Shen Er did not answer immediately, but his eyes flickered with astonishing light.

Obviously calculating something.

Because it is not clear what the current strength of these two primary arm-spinning civilizations is.

Therefore, she positioned these two primary arm rotation-level civilizations as very powerful old-fashioned primary arm rotation-level civilizations.

It is predicted that the opponent has at least 3,000 C-class (arm-spinning) battleships and 100,000 D-class (arm-spinning) battleships.

And she also used this as a unit to deduce various situations after that.

Soon, the divine light in her eyes disappeared, and then she said respectfully: "Master, the plan you provided has execution value, but some improvements are needed."5

Shen Yi raised his brows slightly and asked with great interest, "What should we do?"

"Pretend to be the destroyed primary arm-spin-level civilized remnant of the second arm spin, and then attract the opposing warships to attack."

"We can set up the star system of these players near the outer periphery of the second forearm as a bridgehead to attract all the attention of the other party."

"However, this requires more Armor class ships, different kinds of warships, D-class (armspin class) including C-class (armspin class) warships.

What Shen Er said, although a little bit logical.

But he still said what he wanted to express.

In short, the current tactics are the same as Shen Yi's fishing plan.

However, this time, it will be more 900 densities per week.

Moreover, it is also more able to seduce these two civilizations to take the bait.

After all, the other party wants to take the second arm spin, and at the same time, it is impossible for them to revive the thousand spin civilization that the second arm spin once had.

You must know that they slaughtered Qianxuan civilization completely.

Even at the location of the opponent's main star system, the ultimate weapon was released to wash the ground, destroying that star system abruptly.

There is absolutely no possibility of reconciliation in such a bloody feud.

Can they tolerate the resurgence of their feud?

No, they just did everything in their power to press down this sign.

"More different kinds of D-class (armspin class) warships and C-class (armspin class) warships, it's up to you to decide. 39

Shen Yi nodded, satisfied.

These D-class (arm-spinning) battleships and C-class (arm-spinning-class) battleships only need to consume the resources of A-class (arm-spinning) battleships and S-class (arm-swing-class) battleships for him.

It didn't matter to him at all.

After destroying so many star system civilizations, the resources of the star system are nothing to him.

"Thank you master for your trust, Shen Er will not disappoint master (ahdg)!"

Shen Er's voice was still cold, with an air of iron blood.

However, if you listen carefully, you can still feel a hint of excitement in it.

As a Star Wars battle commander with a technology level of B-level (arm rotation level), Shen Er's intelligence is naturally impossible to be low.

Moreover, because as a combat type commander.

Therefore, her character has a different kind of love for war.

Shen Yi looked at Shen Er's confident look and didn't say much.

Even if Shen Er faced an opponent of the intermediate arm-spin level, he would be able to do the slightest disadvantage.

What's more, there are only two primary arm-spinning civilizations today.

He didn't pay attention to the other party at all.

After staring at Shen Er's layout for a while, he turned his attention to the enhanced artificial wormhole generator ship and the artificial wormhole beacon ship.

"The value of these two battleships is really terrifying..."

Shen Yi sighed.

【Artificial Wormhole Generation Ship】

[Grade Rating: Grade B (Arm Rotation Grade)]

[Ability: A temporary artificial wormhole can be randomly created within a range of 50,000 light-years. When there is an artificial wormhole beacon ship, the artificial wormhole beacon ship can be located and a wormhole can be created, but the created wormhole It is not particularly stable, and can only pass up to 1000 D-class (arm-spinning) battleships or 50 C-class (arm-spinning) battleships or 1 B-class (arm-spinning) battleship]

[Consumption: 500 trillion energy is consumed each time it is turned on, and 150 trillion energy is consumed every second after turning on]

【Artificial Wormhole Beacon Ship】

[Grade Rating: Grade B (Arm Rotation Grade)]

[Capability: Can send beacons for artificial wormhole generators, instantly transmit signals within 50,000 light-years, and mark any position within 200 light-years after transmission to guide the artificial wormhole generators]

[Consumption: It takes 350 trillion energy to send beacons, and consumes 500,000 energy points every day]

This is the panel that the artificial wormhole generator ship and the artificial wormhole beacon ship have at present, after being strengthened.

If not, wormholes can be created at a distance of 50,000 light-years.

He couldn't help Li Huaqiang at all.

After all, the other party is still quite far from his position.

If the distance exceeds 50,000 light-years, it is impossible for the artificial wormhole generator to receive the signal sent by the artificial wormhole beacon ship.

And these two battleships are also an important part of his future plans.

After being strengthened to reach the B level (arm rotation level).

Artificial wormholes The artificial wormholes created by the artificial wormhole generation ship are not only used for output.

At the same time, they can also be used to transport troops.

However, the wormholes opened in this way are not particularly civilized, and there is an upper limit to the energy that can be tolerated.

However, it was still very scary.

You know, this kind of artificial wormhole technology that can transport troops and supply traffic.

Even among the many advanced arm-spinning civilizations that look at the entire universe, not everyone has the technology.

Of course, Shen Yi didn't know that.

It's just that they are full of fears for those intermediate arm-spin-level civilizations and advanced arm-spin-level civilizations.

After all, in his cognition, those civilizations are likely to have such technology.

And these two types of auxiliary warships are undoubtedly the core of this plan.

It can be said that this time the plan is completely generated around these two auxiliary types of warships.

"What? Our arm rotation is being attacked by other arm rotation-level civilizations? Li Huaqiang's case is not an exception?

"Damn it, fortunately we are on the same arm as Shen Yi, otherwise we'd be dead!"

"Trembling, that's an arm-spinning civilization! Even if I am a hundred times stronger, it will not be enough for the opponent to bombard me!"

"After watching that video, who can keep calm! Nima's attack with a diameter of tens of thousands of kilometers is terrifying!"

"So what do you think about the plan of the boss Shen Yi, do you agree? Anyway, I agree, but it is only 80% of the total resources. I can see the fleet of the boss Shen Yi, I am very satisfied!

"Woooooo, my employment request was rejected, because the star system I am in happens to be among the many star systems of the big boss Shen Yi! (dog head)"

"Nima's, another dog is showing?!

"Dog barking?"

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