Interstellar Survival: My Technological Creations Can Be Strengthened A Hundredfold

Chapter 57: The sword refers to the industrial zone and comprehensively upgrades

"Yes, Master."

Shen Ling responded.

Then he asked: "Master, do you want to increase the number of working robots? At the current site you control, there are 350 million units of iron ore, 270 million units of copper ore, and 7,800 psionic crystals. 10,000 units, 130 million units of tungsten ore, and 110 million units of aluminum ore.

"Increase the number of working robots..."

Shen Yi touched his chin and pondered.

This is indeed a very huge resource, and Rao is also quite moved by him.

If all these resources can be discovered.

At least his mechanical army can expand on a large scale.

After all, he has made enough energy in this wave, and the total energy he has now has even reached an astonishing 1,157.13 million points.

As for the top A+ grade war beasts, he wanted to expand his army on a large scale.

But unfortunately, the resources are simply not enough!

If it's just energy, iron, copper, and psionic crystals, that's fine.

These are the most important things he has in his hands. No matter how bad it is, he can use a C-level Type 1 combat robot to smash wool from players in exchange for a lot of resources.

But the problem is the C-grade material and the B-grade material.

He can only be obtained from the dismantling of these small and medium-sized biological genetic research institutes.

And he himself has no way of making it.

"It seems that the issue of C-level materials and B-level materials must also be put on the agenda!

Shen Yi thought to himself.

Want to get C-grade superalloys, and B-grade Seaman alloys.

On the one hand, we can start with those biological genetic researches.

The information obtained by the previous six small biological genetic research institutes also allowed him to obtain the location information of the other four small biological genetic research institutes.

It's actually not that difficult to find.

These places are all within 10,000 miles, and they are not particularly difficult to find.

There is also the medium-sized biological genetic research institute below, which may also allow him to get news of some small and medium-sized biological genetic research institutes.

Even if you get the news of a large biological genetic research institute, maybe.

Moreover, these places can also allow him to obtain a large amount of C-level and B-level materials.

As long as there are enough A+ grade war beasts, he may not be able to take action against those military regions with S grade war beasts, or even large biological genetic research institutes.

The 30,000-kilometer radar detection range has detected a lot of S-class monsters.

On the contrary, there are no monsters beyond the S-rank that have yet been discovered.

I don't know if the current radar can't detect it, or if there is no trace of them in this range.

"Let's add 10,000 Type II engineering robots first. 35

Shen Yi said.

"Yes, Master.

After Shen Ling responded, 10,000 Type II engineering robots entered the production queue.

Then, it spread rapidly in all directions.

10,000 Type II engineering robots, if it is before the replacement.

Shen Yi certainly wouldn't be so extravagant.

After all, at that time, there were a lot of internal and external troubles, and he couldn't even get a medium-sized biological genetic research institute.

There is no way to deal with A-rank monsters, and there are too many places to worry about.

But now, things are different.

The size of the ground beneath his feet is more than ten times the size of a medium-sized biological genetic research institute.

He is bound to get a lot of various resources.

And with this resource, plus the 1.15 billion energy points obtained before.

He can completely expand the mechanical army under his hand, even including the scale of biological war beasts, several times.

In this way, presumably even facing the invasion of S-rank monsters.

He is not without certainty to contend.

As for monsters beyond S-rank, Shen Yi is not sure.

After realizing the huge gap between A-level and S-level, he has dared not dare to speculate about the terrifying strength of a war weapon that surpasses S-level.

After all, the A+ class is weaker than the S class.

Can easily slaughter A-level monsters.

Then, it is not particularly difficult for the S-rank to easily kill the A+-rank.

And if there are monsters beyond S rank... I am afraid that the previous group of A+ rank and "873" beasts will not work well.

If he encounters a monster of that level, running away is his only option.

"But after all, it's only been less than four days to develop now. It's already very good to be able to reach this step."

Shen Yi whispered to comfort himself.

The army of machines that numbered hundreds of thousands was already something that many players would not dare to dream of.

What's more, these mechanical armies are still composed of C-level and B-level.

And that biological war beast with a level of A+, it is even more impossible for them to think about it.

This has almost touched the pinnacle of planetary civilization.

Even if you look at the peak-level planetary-level civilization, it is definitely the existence of the top-level main force.

Now he can have it so early, except because of the hundredfold strengthening system.

That is to rub against the shadow of the civilization that once existed on this planet.

Of course, because of the existence of that civilization, this planet has become extremely dangerous.

It can only be said that a drink and a peck have a certain number.

Danger and opportunity coexist.

"Next, you can also see how the surrounding neighbors are doing!"

"Shen Ling, open the map with the largest range of radar detection, and mark the creatures of A-level and above, and block the rest.

Shen Yi said.

A-level and below already pose no threat to him.

Today, only large-scale A-level monsters, or monsters above A-level, can pose a threat to him.

Therefore, there is no need for him to pay attention to those monsters below Grade A.

It's just scum that can be easily crushed.

"Yes, Master!

Shen Ling replied.

The next moment, a circular three-dimensional map appeared in front of Shen Yi's eyes.

Mountains and ravines are clearly visible above.

If you look carefully with a magnifying glass, you can even clearly see the grass and trees above.

This is where the helicarriers are powerful today.

Today, the main brain of the air carrier, the computing power is at least hundreds of times that of the previous three-level survival base.

Feeding back information into this step is a breeze for the helicarrier.

Even if it is to reproduce all the environment of 30,000 kilometers, it is still an easy task for the mastermind of the sky carrier.

It is precisely for this reason that Shen Ling's processing speed has become much faster.

It's a pity, because of the level restriction, she is still only B level.

We can only consider upgrading Shen Ling after obtaining more advanced artificial intelligence technology in the future.

This time, the radar range of the air carrier has been expanded to 30,000 kilometers, which really revealed a lot of things around it.

If it is replaced by the earth, this is enough to cover three-quarters of the earth.

After all, the earth is only 40,000 kilometers around.

But, put it on a planet that is five times the size of the earth.

These 30,000 kilometers only cover about one-sixth of the range.

Not even half the size of the Commonwealth.

Of course, because of his location.

Therefore, his current range of 30,000 kilometers is actually covering a part of the alliance's territory.

"I didn't expect the military power on this planet to be so terrifying..."

Looking at the map in front of him, even after a brief passage.

But there were still dense red dots, Shen Yi couldn't help taking a breath.

Good guy, he's straight up good guy.

Just on the part of the border that he saw.

The two major forces distributed at least seven military bases.

Moreover, there are still seven military bases on one side, and this is only less than one-seventh of the border of the other side.

This shows how amazing the distribution of troops on both sides is.

Moreover, the troops stationed in every military base here are extremely terrifying.

In one of the military bases alone, there were no less than 5,000 A-level monsters, and no less than 30 S-level monsters.

As for Grade B and below, there are countless, at least more than one million.

With such a terrifying number, even the army under Shen Yi's hands is expanding several times.

It will definitely be easily smashed by the other party, and the strength of the two sides is not on the same level at all.

Of course, this is only because Shen Yi's development time is too short.

Otherwise, with his terror system, it is completely easy to overtake.

"The only thing I am happy about now is that these military bases are far away from me. 99

Shen Yi took a deep breath.

According to the feedback given by the radar, even the nearest military base is more than 5,000 kilometers away from him.

This is not a short distance, it is more than twice the size of Shen Yi's current site.

Of course, this isn't really that long.

For those A-level and even S-level, this distance is not an instant extreme.

But it only takes at most an hour for them to arrive.

Just like the fastest sonic king bat under his hands today.

The sonic king bat, which has a speed of up to Mach 30, can finish this distance in less than ten minutes.

For those flying S-class monsters, this time will probably be shorter.

However, the good news that I can see through the radar today is that these S-class monsters basically don't move much.

"Fortunately, what I encountered is not a complete civilization, otherwise I really don't know how to develop."5

Shen Yi secretly rejoiced in his heart.

Although these military bases can definitely provide him with a huge amount of energy if they can be removed.

However, this is definitely not something he can deal with now.

His top priority now is to improve the current facilities and expand his army.

At least before possessing S-rank combat power, Shen Yi didn't plan to leapfrog challenge.

The chasm between S-rank and A-rank is too terrifying.

God knows how many A+ rank war beasts an S rank monster would need to pile to death.

"The current focus, in addition to continuing to search for biogenetic research institutes, is to start working on the federal mines..."

Shen Yi's thoughts moved, and the map in front of him instantly changed.

A huge mountain range 13,000 kilometers away was suddenly zoomed in and enlarged.

A large industrial area with a very large area was revealed to Shen Yi.

However, because it has been abandoned for a long time.

This huge industrial area has become a dense forest.

Almost all buildings are covered with thick vegetation.

If it weren't for the information, Shen Yi might not even have found it.

This place has almost penetrated into the hinterland of the Federation.

It is one of the largest industrial regions in the Federation, and Shen Yi wants the super alloy and Heman alloy manufacturing technology.

There's a good chance you'll find it here.

It's not easy to swallow the place, though.

After all, as such a vital industrial area, how could there be no security protection nearby.

There is also a military base near this industrial area.

Of course, the scale of this military base is far less than the military base on the border.

Not only in terms of numbers, but it has only just exceeded 300,000, and even the strongest monsters are only A-rank.

Of course, in such an almost hinterland location.

Shen Yi also didn't think the opponent would be extravagant enough to deploy that kind of heavy soldiers.

Wouldn't he be fragrant if he had this force directly to the border!

This military base, the strongest is a group of A-level monsters, the number is about 3,000.

The number of B-level monsters exceeds 10,000, and the rest are C-level.

Such a force, even if it is placed on the earth, is already terrifying.

Even in the absence of an oversized nuclear bomb.

This terrifying army is enough to horizontally push down the human coalition forces on the entire earth.

And, it's no exaggeration at all.

The so-called tanks and planes are really too fragile in front of these A-level monsters.

The aircraft carriers, submarines and even the fifth-generation aircraft that humans are proud of have only one fate in the face of these A-level monsters, and that is to be easily torn to shreds.

Of course, if a nuclear bomb is deployed, then the situation may be uncertain.

In theory, the power of nuclear bombs can be infinitely superimposed.

Even the weakened version, the Tsar nuclear bomb with half of its yield cut off, can move the Eurasian plate as a whole by several millimeters.

This power is at least beyond the A+ level.

As for whether it has surpassed the S-class, Shen Yi is also unclear.

Because, the higher the technology level, the more outrageous the span.

The A+ grade alone can easily crush the A grade.

How outrageous the S-rank would be, without seeing it with his own eyes, Shen Yi didn't dare to guess.

However, the threat of this military base to him is not particularly big, and he can take it down with only a small price.

After all, on the one hand, these monsters do not have a unified command and dispatch.

At best, it is a group of beasts with great power.

On the other hand, the mechanical legion under his command, both in terms of B-level or C-level robots, is far superior to the other side.

Even with the slightly inferior A-level combat power, his side is still at the A+ level.

Even one against ten is an easy task.

At least it can hold back these A-level monsters, so that the other party has no time to take care of others.

At most, he only needs to pay 30% of the loss, and he can take down this military base.

Of course, Shen Yi couldn't be so rash.

Although now he has a wealth of wealth under his hands.

But that wasn't so bad either.

He now has a large amount of energy on hand, and at the same time, a large amount of resources will be recorded.

He only needs to wait for a while, and he can multiply the strength of his troops several times.

If he took the military base without injury, why would he take the risk?

"Produce 1.7 million Type 1 combat robots, 900,000 armed drones and 800,000 Type 2 killing robots first!"

"As for the beasts of war, just wait a bit.""

Shen Yi thought for a moment and said.

To produce 1.7 million Type 1 combat robots, 900,000 armed drones, and 800,000 Type 2 killing robots would cost a total of 129 million energy, 2.4 million units of iron, and 800,000 units of copper.

If light is just energy, this resource is really nothing to Shen Yi.

Sitting on more than 1.15 billion energy, now he has only used up a fraction of his energy.

But the problem is that there are too few resources on his side.

When he produced biological war beasts, his resources were almost exhausted.

This wave can be said to have completely exhausted his resources.

Of course, when he empties the medium-sized biological genetic research institute below, he will take out the resources of these 3,000 kilometers by the way.

The resources under his hands will definitely fill up quickly.

However, it takes time to accumulate.

At least in a short period of time, he can only produce 3 million C-level robots and 1 million B-level robots.

Of course, this number is already very scary.

At least, it was enough for him to easily crush that military base.

Take down the industrial area that was targeted before.

After arranging the robot production tasks, Shen Yi also relaxed.

There's nothing to worry about after that.

All he needs to do now is to wait.

Waiting for the mechanical army to complete production.

At the same time, also wait for the following resources to be developed.

When the resources of the medium-sized biological genetic research institute below are completely mined and transformed into biological war beasts.

Shen Yi will start to attack the industrial area he had been eyeing before.

As long as you can get the superalloys and Heman alloys how to make them.

Then, his development speed will definitely enter a faster road.

Moreover, the benefits of that industrial zone are not just that.

Those mechanical devices might also benefit him a lot.

You must know that as long as there are finished mechanical creations and mechanical technology research laboratories, they can also analyze and obtain progress.

Once the three-type robot is developed, the level of the robot under his hand is completed.

It will definitely be raised a grade, and it will be directly upgraded to the A-level level.

However, Shen Yi was not idle during the waiting time.

He began to study the introduction of the S-class monsters displayed on the radar.

Although there are not many things that radar can detect.

However, the basic situation of the other party can still be roughly understood.

Just like the black eclipse dragon at that time.

For the rest of the time, Shen Yi kept the cycle of eating, studying monster strength, eating, studying monster strength, and sleeping.

The most powerful aspect of these biological beasts is their strange abilities.

It is like saying that the king bat can fly at a speed of up to Mach 30.

It can also carry out low-frequency attacks through infrasound waves, shattering the internal organs of the opponent.

This kind of ability is almost impossible to guard against, and it is simply suitable to deal with those "iron kings" with hard shells.

If on the battlefield, the sonic king bat meets the iron-clad hammer-tailed dragon, it will be a one-sided battle.

The armored hammertail dragon is proud of its defense.

It is completely vulnerable in front of the Sonic King Bat.

There is also the black eclipse dragon, which can make creatures go crazy and attack the surrounding creatures crazily. It is also very abnormal.

If you are caught off guard without any precautions, it will definitely roll over directly.

With Black Eclipse Dragon's current level, even S-rank monsters can play a role.

Who can guarantee that monsters of this level and similar abilities will not appear on the opposite side?

Therefore, in order to make their losses smaller, so as not to capsize in the gutter.

His move was very necessary.

Not only S-level monsters, but even A-level monsters and B-level monsters, he also studied them.

It's to minimize the chance of rolling over.

This time, it took two days to develop the medium-sized biological genetic research institute.

This medium-sized biological research institute is indeed larger than Shen Yi expected.

Not only the area on the ground is comparable to that of several small biological genetic research institutes.

Its underground area is the real terror.

That is literally a small city dug up hundreds of meters underground!

Moreover, all the facilities in this city are for the study of biological beasts.

The place where those researchers live is not underground.

There is even a complete test site here, made of an A-grade material called Trellite.

It can easily withstand the attacks of A-level war beasts without being damaged.

It is a very strong material.

And it also has the automatic recovery function of memory metal.

Although it is not used today, this higher grade A-grade metal really makes Shen Yi a little happy.

"Shen Ling, how much is the total harvest this time?"

Shen Yi asked with anticipation.

"Master, this time I harvested 145 million units of iron, 122 million units of copper, 10,200 units of psionic crystals, 17.13 million units of super alloys, 8.72 million units of Seaman alloys, and 2.27 million units of Trellite alloys.

Shen Ling replied.

"Sure enough, plundering is the fastest way to get resources! Slowly develop until when!

Shen Yi couldn't help sighing.

A mere medium-sized biological genetic research institute made him immediately rich.

What amazing materials will the large biological genetic research institute give him.

Moreover, there are a total of thirty-six medium-sized biological genetic research institutes in the Federation, and what he is mining now is only one of them.

Plus those biological genetic research institutes that exist over there in the alliance...

On this planet, there are still huge treasures waiting for him to take over.

Once he has taken over all the resources on this planet, his strength will definitely expand to a very terrifying level.

It is definitely an easy thing to surpass the civilization of this planet.

"Now that the resources are in place, it's time to expand the army again!"

There was a trace of heat in Shen Yi's eyes.

Now that I have money under my hands, it is natural to produce the best soldiers!

"Shen Ling, produced 1,500 black eclipse dragons, iron armored hammertail dragons and sonic king bats each!

Shen Yi stroked his hands.

This is definitely the biggest resource he has spent.

Terrifying enough to overwhelm all the other players.

"Yes, Master! 9

Shen Ling responded.

The deduction option flashed before Shen Yi's eyes.

"450 million energy, 135 million units of iron, 45 million units of copper, 36 million units of psionic crystals, 13.5 million units of B-grade materials, 6.75 million units of Heman alloys, 1,500 black eclipse dragons, 1,500 iron-armored hammer-tailed dragons, 1500 sonic king bats entered the production queue..."

This amount of resources was deducted, even Shen Yi was a little scared.

Energy is a trivial matter, his previous energy even exceeded one billion.

Don't care about the mere four or five billion expenditures.

What really made his eyelids jump wildly was the rapid depletion of iron resources.

This special consumption is really too much!

It is precisely because of insufficient iron resources that he can only produce 4,500 biological war beasts.

Otherwise, this number can be much more.

"However, when this industrial zone is captured, the scarcity of mineral resources can be alleviated a little!"

Shen Yi set his sights on the radar map, where a special marked industrial area has been made.

This is not just one of the largest industrial areas in the federation.

At the same time, it is also one of the largest mining areas in the Federation.

It contains a lot of iron and copper resources, and the total output value is no less than tens of billions of units.

Even, there are many aluminum ore and tungsten ore, about several billion units.

And the psionic crystals are relatively few, only one billion.

Of course, I want to dig out all these deeply buried ores.

The time required is definitely not a little bit.

Even Shen Yi now has a C-class Type II engineering robot.

However, it will take at least decades before we can confidently hollow out this place.

This is why, Shen Yi would say that looting is the fastest way to get resources.

Just a medium-sized biological genetic research institute is enough to be worth the mine he has dug for several years.

Of course, if there is a higher level of robot mining in the future, this time can definitely be shortened by 0 ......

However, it will still be a number that Shen Yi cannot accept.

Therefore, this can only be done by slowly digging in the back and doing a long-lasting work.

The main method of entry in the early stage is to solve the threats one by one.

Take down those biogenetic institutes.

In fact, the radar has reached the point where it is not difficult for him to find the Institute of Biological Gene.

Go directly to the place where the powerful monsters gather, and you can find it directly.

These monsters seem to still have some personalities from before they got out of control.

They don't leave their usual places.

For example, they often stayed at military bases before, so they would regard military bases as their own territory.

Even if the center is occupied by more powerful monsters.

They will still choose the closest place to stay.

This is also the conclusion Shen Yi came to after two days of observation.

At least within these 30,000 kilometers, this is basically the case.

Therefore, he only needs to clean up the monsters one by one, and it is easy to find the location of those biological genetic research institutes and military bases.

Watching the biological beasts enter the production queue.

Shen Yi also relaxed.

"The next step is to wait for the production of war beasts to be completed, and then go to solve the industrial area! 35

"How can this be defeated from the crushing at all levels?

He leaned back comfortably on the chair, his eyes full of relief.

Now, he has finally escaped from the weak stage.

If the biological war beasts are all produced.

By then, his subordinates will have 4,650 A+-level biological war beasts, 1 million B-level Type II killing robots, 2 million C-level Type-I combat robots and 1 million C-level armed drones.

What a terrifying number these are!

Even if the entire earth's army is added together, it is not enough to fight!

At this moment, Shen Ling's voice suddenly sounded: "Master, when I just searched the battlefield, I found three blueprints, may I ask if you can get them back!

Shen Yi sat up straight, his eyes flashed: "What? Blueprint? Take it back!""

This is so special, finally there is a blueprint to give back!

From the beginning to the present, he has killed at least hundreds of millions of monsters, and as a result, only four blueprints have been exploded.

The drop probability of this blueprint is outrageous!

If not so many players are also helping him collect.

He just wanted to get together the progress of the Mechanical Technology Research Laboratory, but he didn't even know that the Year of the Monkey was coming.

"Yes, Master!

Shen Ling responded.

After a while, an armed drone flew back to the helicarrier with three blueprints.

After a series of disinfection and sterilization to ensure that the blueprint is harmless.

These three blueprints were sent to Shen Yi.

These three blueprints are the C-level blueprint [Anti-Gravity Engine], [Maid Robot], and the B-level blueprint [Ultra-Long Range Electromagnetic Rail Gun].

【Anti-gravity engine】

[Grade Rating: Grade C]

[Capacity: The flight speed of the loading unit can be greatly increased, and the planet's gravity can be used for ultra-high-speed starting, with a maximum increase of Mach 3]

[Consumption: 300 energy points are consumed every day]

[Production requirements: 3000 units of iron, 2200 units of copper, 500 units of psionic crystals, 5000 energy points]

【Maid robot】

[Grade Rating: Grade C]

[Ability: Possess a certain level of intelligence, master all housework skills, and at the same time can arbitrarily fabricate appearance and clothing, it is your best companion at home]

[Consumption: 300 energy points are consumed every day]

[Crafting requirements: 2000 units of iron, 1200 units of copper, 300 units of psionic crystals, 3000 energy points]

【Ultra-long-range electromagnetic rail main gun】

【Grade Rating: Grade B】

[Ability: The exclusive blueprint of the air carrier can be assembled at the position of the main gun of the air carrier. The first-class air carrier can be equipped with up to six guns, which can accurately hit the enemy 500 kilometers away, and the rate of fire is 3s/shot.]

[Consumption: 3000 energy points are consumed every day]

[Production requirements: 50,000 units of iron, 20,000 units of copper, 12,000 units of psionic crystals, 5,000 units of any grade C material, 2,800 units of any grade B material]

Among them, the anti-gravity engine and the ultra-long-range rail gun are all things that can act on the air carrier.

Moreover, just the ability to increase the base is already very abnormal.

This is not even counting the ability that has been increased by the hundredfold enhancement system.

If it is increased a little by the hundredfold strengthening system, it is simply against the sky!

As for the anti-gravity engine mounted on other mechanical equipment....

Then Shen Yi felt that it was unnecessary.

After all, these robots under his command are not worthy of it!

A mere group of basic-level E-level and D-level robots equipped with a basic-level C-level anti-gravity engine?

He is crazy to do this!

"However, this maid robot...emmmm"

He has no other meaning, but is simply interested in the function of this fabricated appearance.

Moreover, always alone, one will fall into autism sooner or later.

He also really needs a person, or something that looks like a person, to communicate with him more.

He doesn't lack this resource anyway.

Although these three blueprints are not particularly abnormal.

However, it was enough to raise his strength a bit.

In particular, the ultra-long-range electromagnetic orbital main gun of the B-level makes up for the deficiency of the current attack of the air carrier.

"However, let's upgrade the level of the helicarrier first than these!

Previously it was due to the lack of resources on hand.

Therefore, he has not upgraded the level of the air carrier.

Now that he has enough money on hand, the materials needed to upgrade the air carrier are naturally not worth mentioning.

"Shen Ling, upgrade the sky carrier."

Shen Yi said.

"Yes, Master!

As Shen Ling's voice fell, a prompt flashed in front of Shen Yi's eyes.

"10 million units of iron, 8 million units of copper, 800,000 units of psionic crystals, 1 million units of any C-level metal materials, and 100,000 units of any B-level metal materials have been successfully deducted, and the Helicarrier upgrade begins! 4:59:59"

Now this resource is really nothing to Shen Yi.

Of course, these resources have almost drained his last resources.

To produce 4,500 B-rank war beasts is a big burden even for him.

Of course, it's all worth it.

After all, the upgrade of the air carrier means that his safety factor will be greatly improved.

The helicarrier takes a full five hours.

Fortunately, Shen Yi doesn't have much else right now, just more time.

He continued to devote himself to researching the abilities of those monsters to avoid the possibility of overturning to the greatest extent possible.

Five hours passed in a flash, but Shen Yi didn't feel it was too long.

Shen Ling's voice resounded in Shen Yi's ears: "Master, please sit down on the role, the Helicarrier is about to be upgraded to 3.6! 99

Shen Yi, who was researching the monster information, suddenly moved in his heart and sat down in his seat.

"Is it alright! I don't know what a second-level air carrier will look like!

There was hope in his eyes.

If nothing else, the defense of the second-level air carrier can already resist the attack of the A-level.

Coupled with the automatic defense system of the Holy Shield, and the ultra-long-range electromagnetic orbital main gun that fires every three seconds.

Even a group of A-rank monsters would never get close.

After Shen Yi fixed himself on the seat, the air carrier also landed from a height of 10,000 meters.

The upgrade is an overall upgrade of the entire ship, and naturally it cannot be carried out in the sky.

Otherwise, I am afraid that the plane will crash directly.

That's a lot of fun!

At the moment when the sky carrier landed, the metal on the outside of the sky carrier suddenly surged up as if it had come to life.

The sky carrier, which was originally huge, once again grew wildly towards its surroundings.

Although the overall shape has not changed much.

However, the size of the air carrier is several times larger than before.

The Sacred Shield automatic defense system originally on the small discs on both sides of the rear of the air carrier.

It seems even more insignificant.

If you don't look carefully, you can't even see the traces of its existence.

Soon, the upgrades were all over, and Shen Ling's voice also rang.

"Master, the air carrier has been upgraded!"

The next moment, before Shen Yi could greet him, the current data panel of the air carrier appeared in front of Shen Yi.


【Current level: Level 2】

[Current facilities: top radar, top machinery factory, top...primary strategic weapons research center]

[Spaceship Defense Factor: A Grade]

[Current energy: 671.2 million points]

[Current consumption: 30000 points/day]

[Upgrade requirements: 50 million units of iron, 30 million units of copper, 12 million units of psionic crystals, 3 million units of any C-grade metal material, 800,000 units of any B-grade metal material, 300,000 units of any A-grade metal material, 300 million units Point energy]

[Evaluation: The current maximum speed is Mach 10, the maximum flight altitude is 37,000 meters, and the information processing capability has been greatly improved. It can easily handle 100 million-level unit operations within the radar range. Currently, it can be equipped with up to 12 main guns and 120 secondary guns]

"Hm...the next-level air carrier upgrade requirements are so perverted?"

Looking at the demand at the bottom, Shen Yi couldn't help taking a deep breath.

The other changes in the air carrier did not exceed his expectations.

Moreover, there is no new functional cabin.

However, the conditions for the upgrade requirements really startled him.

This is too harsh!

Tens of millions of people need resources, and hundreds of millions of people need energy. Who can resist this!

If this is for ordinary players to accumulate slowly, I am afraid it will accumulate to the next life!

"Tsk, I thought I was rich, but I didn't expect that I was still poor..."

Shen Yi shook his head helplessly.

However, he was able to raise the survival base to his level so quickly.

He is the only one in the world!

Today's second-level aerospace carrier, in terms of technical content, is no less than A-class technology.

However, each of the equipment is in a vacant state, and it can only be regarded as a pseudo A-level.

If it can be fully assembled, it will reach the top level.

Then it can definitely reach or even surpass A-level.

And it will definitely be a nightmare for the enemy on the battlefield, and it can easily bring about a devastating effect...

Shen Yi then opened the Helicarrier's appearance data.

In an instant, a behemoth with a length of more than three thousand meters and a width of nearly one thousand meters appeared in front of him.

I have to say that the size of the sky carrier at the moment is really terrifying.

That huge hull is already comparable to a small island.

Just visually, there is a very strong sense of impact.

Even those sonic king bats and black eclipse dragons that were originally huge, nearly 100 meters.

At this moment, they stopped on the air carrier, and they all looked small and exquisite.

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