Interstellar Survival: My Technological Creations Can Be Strengthened A Hundredfold

Chapter 58: Terrifying Ultra-Long-Range Electromagnetic Orbital Main Gun

"This size can be called a real air carrier!"

Shen Yi looked at the projection in front of him, and his heart was full of excitement.

Today's air carrier is three times larger than before.

However, its speed has not been weakened in the slightest, but has been enhanced to the terrifying speed of Mach 10.

What is this concept?

It means that the flying speed of today's air carrier is no less than that of A-class war beasts.

However, what is the size of the A-level war beast, and what is the size of the air carrier?

There is absolutely no comparison between the two.

Moreover, the maximum flight altitude of the helicarrier today has reached an astonishing 37,000 meters.

At this height, even many A-level war beasts cannot fly up.

This means that Shen Yi can even come to the vicinity of the battlefield in the future to suppress the enemy from air to enemy.

Of course, the biggest improvement this time is the position of the main and secondary guns of the air carrier.

If twelve ultra-long-range electromagnetic rail main guns are installed.

Coupled with the temporary number of four groups of holy shield automatic defense system.

The helicarrier's firepower will reach a very terrifying level.

In the face of a large number of enemies, give the opponent a saturated fire strike.

In addition, the second biggest improvement is the processing speed of the main brain of the air carrier.

It is not an easy task to deal with the battle data of 100 million level.

At least, not even the most powerful computer on the planet can do that.

This will make it easier for Shen Ling to command the battle.

Although, Shen Ling did not have any tactical talent.

But anyway, she can still use the firepower of the mechanical army to the extreme.

Otherwise, if Shen Yi, who was just an ordinary person before, was in charge.

He will only control a group of robots without brain A.

That is bound to cause a lot of unnecessary losses.

"Shen Ling, how many supplies do we have?

Shen Yi asked.

"Master, we currently have 571 million energy units, 3.14 million iron units, 74.15 million copper units, 57.12 million psionic crystal units, 3.87 million super alloy units, 1.17 million Heman alloy units, and 2.27 million units of Trellite alloy. .""

Shen Ling replied.

After listening to Shen Ling's report, Shen Yi frowned slightly.

"Other materials are not too scarce, but the consumption of this iron is really scary..."

At this point, even Shen Yi had a headache.

The consumption of iron is basically two to three times more than that of other materials.

There were 100 million worth of iron before, but now there are only more than 3 million left.

This is too poor!

"Forget it, let's leave it alone, let's equip the anti-gravity engine, the ultra-long-range electromagnetic rail main gun, and the holy shield automatic defense system."

Shen Yi shook his head, putting aside these distracting thoughts.

To solve these problems, as long as the industrial zone is taken down, everything will be solved.

If it doesn't work, then cut the leeks directly from the player.

All in all, it wasn't a big deal for him.

I believe that after two days of development, those players must have more money in their wallets.

When he is free, he can cut a wave again, and he will be able to recover a little blood.

"Yes, Master!"

Shen Ling replied.

"Wait, let's have ten maid robots, it's not expensive anyway.

"I don't mean anything else, I just want to see how this maid robot can reach the B-level level."

Shen Yi touched his nose and said.

Although ten maid robots require a lot of resources.

Ordinary players can't even afford this exorbitant price.

However, for him now, it can only be considered a fraction at best.

The impact of wasting such a small amount of resources is not particularly large.

"Yes, Master.

Shen Ling replied again.

The next moment, the prompt to deduct resources flashed.

An anti-gravity engine costs 3,000 units of iron, 2,200 units of copper, 500 units of psionic crystals, and 5,000 energy points, which is not particularly expensive.

Ten maid robots cost a little higher, with a total cost of 20,000 units of iron, 12,000 units of copper, 3,000 units of psionic crystals, and 30,000 energy points.

However, this resource is not too expensive for Shen Yi.

It can neither allow him to produce biological war beasts, nor allow the mechanical army to expand significantly.

It is still necessary to produce ten maid robots.

Moreover, the air carrier is so big today, do you still count on Shen Yi to clean it up?

The twelve ultra-long-range electromagnetic orbital main guns at the back are slightly more expensive.

In total, it cost him 600,000 units of iron, 240,000 units of copper, 144,000 units of psionic crystals, 60,000 units of superalloys, 33,600 units of seaman alloys, and 360,000 energy points.

As for the automatic defense system of the Holy Shield, although it also requires 507 sets.

But after all, its own level is only D-level, and the resources consumed are basically negligible.

Half an hour later, the four items produced by Shen Yi were completed one after another.

Shen Yi knew about the automatic defense system of the Holy Shield before.

Therefore, he directly ignored it and focused on three items such as the anti-gravity engine.

【Anti-gravity engine】

[Ability: It has been greatly enhanced due to special reasons, which can greatly increase the flight speed of the loaded unit, the maximum increase can be Mach 20, and the speed of the loaded object can be accelerated to Mach 13, but the minimum loaded object cannot be lower than Class A, otherwise The load will not be able to withstand its power]

[Grade Evaluation: A Grade]

[Consumption: 450 energy points are consumed every day]

【Maid robot】

[Ability: It has been greatly strengthened due to special reasons, has extremely high intelligence, almost no less than human, and has good learning ability, the effect is very amazing]

[Grade Evaluation: A Grade]

[Consumption: 450 energy points are consumed every day]

【Ultra-long-range electromagnetic rail main gun】

[The ability has been greatly enhanced due to special reasons, the longest precise firing range can reach 5000 kilometers, it can easily penetrate S-level armor, and the maximum rate of fire is 3 rounds/s]

[Grade evaluation: A+ grade]

[Consumption: 450 energy points are consumed every day]

After being strengthened, whether it is an anti-gravity engine, a maid robot, or the power of an ultra-long-range electromagnetic rail main gun.

All have seen a huge increase.

Needless to say, the anti-gravity engine is a Mach 20 boost.

That's a pretty terrifying speed for anything.

You must know that even the A+-level Sonic King Bat and the Black Eclipse Dragon are only at speeds around Mach 30.

Moreover, even more exaggerated is that momentary acceleration.

Instant acceleration from zero to Mach 13, what a heaven-defying thing this is.

This means that after the anti-gravity engine is loaded, no matter what kind of bulky object, it will become extremely flexible.

If it is equipped on an air carrier, it is no exaggeration to say that it is easy to do some aerial combat techniques such as Cobra maneuvers that can only be achieved by fighter jets.

"It's no wonder that A-level is required to carry this anti-gravity engine. If you are not A-level, your strength will not be able to withstand this terrifying speed!

Shen Yi couldn't help but exclaimed.

That's an instant acceleration from zero to Mach 13.

If it is described in terms of kilometers, it is an instant acceleration to 15925 km/h, 4.423 km/s...

Think about what an exaggerated number it is, flying directly out to a place close to four and a half kilometers in one second.

As long as its own material is slightly weak, it will directly disintegrate at this terrifying speed.

But fortunately, today's second-level air carrier has reached the level of A-class in terms of the hardness of the hull.

Fully capable of carrying the terrifying thrust of an anti-gravity engine.

Now, what it lacks is only the means of attack.

However, when the main guns and secondary guns are installed, the air carrier will not be a simple empty shell.

Shen Yi then turned his attention to the maid robot again.

To be honest, the maid robot is a bit scary after being strengthened.

It even reached the amazing A-level level, which is technically speaking.

It has even surpassed the five generations of machines on the earth.

Even the most advanced fifth-generation machine on earth is a B+ at best, and it is still a long way from A-level.

As a result, who would have thought that a mere maid robot would have surpassed them.

Therefore, Shen Yi is also very interested in this enhanced maid robot.

"However, can a maid robot that has reached A-level really only be able to clean? 995

Shen Yi touched his chin and mused.

Logically, with the current level of intelligence of the maid robot, it is even higher than Shen Ling.

In addition, the learning ability acquired by self-strengthening.

This means that they are fully capable of fighting!

If everything is really feasible, they will even be able to fill the vacancy of the current A-level combat power.

Of course, it all depends on the follow-up performance of the maid robot.

As for fabricating the appearance of these maid robots.

Shen Yi is more convenient.

He directly imported all the maid characters in the anime from his memory.

What Rem Ram...

What Dragon Maid Thor....

Narberal and so on in the Bone King were all re-engraved by him.

It can be considered a fulfillment of the dream of the paper-man wife he once had.

With the end of Shen Yi's operation, a light flashed in the eyes of the ten maid robots at the same time.

Then, one after another voice with different voice lines came from their mouths.

"Rem is activating... Rem is activated, I have seen the master!"

"Ram is activating... Ram has been activated, I have seen the master!

"Thor is active...Thor....35'

Ten maid robots kneeled in front of Shen Yi respectfully.

The scene was turbulent, with waves rising one after another.

Shen Yi felt like his eyes were about to be blinded.

"Cough, get up."

He made a fist with one hand, coughed twice before covering his mouth, and then said: "Introduce information about your current maximum strength and speed, um... It's up to you."

Shen Yi pointed to the first Rem he pinched out.

Maybe he had some charming thoughts about these maid robots before.

However, after seeing their current rank, his thoughts changed.

If it can really match his guess.

These maid robots may have impressive abilities.

"Yes, Master."

The maid robot whose appearance was made into Rem, said: "Master, my current maximum speed can reach Mach 12, and the maximum strength can reach 3,000 tons. At the same time, I can share experience, intelligence, and even computing power with other maid robots. , learn and grow to the greatest extent, become better, and serve you better.”

A gleam of light flashed in Shen Yi's eyes.


This is so terrifying!

You tell me this Super Barbie is a maid robot?

If this is converted into kilograms, it is 3 million kilograms...

This power is enough to tear apart A-rank monsters!?

No, it may be a bit reluctant to tear apart the A-level monsters. After all, they are both A-level, so the opponent may not be weaker than the maid robot.

Moreover, the size of the maid robot is also very disadvantageous compared to A-level monsters.

However, if the number of maid robots increases, then dealing with A-rank is absolutely the same as playing.

"This monster is used as a maid, it is completely subservient!

There was a hint of amazement in Shen Yi's eyes.

This maid robot is really powerful.

Moreover, there is also the ability to share experience intelligence and even computing power.

This means that their growth will be the growth of the whole.

Moreover, it means that there are countless clones accumulating experience and helping them grow.

This will allow them to grow into excellent fighters very quickly.

Even if you add a maid robot in the future, you can also let the other party grow up quickly through sharing.

What kind of maid is this, this is clearly a terrifying army!

As if thinking of something, Shen Yi hurriedly asked: "By the way, Shen Ling, can the anti-gravity engine and the ultra-long-range electromagnetic rail main gun be installed on the maid robot?

This idea was inspired by the ship's mother.

Aren't these maid robots just like the existence of a ship girl!

The same steel body, the same mechanical life.

The only difference is that it lacks a powerful engine and ship equipment.

"Wait a minute, Master. 35

Shen Ling replied.

Shen Ling did not answer this question, but quickly calculated the feasibility.

Now there are physical maid robots, anti-gravity engines, and ultra-long-range electromagnetic rail guns.

It is actually not difficult to calculate this feasibility.

And if the combination is really successful, this will undoubtedly be a very powerful unit.

Even more suitable for Shen Yi than the biological beast.

After all, in addition to the ultra-long-range electromagnetic rail main gun, whether it is a maid robot or an anti-gravity engine.

All of them can be made directly with only iron, copper, psionic crystals, and energy.

After a while, the calculation results came out.

"Master, the idea you mentioned is feasible, with the material of the current maid robot, it is fully enough to withstand the burden of the anti-gravity engine and the ultra-long-range electromagnetic rail main gun.

"However, the maid robot can only bear the burden of an ultra-long-range electromagnetic rail main gun.

Shen Ling replied.

Shen Yi's eyes suddenly lit up!

Man, it really works!

Combined, it can't be A+ level combat power?

Moreover, compared to the huge target of the biological beast.

The height of a maid robot, which is not an ordinary girl, is very small.

Coupled with the equipped ultra-long-range electromagnetic orbital main gun, they can perform some precise assassination missions.

Go and kill those A-rank and even S-rank monsters.

You must know that the density of monsters around those military bases is far from comparable to other places.

In addition, the distance between each other's bases is not too far, and the density of monsters is even more terrifying.

Once caused some slightly bigger movement.

It is likely to directly alert several military bases, and then cause a huge counterattack.

That consequence is not acceptable to Shen Yi.

However, if these maid robots equipped with anti-gravity engines and ultra-long-range electromagnetic rail main guns enter, then the situation is completely different.

Their size is too small, and they are very concealed.

It is very easy to get into the encirclement of those monsters and get close to those S-rank monsters.

With the power of the ultra-long-range electromagnetic rail main gun, there is even a high probability of killing those S-level monsters...

Even if it is one exchange for one or even ten for one, as long as the S-rank monsters can be dealt with, Shen Yi feels that it is very worthwhile.

As long as those S-rank monsters are dealt with, he still kills the rest?

"And, with these maid robots, the number of ultra-long-range electromagnetic orbital main guns on the air carrier is no longer a limit!"

Shen Yi's eyes flickered, and the power of the robot maid made him think of more...

It's not just a housemaid anymore.

It should belong to the battle maid.

"This wave is simply bloody!"

Shen Yi couldn't help but sigh.

Given the size of the maid robot, even if today's air carrier can accommodate 3,000 of them, it is a matter of ease.

Just imagine, what kind of terrifying scene would it be when three thousand maid robots fire at the same time with ultra-long-range electromagnetic rail main guns?

I am afraid that even S-rank monsters will be instantly torn into pieces by the terrifying barrage.

Of course, Shen Yi has no idea how strong the S-class monster is.

After all, I have never played against each other in person, just judging from the pale paper data.

Can't see anything at all.

Just like a missile before it explodes, no one knows whether it is a nuclear warhead or an ordinary missile head.

"It's a pity that there are too few resources now, and there is no chance to expand for the time being.

Shen Yi clicked his tongue twice and sighed.

No way, the price of this maid robot plus the anti-gravity engine and the ultra-long-range electromagnetic rail main gun.

Even higher than the biological beast.

For the time being, Shen Yi is not capable of mass production.

Only ten of them can be produced to test the water.

Moreover, he also needs to see what kind of power these maid robots, which have been transformed into battle maids, can exert on the battlefield.

"Shen Ling, is producing ten anti-gravity engines and ultra-long-range electromagnetic orbital main guns to equip the maid robot.

Shen Yi ordered.

After that, attacking the military base near the factory area is a good opportunity.

Although there are no S-class monsters there.

But there are quite a few A-level monsters, enough for these maid robots to show their hands and feet.

"Yes, Master!"

Shen Ling replied respectfully.

The next moment, ten anti-gravity engines and ultra-long-range electromagnetic orbital main guns entered the production queue.

After dealing with these things, Shen Yi didn't pay attention to the maid robot anymore.

Instead, focus on the current Helicarrier's attribute panel.


【Current level: Level 2】

[Current armor: A-level (can resist A-level fire attacks)]

[Current firepower equipment: twelve ultra-long-range electromagnetic rail main guns, six groups of Sacred Shield automatic defense systems (including 24 45mm automatic guns and 96 20mm automatic cannons)]

[Current Defense Equipment: None]

[Current engine equipment: nuclear power engine, anti-gravity engine (the maximum speed can reach Mach 20, and it can be accelerated to Mach 12 instantly)]

Today, it is equipped with an A-level anti-gravity engine, twelve A+-level ultra-long-range electromagnetic rail main guns, and four sets of B-level Aegis automatic defense systems.

The level of all aspects of the helicarrier actually surpassed most of the A-levels.

Even in terms of firepower, it has surpassed many A+ levels.

However, there should be a considerable distance from the real S-Class.

After all, the current air carrier is not particularly good in terms of armor level or engine.

In particular, the 120 secondary guns, equipped with only the B-level automatic defense system of the Holy Shield, were indeed a little overwhelmed.

But unfortunately, he has nothing to replace for the time being.

So, it can only be used for a while.

"It seems that we need to find defensive equipment and secondary artillery, and I don't know if we can find it on this planet.

Shen Yi touched his chin and pondered.

However, he felt that this possibility should be unlikely.

Because the planet under our feet is mainly developing biological civilization.

The level of mechanical civilization development cannot be too strong.

After all, there are only so many resources in a planet, even if the area of ​​this planet is five times that of the earth.

It is definitely not enough for a civilization to take two development paths at the same time.

Of course, this is not absolute, there may be a route to develop mechanical technology!

"Next, let's test the power of this ultra-long-range electromagnetic orbital main gun!

There was a hint of anticipation in Shen Yi's eyes.

This can be regarded as his most powerful mechanical weapon today.

His understanding of the electromagnetic railgun is only limited to the picture of the beautiful country's warship hitting Hercules in the movie Transformers.

As for the power of the electromagnetic railgun in reality, he didn't particularly understand it.

Moreover, as an A+ grade weapon, the power of the ultra-long-range electromagnetic rail gun is obviously stronger than the electromagnetic rail gun in the movie.

After all, this is infinitely close to the level of the pinnacle weapon of planetary civilization.

"Shen Ling, select the nearest A-level target and experiment with the power of the ultra-long-range electromagnetic rail main gun! 55

Shen Yi gave the order.

"Yes, Master!"

Shen Ling responded with a sound, and then the map in front of Shen Yi quickly drew closer.

The recent A-level monsters were quickly picked out.

That is about 5,000 kilometers away from the air carrier.

Looking at the terrain below, it should be a medium-sized biological genetic research institute.

It's just that the scale is not as good as the one he developed before, the number of A-level monsters is only forty or fifty, and there are only three types.

Obviously, the other side of this medium-sized biological genetic research institute.

I am afraid that among the thirty or so intermediate biological genetic research institutes in the Federation, it is also at the bottom of the existence.

Of course, Shen Yi naturally wouldn't be picky.

The previous medium-sized biological genetic research institute directly let him complete 27% of the progress.

That is to say, he only needs to find four medium-sized biological genetic research institutes of the same size, and he can unlock the advanced biological genetic research laboratory and manufacture A-level biological war beasts.

If there is no accident, after the A-level biological beasts are strengthened, they will be S-level existences.

In this way, even on this planet, he can definitely walk sideways, and even those so-called military regions can easily push horizontally.

Of course, the premise is that you don't encounter monsters that exceed S-class.

Because the precise range of the ultra-long-range electromagnetic orbital main gun is 5,000 kilometers.

Therefore, the air carrier has not moved too far, and has already brought the opponent into the range.

A distance of 5,000 kilometers, even for A-level monsters, is definitely not a short distance.

It will take at least ten or twenty minutes to get there.

However, this is within the precise range of the ultra-long-range electromagnetic orbital main gun. One can imagine how terrifying this A+-level ultra-long-range electromagnetic orbital main gun is.

"Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

On the two small discs of the air carrier, a main gun with a technological atmosphere rose up.

There are six doors on one side, just twelve doors, neatly arranged on both sides of the disc.

The base of these ultra-long-range electromagnetic rail guns is a hexagonal box.

The muzzle is not the circular closed barrel of a conventional barrel.

Instead, it is hollowed out in the middle, and two electromagnetic reactors are wrapped in the triangular iron sheets on both sides.

The two charged electromagnetic reactors provide terrifying power for the shells.

Theoretically speaking, after the projectiles of the ultra-long-range electromagnetic orbital main gun are fired, the speed will reach a terrifying level.

However, Shen Yi was still curious as to how the ultra-long-range electromagnetic orbital main gun would be able to make accurate hits at a distance of 5,000 kilometers.

You know, that's 5,000 kilometers!

Even a sonic king bat with a speed of up to Mach 30 would take at least seven and a half minutes to arrive.

After such a long time, the enemy is not dead, he has long since disappeared!

And just when Shen Yi was curious, the main brain of the air carrier also started to run at high speed.

Shen Yi could clearly see that red boxes appeared on the bodies of the A-rank monsters.

Obviously, this has been locked by the ultra-long-range electromagnetic orbital main gun.

"You actually want to attack more than 30 animals at once? Is this possible?"

Shen Yi was a little shocked.

The distance of 5,000 kilometers is really too far.

Even a circle of the earth is only 40,000 kilometers, which is equivalent to attacking the enemy across half the distance of the earth.

It's too exaggerated!

At this moment, the twelve ultra-long-range electromagnetic orbital main guns moved.

hum hum!

Blue light began to fill the muzzle.

The next moment, countless blue arcs spewed out.


A series of blue streamers cut through the sky and quickly disappeared within the range of vision.

Almost in an instant, Shen Yi lost track of the cannonball before his eyes.

"Fast! What Mach speed is this shell?"

A look of surprise appeared on Shen Yi's face.

How does he feel that the Sonic King Bat can fly faster than before?

At least the Sonic King Bat couldn't disappear from his sight in an instant.

"Master, the shell speed of the ultra-long-range electromagnetic orbital main gun is as high as Mach 100, but if you want to hit accurately, you need to make predictions in advance, which requires the computing level of the aerospace carrier to be high enough, at least a second-level carrier is required. to meet the operational requirements.”

Shen Ling answered Shen Yi's doubts.

"Hmm...100 Mach?

The terrifying numbers made Shen Yi feel a tingling in his scalp.

That's one hundred times the speed of sound, which means 34,000 m/s?

He couldn't imagine the speed.

This means that in less than three minutes at most, the shells of the ultra-long-range electromagnetic orbital main gun can directly span a distance of 5,000 kilometers.

It really deserves to be an A+ rank weapon. I am afraid it is not inferior to those super weapons!

Shen Yi pulled the map higher.

At this moment, in front of his eyes, blue rays of light are rapidly flying towards the target location.

The position where the shells locked was where those A-level monsters might appear three minutes later.

However, he still thought it was a little weird.

Is it a superpower to predict the reaction of others for nearly three minutes?

There is so much you can do in three minutes.

Especially for these A-rank monsters, that's even more so.

After all, their moving speed is very amazing, and the distance of thousands of meters has passed in an instant.

Everything will be known in three minutes...

Shen Yi's eyes were fixed on the light that kept getting closer in front of him.

That.... it was the shells fired by the ultra-long-range electromagnetic orbital main gun, no more, no less, one A-level monster gave one.

Three thousand kilometers...

Two thousand kilometers...

A thousand kilometers...

The cannonball is getting closer and closer to where the monster is.

The A-level monsters locked by the shells had even vaguely sensed something and raised their heads restlessly.

It's just that the attack from a thousand kilometers away is too far away.

They didn't know what was going on at all, and could only raise their heads and roar in the direction of the projectile.

Eight hundred kilometers...

Five hundred kilometers...

Three hundred kilometers....

When the distance was reduced to 300 kilometers, those A-level monsters could already see the blue streamer in the distance.

That dazzling light like a meteor directly pierced the sky and tore apart the clouds.

With the momentum of Wan Jun, it flew towards them.

If these A-level monsters are controlled, they will definitely make evasive moves.

However, they are just a group of beasts with great power at the moment.

In the face of threats, as long as they are not afraid of them, they will only attack!

Maybe all this is in the calculation of the air carrier.

After the thirty or so A-level monsters let out a roar, they all rushed towards the shells to greet 873.

And this is where mechanical technology differs from biotechnology.

Although it is difficult to find out the abilities of the beasts produced by biotechnology.

However, how big the gap between their strengths is, it is really clear at a glance.

The missile is different. Before it explodes, who knows how terrifying the power of the missile is.

Therefore, these monsters simply do not know how powerful the missiles are.

Of course, if it was controlled by someone, it would definitely not hit it directly.

The distance of 100 kilometers, for the shells fired by the ultra-long-range electromagnetic orbital main gun, is only a matter of three seconds.

Three seconds later, the two sides collided fiercely.


No explosion screen is generated.

Even, the blue streamer that these shells turned into seemed to have not been hindered in the slightest.

Instantly passed through the bodies of those monsters, causing blood mists to bloom in the sky.

More than thirty A-level monsters with broken bodies, with incredible colors in their eyes, fell to the ground along with their other broken pieces of flesh.

Obviously, as an A-level monster, it can easily destroy the existence of a modern metropolis.

However, under the shells of the ultra-long-range electromagnetic orbital main gun, it seemed like a piece of paper.

"Hey... this power is too terrifying!"

Shen Yi's scalp felt numb.

The power of this ultra-long-range electromagnetic orbital main gun is really beyond his imagination.

He still underestimated what it meant by being able to penetrate S-class armor in the introduction.

This power will definitely be sunk directly even if the current air carrier is hit by one shot!

Even the Tier 3 Helicarriers can't please.

And the shells that ripped apart the A-level monsters did not stop directly after hitting the target.

But after flying for hundreds of kilometers again, it flew obliquely into the ground.

But Rao is like this, still ploughing out the ground full of hot lava, a deep pit that is dozens of kilometers long.

It is conceivable that, in fact, it is not that the shells can only hit 5,000 kilometers.

But the precise range of the ultra-long-range electromagnetic orbital main gun can only hit 5,000 kilometers.

If you don't care about accurate hits.

I am afraid that flying seven to eight thousand or even ten thousand kilometers is an easy task for the ultra-long-range electromagnetic orbital main gun.

Otherwise, it would be too sorry for its ultra-long-range title.

"If three thousand ultra-long-range electromagnetic orbital main guns are fired at the same time, what kind of scene would it be?

"I'm afraid even any S-rank monster will be torn apart in an instant!

Shen Yi's eyes flickered, and his heart was full of excitement.

Of course, he has not really seen the strength of the S-rank monster, and he cannot determine the ability of the opponent.

However, just from between S rank and A rank, there is still one more A+, Shen Yi will never underestimate each other.

The S-class was probably more terrifying than he thought.

Even some special abilities of those monsters will make them even more terrifying.

Of course, no matter what, he is not powerless to fight back against S-rank monsters now.

At least, he also has the ability to threaten S-class monsters.

"Right, Shen Ling.

"If it's a maid droid with an ultra-long-range electromagnetic rail gun, isn't that a bit too big? Can they get it?"

Shen Yi asked the question that he was a little worried about.

He has seen the ultra-long-range electromagnetic orbital main gun.

The fort alone is already close to more than twenty meters, and the barrel is more than forty meters.

With such a huge size, I am afraid that even if the maid robot is strong, it is not easy to handle!

"Oh, by the way, there is also an anti-gravity engine, which should not be small, right?"

Shen Yi showed a hint of solemnity.

If the maid robot was to give up the size of the humanoid, it would be a bit unworthy.

After all, the advantage of maid robots is that they are small and less likely to be discovered.

"Please rest assured, master, the anti-gravity engine technology and ultra-long-range electromagnetic rail main gun technology you have mastered are at the peak level, and it is not difficult to reduce the size. 35

"The reduction of the anti-gravity engine will not be affected. As for the ultra-long-range electromagnetic orbital main gun, without affecting the power, it only needs to reduce the precise range to 500 kilometers, and then it can be reduced to a size suitable for maid robots.

Shen Ling replied.

"Five hundred kilometers? That's enough!"

Shen Yi raised his eyebrows.

This can already span the distance of a province.

I believe that with the size of the maid robot, it is still very simple to touch the S-class monster for 500 kilometers.

At that time, let alone one-for-one or three-for-one, even if it is ten-for-one, he will earn blood.

After all, the maid robot is equipped with an A-class anti-gravity engine and an A+-class ultra-long-range electromagnetic rail main gun.

It's just A+ grade, far from S grade.

From the previous scene of A+-level biological war beasts dealing with A-level monsters, it was completely one-sided.

It is enough to see how big the gap between technology levels is.

S-level can definitely easily hang a group of A+ levels.

If you can use ten A+ rank troops to exchange for an S rank monster, it will definitely be a bloody profit.

Of course, if he had S-rank troops under his own hands, then the situation would be another matter.

However, the S-class arms are not so easy to get.

It requires a biological beast or robot with a basic level of A-level to obtain it through the hundredfold enhancement system.

But want to get A-level biological beasts or robots.

Then, he must push the progress of the Intermediate Biological Gene Research Institute to the full, or obtain A-level blueprints...

But whether it is to fill the progress of the intermediate biological genetic research institute, or to obtain the robot blueprint of the A-level combat type, it is not so easy to obtain.

One needs to sweep those medium-sized biological research institutes, and the other needs to look at the face to brush.

Which doesn't take too long to accumulate.

But what Shen Yi lacks right now is time.

He didn't know when the monsters that surpassed the S rank suddenly appeared.

Today, he only barely has the ability to compete with S-rank monsters, if he really encounters monsters that surpass S-rank.

He didn't say that he was directly killed by the other party.

But it will definitely be beaten back to before liberation by a wave.

"It's time..."

Shen Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, turned his gaze to the map in front of him, and pondered slightly.

Next, he should also do something to the military base next to the industrial area.

Otherwise, his army of more than 4 million would not be able to support him at all.

The amount of energy consumed every day is a huge astronomical figure.

If it is not possible to enter the standby state and reduce energy consumption, Shen Yi will go bankrupt in just one day.

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