Accompanied by a large number of starfighters and star bombers.

The fleet of Frost Demon Civilization has absolutely no resistance.

Their fleet may be very powerful, in front of a full 50,000 S-class (stellar) starfighters, and 10,000 S-class (stellar) star bombers.

But he didn't even have the strength to resist.

What's more, there are also two Sky Eye-class command ships equipped with S-class (star-class) combat command-type super-brains.

This battle is even more suspenseful.

The battle has not yet started, and the situation that may occur on the side of Frost Demon Civilization.

It has been clearly calculated by them.

The battle between high-level civilizations is information warfare.

Under the terrifying computer operation, even the slightest possibility will be counted.

As long as it is opened up, it is impossible for any accident to occur.

Of course, to achieve this level, both sides must have such advanced command ships.

Once one side has one side without...then the battle basically enters the rhythm of the other side.

Although the fleet of Frost Demon Civilization is much larger than Shen Yi's side.

But it is because of the two S-class (star-class) Sky Eye-class command ships and the S-class (star-class) battle command super-brain.

They didn't even have a chance to inflict more damage on Shen Yi.

A large number of warships continued to explode in space, turning into a huge pile of cosmic garbage.

Even those S-class (star-class) warships, under such an attack, have no room to fight back, and are easily exploded by a group of interstellar fighters.

Looking at the large number of destroyed warships around, Kazsit's eyes were full of despair: "Why! Why are the energy and ammunition of these starfighters so exaggerated?

He couldn't understand the scene in front of him at all.

Logically, the size of the opponent's interstellar fighter is only about 300 meters.

It simply cannot carry much energy and ammunition.

How amazing is the armor of an S-class (stellar-class) battleship.

Even without the defense of the energy barrier, it is not something that A-class (star-class) warships can easily break through.

That is, only S-level (star-level) attacks can threaten them.

But weapons of the S-level (star level) level are generally very huge.

This is why high-level warships are getting bigger and bigger, just to increase their carrying capacity.

But now the other's interstellar fighters, the shells are pouring out like splashing water.

It doesn't seem to worry about the ammunition being emptied at all.

Kaszt had previously thought that the opponent's ammunition might not be too powerful.

Maybe it's just A-level (stellar) level.

That would explain why they can fire cannonballs like a splash of water.

But after seeing that the light cruisers and frigates were hit by shells, and they were directly shot into holes, he understood that those shells were definitely S-class (star-level) shells.

But according to normal circumstances, it is the speed of the other party.

It only takes five minutes at most to clear a full magazine of ammo.

But now the opponent has been playing for more than ten minutes, but he still hasn't seen any signs of fatigue.

What's wrong with the opponent's unlimited ammo?

"Report, the No. 13 Winter-class frigate was destroyed! 35

"Report, the No. 7 Winter-class frigate was destroyed!"9

"Report, the No. 3 Winter-class light cruiser was destroyed!""

One after another with fearful voices kept ringing.

Every time the sound sounded, it meant the fall of an S-class (star-class) battleship.

It just made Kazette feel like he was going crazy.

Even, every time he heard the soldier's voice, his body would twitch unconsciously.

That is an S-class (star-class) battleship, why is it in front of the other party, it is like a turkey.

Of course, he also knew that in the face of an interstellar aircraft carrier, this kind of crushing situation is very normal.

After all, the interstellar aircraft carrier is a super weapon that can only be made by the real old top star civilization.

It can be said that only after having an interstellar aircraft carrier.

Only then can he truly be regarded as the overlord in a stellar civilization.

Ordinary top-level stellar civilizations really have no way to face interstellar aircraft carriers.

Unless the two sides are close enough, and they have the ability to break through each other's frigates.

Otherwise, there will be such a one-sided situation.

Once those starfighters are released, it will definitely be a devastating blow to them.

However, although he knew this truth, he still felt that it was outrageous.

After all, an interstellar aircraft carrier can't be so perverted!

Does the opponent really have unlimited ammo?

"General, what should we do?"

"The other party is coming!"

Seeing that Kaszt seemed to be in a daze, the adjutant beside him asked in a panic.

Although he came, he also thought that it would be a hard fight.

After all, the other party is also a top stellar civilization.

But he was still full of confidence and felt that they would win even when they were going through hard times.

But they didn't expect the situation to collapse so quickly!

At the beginning, the other's strange frigates directly smashed seventeen S-class (star-class) frigates.

It is equivalent to the frigate being directly abolished by most of it.

So that the subsequent appearance of the other party's interstellar aircraft carrier, they are simply unable to resist.

If it wasn't for this, although the outcome of this battle could not be changed either, it would never have formed such a huge rout.

"What else can we do? Let's fight back with all our strength, collect as much information about the other party as possible and send it back to the country. 99

Kaszt was also awakened at the moment.

However, he just shook his head with a wry smile on his face.

After confirming that the opponent was indeed an S-class (star-class) interstellar fighter, he no longer had any thoughts of escaping.

run away?

In front of S-class (stellar-class) starfighters that are faster than S-class (stellar-class) warships.

Where can they run off to?

Unless the natural wormhole leading to the Frost Demon civilization is behind them, they still have hope of escaping.

But that natural wormhole is more than 30 million kilometers away from here.

Even if these S-class (stellar-class) warships want to arrive, it will take four or five hours.

Not to mention those ships below the S rank (stellar rank).

They have no chance of escaping...

The energy reserves and ammunition reserves of those starfighters are exaggerated and terrifying.

In this case, they have no choice but to try out each other's data as much as possible.

Hearing Kaszt's words, the adjutant also showed a hint of despair in his eyes.

However, as the top warrior of the frost demon civilization, he is not afraid of the arrival of death!

If you can provide data for your comrades, you will win.

Then he doesn't mind sacrifice!

"Yes, General!

The adjutant hit his chest with a single fist and saluted cautiously.

Afterwards, Katzit's final order was directly issued.

For a time, those warships who were about to escape chose to turn back to fight.

Desperately attacking Shen Yi's fleet.

Even if you are fighting to avoid dodging or dodging, you have to fire that shot.

Of course, this also led to the large-scale destruction of the Frost Demon civilization fleet.

The output environment of the star bomber is simply not too comfortable.

Five minutes later, the S-class (stellar-class) heavy cruiser that Kaszt was riding was also under the intensive artillery fire.

It turned into a huge spark, blooming its last brilliance.

Although Shen Yi's battleship is not a top lineup among the top stellar civilizations.

There are only frigates, command ships and aircraft carriers.

Battleships such as destroyers, light cruisers, heavy cruisers, and missile cruisers were not equipped at all.

It is incomparable with the fleets owned by the truly powerful old star-level civilizations.

However, Shen Yi's advantage is still much greater than those of the old top stellar civilizations.

Because, the energy of those old top stellar civilizations is limited, and the ammunition is also limited.

But Shen Yi's side is completely different!

As long as the total resources in his hands are not exhausted.

Then, the fleet under his command can sail and fight all the time.

This kind of terrifying combat power is not comparable to those old top star-level civilizations.

Compared with Shen Yi, those veteran top star-level civilizations have a relatively complete fleet configuration.

Even in the number of S-class (stellar-class) battleships, it is not necessarily comparable to Shen Yi.

As for Kaszt, before the battleship was about to explode, he successfully relayed back a large amount of information collected during the battle.

Although these information even in his opinion, feel a bit outrageous.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would never have believed that there were such outrageous warships in this world.

But all of these are facts. He only hoped that His Majesty the Frost Demon King would not take it lightly and underestimate this incomparably powerful enemy.

Otherwise, it will definitely become the end of their frost demon civilization...

Although this piece of information needs to be transmitted through natural wormholes.

However, the Frost Demon Civilization is not the Chiyang Empire, and can only transmit information through Dyson spheres.

Therefore, the information here was passed to the Frost Demon King almost only half an hour later.

"What? The five fleets are not opponents of each other?

The Frost Demon King slapped heavily on the armrest of the throne, his eyes full of shock.

That is the entire five fleets of their Frost Demon civilization!

It is not the garbage fleet of the Chiyang Empire.

Even if it is placed in an ordinary top-level stellar civilization, it is considered a very powerful existence.

Even if you pay the price.

There is also a chance to destroy some ordinary top-level stellar civilizations.

As a result, such five huge fleets just disappeared?

They can have a full 50 S-class (stellar-class) battleships here.

No matter how arrogant the other party is, they won't be perverted to such a point!

The Frost Demon King hurriedly continued to read the information that followed.

Kaszt passed back a lot of information. As an experienced veteran, he basically recorded it when the battle just started.

On the one hand, it can be used as a future teaching video to increase the combat capability of the Frost Demon fleet.

On the other hand, it is also possible to quickly pass information back after a failure.

Of course, Kaszt had only the first situation in his mind at the time.

As a result, there is indeed a second situation that did not occur to occur.

And when the Frost Demon King watched this information.

The other top officials of the Frost Demon Civilization below did not even dare to breathe a single breath at this moment.

The Frost Demon civilization is different from the Chiyang Empire.

The education they received from childhood was even more terrible than the Spartan education.

Under the command of these frost demon civilizations, there are actually many enslaved planetary civilizations.

Even some early and intermediate stellar civilizations.

And the star system where these civilizations are located is regarded as a bloody training ground by the frost demon civilization.

A five-year-old child of frost demon civilization needs to survive alone in a planetary civilization.

Moreover, the slaughter of more than 1,000 people can count as the completion of the mission.

If you can't finish it, you will die there, and if you finish it, you will be eligible for the next step.

Before the age of eighteen, in a top-level planetary civilization, destroy a city on the other side.

Only in this way can you truly become a Frost Demon Warrior.

Otherwise, you will either die there, or you will become the bottom of the frost demon civilization, and you will never have a chance to succeed in your life.

And it is under such iron-blooded education.

Frost Demon civilization can be said to be all soldiers, as long as they can become Frost Demon Warriors, they are all experienced people.

Even the lowest-level frost demons are blood-stained hands, and they are not afraid of killing at all.

The Frost Demon King is the strongest warrior of the Frost Demon civilization.

That's right, the Frost Demon civilization pays attention to the strong prey on the weak, and the strongest person is qualified to become the king.

Therefore, at this moment, when the Frost Demon King is angry, no one dares to say anything more, even if the senior officials of the Frost Demon Civilization are below.

For fear of being killed by the Frost Demon King to vent his anger...

Don't doubt, this kind of thing is too common in Frost Demon civilization.

As long as the water is not released during the war, no one will pay attention to this kind of thing.

Of course, if you take revenge during the war, you will be able to survive after the war.

The Frost Demon Civilization will never leave such a person behind.

And this is also the reason why the Frost Demon civilization is strong.

If it wasn't for the benefits that the Chiyang Empire brought them far outweighed the losses, the Chiyang Empire would not have the qualifications to play with them.

At this moment, the Frost Demon King who was sitting on the throne suddenly exclaimed, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"What? These frigates can still actively attack"?"

Obviously, the Frost Demon King saw the appearance of the dawn-class frigate.

The Dawning collision of those Dawning-class frigates has reached the level of D-class (arm-spinning class).

Even a D-class (arm-spinning) level energy barrier can cause extremely terrifying damage, not to mention the energy barrier supported by only 30 S-class (star-class) frigates.

As for those A-class (stellar), B-class (stellar) frigates...

Those are purely for making up numbers.

Not suitable for top battlefield at all.

It's okay to deal with enemy minions, but it's a little impractical to deal with S-class (star-class) warships.

None of the civilizations put the victory or defeat on these low-level warships.

The only purpose of their existence may be to consume each other's energy and ammunition.

However, these frigates that can take the initiative to attack make the Frost Demon King very interested.

Ordinary frigates can only block the front defense.

The assembled weapon system is, at most, just bullying low-level warships.

After all, frigates need to put a lot of energy into their defensive capabilities.

But these frigates are obviously beyond his cognition.

How can it be hit directly, and the power is not small!

As the Frost Demon King, how could he not know the defensive capabilities of his frigates.

"These frigates are have to get enough distance from each other.

The Frost Demon King's face was a little dignified.

Although, even if their frigates are connected together by energy barriers, they are only S-class (star-class) level of defense.

But this together means that the endurance of the energy barrier has been greatly improved.

Equivalent to 30 S-class (stellar-class) frigates to withstand those attacks at the same time.

But since the opponent can directly smash the energy barrier composed of 30 S-class (star-class) frigates, and directly smash the S-class (star-class) frigates in the rear.

This has been able to explain a lot of problems.

The attack power of this specification is beyond his imagination.

However, after the fear was over, a trace of greed rose again in his heart.

This S-class (stellar-class) frigate fits the character of their frost demon civilization too well.

Their favorite thing to do is attack.

And this kind of frigate that can directly lead the charge can definitely push their morale to the extreme in an instant!

He was already thinking about how to take this frigate down.

Video continues...

When I saw the battleships that appeared after the frigates, like a phoenix of fire.

There was a hint of confusion on his face: "This is... an interstellar aircraft carrier?"

He originally thought that the main reason for the collapse of the five fleets was because of those frigates.

After all, the opponent took away 70% of his frigates in a single sprint.

In the absence of frigates, it is not impossible for the opponent to solve it.

Moreover, the order he left at that time was to stick to the Chiyang Empire.

Buy them enough time to analyze the wreckage of the Armor-class battleship.

Once they got off the wreckage of this arm-spin-class battleship, they completed a technological breakthrough.

It is entirely possible for them to step directly into the ranks of the arm-spinning civilization.

Moreover, even if this is not possible, it is enough to raise the performance of their warships by a notch.

At least in the S-class (star-level) grade, it is arrogant.

But if the opponent were 10 S-class (star-class) interstellar aircraft carriers, the situation would be completely different.

S-class (stellar) interstellar aircraft carriers are basically S-class (stellar) interstellar fighters.

Although the interstellar fighters are far inferior to the interstellar warships in terms of strength.

It even takes dozens of interstellar warplanes to destroy a space warship of the same level.

But the problem is, there are so many space fighters that an interstellar aircraft carrier can carry!

If a group of S-class (stellar-class) space fighters swarmed in, they would only be 50 S-class (stellar-class) warships, should they block it with their heads?

"Impossible, the interstellar aircraft carrier is the symbol of the old top stellar civilization. Even if the average old top stellar civilization can't get 10 interstellar aircraft carriers, how can the other party have so many!"

"I am afraid that even if there are so many interstellar aircraft carriers, they are just empty shelves at most!

The Frost Demon King looked solemn and whispered to himself.

He didn't believe that the other party really had a fully equipped S-class (stellar-class) interstellar aircraft carrier.

On the one hand, it is because if the opponent is really so strong.

How hard can it be to fight a mere Chiyang Empire?

Just an S-class (stellar-class) interstellar aircraft carrier with a few S-class (stellar-class) frigates is enough to take away the Chiyang Empire in one wave.

On the other hand, ten interstellar aircraft carriers if you want to be fully equipped.

The resources needed are terrifying.

Even for the frost demon civilization, it is an astronomical figure.

Not to mention ten... Even if there is only one, it is enough to drain one-third of the resources of the Frost Demon civilization.

Unless the opponent is more than three times that of the Frost Demon civilization, it is possible to supply 10 fully equipped S-class (star-class) interstellar aircraft carriers.

Or, the other party slaps a swollen face and makes a fat man, and assembles a large number of A-level (star-level) interstellar fighters.

It's just like this, it's equivalent to wasting resources...

However, in the next scene, he was slapped in the face just like Kaszt.

When those star fighters that were only the size of B-class (star-level) star fighters took off, the battlefield completely presented a one-sided situation.

Among the Frost Demon civilizations, S-class (star-class) battleships that are extremely powerful and suppressed countless civilizations.

In the opponent's artillery fire, it was as fragile as tofu.

in the absence of adequate frigate protection.

Each shell of these S-class (star-class) interstellar fighters can easily leave a huge hole on the Frost Demon civilization battleship.

Under the siege of a full 50,000 S-class (star-class) starfighters and 10,000 S-class (star-class) star bombers.

It only takes 30 seconds at most to easily take away an S-class (star-class) battleship of the Frost Demon civilization.

No matter how much the Frost Demon King deceived himself at this moment, he couldn't deceive himself at all.

The other party does have 10 fully equipped S-class (stellar-class) interstellar aircraft carriers.

Moreover, it is not certain whether this is the full strength of the opponent...

The face of the Frost Demon King suddenly became extremely solemn.

If this is already the full strength of the opponent, then the situation is not so bad.

Even if their fleet is not the opponent's opponent, they can still resist the invasion of these interstellar fighters by virtue of the defense line in the territory.

But if this is not all the other's interstellar aircraft carriers, then the situation will be bad...

They don't have the confidence to play against an old top stellar civilization.

The civilization level is at one level, it can only mean that everyone has S-level (star level) technology.

But when it comes to the level of force, it is not that the technology is equal to the other side, and it can be comparable.

At this moment, the Frost Demon King's heart that had been fiery, also instantly cooled down.

He didn't have the confidence to take on the opponent's challenge.

This is no longer an opponent that their frost demon civilization can handle.

However, he was not willing to let them hand over the wreckage of the Jisuan-class battleship in vain.

Everyone is a top stellar civilization, why should you be afraid of you!

"Notice, the whole country will enter a state of combat readiness, and all fleets will be sent to the fourth star system!"

The Frost Demon King ordered with a sullen face.

After thinking about it, he said again: "Take out the S-class (stellar-class) star destroyer guns in the inventory and set them up on the defense line of the fourth star system, which will gain enough time!

S-Class (Stellar) Star Destroyer Guns in these stocks.

It was originally used to replace the star destroyer of the main star system.

But at this moment, the Frost Demon King couldn't care so much.

If he didn't set up more S-class (star-class) star destroyers there, he would not be sure to block the opponent's interstellar aircraft carrier.

The overwhelming 60,000 star fighters flew over.

Only the S-class (stellar-class) star destroyer can lock on to them and cause massive damage.

The top Frost Demons below did not know what happened.

However, this matter is related to the main star system of the Frost Demon Civilization, so they can't help but panic.

However, after all, the majesty of the Frost Demon King is placed here.

They didn't dare to be too violent, and could only ask politely: "Your Majesty... what happened?

These S-class (stellar-class) star destroyers, and even the latest things they developed not long ago.

Even the main star system has only 100 doors installed.

The 900 in the inventory are ready to replace those A-level (stellar-level) star destroyers in the near future.

Without these 900 star destroyers, their artillery array would not be complete.

The power will be greatly reduced.

The Frost Demon King frowned, but he didn't hide it: "That arm-spin-class battleship is causing a lot of trouble, and the other party also has at least ten S-class (star-class) interstellar aircraft carriers, and there are 30 more that can be smashed. S-class (Stellar) frigate energy barrier, and smash the strange frigate of the S-class (Stellar) frigate.""

Although it sounds very eloquent.

However, the senior officials of the Frost Demon civilization who were present instantly understood what the Frost Demon King meant.

They gasped at the same time.

Isn't this Nima's a bit too exaggerated?

Ignoring the fear of the Frost Demon King, a senior of the Frost Demon civilization hurriedly asked: "Your Majesty, is the other party a veteran top star civilization?"

This question is also the most worrying thing in everyone's mind.

If the other party is really a veteran top stellar civilization.

Then, their frost demon civilization may not be enough to see.

They are still a long way from the old top stellar civilization.

At least, the number of S-class (stellar-class) battleships has not reached 500, and it is not qualified to be called the old top star-class civilization at all.

And the S-class (star-class) battleships of their Frost Demon civilization add up to only 150 ships.

Moreover, this time, a full third was lost, leaving only 100 ships.

Such a number, let alone an old top stellar civilization.

Even some of the more powerful ordinary top-level stellar civilizations may not be able to compare with others.

Frost Demon Civilization also quickly mobilized.

The ten fleets that were promoted went directly to the fourth star system.

At the same time, those S-class (stellar-class) star destroyer guns in stock were also quickly equipped on the space city of the fourth star system.

And Frost Demon Civilization also began to analyze the wreckage of the arm-spin-class battleship.

Try to find some inspiration from it and break through the current technological barriers.

At that time, even if they can't break through to the arm rotation level civilization.

It can definitely make its own S-class (star-class) warships stronger.

At this moment, after being equipped with 900 S-class (stellar-class) star destroyer guns, the power of the fourth star system space city.

Even more terrifying than the main star system of the Frost Demon civilization.

If you add 10 fleets.

Just relying on the strength Shen Yi had brought out before, there was no chance at all to break through.

Those S-class (stellar) star destroyers and S-class (stellar) warships are not vegetarians.

If you still want to rely on the Dawning-class frigate to open up the situation as before, it is not realistic at all.

The opponent's artillery array is enough to drink a pot.

Of course, Shen Yi didn't only have so many troops.

Moreover, he is not in a hurry to deal with the frost demon civilization.

Although I know that the wreckage of the arm-spin-class battleship is in the opponent's hands at this moment.

And the other party is also fully studying the wreckage of the arm-spin-class battleship.

But so what?

Even if the other party is really lucky, he has developed an arm-spin-class battleship.

Shen Yi still has a way to trample the opponent to death, and he is not afraid of the opponent's research at all.

After all, the Death God-class Star Destroyer alone is enough for him to jump directly into the arm-spin-class civilization queue.

If it weren't for the fear of being targeted by the arm-level civilization of the arm-spin that you are currently in.

Shen Yi can easily step into the ranks of the arm-spin-level civilization.

After all, for him who has a hundredfold strengthening system.

As long as the A-level (star-level) level of technological products is produced, it can be directly strengthened to the arm-spin level.

At this moment, in the main star system of the Chiyang Empire.

After the fleet of Frost Demon Civilization was completely wiped out.

After watching the entire battle, Marshal Chiyang felt cold in his hands and feet.

"'"Why should we provoke such an enemy..."

Seeing that he had begun to turn the bow of the ship and rushed towards their enemy, he murmured weakly.

He did not expect that the Frost Demon civilization, which was incomparably powerful in his eyes, was actually wiped out by less than 50 warships.

Even if the opponents were all S-class (stellar-class) battleships, the battle wouldn't end so quickly, would it?

Of course, he just said that.

Between civilization and civilization, it is not a matter of provoking and not provoking.

Once encountered, there is basically no possibility of good.

Only one side surrenders to the other side, and then the other side looks at the situation and decides whether to kill or stay.

There is no second possibility at all.

Other possibilities exist only in novels and movies.

Is it true that the development of civilization can conjure resources out of thin air?

Once there is a conflict over resources, the outbreak of war is inevitable.

In the distance, the Emperor Chiyang and the ministers of Chiyang who are looking at the picture here in the palace.

Looking at the countless wreckage on the screen at this moment, I can't help but feel like I'm in an ice cellar.

"Frost... Frost Demon Civilization just lost like this?

Emperor Chiyang's tone was a little dry, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

He thought about countless possibilities, but he just didn't expect such an outcome.

It must have been a little too fast to lose!

In less than 40 minutes, the entire fleet has a total of 600,000 warships, and there is not a single one left...

"Your Majesty... we are finished, the Chiyang Empire is finished."

Prime Minister Chiyang, who had just returned from Frost Demon Civilization not long ago, fell on the ground, and his whole body seemed to be several decades old in an instant.

The face under the pale beard seemed to have lost its spirit.

Although the other ministers were not like him, they seemed to have taken their time and trembled slightly.

You know, with the genetic technology of the Chiyang Empire.

It is absolutely impossible for their bodies to be in such a state.

Even on earth, being a superhero is not difficult.

But at this moment, facing this situation, everyone lost the idea of ​​resistance.

Not to mention the current Chiyang Empire, even if the Chiyang Empire is ten times stronger, they can't see any hope.

Because, they are not fighting against this civilization for the first time.

Therefore, they are very aware of each other's bad tastes.

The other person's favorite thing to do is to hide his hand.

Then, when they were most proud, they slapped them in the face.

This was the first time I met the other party before, and it was the same when Prince Chiyang went, and it was still the same when Prince Chiyang went for the second time.

And now, will there be any surprises?

Judging by the other party's strange evil taste.

These powers exposed now are probably just the tip of the iceberg of the opposing forces.

The suspicion in their eyes now is that this unknown civilization is an arm-spinning civilization.

Just playing with them.

Don't doubt the bad taste of these advanced civilizations.

Even in their Chiyang Empire, there are many noble nobles who have nothing to do, and they have tossed some planetary civilizations.

I have to say that this time, the top officials of the Chiyang Empire have guessed a little.

However, this is not Shen Yi's bad taste.

If it wasn't for the wave after wave of welfare and warmth from the Chiyang Empire, he wouldn't have been able to grow so fast.

Even if there is a hundred-fold enhancement system, he still needs resources and blueprints!

And the Dyson Sphere, the main star system of the Chiyang Empire, has no power to fight back at all.

It was easily captured by the fleet directly.

Although there are only 42 S-class (stellar-class) battleships.

But the power of this S-class (star-class) battleship is no weaker than the fifteen fleets of Frost Demon Civilization.

If you really want to fight to the end, although you will pay a very painful price, or even complete extinction.

However, they are also capable of wiping out the fifteen fleets of the Frost Demon civilization.

That's right, this is the terrifying deterrent brought by the Phoenix-class interstellar aircraft carrier.

Of course (good Qian Nuo), it was the deterrent force brought by the Phoenix-class interstellar aircraft carrier in Shen Yi's hands.

The interstellar fighters equipped by the interstellar aircraft carriers of other stellar civilizations cannot achieve unlimited battery life and unlimited ammunition.

Once their fighters run out of ammunition, the formation will be in crisis.

Therefore, at this time, other types of warships are very much needed.

This is why, only those old top stellar-level civilizations can have S-level (stellar-level) interstellar aircraft carriers.

On the one hand, it is because of technical and resource issues.

On the other hand, if you want to form an interstellar aircraft carrier fleet, you need too much preparation.

Once a starfighter runs out of energy or ammunition, other warships must be vacant on top.

Otherwise, instead of helping them, the interstellar aircraft carrier would become a huge burden.

And when it smashed the Dyson sphere of the main star system of the Chiyang Empire.

In front of Shen Yi's eyes, an announcement also flashed.

[Congratulations to player Shen Yi, he successfully captured all Dyson spheres in the Chiyang Empire, and the progress of the advanced world mission increased by 20%. Because player Shen Yi defeated 5 additional fleets of the top stellar civilization Frost Demon civilization, he gained an additional 50% completion rate. The completion progress is 270%, and the reward will be issued after completely occupying all the star systems of the Chiyang Empire]

Looking at the system prompt in front of him, a hint of surprise appeared in Shen Yi's eyes.

"Huh? Isn't 200% a legendary reward, how did the progress increase to 270%?"

He touched his chin, somewhat unsure of the meaning of this announcement.

Is this telling him that there are still rewards on the legend, or is it just a mindless superposition?

Shen Yi was not surprised that the reward was only issued after occupying all the star systems.

After all, there are still many people from the Chiyang Empire who are wandering in various star systems, and naturally they cannot be considered occupation.

After all these people are solved, and the Dyson sphere is completed.

The task can be completed naturally.

However, what makes him a little curious is, what is the upper limit of this progress?

If the upper limit is reached, can it bring him new rewards!

Of course, this question will have to wait until all galaxies are occupied.

Now he just placed a Dyson sphere in the sixth star system of the Red Sun Empire.

It will take some time to build all the other six star systems into a Dyson sphere, maybe a month or two.

This Shen Yi is also not good.

After all, this wave was a rapid march, and many wrecks of battleships, Dyson spheres and even Sky City wrecks were still floating in space.

It will take a long time to convert all these into resources.

However, Shen Yi is very patient now and is not in a hurry.

The appearance of this announcement did not give Shen Yi any feeling.

But it made other players feel Shen Yi's perversion once again.

"Damn it, how long has it been since Nima! You actually took down that stellar civilization? This is too fast!

"Yes, shouldn't this kind of interstellar level war be fought for several years? How can it be so fast!

"Sure enough, the big boss Shen Yi is actually a GM! Otherwise, why can the progress be so fast! 39

"GM is okay, but the efficiency is indeed abnormal enough, and there are no fleets of five top-level stellar civilizations... If according to the planetary level, the top stellar civilizations should have S-levels. The civilization of star-class warships..."

"Hey... I fucking sucked the air-conditioning of the whole universe, and the civilization with the S-class star-class battleship was also hanged and beaten by my boss, Shen Yi?"

"Big guy... no, dad! You'll be my dad from now on!"

"It's dry. With the help of Mr. Shen Yi, I have only just acquired the ability to explore satellites. As a result, Mr. Shen Yi has begun to fight the top stellar civilization!"

A group of players mourned in the chat channel.

Of course, there is no such thing as an idiot who eats with a bowl and puts down the bowl and curses his mother.

Because, the last time such a fool was basically dead.

What's more, Shen Yi has now opened the purchase rights of Type 1 and Type 2 robots.

Let many players feel the real benefits.

They wished that Shen Yi would become stronger, so that they could take off with their thighs all the way.

Not to mention becoming the top civilization in the universe.

But to become a stellar civilization, the requirements for mastering an entire star system are not excessive!

As long as you follow in the footsteps of Mr. Shen Yi, this is definitely not an unattainable dream!

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