single-digit resources.

Unexpectedly, the B-level war beast has risen thousands of times.

The difference is truly astonishing.

However, after thinking about the gap in strength between the two sides, this gap is not incomprehensible.

D-level is really not good at this level.

On the earth, it is only the level of a first- and second-generation aircraft.

However, the B-class has reached the level of the fifth-generation machine, and the gap is more than a little bit.

Under the premise that the amount of ammunition is sufficient, it will be a death sentence, and there is no accident at all.

"Then let's produce 50 heads of one kind, it's almost enough!""

Shen Yi said after thinking for a while.

It's not that he doesn't want to produce more, it's that these resources are too much.

In terms of energy, it is better to say something, and now he has more than 50 million energy.

Even if 500 heads are produced in one go, there is no problem at all.

But in other resources, he is much worse.

The 150 heads alone cost 4.5 million units of iron, 1.5 million units of copper, 1.2 million units of psionic crystals, 450,000 units of any grade C materials, and 225,000 units of grade B random materials.

This almost used up his resource reserves.

He is simply not capable of producing more.

Otherwise, he would definitely produce a few thousand heads and push them across in one wave!

"Yes, Master! 9

Shen Ling replied.

The next moment, a virtual frame flashed in front of Shen Yi's eyes.

"15 million energy, 4.5 million units of iron, 1.5 million units... The deduction was successful, 50 black eclipse dragons, 50 iron armored hammertail dragons, and 50 sonic king bats entered the production queue, and the production countdown was 14:59!

150 Shen Yi, the strongest fighting force currently under his command, entered the production queue.

"The next step is to solve this medium-sized biological genetic research institute!"

Shen Yi glanced at the medium-sized biological genetic research institute on the map, and a flash of excitement flashed in his eyes.

This was definitely the largest battle he had ever seen and commanded in his life.

Even in games the same is true.

In this battle, the total strength of both sides was nearly 800,000.

Round it up, that's nearly a million!

Of course, his side has an absolute numerical advantage.

200,000 B-level robots and 400,000 C-level robots already occupy an absolute advantage.

Even facing the leadership of more than 100 A-level monsters, it will never be a false positive.

However, the final loss may be slightly larger.

After all, there is nothing on his side that can restrain the existence of A-level monsters.

However, with the addition of these biological beasts, the battlefield situation is completely different.

These A-level monsters are naturally subject to great restrictions when their opponents target them, and it is impossible to attack the robot army at all.

In this way, Shen Yi may even pay a very small price.

Just take down this medium-sized biological genetic research institute.

"Shen Ling, gather the army, and drive the air carrier to the vicinity at the same time!

Shen Yi ordered in a low voice.

If the effect of the air carrier is not strong.

It is also impossible for Shen Yi to risk the air carrier to come to the battlefield.

But today's air carrier is not a decoration.

Not to mention the automatic defense system of the B-level Holy Shield, and the A-level is not so easy to approach.

In addition to the speed of up to Mach three, at least self-protection is worry-free.

As long as Shen Yi didn't drive the helicarrier right above the battlefield, there would be basically no danger.

After all, the top radar is not a decoration.

It is completely clear at a glance what creatures want to approach.

"Yes, Master!" Shen Ling replied.

With Shen Yi's order.

The army of 600,000 machines immediately began to act mightily.

Type 1 fighting robots, Type 2 killing robots, and armed drones were scattered all over the place.

Rapidly approaching the past where the medium-sized biological genetic research institute is located.

If you look down from above, you can definitely see that there are countless billowing yellow sands on the vast Gobi.

They are coming from all directions, and the center is the medium-sized biological genetic research institute.

The scale of this mechanical army is huge.

Even more than World War II, Mao Bear's so-called steel flood.

And, in terms of firepower.

The combat power of this mechanical army under Shen Yi's hands is also far greater than that of Mao Xiong's steel torrent.

In the absence of nuclear weapons, this army of machines is even confident that it will push the world horizontally within a month.

After all, Shen Yi's mechanical army, as long as it has enough energy, can fire unlimited bullets, and at the same time does not need to rest.

About half an hour later, the last batch of the mechanical army was already in place.

At this moment, the encirclement of the mechanical army.

It is less than 50 kilometers away from the medium-sized biological genetic research institute.

The airship that Shen Yi was driving also hovered above the 10,000-meter altitude, looking at the enemy not far ahead.

At this moment, not far in front of him, those monsters were forced by the artillery fire of the mechanical army.

All of them have been squeezed together, and they are constantly roaring and roaring at the mechanical army.

In the outermost part of the army, there are about 70,000 monsters under the D-level and D-level.

The core area is a C-level monster, about 20,000 or so.

Basically it is the main force of the opponent.

And a little further in, it is a B-level monster.

About a thousand or so, it is the absolute core strength of the opponent.

If there is no biological beast.

These B-rank monsters will definitely cause him a lot of losses.

After all, in such a large-scale battle, no matter how fierce his firepower was, he would never be able to crush the opponent in an instant.

There will be at least three or four hundred B-rank monsters capable of rushing into his mechanical army.

caused him a small loss.

Especially those A-level monsters, even if they encounter a single one, it is not easy to deal with.

Not to mention the astonishing number of one hundred and thirty-seven at the moment.

However, after the emergence of the primary biological gene research laboratory, all these problems were solved.

Because, the strongest combat power under his hands has been produced...

Taking a deep breath, Shen Yi looked at the dense army of machines under the rolling clouds under his feet, and his heart surged with enthusiasm.

He immediately stood up and waved his hand.

"Army attack!

Following his order, the mechanical army immediately took action under the dispatch of Shen Ling.

In the eyes of those monsters who were apprehensive and frightened, the artillery fire of the 600,000 mechanical army roared in an instant, and the land ahead turned into a sea of ​​fire in an instant.

Amidst the violent explosion, a mushroom cloud rose up.

The smoke of gunpowder rose into the sky in an instant like wolf smoke.

The war is on!

In fact, if the monsters on the opposite side were not controlled, Shen Yi would never be able to surround him so easily.

And once the other party's command is not bad, he will even suffer.

After all, neither he nor Shen Ling are masters of the art of war.

The only advantage that Shen Ling can bring.

It is to maximize the combat power of the mechanical army, so as not to waste firepower.

However, what they faced at the moment was just a group of powerful beasts.

It is not easy to destroy.

The action of the mechanical army also angered this group of monsters.

There is a term called the Battle of the Trapped Beasts.

Said, it is this group of monsters at the moment.

When surrounded and attacked.

The brutality in the blood of these monsters was also inspired.

They are weapons of war created to kill.

Destruction and destruction are inherent in blood.

When encountering a desperate situation, they will no longer have fear, but will only do anything to destroy all the enemies in front of them.


Crazy roar, abruptly penetrated by the intensive shelling.

Tens of thousands of monsters launched suicide attacks towards the mechanical army in all directions.

And those B-level and even A-level monsters in the center are no exception.

Shen Yi's expression became a little dignified.

"Shen Ling, in addition to leaving ten sonic king bats to guard, all other rank war beasts are sent out! Priority is given to annihilating those A rank monsters!""

He ordered in a low voice.

"Yes, Master!"

Shen Ling responded.

Then, below the air carrier, a huge hatch with a length of 100 meters opened suddenly.


A huge roar came from the cabin door.

The next moment, one after another huge black shadow flew out from the hatch.

Ten of the shadows, after coming out, directly surrounded the air carrier.

And of the remaining one hundred and forty, ninety of them quickly flew towards the battlefield after bursts of sonic booms.

And the remaining fifty, then quickly fell towards the ground ten thousand meters away.

At this moment, the fifty figures formed into pitch-black spheres, falling towards the ground like meteorites.

At this scene, Shen Yi couldn't help but sweat.

"Can this withstand it! Wouldn't you just fall to your death?"

Shen Yi was a little worried.

Rao knew that these iron-armored hammer-tailed dragons that had been strengthened a hundred times were extremely powerful.

But, after all, this is an altitude of 17,000 kilometers!

If you fall directly from such a high height, you should not be directly broken into pieces?

Moreover, the Iron Armored Hammertail Dragon is not light, with a terrifying weight of nearly 10,000 tons.

Such a weight fell from an altitude of nearly 20,000 meters.

This power is probably not worse than a meteorite fall.

Soon, fifty iron-armored hammer-tailed dragons smashed onto the ground one after another.


Countless sand and gravel splashed, and the earth seemed to tremble as if the sky were torn apart in an instant.

Fifty huge pits several kilometers wide and 100 meters deep appeared on the ground.

Those D-rank and even C-rank monsters in the distance were directly shaken to the ground.

Their offensive momentum was directly forcibly interrupted by this terrifying vibration.

Only B-rank and A-rank monsters are slightly better.

It was not directly knocked to the ground.

However, their momentum was obviously blocked, and there was a hint of solemnity in the scarlet eyes.

Obviously, they were also taken aback by the terrifying shock that fell from the sky.

This terrifying shock, even if separated by dozens of kilometers, is still terrifying.

Shen Yi on the air carrier, looking at the deep craters below, couldn't help but feel a little dry.

The power of these iron-armored hammer-tailed dragons falling is too amazing.

"However, are these Iron Armored Hammertails still alive?"

Shen Yi turned his attention to the bottom of the pits.

And at this time, there were also movements from the bottom of the pits.

One after another, creatures like ankylosaurus on the earth crawled out from the bottom of the pit.

They are obviously huge in size, nearly 100 meters, but they do not appear cumbersome at all, but appear unusually dexterous.

Almost in less than three seconds, he had come to the outside of the deep pit.

The head was black and shiny, its body was covered with sharp thorns, and its tail carried a ferocious war beast like a meteor hammer, roaring and charging towards the battlefield.

The earth trembled violently at the feet of such a behemoth.

Even a Type II killing robot with a body size of more than five meters.

In front of the iron-armored hammer-tailed dragon, they all seem a little insignificant, like a toy.

This is the strongest frontal main unit currently under Shen Yi.

Although the gap between S-level and A-level is too huge, even after a hundred times of strengthening, its level still does not reach S-level.

However, it is definitely a terrifying existence between S-class and A-class.

In some fantasy words, it is a half-step S-level.

Some are similar to fifth-generation semi-fighters on Earth.

Although it is not as good as the S-class.

But in front of A-level creatures, it has a huge advantage.

This can be seen from the body shape alone.

The ordinary A-rank monsters on the opposite side were only 70 meters in size.

However, the size of the Iron Armored Hammertail Dragon has reached an astonishing 90 meters.

This ten-meter gap represents a huge gap in strength.

"This iron-armored hammer-tailed dragon is really scary..."

"If the defense factor of the helicarrier increases in the future, it can be used as a space-based weapon!

0..... Ask for flowers.....

Seeing the iron-armored hammer-tailed dragon that looked exactly like a normal dragon, Shen Yi couldn't help but tut his tongue twice.

Throw this iron-armored hammer-tailed dragon directly to the enemy pile.

This wave of landing alone is enough to kill a large number of enemies.

Not to mention that the Iron Armored Hammertail Dragon itself has extremely terrifying lethality.

At this time, the black eclipse dragon and the sonic king bat have also entered the battlefield with terrifying speed.

Their speed is absolutely monster.

After being strengthened a hundred times, their level is also between S-level and A-level.

Even in terms of speed, they are infinitely close to the S-class beasts.

The fastest flying sonic king bat has even reached the speed of Mach 10. Although the black eclipse dragon is a little slower, it is still full of Mach 8.

This is almost catching up with short-range missiles on Earth.

Moreover, this is not their limit speed, if they fly at the limit speed.

The sonic king bat can even reach Mach 30, and the black eclipse dragon can reach Mach 27, which is enough to match the speed of an intercontinental missile.

And this is the horror of stepping into the S-level with half a foot, far beyond what the A-level can match.

In a sigh, Shen Yi glanced at the attribute panel of the three-headed beast that had been strengthened at the moment.

【Black Eclipse Dragon】

[Ability: Due to special reasons, it has been greatly enhanced. The maximum flight speed is Mach 27, and it can fly to an altitude of 30,000 meters. The infection ability of phosphorus powder has been enhanced, and it also has a certain impact on S-class creatures. At the same time, the temperature of dragon breath has been increased to 30,000. 】

[Grade evaluation: A+ grade (half step S grade)]

[Consumption: 500 energy points are consumed every day]

【Sonic King Bat】

[Capability: Due to special reasons, it has been greatly enhanced. The maximum flight speed is Mach 30, and the maximum flight speed is 35,000 kilometers. At the same time, the infrasound damage is enhanced, the longest killing distance is 80 kilometers, and the maximum killing effect range is 10 kilometers.]

[Grade evaluation: A+ grade]

[Consumption: 500 energy points are consumed every day]

【Iron Armored Hammertail Dragon】

[Ability: Due to special reasons, it has been greatly strengthened, the maximum movement speed is Mach 8, the defense ability has been greatly improved, and it can withstand several S-level attacks. At the same time, the tail blow can cause a huge threat to S-level creatures.]

[Grade evaluation: A+ grade]

[Consumption: 500 energy points are consumed every day]

The three enhanced war beasts have all stepped into A+, which is half-step S rank.

To be honest, this is the first time Shen Yi has seen the symbol A+ appear.

Under normal circumstances, this situation is actually very difficult to occur.

Unless you research technology yourself, forcibly climb the technology tree, or receive technology from a certain civilization.

Such as mastered the fourth and a half or five and a half generations of fighters.

There may be a + sign.

However, Shen Yi's side is relatively simple and rude, and directly relies on the system to forcibly improve it.

Although it is not the same as before, it has directly crossed the two major steps.

But the situation is very good now.

At least, when facing S-rank, he is not powerless to fight back.

And when facing S-rank and below, it is a complete slaughter.

However, it can be seen from this that the S-class, as a planetary-level card, is the real ultimate weapon, how powerful is it.

And how terrifying those monsters that surpassed the planetary level would be.

In short, this made Shen Yi's mood a little heavier.

"The more you know, the smaller you feel..."

Shen Yi shook his head and focused on the battle below.

In this battle, after 140 A+ level war beasts joined.

There is no longer any doubt.

Just in terms of top combat power, Shen Yi's side has already completed the comprehensive crushing.

Coupled with the crushing of the grassroots, this battle cannot be called a battle at all, but should be called a massacre.

Especially the three A+ grade war beasts, the performance is really too exaggerated.

The first is 50 sonic king bats, when they are ten kilometers away from the monster group.

They opened their mouths and emitted infrasound waves.

This kind of terrifying sonic attack mainly relies on ultra-low frequency sonic waves to resonate with the enemy, thereby achieving a killing effect.

There's no need to explain sonic resonance.

Wine glasses, human bodies and even buildings can be easily shattered by finding a specific frequency.

Even if it directly causes the resonance of the planet, it is not impossible.

Of course, the Sonic King Bat, which has not reached the S-class, naturally cannot do this.

But it can make monsters below S rank resonate.

Even an A-rank monster, under its infrasound attack, became shaky, as if drunk, and began to stagger, even standing unsteadily.

And the flying class A-level monsters fell directly to the ground, unable to even fly.

A-level monsters are so miserable, let alone monsters below A-level.

A large number of D-rank and below monsters were directly shaken into blood.

Although C-level monsters are not as directly explosive as D-level monsters.

But it's also not much better.

They were directly shaken by the seven orifices, and the blood was like a fountain. Obviously, the internal organs were severely injured.

Although the situation of B-level monsters is better than that of C-level monsters, they are also affected a lot.

It can be said that fifty sonic king bats directly made these monsters lose their ability to resist.

As a half-footed S-class existence, these sonic king bats are so unreasonable.

At this time, the black eclipse dragon also descended above the monster group.

A large amount of black-purple phosphorous powder was densely scattered on the severely damaged monsters below.

Stepping into an S-rank black eclipse dragon with half a foot is much more terrifying than a B-rank black eclipse dragon.

The black-purple phosphorous powder even made the air appear distorted.

Even with the naked eye, you can feel that this is extremely dangerous.

You know, these phosphorus powders have a corrosive effect!

However, at this moment, the monsters below the Sonic King Bat are not even qualified to resist.

Even those A-level monsters can only watch these phosphorous powders scattered on them.


A desperate, unwilling roar continued.

Even in that monstrous artillery fire, it was still very clear.

But soon, the voices they uttered gradually stepped into madness.

Phosphorus effect works...

It can even affect the phosphorus powder of S-rank monsters. For these monsters that are only A-rank and below, they have also been severely damaged.

It was as if snowflakes had fallen into the hot oil and melted into it instantly.

And these infected monsters only saw destruction and killing in their eyes.

They even struggled to get up from the ground and started to attack all living things in sight.

This is the effect caused by the phosphorus powder of Black Eclipse.

After being maddened, the enemy will actually be overdrawn because of life, and the strength will be increased to a certain extent.

However, this is not to trouble yourself.

On the contrary, it is a very vicious and effective way to destroy the enemy's vitality.

Because, the maddened enemy will become ignorant of the six relatives, frantically killing all the living beings around.

Moreover, he still uses his own power to fight madly.

If it is a normal war with the civilization on this planet, the other party will never let the black eclipse dragon appear on the top of his head.

Otherwise, the consequences would be ten thousand times more terrifying than the mutiny.

"This black eclipse dragon is really scary, is this the horror of biotechnology..."

Shen Yi's eyes were full of solemnity.

It has to be said that the strangeness of biotechnology compared to mechanical technology lies in the various outrageous characteristics of war beasts.

Mechanical technology is basically a powerful artillery bombardment.

Even if more advanced technology is developed in the future, it will only increase the types and power of the guns.

Essentially, not much has changed.

However, biotechnology is different.

The characteristics developed by the biological war beasts are really strange and hard to guard against.

Imagine if you were unaware.

What kind of terrifying picture would it be when the black eclipse dragon flew to the top of the head and put on such a wave of phosphor powder?

I am afraid that the two sides have not yet fought, and their side has already suffered heavy casualties.

And now the terrifying killing effect of the Black Eclipse Dragon on the opponent also sounded the alarm for Shen Yi.

If he can always form a crushing situation, it would be better to say.

With absolute strength, without waiting for the opponent to show his own characteristics, he will directly press the opponent to death.

It is naturally very easy, and there will be no problems.

But if it can't form a rolling situation.

Then the abilities of these S-rank and even beyond S-rank monsters are very terrifying.

The strength of these monsters is not just their incomparably powerful flesh.

What makes them really terrifying is the characteristics they have for killing...

At this time, the Iron Armored Hammertail Dragon also entered the battlefield.

Shen Yi's attention also returned to the battlefield.

At this moment, these iron-armored hammer-tailed dragons have no enemies at all.

The existence on the battlefield is simply like a rampant road roller.

Whether it was a B-level monster or an A-level monster standing in front of him, they were all directly and arrogantly knocked out.

Step on the battlefield on a bloody path.

At the same time, their tails like meteor hammers were not idle for a moment.

When their bodies passed through the group of monsters, this meteor-hammer-like tail also started to work on the left and right, turning all passing enemies into flesh.

The killing effect caused is no weaker than that of the Sonic King Bat and the Black Eclipse Dragon.

In less than half a minute, the tens of kilometers of battle lines were cut across by them.

At least one-third of the monsters died in their hands.

The remaining third was harvested by the Sonic King Bat and the Black Eclipse Dragon respectively.

Only the last third remained, still struggling to resist.

Oh no!

Their current state is not at all recalcitrant.

It should be said that they are frantically killing each other.

Under the continuous infection of phosphorus powder.

Even A-level monsters can't escape from madness at all.

You can only keep killing the monsters around you.

This battle lasted for ten minutes, and ten minutes later, the army of nearly 100,000 monsters was wiped out by Shen Yi's army of machines and beasts.

The earth has been completely dyed red with blood.

This piece of land under his feet can no longer be described as a bloody scull.

Because this place has completely turned into a sea of ​​blood.

The corpses of nearly 100,000 monsters were stacked on top of each other.

Even though Shen Yi was a little shocked, he couldn't speak for a long time.

"Evolutionary war, there is no right or wrong, only the strong are qualified to sympathize..."

After a long time, Shen Yi withdrew his gaze and murmured.

Then, he turned off the projection function and restored the command room to its original appearance, saying: "Shen Ling, let's start excavating this medium-sized biological genetic research institute! Shan.

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