Everyone was deeply shocked by this attack with a diameter of tens of thousands of kilometers.

They didn't expect that the arm-spin-level attack would be so exaggerated.

What kind of bullshit star level, it is really not worthy to lift shoes in front of the arm rotation level.

Under such a powerful attack, none of them can withstand it...

"No wonder the price is so high! The mere 80% of the resources are not excessive at all!""

"This is simply a life-saving charm! Who can withstand such a blow when encountering an enemy?"

"That's right, even if this attack directly explodes the star, I believe it! 35

"It feels like the gap between Mr. Shen Yi and us is getting farther and farther..."

At this moment, even Meng Xingchen, who was second only to Shen Yi, completely cut off his plans to chase Shen Yi.

There's no way this girl can compare!

He has only won one star system now.

On the other hand, what about Shen Yi?

Close to half a billion!

The huge gap in this is that elementary school students understand.

At this time, there are also many technology giants who have researched something from the video.

"This attack method seems to open a wormhole and then transfer the attack! Has Mr. Shen Yi mastered the artificial wormhole technology!

"So terrifying, this battleship should be used to open artificial wormholes?"

"In this way, you can't be too far away from the big boss Shen Yi... Otherwise, the artificial wormhole will not be able to open that far, at least you have to be in the same river system with the big boss Shen Yi.

"Emmm, this is quite difficult, and it is estimated that it has to be reduced. After all, one arm is tens of thousands of light-years away."

These people are really awesome.

In a few words, it has been inferred that the artificial wormhole produced the ship.

However, the technological soaring game has little to do with its own accumulation.

After all, what they have mastered are some theoretical things.

But theory requires a lot of practice.

However, under the impetus of technological soaring games, they simply do not have enough time to practice.

Technology has climbed to the next level.

So that their theories have no place at all.

At best, they can only study and study to pass some time.

However, even this B-class (armspin class) battleship has limitations.

However, the matter of Li Huaqiang still reminded them that there are too many dangers in this universe.

Just like Li Huaqiang, a person with no ambition at all.

Even the star system in which he is located has not even gone out.

As a result, we directly encountered the arm rotation-level civilization, who can resist this?

Not to mention a person like Li Huaqiang who ranks after 100 million.

Even if Meng Xingchen faced this situation, he could only lie down and wait to die...

"I beg Mr. Shen Yi to grow faster and unify the universe! I really don't want to be so scared anymore!"

"Agreed, if it's not forced, who is willing to hang their head on the belt of their pants!

"Hahaha, Lao Tzu and Shen Yi are in the same arm, Lao Tzu is invincible!

"Me too! It's comfortable and comfortable! Hahahaha! 35

"Damn, I'm so jealous! Why aren't I and Shen Yi on the same arm! 99

There may have been many players before, who still held the idea that my life was up to me.

Even though he grew up with the help of Shen Yi, he still has a desire to pierce the world of Shen Yi.

But after seeing Li Huaqiang's situation at this moment.

They just hope that Shen Yi can grow faster and wrap them under the shelter.

In this way, they don't need to worry about threats from other civilizations.

As for how strong the game becomes through this technological soaring...

In fact, many people do not have this kind of mind.

Not everyone is uneasy about the status quo and looking for excitement.

However, they simply don't have a choice.

And what these people said was naturally seen by Shen Yi.

This made his face extremely strange.

"These players actually admit to cowardice? It's not easy! 35

Shen Yi sighed.

However, this is actually understandable.

After all, other than him, there is no way for anyone else to meet such a powerful opponent.

Between the technological levels of the universe, there is no such thing as a leapfrog battle.

D-class (arm-spinning) warships must be stronger than S-class (stellar-class) warships.

Even if it is 10,000 S-class (star-class) warships, it is still unable to beat a D-class (arm-spinning class) warship.

This is a gap in the level of civilization, which cannot be filled.

That is to say, Shen Yi has a hundred-fold enhancement system, otherwise he can only be regarded as just stepping into the arm rotation level civilization.

The strongest combat power under his hands is still his base.

But it is precisely because of the 100-fold enhancement system that he has the ability to compete with or even crush the primary arm-spinning civilization.

"`" However, it is not an easy task to cover all players within the sphere of influence..."

Shen Yi sighed.

A river system has a maximum of 100,000 people.

Today, there are still more than 4 billion players left.

In other words, these players will be scattered to more than 40,000 river systems.

Such a huge area, let alone an old top arm-spinning civilization.

Even a higher-level civilization cannot occupy it!

Of course, these issues are naturally not considered at the moment.

He didn't even solve the current affairs, and thinking about those higher-level things was simply a fool's dream.

"However, this Li Huaqiang incident has given me an inspiration. We can completely spread the fleet through the players in the second arm, and attack these two primary arm revolutions!"

Shen Yi touched his chin, Shen (Nuo's) groaned.

If he was allowed to develop slowly, it would take too long.

I still don't know when I will be able to get in touch with each other.

But Li Huaqiang is different here.

First of all, Li Huaqiang is more than 20,000 light-years away from the location of his base.

If it weren't for the fact that the upgraded artificial wormhole generator ship and the artificial wormhole beacon ship were powerful enough, I'm afraid there is no way to drive the wormhole so far.

On the other hand, since Li Huaqiang was able to meet the opponent's fleet, it means that the opponent came from the ground, or that the opponent's station was not too far away from him.

In this case, it is simply too suitable to use this place as a forward outpost or a bridgehead.

"Shen Er, what do you think of my plan?

Shen Yi asked Shen Er next to him.

He is only responsible for providing ideas, and as for perfecting or determining tasks, of course, they are handed over to more professional people.

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