Interstellar Survival: My Technological Creations Can Be Strengthened A Hundredfold

Chapter 80: The arrogance of the frost demon civilization, the birth of the Death Star Fortress!

With Shen Ling's reminder, Shen Yi also noticed the message in the chat bar.

Looking at the words touted by the players, his heart did not fluctuate.

Because, in this period of time, he has seen too much.

Especially after the last time I blocked a group of people.

This situation becomes even more terrifying.

"However, monopoly is really huge profits!"

Shen Yi couldn't help sighing.

He glanced at his current resources.

130 trillion units of iron, 117 trillion units of copper, 87 trillion units of psionic crystals, 67 trillion units of C-grade materials, 54 trillion units of B-grade materials, 37 trillion units of A-grade materials, 26 trillion units of S-grade materials Materials, 970 billion units of D-level (stellar) materials, 640 billion units of C-level (stellar) materials, and 230 billion units of B-level (stellar) materials

90 billion A-level (stellar) materials, 15 billion S-level (stellar) materials... Yi

Of course, stellar-level materials are not something players can find at this stage.

These are the Dyson spheres, space cities and fleets he dismantled in the Chiyang Empire.

As well as the five fleets of Frost Demon Civilization plus system rewards.

Moreover, these are still the remaining resources after building eight apocalypse-level Dyson spheres.

If it weren't for the possible existence of arm-spinning civilization.

Shen Yi can even directly build a powerful arm-spin fleet.

Of course, doing this kind of thing is a very dangerous move in an uncertain situation.

With his current ability, he may belong to a very powerful column among the old-fashioned primary arm-spinning civilizations.

But if it is facing an intermediate-level arm-spin-class civilization with a B-class (arm-spin-class) battleship, then there is not much advantage.

After strengthening, there are only apocalyptic Dyson spheres comparable to C-class (arm-spin class).

It can kill a planet with a diameter of 200,000 kilometers in one shot.

Although B-class (arm-spinning) warships are unlikely to be comparable to super weapons such as Dyson spheres in terms of destructive power.

But the performance of the opponent in all aspects is definitely not comparable to a C-level (arm-spin level) Dyson ball.

"However, you can try to upgrade the base to the arm rotation level next!

Shen Yi turned his attention to the current panel of the base, and there was a trace of heat in his eyes.

【Flagship at low light level】

【Current Level: Level 5】

[Current armor: S grade (star grade)]

【Current fire equipment:....】

[Current defense equipment:

【Current engine equipment:

[Currently unlocked device: l

[Production requirements: 5 trillion units of iron, 3 trillion units of copper, 1.7 trillion units of psionic crystals, 810 billion units of any C-grade material, 560 billion units of any B-grade material, 220 billion units of any A-grade material, 90 billion units Units of any S-class material, 18 billion units of D-class (stellar) materials, 8.5 billion units of C-class (stellar) materials, 4.3 billion units of B-class (stellar) materials, 1.6 billion units of A-class (stellar) materials level) materials, 120 million units of S-level (star level) materials, 50 trillion points of energy]

His current development has also reached a bottleneck.

It is basically impossible for him to continue to be promoted without the production of Jib-class warships.

Today, for him, he has 3,000 S-class (stellar-class) fire phoenix-class interstellar aircraft carriers, 1,200 S-class (stellar-class) Dawn-class frigates, and 20 S-class (stellar-class) Skyeye-class command ships.

In addition to the blueprints obtained from the previous, 500 S-class (Stellar-class) Gale-class Star Destroyers and 300 S-class (Stelary-class) Magnetic Rail Heavy Cruisers were produced.

At least at the stellar level, there are not many civilizations that can match him.

Even the top stellar civilizations at the top are nothing more than that.

Only by manufacturing the arm-spin-class battleship can his fleet become even more powerful.

Otherwise, it's just a simple increase in the number, and it doesn't make any sense at all.

In the absence of accidents, energy and ammunition are close to infinite.

There is simply no opponent of the same level that can compete with him.

However, the meaning of upgrading the base is different.

It is also unlikely that he will send the base directly to fight, that kind of threat is simply too great.

Once a car accidentally rolls over, he doesn't even have the chance to start all over again.

But if the base is upgraded to a jib-class warship.

Then, his life-saving ability will be greatly improved.

In addition, the S-level blueprint [Antimatter Energy Shield] and the A-level blueprint [Stellar Energy Engine] and [Skagen Rail Cannon] that were released before.

The defense and attack means that the base has and even the speed.

It will also reach the peak of C-class (arm-spinning class) and D-class (arm-spinning class) respectively.

This improvement is undoubtedly huge.

If you want to target him, even the primary arm rotation level civilization is not easy to use.

In the case of not making a full effort, it is difficult for the intermediate arm rotation level civilization to keep him.

"Shen Ling, upgrade the base!

Shen Yi gave the order.

"Yes, Master!"

Shen Ling replied.

The next moment, a lot of resources are deducted.

However, for today's Shen Yi, these resources are nothing.

To make him feel distressed, at least ten times as much as now.

It will take 10 days for the current base to upgrade to the next level, which is indeed a very long day.

However, what Shen Yi lacks most right now is patience.

There is no threat now, to force him to become stronger.

Unless he fights against the upper-arm spin-level civilization, it will cause him a crisis.

It's just that his current power is just an ant to the arm-spin-level civilization.

It is impossible for the other party to pay too much attention to him.

After the base was upgraded, Shen Yi continued to focus on the large amount of information he had obtained from the Chiyang Empire.

This is the confidential information obtained from the base after dismantling the head of the Chiyang Empire.

There are a lot of things about the current river system.

"Horton River System... It's a pity that the Chiyang Empire doesn't know how many arm-spinning civilizations there are in the Horton River System, or whether the arm-spin where it is currently has an Arms-class civilization.

After reading the information specially extracted by Shen Ling, Shen Yi sighed.

However, he still knew a lot of information.

At least I know that the current river system is called the Horton River System, which has a total of four large arm spins and three small arm spins.

The third arm spin he was in was one of the three forearm spins.

However, it is unknown whether the current small arm spin has an arm spin level civilization.

After all, the Chiyang Empire was just the lucky one who stepped into the top stellar civilization.

It would be good to know what the current river system is called.

"The Frost Demon Civilization should know a little more, and when the base is upgraded, it will be fine to solve them.

Shen Yi was not too disappointed.

To solve a frost demon civilization in the area is completely effortless for him.

Moreover, the Frost Demon civilization is not the existence of the Chiyang Empire that has entered the top stellar civilization because of shit luck.

The other party climbed up step by step.

Moreover, it has been a long time to stay in the queue of the top stellar civilization.

As they are only one step away from the arm-spinning civilization.

There must be more to know than the Chiyang Empire.

Even, they are definitely the most concerned about this issue.

When the base was upgraded, it was time for him to dispatch the army.

However, at the current stage, Shen Yi didn't expect mission surprises to occur in the base upgrade.

Therefore, his entire army would not move.

At this moment, in the main star system of the Frost Demon civilization.

A chief scientist of the Frost Demon Civilization was standing beside the Frost Demon King with a frenzy on his face: "Your Majesty, after two months of painstaking research, we finally got some technology from this arm-spin battleship! 99

"This will increase the performance of our S-class (stellar-class) warships by at least 30% in all aspects!

"And this is not the most critical, the key is that we only need half a month at most, we can simply repair this arm-spin battleship!

After listening to the previous words, the Frost Demon King didn't have much trouble.

After all, the S-class (stellar-class) battleship has improved performance by 30%.

That is still in the ranks of S-level (star level), and there is no way to form a crushing situation.

It means nothing to him at all.

After all, the enemy they are about to face is suspected to be the existence of an old top star-level civilization.

The number of S-class (stellar-class) battleships is bound to far exceed them.

Moreover, those interstellar aircraft carriers alone are enough for them to drink a pot.

Even if the performance exceeds the opponent's, the opponent's numerical advantage is enough to make them despair.

But the meaning of the latter sentence is different, even if his mentality can't help but set off a huge wave.

"What did you say? Can it be repaired? To what extent can it be repaired?"

The Frost Demon King asked three questions in a row, showing that he was in an uneasy mood at the moment.

However, the top chief scientist didn't care about this at all.

Instead, he said with a frenzy: "Your Majesty, you can never imagine how high the technology in this warship is, although we can only make simple repairs to drive one percent of its weapon system and power system."

"However, even if it is less than one percent of the power, it is still not something that a stellar civilization can compete with. 39

"I called you this time because I actually wanted to apply for an S-class (star-class) frigate from you to test the weapon power of this arm-spin-class warship! 99

This top chief scientist doesn't care how much damage his words will bring to the Frost Demon civilization.

He is only interested in what he studies.

It has to be said that even if it is not like other frost demon warriors, he has a strong desire to kill.

However, they are still a bunch of lunatics.

After hearing this, the Frost Demon King did not hesitate at all.

With a big wave of his hand, he agreed: "That's right, let the nearest Seventh Fleet send 6 S-class (stellar-class) frigates and 3,000 A-class (stellar-class) frigates over and let them cooperate with the experiment.

This is definitely a huge handwriting....

Six S-class (star-class) frigates plus 3,000 A-class (star-class) frigates are already all the frigates of the Seventh Fleet.

Even if you look at the entire frost demon civilization, it still accounts for one-fifteenth.

However, for this experiment, the Frost Demon King didn't have any stinginess at all.

In his opinion, as long as the power of this arm-spin-class battleship can be verified.

Then all the sacrifices are worth it.

Compared with a warship with arm-spin-class combat power, what is a mere group of S-class (star-class) warships.

"Yes, thank you, Your Majesty!"

The chief scientist on the side obviously did not care about this huge loss.

His eyes were full of joy and enthusiasm.

He was originally worried that the Frost Demon King would not agree, but unexpectedly, six S-class (stellar-class) frigates and 3,000 A-class (stellar-class) frigates were given out.

In this way, he can test the true strength of this arm-spin-class battleship to the greatest extent possible.

Moreover, what he didn't say was that he suspected that this arm-spin-class battleship was a C-class (arm-spin-class) battleship.

However, because of the lack of awareness of the arm-spinning civilization.

So, he couldn't be sure about it either.

And this time experiment, obviously can satisfy his wish.

If it is 1% of the weapon performance of ordinary D-class (arm-spinning) warships, it is definitely impossible to easily destroy the lineup of these six S-class (star-class) frigates plus 3,000 A-class (star-class) frigates .

But if it's one percent of the C-class (armspin class) battleship...then the situation is different!

Soon, the Seventh Fleet's 6 S-class (stellar-class) frigates and 3,000 A-class (stellar-class) frigates all arrived.

And the commander-in-chief of the Seventh Fleet also came to the test bench.

Looking at the frigates parked opposite the Frost Demon Civilization, the huge battleship with a distance of more than 5,000 kilometers is like a pitch-black coffin.

He asked curiously: "Your Majesty, is this the wreck of the Jib-spin-class battleship? What is our mission this time?"

There was a smile on the face of the Frost Demon King, and he pointed to the huge warship: "I plan to let this big guy try his power. If we can drive this big guy, it will be even more helpful to us!"

It is about to face a powerful old-fashioned top stellar civilization.

The pressure in his heart was undoubtedly enormous.

Even though the other party has been silent for two months without moving, and seems to have lost interest in them, his heart is still uneasy.

That's the wreckage of the Armor-class battleship!

Which stellar civilization will not be moved?

He can guarantee that as long as this news leaks out, all the top stellar civilizations in the entire arm will come to the wind.

Even those old top stellar civilizations will be fully revealed.

He didn't think the other party would not be moved.

It is estimated that the other party has been continuing his strength in the past two months, preparing to give them a fatal blow!

But fortunately, although they have not researched the arm-spin-class battleship.

But it was able to temporarily make the arm-spin-class battleship move.

And an arm-spin-class warship appeared on the battlefield... that can definitely easily decide the outcome of the abnormal battle.

Of course, he still has to determine how strong the 1% combat power of this Jisuan-class battleship is.

If it is too weak, it can only retreat to the site, wait for continued maintenance or work hard to develop the technology.

But if it is very strong, it can even ignore these S-class (stellar-class) frigates.

So sorry about that!

He wants the old master of the top stellar civilization to kneel and lick his toes!

"Oh? Is that so!"

The eyes of the commander-in-chief of the Seventh Fleet suddenly lit up.

Although the sacrifice is the fleet under his command.

But he really didn't mean to be distressed.

What frigates do they want from the Frost Demon Civilization, and it is their character to charge directly!

If it wasn't to reduce losses, he didn't even want such a thing as a frigate in his fleet.

At this moment, the frost demon warriors on the frigate also boarded the landing ship and left the frigate.

Only 3,006 frigates with the maximum power shields were left behind on the boundless starry sky.

At this time, the Frost Demon King also raised his hand and said with fiery eyes: "Let's start! Let me see the power of this arm-spin-class battleship!"

"As you wish, Your Majesty!"

The top chief scientist responded respectfully.

Then, he immediately took out a communicator and said to the other side: "Turn on all the weapon systems, and let Your Majesty see the power of the Frost Demon King!

The Frost Demon King on the side was stunned when he heard this.

Then a smile appeared on his blue face.

Good guy, he likes this flattery.

This old man thought that his brain only knew research, but he didn't expect to be so human.

Consider increasing research funding in the future!

At this moment, the Frost Demon King, which was hovering in space and the size of an asteroid, was also activated.

Countless flashing red stripes of light suddenly lit up on the originally pitch-black hull.

The entire battleship is revealed to be terrifying and terrifying.

It's as if an unparalleled devil has recovered.

And the most exaggerated, the round black hole at the bow of the ship at that time.

At this moment, countless red lights are continuously converging towards it.

At this time, the researcher narrowed his eyes and slowly explained to the Frost Demon King and the Commander-in-Chief of the Seventh Fleet: "Your Majesty, after two months of hard work, this Frost Demon King has been repaired by us for some functions. At present, this Hill-class antimatter cannon has been able to exert one percent of its power...""

"According to my inference, this Frost Demon is very likely to be a C-class (arm-spinning) battleship, so the power of this gun should not be inferior to the full-power of the D-class (arm-spinning) battleship's main gun. hit.

"If there is no accident, none of the frigates on the opposite side will be left behind!

This is what he calculated.

However, whether this is the case or not depends on the experimental results.

On the side, the Frost Demon King and the Commander-in-Chief of the Seventh Fleet also had expectations in their eyes.

They don't know if the researcher's words are true.

But, they are very much looking forward to seeing that picture!

And speaking of this, the researcher's face showed a trace of regret, and he continued: "The current main gun needs 5 minutes to reach the maximum power to complete the charging. Unfortunately, our technology level is not enough, the most That's the only way to do it." 5

"If the Frost Demon is in good condition, I estimate this time will not exceed 30 seconds, which is an unbelievable gap! 55

5 minutes and less than 30 seconds, the gap is too big.

A full 10 times difference.

And once placed on the battlefield, this gap will become extremely huge.

Just imagine, before the opponent's attack came out, the main artillery of your own had already hit it.

The damage to the enemy would be enormous.

Not to mention whether it can directly destroy the opponent.

But at least it will make the other party feel a lot of pressure.

Also, fast recharging means that the attack frequency will be very high.

As a warship that suppresses the audience, this deterrent to the enemy will definitely be huge.

The Frost Demon King and the Commander-in-Chief of the Seventh Fleet looked at each other and couldn't help but take a deep breath.

As a veteran in charge of battles, he is almost the most elite Frost Demon Warrior in the Frost Demon Civilization.

They naturally knew very well that it meant them on the battlefield.


It's something they're always after.

It's a pity that today's battleship is too difficult to repair.

Even their current technology is only enough to support the repair of this battleship, but less than one percent.

If this were on an S-class (stellar) ship, it would be basically the same as scrapping.

However, if this battleship was once a C-class (arm-spinning) battleship, it would have a different meaning.

Even if it only has a D-level (arm-spinning level) level, it is still not something that a stellar-level civilization can compete with.

"I give you a task to repair this battleship with all my strength! This king will fully support you!"

The Frost Demon King took a deep breath, patted the chief scientist on the shoulder, and made a solemn promise.

This battleship made him see the hope of winning those old top stellar civilizations...

Once they have mastered a lot of resources, it will definitely be much easier for them to step into the arm-spinning civilization in the future.

"This battleship is really too timely, hahaha!

The Frost Demon King couldn't help laughing, his eyes full of arrogance.

He is not the first Frost Demon King of Frost Demon Civilization.

But he will definitely be the strongest Frost Demon King in Frost Demon Civilization!

At this time, the Frost Demon King was also fully charged, and the dazzling red light filled the muzzle, as if it contained a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

How powerful this shot will go, no one knows yet.

However, there are bound to be extinct (ahdg) living beings.

"Your Majesty, the charging has been completed, please order the launch!"

The research scholar is obviously not a nerd who only knows research, and he is not bad at all in terms of human knowledge.

This move of the other party made the Frost Demon King obviously very happy.


The Frost Demon King waved his hand and stared at the red light with a breath of death.

"Yes, fire it!" 5

The chief scientist said frantically into the communicator.

Then, he immediately looked at the huge battleship in the distance and the 3006 frigates supporting the shield.

Those frigates are definitely the strongest defense of a fleet of Frost Demon Civilization.

In other words, even other top-level stellar civilizations have absolutely similar configurations.

As long as this layer of energy shield can be broken.

Then, this Frost Demon can break the shield of any stellar civilization fleet.

As the order was issued, the antimatter main cannon, which had already been fully charged, suddenly burst out with its current strongest attack.

A terrifying red beam of light, bright as blood.

When the cannon was fired, it was as if the sky was stained with blood.

Even though they were separated by thousands of miles, the faces of the Frost Demon King and the others in the space city of the experimental base were still dyed blood red.

The world in front of them was completely filled with red light.

Even if they didn't see the result of this cannon, they still felt their hearts tremble.

In the distance, a fleet of 6 S-class (star-class) frigates and 3,000 A-class (star-class) frigates.

In an instant, he was slammed into the blood-colored beam of light that covered more than 500 kilometers.

That layer of energy barrier did not resist even for a second, and was directly swallowed by the blood-colored beam of light.

The next one, this blood-colored beam of light exploded...

In the universe, it seems that a huge red blood sun was suddenly born.

The Frost Demon King, the Commander-in-Chief of the Seventh Fleet, the top chief scientist... all the Frost Demon warriors who saw this scene were wrapped up at the scene.

They all felt that there was only blood in their eyes.

However, no one is willing to close their eyes.

They all locked onto the position of the frigate, and didn't want to miss even a second.

I don't know how long has passed, the blood-colored light in everyone's eyes slowly receded.

At this moment, where the 3,006 frigates were parked, countless wrecks of warships appeared, and none of the warships remained intact.

Even the outermost A-class (star-class) frigates.

The appearance is also extremely miserable, even if it has not been destroyed.

But it's not that far off.

Just one shot, a huge fleet of 6 S-class (star-class) frigates and 3,000 A-class (star-class) frigates.

It just vanished.

Such terrifying power is simply suffocating.

Everyone who saw this scene at this moment, their eyes fell into a deep sluggishness.

Even those elite frost demon warriors who have experienced hundreds of battles and grew up in the battle, there are only fear and shock in their eyes.

The power of this cannon is too great.

The attack from the arm-spin level made them feel a deep despair.

If such a battleship appeared opposite them.

Then even the most elite Frost Demon Warrior and the most powerful Frost Demon Fleet will definitely be torn apart in an instant.

"It's so perfect, it's a creation from the gods!"

At this moment, the voice of the chief scientist broke the dead silence.

The chief scientist's eyes were full of enthusiasm at this moment.

The power of this cannon is simply a power they never imagined before!

That is a powerful frigate fleet consisting of 6 S-class (star-class) frigates and 3,000 A-class (star-class) frigates!

To be able to destroy it with one shot shows that the power of this shot is even enough to destroy some planets with a diameter of nearly 10,000 kilometers!

This is definitely a very scary statistic...

The life planet of the main star system of their frost demon civilization is only 13,000 kilometers in diameter!

"Your Majesty, with this Frost Demon, we can have no fear of any stellar civilization!

"The only flaw is that the charging time is too long."

The commander-in-chief of the Seventh Fleet on the side also said.

Although he brought up the shortcomings of this battleship, it was still difficult to hide the satisfied look on his face.

The frigates of other civilizations are unlikely to be the same as Shen Yi's frigates.

The connection of many frigates can also increase the maximum withstand limit of the shield.

Those civilized frigates, at best, connect the shields together and share the attack together.

But their defense ceiling is actually still there.

Once they are attacked beyond their upper limit, their defenses will simply collapse.

The Frost Demon King only needs to directly break the shield.

Then relying on the fleet to rush, who can resist the attack of the frost demon civilization?

"Well, these flaws aren't a big deal, though.

The Frost Demon King couldn't hide the satisfaction in his eyes, and then he looked at the researcher beside him: "How long does it take for the Frost Demon King's main gun to recharge at the lowest level? What about the power?"

This question is also critical.

Although one shot can break the shield, it is impossible for the follow-up output to wait five minutes before attacking.

Five minutes is enough for the other side to make too many changes.

For example, directly dispersing the fleet.

In that case, the antimatter main gun of the Frost Demon King would not be able to play such a big role.

The researcher hurriedly said: "Go back to your majesty, the main gun of the Frost Demon King is divided into three gears, the highest gear is the power of the previous main gun, it takes five minutes to charge, and the first gear is only one-tenth of the highest gear. , I am afraid that it is only twice as powerful as the main guns of S-class (star-class) warships, and it takes about 1 minute to charge."5

"And the power of the second gear will be one-third of the highest gear, and its power is about five times that of an S-class (star-class) warship, which can easily break the shield of an S-class (star-class) frigate. The charging time takes 3 minutes, but there is no way to deal damage to the battleship.

After seeing the power of the third gear main gun.

The chief scientist already had a rough idea of ​​the power of this main gun.

Although I don't know whether the opponent belongs to the D-level or the C-level in the arm rotation level civilization.

But he has been able to know what effect this main gun can have on the battleship of the stellar civilization.

"The weakest one is twice as powerful as the main gun of an S-class (stellar-class) battleship...very good."5

There was a hint of satisfaction in the Frost Demon King's eyes.

Moreover, the power of the main gun of the second gear is already able to break through the shield of the S-level (star level).

This will be very helpful on the battlefield.

Three minutes is also completely within his acceptable range.

It is only necessary to let the Frost Demon King launch a three-block main gun to destroy the S-class (stellar-class) frigate at the front of the opponent on a large scale, and catch the opponent by surprise.

Then rely on the battleship to carry out a wave of full fire suppression.

It can definitely make the enemy suffer a big loss in an instant.

The follow-up second-block main gun can also allow him to easily destroy the remaining S-class (star-class) frigates of the opponent.

How can other star system civilizations fight with their frost demon civilization?

This is a total dimensionality reduction attack!

He seems to have seen the picture of himself conquering one top stellar civilization after another, and finally set foot on the arm-spinning civilization in one fell swoop!

"Such a super weapon will definitely give you a huge surprise!

"Don't be too surprised then!"

Frost Demon King's eyes showed a stern smile.

He is very much looking forward to the dazed picture of that unknown old top star civilization after being bombarded by the Frost Demon King.

He believes that the picture will be very interesting!

Ten days is not a long time for Shen Yi at this moment.

Now that he has mastered eight major star systems, Shen Yi can basically discover different surprises every day.

Perhaps some asteroids rich in stellar-scale material.

Or maybe some strange creatures that have never been seen before.

In short, he has too many things to pass the time now, and there will be no boring situation at all.

Moreover, when dismantling the main brain of the Chiyang Empire, he also obtained a lot of cultural information about the Chiyang Empire.

There are so many things to learn to watch.

In particular, the various materials in the other side's military academies benefited Shen Yi a lot.

Every day he basically spends five or six hours studying these things.

Shen Yi's goal is also very simple, not asking how good a general he can become.

But at least don't be led by the nose.

Especially with the improvement of technology, the lifespan becomes longer and longer.

In the future, it would not be a surprise to encounter old monsters that are thousands or tens of thousands of years old.

Compared to that old monster who has been through countless things.

Shen Yi is obviously not enough.

However, now that his physique has been greatly strengthened, his learning ability has also become extremely terrifying.

The knowledge that I have seen can basically be absorbed and digested quickly.

Although these are just some theoretical things for the time being.

But he can practice slowly afterward, and truly become his own experience.

However, at this moment Shen Yi did not go to study.

Instead, he turned his attention to the base that was about to be upgraded on the screen with a look of anticipation.

After the base was upgraded to the fifth-level low-light flagship.

Its size has reached 3000 kilometers.

Such a huge size, it has even surpassed many S-class (star-class) warships.

And after this strengthening, its size will inevitably become larger.

"Shen Ling, let's upgrade!"

Shen Yi ordered.

"Yes, Master!"

There was also a hint of anticipation in Shen Ling's voice.

The base of the next level is about to step into the ranks of the arm rotation level civilization!

Along with Shen Ling's output command, the huge size of the base suddenly shook slightly.

The next moment, under Shen Yi's shocked gaze, countless streamers burst out from the base.

Then, with the base as the center, a huge light cocoon covering an area of ​​100,000 kilometers was formed.

At the same time, the countless metals that made up the current base were directly transformed into countless one-centimeter-sized metal squares that spun rapidly.

However, although in the center of this metal storm.

Shen Yi was not affected at all.

Just like a bystander, watching everything happening around in shock.

Sure enough, the higher the level of technology, the more it looks like a fairy method.

This Nima's is very similar to Wanjian Guizong in fantasy novels.

It's just that one is countless swords, and the other is a one-centimeter-sized cube.

And just as Shen Yi was cranky, the change began.

With his position as the center, those metal frames quickly began to condense and take shape.

The first is a command room with a black and gray style, which looks iron-blooded and fierce.

Then, one by one, the cabins with different functions are organized.

When the change was completely over, a black-gray steel planet with a diameter of 50,000 kilometers appeared in the void.

The front of this huge black-gray steel planet is a huge deep pit with a diameter of 8,000 kilometers and a depth of 3,000 kilometers, like a crater.

In the very center of the deep pit is a sturdy laser transmitter.

You can feel its terrifying power just by looking at it.

This is obviously the attack method that comes with the base after the upgrade...

" this the Death Star? This is the Death Star!"

Shen Yi exclaimed repeatedly.

This is the super weapon in sci-fi movies.

The huge size like a planet is already very exaggerated.

Moreover, the spherical area means that it can attack the enemy from any angle.

As long as there are enough weapons, it can fully exert the power of destroying the world.

He hurriedly opened the panel of the current base.

【Death Star Fortress】

【Current level: Level 1】

[Current armor: D-level (arm rotation level)]

[Current firepower equipment: super laser main gun (D-level (arm rotation level)), super interference field (D-level (arm rotation level))]

[Current Defense Equipment: Death Star Barrier (D-Class (Arms))]

[Current engine equipment: Antimatter engine (D-class (arm-spinning stage))]

[Currently unlocked facilities: Death Star Manufacturing Factory, Primary Artificial Wormhole Research Laboratory]

"Huh? It actually unlocked a new facility?"

Elsewhere Shen Yi didn't pay attention first, and his attention was immediately attracted by the two newly opened facilities.

Since the last time the Strategic Arms Research Center was opened.

The base has never seen new facilities.

Unexpectedly, after the base was upgraded to the first-level Death Star Fortress, the new facilities appeared!

I have to say, this gave Shen Yi a huge surprise.

[Death Star Manufacturing Factory: Can produce Death Star Fortresses of the same level as the base]

[Primary Artificial Wormhole Research Institute: With the upgrade of the base level, the Primary Artificial Wormhole Research Institute can manufacture artificial wormhole generator ships and artificial wormhole beacon ships]

"Hi... Sure enough, the fewer the words, the better the function!"

Looking at the introduction of these two facilities, Shen Yi couldn't help taking a deep breath.

The functionality of the Death Star Manufacturing Facility is very simple.

It is to produce a Death Star Fortress of the same level as the base's current level.

This function seems to be nothing.

But the problem is to look at the size of the Death Star Fortress!

A full 50,000 kilometers in diameter!

What an amazing physique!

And it is still a spherical shape, as long as there are enough weapons all over it, it can completely strike without dead ends.

Moreover, the large size means that the weapon will be huge, and the energy that can be used is huge! The energy barrier that can be supported is even more huge!

It's just a huge mobile fortress,

Once it appears on the battlefield, it will definitely destroy the world!

This also makes the enemy how to fight!

Just looking at this figure is enough to feel hopeless!

And the primary artificial wormhole research institute is even more awesome!

Although there are two types of ships that can be produced.

And they are all auxiliary ships, but they just meet Shen Yi's needs!.

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