Interstellar Survival: My Technological Creations Can Be Strengthened A Hundredfold

Chapter 78: Everyone is an S-class star-class battleship, can you beat me?

He suddenly made a helpless and painful expression.

"Your Majesty the Frost Demon King, we were too careless and accidentally leaked the news of the wreckage of the Armor-class battleship, so the other party came to the door. 35

Having said this, he glanced at the expressionless Frost Demon King with no expression on his face.

A bitter smile appeared on his face at the right time: "If it wasn't really impossible, who would be willing to hand over the wreckage of the Armor-class battleship!

He didn't mean to say anything just to dedicate it to you, which everyone knows is hypocritical.

On the contrary, he bluntly stated that he was forced to be helpless.

Because, he knew that dealing with a cautious and cunning king like the Frost Demon King, if he said that kind of hypocrisy, it would make the other party disgusted.

It is better to bluntly say that you are being forced and helpless, but it will make the other party feel refreshed.

After all, the frost demon civilization is not a pacifist.

The murders they made were dozens of times more than the Chiyang Empire.

Sure enough, Prime Minister Chiyang's words caused a disdainful smile on the face of the Frost Demon King: "That's your trash, you can't even keep such a good thing. 35

Then, he changed his words: "But don't worry, I will send five fleets to support you, and support you with a batch of materials and technologies that are enough to create an S-level (star-level) energy barrier.

For an unknown top star-level civilization, he is still quite afraid.

Naturally, I don't want to put the battlefield on the site of Frost Demon Civilization.

Therefore, it is natural to place it in the Chiyang Empire.

Moreover, the reason why he is willing to supply these resources is to build a defense line in the Chiyang Empire and block the opponent's attack.

Try to test out the opponent's strength as much as possible.

On the other hand, it is to buy enough time for himself to study the wreckage of this arm-spin-class battleship.

Their frost demon civilization is a top stellar civilization.

Although it is not an old-fashioned stellar civilization.

But the level of technology is definitely not too bad.

Under his hands, he has mastered fifteen star systems, and the number of fleets has reached 15.

Of course, their fleet is not comparable to the fleet of the Chiyang Empire.

The Frost Demon Civilization's fleet consists of 10 S-class (stellar-class) battleships, 1,000 A-class (stellar-class) battleships, 30,000 B-class (stellar-class) battleships, and 100,000 C-class (stellar-class) battleships ) battleship composition.

Adding up the five, the number of S-class (stellar-class) warships alone has reached 50.

The combat power is not comparable to the fleet of the Chiyang Empire.

Even if it is against the fleet led by Prince Chiyang at the end.

It can also easily take down the opponent.

Not even a huge loss.

Relatively speaking, their S-class (stellar-class) battleship system has been very perfect.

Not only attack warships, but also defensive frigates.

The prototype of the stellar top-level fleet has been preliminarily prepared.

If it can be matched with interstellar command ships and interstellar aircraft carriers...

Then their fleet is qualified to be called the old top star civilization.

And the wreckage of this arm-spin-class battleship is the opportunity for them to enter the old top star-class civilization.

Even in the future, even stepping into the arm-spinning civilization, it will be a breeze.

When Prime Minister Chiyang heard this, he was relieved.

However, he still said anxiously and euphemistically: "Then I hope your majesty can be quicker, the other party has already begun to invade our star system, and I'm afraid it won't be long before we hit our main star system."

The Frost Demon King nodded: "Don't worry, this king will not miss the appointment!"

As for the movement of Frost Demon Civilization, Shen Yi doesn't know yet.

Of course, even if he knew, he wouldn't care.

Because, he has the capital to flip the table at any time.

As long as he doesn't want to play, these so-called top stellar civilizations are just ants.

Even now, he already has the ability to flip the table.

Even in the face of those veteran top star-level civilizations that have really developed to the extreme, they still have the power to fight.

And if he directly produces arm-spin-level warships without reason.

It can even crush the opponent directly.

Just rush the gap between S-class (planetary-level) battleships and D-class (star-level) battleships.

In fact, it is not difficult to imagine the gap between the arm-spin level and the stellar level.

Now, in Shen Yi's eyes, the Chiyang Empire and this Frost Demon civilization are just two huge piles of resources.

Only the wreckage of the arm-spin-class battleship attracted some of his attention.

In just half a day, the fourth star system fell directly.

Their Dyson sphere has reached B-level (star level), and its defense is actually pretty good.

Even beyond the limits of what many mid-level stellar civilizations can achieve.

But, in front of the Dawn-class frigate and the Phoenix-class interstellar aircraft carrier.

It seemed so fragile.

In just one round of attack, the Dyson sphere of the fourth star system fell directly.

The follow-up annihilation work will not require these fleets to take action.

Shen Ling will arrange A-class (constant 07 star) level Dawn-class magnetic rail battleships to shoot.

Although at this stage, A-class (stellar-class) battleships are not very useful for Shen Yi.

However, if it is only used to exterminate the remnants of the Chiyang Empire, it can easily be done.

The next day, the fifth star system of the Chiyang Empire was also captured.

On the third day, the seventh star system fell.

On the fourth day, the third and second star systems were captured one after another.

So far, only the main star system remains in the seven major star systems of the Chiyang Empire.

And in these five captured star systems, there are only a group of exiles left, wandering in the star system.

However, Shen Yi did not find any trace of the Chiyang Empire fleet.

Otherwise, the capture speed may be slightly slower.

"It seems that the other party has directly abandoned these star systems! The heart is really ruthless."5

Shen Yi sighed and shook his head.

In the capture of these five star systems, he did not even find that the people of the Chiyang Empire in these star systems had any intention of transferring.

Even, the other party was a little too close to his sudden appearance.

This shows that the Chiyang Empire has not notified these people.

They were directly abandoned by the Chiyang Empire...

It's so nasty...

Shen Yi clicked his tongue twice in his heart.

If one star system has a population of 70 billion, five star systems have a population of 350 billion.

The other party actually said to give up and gave up directly.

This method is simply creepy.

However, he could also guess why the other party did this.

If you know that a civilization is about to come to the door, it will inevitably lead to unrest among the people in these star systems.

Those who have the ability to travel to other star systems.

Will definitely go to the safest host star system at all costs.

And the sudden surge of such a huge population will inevitably lead to chaos in the main star system, and it is easy for the enemy to find an opportunity.

Therefore, the high-level leaders of the Chiyang Empire directly and decisively gave up these people.

From the root cause, the possibility of being mixed in by spies has been eliminated.

However, while the results were good, there was something about the process that Shen Yi couldn't agree with.

That's 350 billion people...

Of course, the Chiyang Empire did this, although it was useful to other top star-level civilizations, and it could effectively organize its own information leakage.

But for Shen Yi, it was of no use at all.

Because, he has already obtained the information about the Chiyang Empire through the main brains of those warships.

Coupled with his absolute strength, crushing a Chiyang Empire is completely easy.

As long as the other party does not give up the main star system and flee directly.

Then, the main star system is just a huge tomb to the other party.

"However, the next step is to face the frost demon civilization... I hope you don't let me down!

Shen Yi folded his hands and narrowed his eyes slightly, staring at the natural wormhole leading to the main star system.

Anyway, if he is the Frost Demon civilization, he will definitely choose to send troops to start this war on the territory of the Chiyang Empire.

If it is blocked, then directly station the defense line in the Chiyang Empire, or conduct a counterattack.

If it is not blocked, the big deal is the loss of the territory of the Chiyang Empire, and they themselves are not distressed at all.

Of course, all this is not absolute, and Shen Yi can't judge what the other party thinks.

In case the opponent does not play cards according to the routine and waits in his own star system!

"Shen Ling, you are responsible for doing the finishing work, and after confirming that there is no other life in the star system, build a simplified version of the apocalypse-level Dyson sphere.

"As for the fleet, go directly to the main star system of the Chiyang Empire! Let's see what's going on on the opposite side."

Shen Yi ordered in a deep voice.

"Yes, Master!

Shen Ling replied respectfully.

At this moment, the fleet outside the main star system of the Chiyang Empire also moved.

The mighty flew towards the natural wormhole leading to the main star system of the Chiyang Empire.

Of course, there used to be a space city nearby.

However, it was directly smashed by countless interstellar fighters and interstellar bombers.

All that was left was the broken wreckage.

At this moment, on the other side of the main star system of the Chiyang Empire.

There is also a huge sky city.

The level of this space city is similar to that of Gilson's.

However, in all aspects of configuration, it far exceeds that of Gilson's space city.

If it is fully defended, this space city can even block attacks from S-class (star-class) warships.

Of course, they cannot do sustained resistance.

However, this is already very exaggerated for a stellar civilization that has just entered the top.

And their firepower is enough to easily repel the fleet of any advanced stellar civilization that wants to invade.

Even an S-class (stellar-class) battleship.

But if it is not a frigate, there is even a possibility of being destroyed.

Coupled with the five full fleets of Frost Demon Civilization, it can be said that even 30 ordinary S-class (star-class) frigates are difficult to rush over this threshold.

The opponent's intensive firepower can pose a great threat to S-class (star-class) warships.

Moreover, the remaining six fleets of the Chiyang Empire were also forced to come to the vicinity.

No way, according to their previous plan, they really did not plan to send a fleet over.

But 30 S-class (stellar-class) frigates suddenly appeared on Shen Yi's side, so that they had to increase their help from the frost demon civilization.

Therefore, naturally, we can no longer live in the Dyson sphere as before.

Otherwise, the five fleets sent by Frost Demon Civilization could easily destroy them all before the enemy arrives.

However, Emperor Chiyang was not panic at all.

At this moment, he has received a large amount of resources supported by Frost Demon Civilization.

Are frantically rushing to build S-class (stellar-class) battleships.

These frost demon civilizations were originally intended to be materials for them to build defense facilities.

All were used by him to build the Dusk-class Star Destroyer.

If nothing else, in three days, he will have about 20 Dusk-class Star Destroyers.

Such a force, although unable to join the battlefield head-on.

But enough for him to finish the job!

As long as the Frost Demon Civilization can defeat this unknown civilization, then their 20 Dusk-class Star Destroyers will be able to take their own lives!

"The outcome of this time is all on this battle!"

"You have to hold on!"

Emperor Chiyang looked at the direction of the space city with deep eyes and muttered.

He wasn't sure if his decision was the right one.

However, the Chiyang Empire has no better way to choose.

Facing two top stellar civilizations whose strength far exceeds them.

The only thing he can do is to drive away tigers and devour wolves.

But now, his plan was successful, and the two beasts were basically successfully matched.

How the situation will develop next, he is powerless to control.


A red light suddenly flashed in the space city command room, and an alarm sounded at the same time.

"Alert! Alert! Something is passing through a natural wormhole, prepare your defenses! 99

"Alert! Alert! Something is passing through a natural wormhole, prepare your defenses! 35

"Alert! Alert! 35

The continuous sound of alarms raised everyone's hearts.

Although most of the soldiers and soldiers do not know exactly what is going on in the Chiyang Empire at this moment.

However, they recognized the empire's most elite fleet, as well as the unfamiliar fleet that was huge, even far exceeding the imperial fleet.

That battleship with a completely different style from theirs, it was obvious that it was not easy to mess with.

No matter how stupid they are, they can still faintly feel a hint of bad breath.

"Energy barrier maximum power on!

"Start all rail guns and star destroyers for me! Don't save energy!"

"Our goal is to give each other a heavy blow at the first moment they show up!"

The space city lord Hanks knows a little more.

When the alarm just appeared, he immediately issued a lot of instructions.

Then, just staring at the other end of the natural wormhole.

To be honest, there was no trace of confidence in his heart.

This is a top stellar civilization!

Moreover, it is still a top-level stellar civilization that is comparable to the Frost Demon civilization.

Even the Frost Demon Civilization easily took out a fleet of 50 S-class (star-class) battleships this time.

So, how many S-class (stellar-class) battleships will this existence that makes the frost demon civilization so vigilant?

He didn't know this question, and he didn't want to know either.

He only knows one thing now, the Chiyang Empire fleet between these two bosses is really too insignificant.

They are like mortals who have strayed into the scene of a fairy fight.

Any fallout can be fatal to them...


One after another waves suddenly rippling in the natural wormhole.

Hanks' pupils shrank suddenly, and the whole person was extremely vigilant.


He almost instinctively shouted this sentence.


The next moment, thousands of cannons roared, and countless streamers rushed towards the emerging battleship.

This is the Xeon tier that belongs to Space City.

Even if the S-class (stellar-class) battleship is hit, it may suffer a big loss.

However, with the appearance of 30 silver-white frigates that were not large in size, but supported by a layer of pale golden light film.

These shells seem to have lost their original power.

Even the most powerful Star Destroyer Cannon, landing on that layer of shield, is only a little ripple.

"S-class (stellar-class) battleships...and frigates..."

Hanks' heart suddenly tightened, and then he showed a wry smile: "Sure enough, only S-class (star-class) battleships can deal with S-class (star-class) battleships.

Facing an energy barrier composed of a full 30 S-class (star-class) frigates.

They have difficulty even draining each other's energy.

I'm afraid to block their attacks, the other party can't even use one-tenth of the energy.

Only those S-class (star-class) battleships can make the other party feel the pressure.

He turned Xiyi's eyes towards those battleships that were as dark as bats.

Next, we can only pin our hopes on the fleets of these frost demon civilizations.

If the other party can't stand it, then today is the end of their Chiyang Empire.

At this moment, the Frost Demon Civilization battleship is here.

The commander-in-chief in charge of this operation, Frost Demon Admiral Kazt.

With his hands on his back, he looked at the S-class (star-class) frigate that was still unharmed under the countless artillery fire, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

With a height of more than three meters, blue skin, and slender limbs, he looks cold and strange.

"What a strong frigate, are they putting all the technology on the frigate?

A sneer appeared on Kazette's face.

It is not that he has never encountered such a civilization.

I feel that defense is the best output, and the defense of frigates is amazingly powerful.

But what's the use of that?

It's okay to bully the weak, but in a battle at the same level, you can only be consumed to death.

Do you really think your energy is endless?

"Teach them a lesson, let them know what is truly powerful.

Kaszt waved his hand and ordered.

Without knowing the information before, he really thought that the other party was so powerful.

The result is this? This is it?

He just died laughing!

However, he had just finished speaking, and his subordinates had not had time to answer.

Just seeing the 30 S-class (star-class) frigates in the intensive artillery fire, the surrounding energy barriers suddenly became rounded.

That light actually became a bit dazzling.

"What trick is this?"

Kazette opened his mouth wide, a little surprised in his eyes.

He has fought no less than hundreds of battles, and faced more than 14 stellar civilizations.

But he had never seen a frigate with such strange means.

Even those civilizations that specialize in frigates are the same.

Now this scene really surprised him.

However, even though he was surprised, he didn't take it to heart. It was just a mere group of frigates, how could the sky be turned upside down?

But the next moment, what shocked him appeared.

These relatively small S-class (star-class) frigates suddenly accelerated suddenly.

It was hit directly in all directions.

Under the pale golden shield, they were like comets, slamming into the target in front of them.

The surrounding space city was smashed to pieces in the first place.

Obviously, the maximum energy barrier has been opened, and it has not played a half role at all.

This power is probably more than S-level (star level)!

To make matters worse, there were more than a dozen S-class (star-class) frigates that rammed in their direction.

At this moment, even though Kaszt had experienced hundreds of battles, he couldn't help but panic.

"Hit me now! Block them down! 35

"The frigates put all the energy barriers on top! Block them back!

Kazette shouted loudly, this sudden attack made his forehead sweat.

Fortunately, the fleets under his command are all elite fleets of Frost Demon civilization.

Even among the fifteen fleets of the Frost Demon Civilization, it can be considered to be among the best.

So, it responded right away.

20 S-class (stellar-class) frigates supported the energy barrier for the first time.

In addition to these 20 S-class (frigates), other frigates of Frost Demon Civilization have also started their defenses.

The maximum power is output to the front.

If there is no accident, as long as these energy barriers do not encounter an attack at the arm rotation level, there will be basically no accidents.

Although their frost demon civilization did not study frigates much.

However, the level of their frigates is not bad.

As for frigates like Shen Yi, they can also be connected to each other to form a more powerful defense.

It belongs to the category of black technology, and very few civilizations can master this technology.

The difficulty is no less than building a warship at the arm-spin level.

In addition, the 25 S-class (stellar-class) light cruisers and 5 S-class (stellar-class) heavy cruisers.

It also launched an attack along with other warships.

These behemoths with a length of two or three hundred kilometers, each cannon can be called earth-shattering.

Has the ability to easily penetrate asteroids.

For the earth civilization, it has the lethality of annihilation, and it is even enough to reshape the surface of the asteroid.

In front of these warships, it was just a bigger target.

Even if you work hard, even the moon will be directly smashed by them.

Although these light cruisers have slightly weaker firepower than cruisers, they are also good at breaking shields.

If there is no special accident, even if the other party has 30 S-class (stellar-class) frigates, they are sure to eat the other party.

Of course, this premise is that they can block this wave of collision from each other.

Under the watchful eyes of Kaszt and a group of Frost Demon warriors, this frigate looks like a comet.

Directly and arrogantly broke through the artillery fire blockade, and was not affected at all.

Except the light in front of the battleship was slightly dimmed.

Not even a single scratch on the casing.

This kind of perverted defense, even Kaszt couldn't help but marvel in his heart.

However, it is definitely the stupidest choice for the other party to choose to rush to them.

Are their frigates really weak in defense?

Even those A-class (stellar) and B-class (stellar) frigates can play little role.

But they still have 20 S-class (stellar-class) frigates to cover the bottom, okay?

Do they really think they're muddy?

As long as the opponent's impact strength does not exceed the S-level (star level) category, then they are equivalent to directly touching each other's faces.

At such a close distance, the power of their warships can be exerted to the extreme...

This is simply courting death!

However, he still warned in advance: "Prepare for anti-collision!"

Although he has never seen such a deadly play.

But he is not afraid of the opponent's style of play, the big deal is a wave of head-to-head.

Everyone is an S-class (stellar-class) frigate, how can you beat them directly?

However, just as his thoughts arose, the dozen or so frigates that looked like comets slammed into the energy barrier.


Although no sound can be heard in space.

But at this moment, in everyone's mind, there was a loud bang at the same time.

It was like an asteroid slammed into a planet.

Neither Kaszt nor the Frost Demon Warrior thought that they were an energy barrier that was almost impossible to break in a stellar civilization.

In just an instant, it was covered with countless cracks.

Then, it turned into a spot of light in the sky and shattered.

Under the collision of the opponent's frigate, their energy barrier did not hold on for even a second...

At this moment, more than a dozen frigates of the other party collided with their S-class (star-class) frigates precisely.


These dozen of their S-class (star-class) frigates that were hit actually had no room for resistance.

Don't let these frigates, which are less than half their size, penetrate directly from them.

Then it turned into debris in the sky and scattered in the cosmos starry sky.

However, the frigates also stopped.

Positioned right in front of their fleet...

Almost a few kilometers away from the light cruiser behind...

The frost demon warriors on the light cruiser can even see the streamlined silver-white shells of the frigates on the opposite side!

However, at this moment, their faces lost the arrogance and pride they had before, and there was only a slow fear.

Almost... they almost died.

Just now, they were only a thousandth of a second away from death.

Whenever the other side's strange frigate is a little more powerful.

These relatively fragile light cruisers, I am afraid there is no chance of surviving...

"What kind of monster is this..."

Kazette's eyelids jumped, he had never seen such a terrifying frigate in his life.

Not only is the defensive ability amazing, but there is such a fierce attack method.

You know, the battles he has commanded are more than one or two.

Naturally, it is very clear how strong the defense of 20 S-class (stellar-class) frigates is.

In the stellar level, if you want to break this layer of defense, unless you forcibly consume the energy in it.

There is simply no other possibility.

As a result, these dozen frigates not only smashed the energy barrier, but also smashed his frigate directly?

This is so outrageous!

Could it be that the impact damage of these frigates has exceeded the stellar level?

If not for this reason, the previous scene simply cannot be explained.

What's more, the S-class (star-class) frigates themselves are very strong in defense, and even if they lose energy, they are enough to be comparable to a large shield.

It can easily withstand S-class (star-level) attacks that are not dense.

However, it was still smashed by enemy frigates that could easily break through the energy barrier.

One can imagine how terrifying the opponent's impact was.

Even Kaszt had some lingering fears at the moment.

If he was in that position...isn't he dead now?

Although as a Frost Demon family, their bodies are very strong, and with the addition of genetic modification engineering, their bodies can even wrestle with A-level (planetary-level) biological war beasts.

However, in the face of an attack that exceeds the specifications of the S-class (stellar class).

They are still fragile and no different from ants.

Without any hesitation, he directly shouted: "Quick, give me your full shot, you can't let them make a second shot! At least force them back!

Although the previous attacks had no effect on these frigates.

But he can be sure that the other party's energy is definitely consumed a lot.

Therefore, as long as the energy of the opponent is consumed, it is their moment of victory.

It's just that he didn't know that it was because of the technological soaring of the game.

The energy used by Shen Yi's warships is linked to his total energy.

These frigates can't be depleted of energy unless the total energy of Shen Yi is exhausted.

Unless with powerful lethality, a wave will tear these Dawn-class frigates to pieces.

Otherwise, it is impossible to deal with them through consumption.

However, no one could have imagined that there would be such an outrageous thing in this world...

At this moment, a Dawning collision broke into the seventeen Dawning-class frigates on the face of Frost Demon Civilization.

It also directly opened the energy barrier, almost stuffing the energy barrier into the opponent's face.

Many battleships were directly forcibly pushed away by them.

However, the front of the opponent is basically an S-class (star-class) battleship.

Therefore, it did not cause any harm to the opponent.

As for other Dawn-class frigates that spread around.

At this moment, they also came to both sides of the natural wormhole, wrapping the natural wormhole in all directions.

As advance troops, the purpose of their coming here is to open up a safe area.

Let the real main battleship come over.

And Shen Yi's main battleship is undoubtedly a combination of the Phoenix-class interstellar aircraft carrier and the Tianyan-class command ship...

With the Sky Eye-class command ship control.

The unmanned space fighter fleet of the Phoenix-class interstellar aircraft carrier will be brought to the extreme.

On the other hand, the Chiyang Empire fleet, which was an auxiliary position, was completely stunned by the previous picture.

As the commander-in-chief of the Chiyang Fleet this time, Marshal Delai was full of shock.

Damn, so that's how their fleet loses?

893 The frivolous operation of the other frigates made his scalp numb.

It can be said that he has fought for a lifetime, and it is definitely the first time that a frigate can play like this!

However, the fleet of Frost Demon Civilization seems to be at a disadvantage...

Although their attack was extremely violent, the frigates of the opposing fleet were simply invincible.

Even those S-class (star-class) battleships only made slightly larger ripples.

He now seriously doubts whether the energy barriers and defenses of these frigates have exceeded the star level...

Gritting his teeth, he still gave up his plan to retreat.

On the strength that the opponent is showing now.

If the frost demon civilization is defeated.

The Dyson spheres of their main star system will probably be directly smashed by these S-class (stellar-class) frigates.

He has no choice at all now!

Gritting his teeth, Marshal Delai roared: "Help the Frost Demon Civilization Fleet and attack with all your strength!

Suddenly, the five fleets of the Chiyang Empire, nearly one million battleships.

It also launched an attack on the Dawn-class frigate.

It is said that quantitative change can lead to qualitative change, and this standard is clearly reached at this moment.

Although the fleet strength of the Chiyang Empire is not that great.

But there are still a lot of A-class (star-class) battleships and B-class (star-class) battleships.

Coupled with the large number of battleships of the Frost Demon Civilization, the energy barrier of the dawn-class frigates has become bleak for a while.

Sitting in the center of the Frost Demon civilization fleet.

Katzit, who is also the largest S-class (star-class) heavy cruiser, even saw tiny cracks appearing on these barriers.

This discovery immediately made him excited: "Haha, even if your S-class (stellar-class) frigates are awesome? How dare 30 ships in front of my army?

According to his experience, it only takes five minutes at most.

The opponent's energy barrier will be completely shattered.

And 30 frigates directly exposed to such intensive artillery fire.

It will definitely turn into a pile of cosmic garbage in an instant.

However, it was as if Shen Yi kept hitting him in the face.

When his voice just fell, 10 huge battleships like fire phoenixes, led by two battleships with unique shapes, like square boxes.

Flying out of the natural wormhole, it just occupied the position vacated before.

At the same time, a large number of fiery red starfighters were densely packed.

It also quickly took off from the belly of these ten huge battleships like flaming phoenixes...

Seeing this scene, Kazette's heart jumped suddenly, his eyes were full of disbelief, and even his voice became a little shrill: "Interstellar aircraft carrier? Is it an S-class (star-level) interstellar aircraft carrier? ? It's impossible! Only old stellar civilizations have S-class (stellar) interstellar carriers! This must be fake!"

He couldn't accept the scene in front of him.

If the opponent is really ten interstellar aircraft carriers, then this battle does not need to be fought at all.

They are about to fall directly into the situation of the Chiyang Empire.

It can only shrink all the power and hide in the main star system for defense.

Because, the S-class (star-level) interstellar aircraft carrier means a large number of S-class (star-level) starfighters.

What if a single starfighter is not as powerful as a starship?

Other space fighters are fighting in groups.

Wouldn't a large number of S-class (stellar-class) starfighters be inferior to your dozens of S-class (stellar-class) warships?

This is also why interstellar aircraft carriers are only qualified to have top-level star-level civilizations.

Because, it is really terrible to want to fill up the resources required by an interstellar aircraft carrier.

He can only pray now that the other party's interstellar aircraft carrier is a fake.

Those starfighters are just some A-class (stellar) tiers.

Otherwise, they really have no hope.

But unfortunately, Kaszt's extravagant hope is impossible.

If Prince Chiyang had a spirit under the spring, he would know his extravagant hopes.

He will definitely spit at him unceremoniously, and then disdainly compare a middle finger.

Whether these interstellar fighters are S-level (star level), no one has more say than him except Shen Yi.

Boom boom boom!

Accompanied by the interstellar fighters arriving over the battlefield.

A shell that was enough to tear the defense of the S-class (star-class) battleship fell on the energy barrier of the remaining frigates of the Frost Demon Civilization in an instant.

There are only 3 S-class (stellar-class) frigates left.

Couldn't hold on for even a second.

After the dawn-class frigates appeared, they were aimed at these frigates.

It is to create a comfortable output environment for the follow-up starfighters.

And at this moment, it is obviously time for this tactic to be harvested.

A large number of battleships were torn apart by the terrifying shells in an instant, leaving scars on the hull.

In less than ten seconds, a large number of S-class (star-class) battleships at the forefront were directly bombarded into slag.

On the other hand, the Frost Demon Civilization could not even break the energy barrier of the Dawn-class frigates, and could only watch the crazy output behind the energy barrier where the interstellar battleships were located.

Kaszt also gave up his extravagant hopes at this moment.

The terrifying combat power of the opponent actually frightened him, a veteran of a hundred battles.

He has indeed experienced many battlefields, and he is indeed very capable.

He is one of the top generals of the Frost Demon Civilization.

But, in this absolutely crushing situation, he was of no use at all.

"Retreat! All retreat! The rear ships become the front ships, and all retreat!"

He gave the order without hesitation.

However, he also knew that he was being pursued by so many S-class (star-class) starfighters.

I'm afraid they're all screwed.

Although space fighters are far inferior to space warships in terms of firepower and defense.

But their speed is terrifying.

At least about 30% faster than Starship.

Such a huge speed difference is enough to make them desperate.

Of course, they are not entirely without opportunities.

As we all know, the space fighter must have a limited amount of bombs because of its small size.

As long as the other party goes back to replenish the ammunition, that is their chance to escape!

As long as you can escape back to the star system controlled by the frost demon civilization.

They are really not afraid of the mere 10 S-class (stellar) star aircraft carriers.

The defense on their side is much stronger than the Chiyang Empire.

If the other party dares to release the interstellar fighter so unscrupulously, they will have the confidence to shoot down all the other party.

However, he didn't know about Shen Yi's warships and fighter jets.

Not only energy is interconnected, but also ammunition...

His starfighter doesn't need refills at all....

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