Interstellar Survival: My Technological Creations Can Be Strengthened A Hundredfold

Chapter 88: The Movement of Storm Civilization and Chiyan Civilization

But he only needed four months, one can imagine what a terrifying speed this is.

However, this is also because the primary arm-spin civilization does not have a wormhole wave detector.

They can only search a little bit in the stupidest way.

Therefore, the speed will be so slow.

If you have a wormhole wave detector, it is very simple to light up the star map.

As for exploring the first and third forearm spins, it is not that easy.

According to the information about the destroyed primary arm-spinning civilization, these two small arm-spin primary arm-spinning civilizations seem to have completely mastered their own arm-spin.

That's why I choose to rotate the second forearm.

Trying to break through to the ranks of the intermediate-level arm-spin civilization with the help of the resources of the second arm spin.

And this means that the other party may have controlled the natural wormholes leading to the first forearm spin and the third forearm spin.

If you approach rashly, there is a high probability that you will be targeted by the other party.

07 And once discovered, these four ships will be sent out with a Yaoyang-class laser assault ship equipped with a low-level version of the A-class (arm-spinning) wormhole wave detector.

There is a high probability of being directly destroyed by the opponent.

However, Shen Yi didn't care about that either.

As long as you can find the natural wormholes leading to the first and third forearm spirals.

Or directly find the location of the opponent's battleship, which is enough for him.

Whether it is finding a natural wormhole leading to the opponent's forearm, or destroying the opponent's battleship to obtain the opponent's star map, it is acceptable to him.

After all, his military strength far exceeds the opponent's, and even the peak combat power can surpass the opponent at any time.

He had no reason to be afraid of him at all.

What's more, now his stellar resources are not to the point of being exhausted.

But it is definitely enough for him to produce tens of thousands of S-class (stellar-class) battleships, and as for A-class (stellar-class) battleships, it can produce millions.

And if these A-class (star-class) battleships and S-class (star-class) battleships are strengthened.

Those are all D-class (arm-spinning) and C-class (arm-spinning) level warships.

Even if he fights with the opponent one-for-one or even ten-for-one, the opponent will definitely not be able to fight against him.

What's more, with an artificial wormhole generator ship and an artificial wormhole beacon ship, he can also bring justice to the enemy at any time!

At this moment, Shen Yi is slowly advancing and preparing to expand.

The first and third forearm spins also moved.

The primary arm-spin civilization of the first forearm spin is called Storm Civilization.

It is an existence that is about to step into the old-fashioned primary arm-spinning civilization.

It has 400 C-class (arm-spinning) battleships and 14,000 D-class (arms-spinning) battleships under its command.

In other words, they used to be the old arm-spinning civilization.

It's just that, decades ago, they tried to destroy the primary arm-spin civilization of the second arm spin.

In addition, there was a conflict with the Crimson Flame Civilization with the third arm.

Therefore, the strength has fallen below the old-fashioned primary arm rotation level civilization.

However, their strength has recovered a little over the years. Although they are not as good as their peak period, they are definitely the top group under the old primary arm-spin civilization.

The Red Flame Civilization with the third small arm is slightly stronger than the Storm Civilization.

However, due to the violent counterattack by the civilization of the second arm spin.

Therefore, they suffered the most serious damage.

However, after all, the background is here, and their strength is still stronger than Storm Civilization.

It has 450 C-class (arm-spinning) battleships and 17,000 D-class (arm-spinning) battleships under its command.

At this moment, after recovering a certain vitality.

They were clearly starting to move again.

Almost 80% of the fleet quickly hoarded beside the natural wormhole where the second forearm spiraled to where they were.

This time, the Storm Civilization was led by Marshal Chen Wen, who was known as the Storm God of War.

The opponent is definitely a terrifying existence who has experienced countless battles.

It is an old monster who has lived for more than 2,000 years and has extremely rich combat experience.

Moreover, he was the ruthless man who destroyed the second arm-spin primary arm-spin civilization last time, and he was very familiar with this kind of arm-spin war.

The Scarlet Flame Civilization was led by the five-star Admiral Milesey, the Tiger of Scarlet Flame.

Although not a marshal-level figure.

But the illustrious military exploits are no worse than Chen Wen, the God of War.

Moreover, what he is best at is blitzkrieg.

Eliminate opponents as quickly as possible.

Perfect for the current situation.

After all, in their opinion, the second small arm spin has no arm spin level civilization.

What they have to do now is to occupy the second arm spin at the fastest speed.

Then quickly built a front and launched an attack on the opponent.

And the fast break is undoubtedly very important at this moment.

As for the Storm God of War, Marshal Chen Wen is not particularly good at fast breaks.

However, he is very good at steady and steady play. From a certain level, he is actually quite restrained by fast-break opponents.

But on the battlefield, no one can tell.

No matter how meticulous the pre-war planning was, in the end it was possible to lose the whole game due to various small accidents.

But at this moment, the two of them learned who their opponents were.

All of them ignited a raging fighting spirit, intending to make the other party the most dazzling 897 record on their epitaph.

"This time the opponent is not easy... The whole fleet is ready! Attack the second arm at the fastest speed! 35

Although the two were separated by a full arm, a distance of tens of thousands of light-years.

At this moment, it seemed to be in sync, and he gave orders sharply from the bow of the flagship.

The next moment, the mighty fleet drove towards the natural wormhole leading to the second forearm.

This time, it is naturally impossible for the two civilizations to dispatch only arm-spin battleships.

The battle line spreads to an entire small arm, which is full of billions of star systems!

This range is really too big.

The arm-spin-class battleships of the two civilizations add up to only more than 30,000.

Even if you put all of it into it, it's just a drop in the bucket.

Just trying to find the enemy is very difficult.

What's more, to destroy the enemy.

Therefore, this time, they not only dispatched more than 350 C-class (arm-spinning) level battleships and more than 10,000 D-class (arm-spinning) level battleships.

They also dispatched more than 3 million S-class (star-level) battleships, more than 50 million A-class (star-class) battleships, and nearly 100 million B-class (star-class) battleships.

This is the background of the arm-spinning civilization, which is not comparable to the stellar civilization at all.

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