Interstellar Survival: My Technological Creations Can Be Strengthened A Hundredfold

Chapter 77: Lord of Space City: Chiyang Empire loses without complaint

Although their strategy is very risky.

But the feasibility is undoubtedly much better than the previous one.

Perhaps the Chiyang Empire was very powerful before, and even among the old high-level stellar civilizations, it can be regarded as a leader.

Even just a fleet can easily destroy an ordinary high-level stellar civilization.

But now the situation is different, and now their troops are seriously insufficient.

Coupled with the fact that 15 fleets were built in half a month, it can be said that they have also drained their heritage.

Therefore, it is actually very risky for them to deal with a high-level stellar system civilization with good strength.

The reason why they were not eliminated before was because the pay and income were not equal.

Now, under the circumstance that their strength is greatly reduced, once they are defeated or in a stalemate, it will be very fatal to them.

But if Emperor Chiyang's plan was used, the situation would be different.

They don't need to take any risks at all.

It is only necessary to temporarily store the wreckage of the arm-spin-class battleship in the hands of Frost Demon Civilization.

"Prime Minister Levin, the matter of negotiating with Frost Demon Civilization will be left to you!"

"As for the withdrawal of other star system fleets, Marshal Delai is responsible for you!"

Emperor Chiyang quickly distributed tasks.

After he finished speaking, he paused, squinted his eyes and said: "By the way, you will reveal the news of the wreckage of the Arm-spin-class battleship to that unknown civilization..."

At this moment, Emperor Chiyang's eyes were full of ruthless colors: "I want these two civilizations to fight completely... unceasingly! Sutra"

He is very aware of how tempting the wreckage of an arm-spin-class battleship is for a top-level star-class civilization.

That is definitely a ticket to step into the arm-spinning civilization.

As long as you can get it, you have basically knocked on the door of the arm rotation-level civilization.

No one can resist such temptation!

As the overlord of the forces that have stepped into the top stellar civilization, he has absolute confidence in his heart!

Marshal Chiyang's eyes twitched, and there was a smile on the corner of his mouth: "Understood, Your Majesty!"

He seems to have seen the blood of the two forces fighting for this.

A picture that almost pushes civilization down.

Let's not talk about the Frost Demon civilization.

But he can be 100% sure that the unknown civilization will never let the Frost Demon civilization become bigger and stronger!

No one wants their neighbor to become such a powerful existence.

Because that would be an absolute catastrophe for one's own civilization.

"Go do it!"

Emperor Chiyang waved his hand and commanded.

"Yes! Your Majesty!

The ministers in the hall immediately handed over to take orders.

And after these people left, the Chiyang Empire also started to operate rapidly.

A large number of fleets quietly left from the guarded natural wormhole and returned to the main star system.

Then, it was stationed directly near the Dyson Sphere.

It can be said that the Chiyang Empire at this moment has already prepared for the worst.

Some well-informed nobles also took their private army and hid in the main star system of the Chiyang Empire.

For a time, the entire Chiyang Empire seemed to be panicking.

However, Shen Yi didn't know all this.

At this moment, he has completed the digestion of resources.

In the sixth star system, a huge apocalypse-class Dyson sphere quietly appeared.

Its level is no less than the previous one in the Shen Yi host star system.

Even in terms of configuration, it is no worse than the previous one in the main star system.

The complex hollow lines and brass-like colors make it look unusually classical and mysterious.

A full 10,000 Peel-class star destroyers are also enough to make the enemy stay away.

In particular, the 10,000 Torch Energy Barrier Arrays made the former sixth star system and now Shen Yi's second star system indestructible.

At least, without the presence of more than two D-class (arm-spinning) warships.

No one can break through this sturdy line of defense.

The simplified version of the apocalypse-level Dyson sphere located in the main star system has also been upgraded to the S-level (stellar level) level at this moment.

Of course, the resources consumed are only the resources consumed to upgrade the simplified version of the "880" Dyson sphere to the B-level (stellar level).

At this point, it has to be said that the 100-fold enhancement system is awesome.

Even the previous simplified version of the apocalypse-level Dyson sphere has functions comparable to the A-level (stellar-level) Dyson sphere.

But in fact, it can only be counted as C-level (star level) in the upgrades on the base side.

Therefore, in terms of strengthening resources, it still only supplements the resources required to upgrade from C-level (stellar level) to B-level (stellar level).

【Apocalypse Dyson Sphere (Mini Version)】

[Grade Rating: S Grade (Stellar Grade)]

[Ability: A huge Dyson sphere can be built around the star, perfect use of stellar energy, 8 trillion energy can be collected every day, and the radar can be amplified to the entire star system, and all energy fluctuations within the star level can be detected]

This is the ability of the apocalypse-class Dyson sphere that the current host star system has.

Although only a mini version.

But in addition to the lack of some attacks.

But in terms of performance, it is no less than the data given by the apocalypse-level Dyson sphere blueprint.

Even in terms of energy harvesting, it is even higher than the paper data of the apocalypse-level Dyson sphere blueprint.

And the energy provided by these two apocalyptic Dyson spheres every day has reached as much as 11 trillion.

Although compared to Shen Yi's current demand, it is still not particularly sufficient.

But this is already a point that many advanced stellar civilizations are difficult to achieve.

For no other reason, the resources that Dyson spheres need are terrifying.

Moreover, the higher the level of Dyson sphere, the more terrifying the resources required.

Just wanting to build an A-class (stellar-level) Dyson sphere requires hundreds of years of hard work by an old-fashioned advanced stellar-level civilization.

And the S-class (stellar-level) Dyson sphere even requires thousands of years of effort from a top-level stellar-level civilization.

If not for a stellar civilization, everyone's genetic technology is not bad, and ordinary people can live for at least a few hundred years.

I'm afraid it will take decades of their efforts.

Of course, this improvement is only an improvement in terms of turf, compared to the expansion to 500 Fire Phoenix-class interstellar aircraft carriers, 200 Dawn-class frigates, and 20 Sky Eye-class command ships.

It seemed a little trivial.

These 720 S-class (stellar-class) battleships are the real culprits who drained Shen Yi's resources.

Now his strength has expanded dozens of times compared to before.

Although not many in number.

But these are all S-class (stellar-class) battleships!

Far from being comparable to battleships below the S class (star class).

Even if the previous Chiyang Empire fleet was expanding dozens of times, it would definitely be easily suppressed by him.

The meaning of 500 Phoenix-class interstellar aircraft carriers is too terrifying.

That means 2.5 million S-class (stellar) unmanned starfighters, and 500,000 S-class (stellar) unmanned star bombers...

Even if the interstellar warship is facing the same level of the interstellar warship, there is no advantage.

Even, often dozens of them can annihilate a spaceship.

But which civilization can have nearly one million S-class (stellar-class) interstellar battleships?

Even the top veteran top star-level civilizations will definitely not reach this stage.

Because, they simply don't have that many resources to use.

Unless it is a powerful arm-spin-level civilization that has mastered an arm-spin.

Otherwise, even if you have mastered hundreds of star systems.

It is also impossible to cobble together the resources needed to build nearly one million S-class (stellar-class) warships.

And before that after he produced his second Dyson Ball.

It's not like he thought, he got 10% of the progress, but a full 20%.

This meant that even if he just took down all the star systems of the Chiyang Empire step by step, he would still be able to get the legendary reward.

This made Shen Yi slightly relieved.

At least you don't need to worry about getting dissatisfied rewards.

"Now, I can also start to show my strength and strike hard at those stellar civilizations! 35

Shen Yi moved his arms, his heart was boiling with enthusiasm.

According to his previous information.

There are as many as four stellar civilizations bordering the Chiyang Empire.

There are three of them, which are old-fashioned star-level civilizations that are not weak, and the fewest under their command have more than five fleets.

The most advanced stellar civilization has even twelve fleets.

Even compared to the Chiyang Empire, it is only slightly inferior.

And that top-level stellar civilization is the target that Shen Yi sees.

According to the information of the Chiyang Empire, the number of S-class (star-class) warships in the opponent's hands should be around 30.

However, this number was only the news that the Chiyang Empire had received, and Shen Yi did not fully believe it.

Not that he suspects there is anything wrong with this intelligence.

After all, it is impossible for the Chiyang Empire to guess that he has such a bug in the ability to obtain information.

No need for any unlocking process.

The information is directly obtained from the host that has not been destroyed.

This is simply not a means that a stellar civilization can have.

Therefore, there is no possibility of false information.

Shen Yi simply doesn't think that the Chiyang Empire can know the trump card of someone else's top star-level civilization.

In the past, the Chiyang Empire was just an old-fashioned high-level stellar civilization.

Although in advanced stellar civilization, it is definitely a very powerful existence.

But in front of a civilization that has entered the top stellar civilization for hundreds of years, what is it?

Judging from the friction between the Frost Demon civilization and the Chiyang Empire.

This top stellar civilization called Frost Demon Civilization should have around 50 S-class (star-class) battleships.

This is even for a top stellar civilization.

Both are staggering numbers.

However, even if the opponent's fleet has 50 more ships, it is absolutely impossible to be his opponent.

On the contrary, Shen Yi had already set his sights on the fleet owned by the opponent.

If the opponent's fleet is dismantled.

I'm afraid he can upgrade the apocalypse-level Dyson sphere to the S-level (stellar level).

Hmm... It's talking about the base level being maxed out here.

If it is an enhanced level, it will be C-level (arm rotation level).

Moreover, it is still a C-class (arm-spinning class) with offensive capabilities.  …

What kind of amazing power it will have, even Shen Yi can't estimate it.

However, it is not difficult to imagine that it will definitely have the ability to destroy the world.

Even an S-class (stellar-class) warship can destroy an asteroid at a distance of 5,000 kilometers.

Well, it is not too much for a C-level (arm-spinning) level weapon to destroy a planet with a diameter of 50,000 kilometers and a circle larger than the earth!

And at that point, it can be said that as long as you don't encounter an intermediate-level arm-spinning civilization.

Shen Yi is also completely fearless.

Even if the other party is arrogant, he will never dare to provoke him easily.

At least, the other party would never dare to step into the place where he placed the apocalypse-level Dyson sphere.

"Well...then let's get started!

Shen Yi said in a deep voice, "Shen Ling...

Just as he greeted Shen Ling and Qi Dajun, he heard Shen Ling's voice.

"Master, the natural wormhole of the second star system bordering the fourth star system of the Chiyang Empire, has just destroyed a strange spaceship."5

"The other party has been sending a message, do you accept it?"

Shen Ling said aloud.

"Huh? Strange ships that keep delivering messages?"

Shen Yi raised his brows slightly.

Is the other party still doing this kind of shit?

Are you trying to surrender to him?

"Accept it.

Shen Yi said with great interest.

If the other party wants to surrender...

Well, he didn't have the spare time to accept the other party's surrender.

Destroying all the opponents and then slowly taking over is the best way to do it once and for all.

After all, the other party can't play any role at all except to make trouble for him secretly.

Could the efficiency of these people be comparable to that of advanced mining robots?

Or, the speed at which these people research technology can be compared to him to obtain blueprints or upgrade the level of mechanical factories?

No, these are all destroyed, and there is no guarantee that the other party will work for you wholeheartedly.

Therefore, this is also the choice that many civilizations will make after conquering other civilizations.

Soon, the information contained in it was quickly translated.

Looking at the information, Shen Yi's expression became a little weird.

"I didn't expect that the Chiyang Empire still has the wreckage of the arm-spin-class battleship? This is really incredible..."

"I just don't know how well the wreckage of this arm-spin-class battleship is preserved! 99

The arm-spin-class battleship was actually quite helpful to him.

Needless to say, in terms of the materials brought, the more important thing is the technology.

If the blueprint can be extracted from the wreckage of this arm-spin-class battleship, it will be fun.

Even if this is just the simplest D-class (armspin class) battleship.

But after being produced by him, after a wave of a hundred-fold enhancement system, it will also reach the level of B-level (arm rotation level).

B-class (armspin class) warships...even if placed in the arm swing class, it is definitely a top weapon that only the intermediate arm swing class civilization can have.

Once mastered a warship of this class.

Even if Shen Yi is at the intermediate level, he will never give up half a point.

"However, they also said that the battleship has been handed over to the Frost Demon Civilization, master, do we want to immediately start the Frost Demon Civilization!"

Shen Ling's voice rang out.

"No, let them take it.

There was a sneer at the corner of Shen Yi's mouth: "Let's annex the star system of the Chiyang Empire first."

The Chiyang Empire is clearly a naked conspiracy.

It is estimated that they are holding the idea of ​​​​taking the benefits of the fisherman.

After all, they have mastered the technology to make S-class (stellar-class) warships.

If nothing else, this or that frost demon civilization absolutely does not know.

And after the Chiyang Empire handed over the Arm-spin-class battleship to Frost Demon Civilization, it would definitely propose a resource transaction that is not too much.

And Frost Demon Civilization is to buy itself time for research.

It will also not be stingy with the cost of some resources.

It may even send a fleet to help the Chiyang Empire defend the main star system.

If it is a general top-level stellar civilization, in the opposite situation.

Even if you know that this is the Yang conspiracy of the Chiyang Empire, you will definitely choose to take action against the Frost Demon Civilization at the first time.

Because, they absolutely dare not bet on whether Frost Demon Civilization can really research something from it.

As long as the Frost Demon civilization has produced arm-spinning technology, they are the unlucky ones.

But Shen Yi is different, he is just because he is afraid of the arm he is in, there may be a higher arm rotation level civilization.

Therefore, he suppressed the pace of entering the arm-spinning civilization.

Otherwise, whether he is producing the Death God-class Star Destroyer, or the ten-type battleship.

You can easily have arm rotation level combat power.

Therefore, even if Frost Demon Civilization really researched something, he would not pay attention to it at all.

"Yes, Master! 9

Shen Ling responded respectfully, with a hint of sarcasm in his tone.

After following Shen Yi for so long, her character also took on a bit of bad taste.

It is worth mentioning that, after having an advanced super brain as an ontology.

Her processing speed has become faster.

Even if hundreds of billions of commands are issued at the same time, it only takes an instant.

Soon, the fleet on Shen Yi's side moved.

But not all were sent out.

Instead, 10 Phoenix-class interstellar aircraft carriers, 30 Dawn-class frigates, 2 Skyeye-class command ships, and 5,000 Dawn-class magnetic orbital battleships were dispatched.

That's right, he started fishing again.

The target of fishing this time is the Frost Demon civilization!

He still doesn't know what the frost demon civilization looks like.

Therefore, it is natural to not scare the other party away directly.

The only contact he had with the Frost Demon civilization was the natural wormhole in the main star system of the Chiyang Empire.

If the other party is scared away, just give up the neighboring star system.

Then it would be difficult for him to find the other party.

Natural wormholes do not have the so-called energy fluctuations at all.

If it is not seen with one's own eyes, it is basically impossible to detect it by means of detection.

At least, the detection methods of stellar civilization cannot find natural wormholes.

However, if he can get the star map of Frost Demon Civilization, then the situation will be different.

Under the pressure of a full 720 S-class (stellar-class) battleships, there is absolutely no possibility for the opponent to escape.

Even those veteran top star-level civilizations can't stop such a fleet.

Of course, those really old top stellar civilizations will naturally have some trump cards in their hands.

If Shen Yi wants to really kill them, he also needs to pay a big price.

Of course, compared to his gains, the price he needs to pay is undoubtedly very small.

It could even be said to be trivial.

And the fleet on Shen Yi's side, at the moment of stepping into the fourth star system.

It was noticed by Lord Gilson in the space city on the other side.

As the person guarding the space city between the sixth star system and the fourth star system, he can be said to be one of the first people who discovered that something was wrong.

Because, none of the reconnaissance warships sent in the past were able to return.

On the other side of the natural wormhole, it is like a wild beast with a big mouth.

Devouring all life that comes into it.

It's just that he doesn't want to get involved in this kind of thing at all.

Because, under uncertain circumstances, if he does anything, he is likely to be charged with lying about the military situation and shaking the military's heart.

There are even hidden plans that may affect the Empire.

Therefore, although he was anxious in his heart, he still did not do much.

It wasn't until yesterday that people from the Imperial Intelligence Division came and left in a hurry that he felt something was wrong.

Because things don't seem to be what he thought, there are special plans for the empire.

But something really happened.

Otherwise, those officials of the Intelligence Department who left would not be so ugly.

At this moment, the strange battleship that appeared from the natural wormhole also confirmed his idea!

Something really happened to the Imperial Fleet...

Moreover, it may be wiped out by the opponent...

What kind of terrifying power is this?

You know, he watched the Twilight-class Star Destroyer, like a small continent, enter the natural wormhole with his own eyes.

As a result, under such circumstances, they were still left behind by the other party.

Not a single one came back...

"Turn on the maximum firepower, and everyone will fight to the death with me!

Gilson let out a desperate roar, like an old wolf king.

He had already foreseen his own death, but he was helpless and could only watch the arrival of death.

Even the appearance of these warships seems to be only B-class (star-class) level.

But Gilson didn't take it lightly.

Because, he knew that this unknown civilization seemed to have the technology to shrink high-level warships.

Therefore, it is likely that these ships are not of the original class at all.

However, other people in the space city did not know this.

Many people have doubts in their eyes because of Gilson's order.

"No, isn't the city owner confused? It's just a group of B-class battleships, why use the maximum firepower! 35

"Emmm, maybe the Lord of the City wants to show the prestige of our Chiyang Empire!"

"But speaking of it, didn't our fleet pass by before? Why are there still enemies coming?

"Who knows, it may be that the fleet is chasing too deep, the other party comes to steal the house!"

The group of people didn't look like a catastrophe was imminent at all, on the contrary, they looked relaxed and casual.

However, Gilson's prestige is here, and no one dares to disobey Gilson's order.

Therefore, a fort was activated.

Bombed and killed the thirty 'B-class (star-class)' battleships.

Whoosh whoosh!

This is a missile, launched towards those unfamiliar warships.

Each of these missiles is worth tens of millions of Chiyang coins, which can make an ordinary family of three live a solid life.


This is a railgun, emitting a blue streamer.

The value of each shell fired is comparable to that of a D-class (star-class) warship.

Boom boom boom!

This is a ray fired by a star destroyer.

The value of these Star Destroyer Cannons is cheaper than the previous two.

But the energy consumed each time is an astronomical amount.

Even if there is a lot of energy reserves in the space city, it will definitely not be able to withstand this kind of consumption.

This saturation shot lasts as long as ten minutes at most.

The energy in the entire space city will be completely exhausted.

There was no sound of artillery bombardment, and the soldiers in charge of the launch felt a pain in their flesh.

This Nima, as long as the money for these shells is distributed to them, they can also live the rest of their lives without any worries!

The above three weapons.

All have reached the A-level (star level) level without exception.

Even a battleship of the same A-class (star-class) level will definitely be torn apart instantly under such intensive artillery fire.

Even, even if 50 A-class (star-class) frigates appeared at the same time, they would not be able to resist this level of attack.

At least, until the fire ceases.

There is absolutely no A-class (stellar-class) warship that can safely pass through a natural wormhole entrance.

Except for Gilson, everyone felt that the other party would be killed without a doubt.

However, the scene that appeared at the next moment shocked all of them.

With the appearance of a thin layer of light golden barrier, the attack that filled the sky seemed to have turned into raindrops.

Except for the ripples on this thin barrier, there was no response.


This scene made everyone in the space city take a deep breath.

Even Gilson is the same. . . .

Sound cannot be transmitted without space.

At this moment, the sound of tens of millions of people in the space city gasping for breath will definitely resonate for dozens of miles.

However, they couldn't help but be so astonished.

Because, their strongest attack is in front of those 'B-class (star-class)' battleships.

It was as fragile as a light drizzle.

"This Nima is really a B-class (star-class) frigate? Why is this defense ten thousand times more terrifying than an A-class (star-class) frigate! 99

A space city fighter shouted.

However, no one could answer his question at all.

Everyone, including Gilson, has never seen such a scene.

This is one of the prides of the Chiyang Empire, a fearless space city!

Although the movement speed is very slow, it is basically impossible to move.

But its attack power has reached the extreme that A-level (star level) can achieve.

As a result, such an attack can't even break other people's shields?

No, it should be said, can't even make other people's shields make some bigger movements?

Isn't this a bit too exaggerated!

"This... this is not an S-class (stellar-class) frigate!

Gilson's voice seemed to be caught by others, and it became extremely difficult to speak.

His mottled old eyes were already full of horror.

He felt as if he had found the reason for the defeat of the Imperial fleet.

In the face of a terrifying opponent of this level, how could the empire be an opponent!

As we all know, no civilization will be the first to develop frigates.

The frigate must be considered after a battle-type battleship has been manufactured.

And the Chiyang Empire, a civilization that has only just acquired an S-class (stellar-class) star destroyer, how could it be an opponent of a civilization that even has the spare capacity to produce an S-class (star-class) frigate!

Moreover, the other party has so many S-class (interstellar) frigates.

How many S-class (stellar-class) battleships do you have?

"The empire loses without complaining, loses without complaining!

Gilson laughed and cried, and the whole person seemed to be crazy.

I no longer want to resist, because resistance has no effect at all.

What is the use of a Dreadnought-class space city in front of S-class (stellar-class) warships?

And the other side has a full 30 ships...

Such a terrifying amount is even enough to easily crush the Dyson sphere of the main star system of the Chiyang Empire.

The Chiyang Empire has no chance to provoke such a evil star.

At this moment, a golden light suddenly flashed on the 30 S-class (star-class) frigates.

The next moment, these S-class (stellar-class) frigates shimmering with golden light, like golden meteors, slammed into the space city violently.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

There is no special attack method, just this simple collision.

This Dreadnought-class space city, which had been in service for hundreds of years, was just dismembered in space.

Under the Dawning collision of the thirty Dawning-class frigates, it had no resistance at all.

"Tsk tsk, the frigate can still play such a trick, it's terrible!""

Shen Yi sighed.

This is simply the strangest thing in a frigate.

Ordinary frigates, which is not Tie Hanhan who is shielding the wind and rain in front of the fleet.

Where would it be like the Dawning-class frigate, which would not play cards according to the routine at all.

If caught off guard, even an S-class (star-class) battleship would definitely suffer a huge loss.

More importantly, these Dawn-class frigates rushed into the enemy formation.

It does not affect their ability to cast energy barriers.

Their energy barrier can even be used as a shield, pushing surrounding enemies aside.

This method can easily disrupt the opponent's formation.

If it is matched with some special tactics, it can definitely cause a devastating blow to the opponent's fleet.

At this time, the Fire Phoenix-class star aircraft carrier and the Sky Eye-class command ship in the slightly behind also followed.

It descended into the fourth star system of the Chiyang Empire.

The radar function of the Tianyan-class command ship was immediately turned on to the maximum, and all the movements of the surrounding 50 million kilometers were included in the eyes.

Of course, this distance seems great though.

But in fact, in the star system, it is not that big.

However, at any rate, you can see the surrounding situation clearly.

"Master, according to the detection results of the Tianyan-class command ship, there is no trace of any enemy ships in a radius of 50 million kilometers.

Shen Linghui reports.

"It doesn't matter if you have it or not, let's push this place down as soon as possible, and then we will go and have a good time with this frost demon civilization"

There was a sneer at the corner of Shen Yi's mouth.

Although he knew that this was a conspiracy of the Chiyang Empire, he wanted to confront him with Frost Demon Civilization.

Then, he let the Chiyang Empire see how the Frost Demon civilization was crushed by him, making the opponent's plan fail.

Of course, before that, he will take each other's star system one by one.

Let the other person feel what is called despair and anger.

"Yes, Master! 9

Shen Ling quickly gave orders to the battle command-type super-brain responsible for the battle command.

Soon, the fleet of S-class (stellar-class) battleships flew towards the location of the Dyson sphere of the fourth star system.

And this time, the matter of the fourth star system was quickly known to the top of the Chiyang Empire.

If the Dyson sphere was not destroyed, the Chiyang Empire would have a way to communicate across the galaxy.

Of course, this does not mean that the signal is transmitted that far, but that the connection is made through a natural wormhole.

The news that the space city was almost destroyed in an instant, as well as the last scene of the space city, was also passed to Emperor Chiyang's eyes.

Looking at the strange battleship that looks like a B-class (stellar-class) frigate, but is actually an S-class (stellar-class) frigate.

He fell into a deep silence.

He seemed to have made another wrong decision.

That is to wrongly estimate the strength of this unknown civilization, the other party seems to be even more terrifying than the frost demon civilization...

After all, the number of S-class (stellar-class) frigates he saw had already reached 30.

Plus the follow-up combat class S-class (stellar-class) ships.

The opponent has more S-class (star-class) battleships than the Frost Demon Civilization!

Will their strategy of driving tigers and devouring wolves really work?

Although the tiger is indeed a tiger, this wolf may be the Fenrir wolf!

"No, immediately notify the prime minister and let him tell the situation of the unknown civilization of Frost Demon civilization!"

"The Frost Demon Civilization will never give up the temptation brought by the wreckage of the arm-spin-class battleship, so they will definitely face each other!"

"We must pay more attention to the other party and send enough troops to come here, otherwise we will not be able to resist at all. After the other party has finished cleaning up the fleet of Frost Demon Civilization, they will definitely solve us first! 99

Emperor Chiyang clenched his fists and said in a deep voice.

This passive taste 3.6 is really uncomfortable.

But there is no way, compared to these two top stellar civilizations, the Chiyang Empire is far worse.

Perhaps on the S-class (stellar-class) Star Destroyer, he may have gone farther than the other party.

But in terms of background, he didn't even have the qualifications to carry shoes on both sides.

After all, they exhausted the heritage of the Chiyang Empire, and they were only able to build 13 Dusk-class Star Destroyers.

But the opponent's strength on the bright side has already reached 30 S-class (star-class) battleships.

If you add something he doesn't know.

I am afraid that the S-class (star-class) battleships of both parties will reach 200.

With such power, his Chiyang Empire was as insignificant as an ant.

"Yes... Your Majesty! 39

The ministers below all had a bitter expression on their faces.

How has their Chiyang Empire ever suffered such grievances?

Even at the most critical moment, they have never been so embarrassed.

But now, they can only survive in the confrontation between the two forces.

Even, at this moment, they seem to be walking on the tightrope of the cliff.

A little bit of carelessness, it is possible to directly fall into the abyss.

But there is no way, no matter which side they are now, they can't afford to offend.

Even, even when they were at their peak, they couldn't offend any of them...

One is the frost demon civilization with 50 S-class (stellar-class) battleships that they only know.

The other is an unknown civilization with at least 30 S-class (stellar-class) frigates.

Compared with these two forces, their Chiyang Empire is too insignificant.

At this moment, Prime Minister Chiyang, who is talking with the leader of the frost demon civilization, who is covered in ice blue and looks like a frost demon.

He also received an order from Emperor Chiyang, and his face suddenly became extremely ugly and solemn.

He didn't expect this unknown civilization to be so fierce...

That's 30 S-class (stellar-class) frigates...

He looked like he was trembling.

"What's wrong? My best friend."

The Frost Demon King, who was sitting on the throne, squinted his eyes slightly and asked with a smile.

He is very satisfied with the practice of the Chiyang Empire to contribute the wreckage of the Jiuhuan-class battleship.

Although I don't know how long the other party has been holding the wreckage of this arm-spin-class battleship.

But this is not important, the important thing is that the wreckage of this arm-spin-class battleship is now theirs.

"It's the same question as before... Your Majesty the Frost Demon King.

Prime Minister Chiyang smiled bitterly: "The unknown civilization that threatens us has begun to attack us. According to the latest information, the other party dispatched 30 S-class (star-class) frigates.

This news, Rao is the Frost Demon King on the throne can't help shrinking.

30 S-class (stellar) frigates?

Is this number too exaggerated?

There are only 45 S-class (star-class) frigates under his hands.

The number of S-class (stellar-class) frigates dispatched by the other party this time is almost catching up with them.

Of course, he didn't take it too seriously.

You must know that their frost demon civilization is not only 45 S-class (star-class) frigates.

At the same time, they still have 70 S-class (stellar-class) heavy cruisers and 35 S-class (stellar-class) light cruisers!

A full 150 S-class (stellar-class) battleships gave them enough confidence to fear all opponents.

"According to your strength, the other party shouldn't send so many S-class (star-class) battleships, right?"

The Frost Demon King narrowed his eyes slightly and asked with a scrutiny.

Although they did not mind doing a little favor for the sake of Chiyang Empire being so knowledgeable.

But this does not mean that they are willing to be taken advantage of and offend a top stellar civilization in vain.

After all, fighting against a civilization of the same level is also a big loss for them.

Prime Minister Chiyang's heart suddenly froze, knowing that speaking at this time is very important.

Once any mistake occurs, it may lead to the destruction of the Chiyang Empire.

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