Interstellar Survival: My Technological Creations Can Be Strengthened A Hundredfold

Chapter 89: Which veteran high-level stellar civilization military parade is this special code!

Even the most powerful old stellar civilization.

There will never be more than 3,000 S-class (star-class) battleships.

On the other hand, what about the arm-spinning civilization?

Even if it is no longer the old-fashioned primary arm-spinning civilization, the storm civilization and the red flame civilization.

It can still easily pull out more than 3 million S-class (star-class) battleships.

Moreover, this is not the whole background of these two civilizations.

However, the scale of the battle of the arm-swivel-class civilization is also destined that these battleships will not be easily eliminated.

After all, even for the primary arm-spin-class civilization, the D-class (arm-spin-class) battleships and the C-class (arm-spin-class) battleships are absolutely elite battleships.

Of course, if it weren't for the fact that this time the front line was drawn so much.

They must have enough warships to roll out the battlefield.

It is not enough to take these A-class (star-class) battleships or even B-class (star-class) battleships that can be called cannon fodder.

In the face of arm-spin-level warships, even S-class (star-class) warships are extremely vulnerable.

Not to mention these A-class (stellar-class) ships and B-class (stellar-class) ships.

It's just that they don't know how cruel their actions are.

They are too confident, and they don't think that in just a few decades after the arm-swirl-level civilization of the second arm was destroyed.

However, if it weren't for Shen Yi's sake.

It's really impossible for this to happen.

Which arm-spinning civilization did not develop and transform after millions or even tens of millions of years.

Even the fastest-growing arm-spinning civilization took more than three million years.

Only Shen Yi was helped by the technological soaring game and the 100-fold enhancement system.

Only in less than a year can we leap from a planetary-level civilization to an arm-level civilization.

The span of this will take millions of years for other civilizations to equalize.

The trend of Stormwind Civilization and Chiyan Civilization did not attract Shen Yi's attention too much.

After all, there are really too few places in his grasp now.

At best, it is the interruption of the second forearm rotation, which occupies a small piece of territory.

Compared to the entire second forearm rotation, this is a completely insignificant piece of space.

Even if it contains 140 million star systems...

However, it will take time for Storm Civilization and Chiyan Civilization to establish a front in the second arm.

In particular, the battle point in their minds was in the middle of the second forearm.

Therefore, the three parties fell into a strange picture for a while.

If you use three colors to represent Shen Yi, Storm Civilization and Chiyan Civilization.

Then, you can see that these three colors are just like ink dripping into a pool, and they quickly spread around.

However, Stormwind Civilization and Chiyan Civilization are approaching the middle.

And Shen Yi just quickly approached the two sections.

Judging from the current speed, the two sides will officially confront each other in at most four months.

And at that time, it is bound to be a shattering battle.

A battle at the stellar level is enough to cause huge damage to the planets in the star system.

And the battle at the arm-spin level... may even leave the star system with only stars.

However, at the moment, Storm Civilization and Chiyang Civilization do not know that at this moment, in the second forearm, there is a fierce tiger that can easily swallow them.

They still maintain a high degree of excitement, expanding the frontier for their civilization...

Li Huaqiang is a very ordinary player.

The ranking is not high, but not particularly low either.

Because of being a player of the Xia Kingdom.

Therefore, he occupies a considerable price advantage, and now ranks more than 100 million.

In addition, some time ago, Shen Yi opened the purchase rights of D-class (interstellar) battleships and various messy star-level technologies.

Therefore, he also successfully stepped into the star level.

Except for the lack of a Dyson sphere, his power is basically no less than that of an ordinary primary stellar civilization.

As long as it doesn't encounter those old-fashioned primary stellar civilizations.

He basically will not appear any danger, it can be said that he has passed the dangerous stage.

Especially some time ago, he bought a lot of A-level (planetary-level) maid robots from Shen Yi.

It made his life so much better.

At this moment, he was lying on his big bed, holding the maid robot that was shaped into a Hancock shape beside him, and his increasingly thin face was full of contentment.

That's what life is all about!

"Thank you so much, Mr. Shen Yi! You can even get this kind of blueprint! I don't know if Mr. Shen Yi has collected all three thousand harem beauties!

Li Huaqiang gave a big kiss on the face of the maid robot in the shape of Hancock.

These maid robots that would not resist him at all were things that he only dared to dream of.

Moreover, he can also make these maid robots change one day.

For 365 days, play with different tricks every day.

However, he had no idea that this thing was transformed into a battle maid by Shen Yi.

Not used to do these things at all.

After all, Shen Yi is still quite clean, and has no interest in these iron bumps.

No matter how real these maid robots feel.

"`"DiDi! Powerful energy fluctuations detected, please be careful to hide!"

"DiDi! Powerful energy fluctuations detected, please be careful to hide!"

Suddenly, a red light flashed in the lounge, and the artificial intelligence set to be Lolita sounded an alarm.

This made Li Huaqiang suddenly shuddered and sat up from the bed: "Damn, what happened!"

The voice of artificial intelligence suddenly sounded in his ears: "Master, a large number of stellar-class battleships have appeared 300,000 kilometers away from the planet, the lowest of which is also B-class (stellar-class) battleships, and the number exceeds 5,000, please pay attention. (Qian Nuo Zhao) Hidden!" 5

Li Huaqiang's face suddenly turned pale.

5,000 B-class (stellar-class) battleships?

How could he hide from it!

Now his air carrier has just reached the third level.

That is an S grade (planetary level) level.

Not to mention a B-class (stellar-class) battleship, even in the face of a D-class (star-class) battleship, there is no resistance.

"Master, 500 A-class (star-class) battleships have been detected! Dangerous! Dangerous! Please hide immediately! Please hide immediately!

However, the next sentence of artificial intelligence made Li Huaqiang almost faint.

This special code, how come there are still endless surprises?

Even if you encounter 5,000 B-class (stellar-class) battleships.

Why are there 500 A-class (star-class) warships now?

So, did he meet that old-fashioned high-level stellar civilization military parade?!

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