Interstellar Survival: My Technological Creations Can Be Strengthened A Hundredfold

Chapter 97: Countermeasures of Storm Civilization and Chiyan Civilization

But this theory doesn't hold up either.

If that was really a person from Qianxuan Civilization, how could Chen Wen detour.

According to the news from his spy buried in Stormwind Civilization.

That small fleet is indeed gone.

Although the loss is not huge, it can be according to Chen Wen's temperament.

How could he choose to avoid that area on purpose?

What's more, it was Qianxuan civilization, and their two civilizations were the main culprits in destroying Qianxuan civilization.

There is absolutely no possibility of any reconciliation in the relationship with the other party.

If the opponent is not destroyed, they will be destroyed in the end.

"If it's not the Qianxuan civilization, who should it be?"

Milesy had a headache, and these unknown things made him extremely irritable.

After all, the battlefield itself is unpredictable, and a little mistake can lead to a huge chain reaction.

What's more, this completely unknown situation happened at this moment.

However, that area has been completely blocked by Chen Wen, and a fleet has been left outside, prohibiting all fleets from entering.

Even if he exposed the spy ruthlessly, he would not be able to detect the situation there.

However, the other party should not be those intermediate arm rotation level civilizations or advanced arm rotation level civilizations.

On the one hand, the other party simply doesn't look down on these small arms spinners.

On the other hand, if it is really an enemy of that level, would Chen Wen dare to continue to resist?

It was no different from courting death.

Could it be that a civilization that has inherited the technology of Qianxuan civilization has grown to the point where it is now?

But this kind of thing is a little too outrageous.

It would be better to think that there was a fish that slipped through the net in the Qianxuan civilization.

Then, with a lot of technology, he unexpectedly obtained countless resources and possessed the ability to compete with them...

"Although this possibility is not big, it seems to be the only possibility. That is to say, the opponent this time is not only the Storm Civilization, but also the Qianxuan Civilization?"

Milesey licked his lips, and a trace of violence flashed in his eyes.

Although this time it was a lot more difficult.

However, this actually made him, the Scarlet Flame Tiger, even more excited.

"In addition to the 30% of the fleet that set up the defense line, the other 70% of the warships headed to the center of the second arm circle at the fastest speed, and established a forward position there!"

Milesey ordered quickly.

It is a good thing that the Storm Civilization was blocked by the Qianxuan Civilization.

In this way, he can enter the center area of ​​the second forearm rotation at the fastest speed.

You know, they have destroyed the Qianxuan civilization before.

Therefore, many technologies and information of Qianxuan Civilization have been mastered by them.

Especially with the star chart about the second forearm rotation...

The star map of Qianxuan civilization spreads from the center to the surrounding.

Although the coverage area is only two-thirds of the whole of the second forearm rotation.

But above, you can clearly see the many 'traffic arteries' of the second forearm.

Yes, those natural wormholes.

Naturally, these natural wormholes cannot penetrate every star system like a sieve.

Some star systems have more natural wormholes that can lead to other star systems.

Some star systems have few natural wormholes, and may not even lead to other star systems.

These large and small natural wormholes will naturally converge into places similar to the main road.

And most of these arteries are concentrated in the central position of the second forearm rotation.

Once the Crimson Flame Civilization can take this opportunity, occupy the central area of ​​the second arm.

Then, they are equivalent to mastering the initiative of the attack.

Under this situation, the Storm Civilization will be defeated by them sooner or later.

As for the third-party force suspected to be related to Qianxuan Civilization, he did not pay attention to it at all.

After all, the resources within an arm spin are limited.

As far as these small arm rotation civilizations are concerned, it is already the limit that they can develop to the primary arm rotation level civilization.

When the Qianxuan civilization was destroyed before.

They almost hollowed out the heritage of Qianxuan civilization.

Therefore, the resources in the second forearm are not enough to cultivate a civilization like them.

Unless those intermediate arm-spin-level civilizations or advanced arm-spin-level civilizations end up.

If that's the case, then they have nothing to say and just give up.

Even when they were at their peak, they couldn't compete with the intermediate arm-spinning civilization at all.

What's more, now that he has not fully recovered his vitality.

"Yes! General!"

The adjutant immediately conveyed the order.

The mighty army of the Scarlet Flame Empire immediately separated 70% of the fleet and flew towards the established route.

Because it has been there once.

Therefore, they can be considered familiar.

Although there may be some wrong ways to go, the general route is not wrong.

However, in order to prevent detection purposes.

These fleets also did not all act together.

Moreover, that kind of efficiency is also very slow.

After all, although natural wormholes are not the same as man-made wormholes, they will collapse directly after too much energy shock.

But precisely because it is too stable, the number of warships passing through is limited.

In the case of bringing out a large number of stellar-class battleships.

If you want to reach the core area of ​​Qianxuan civilization at the fastest speed, you must divide your troops.

And all of this is in Shen Er's calculations.

She has deduced the Chiyan Civilization and Storm Civilization as imaginary enemies countless times.

In terms of her ability, this level of battle is too unchallenging.

However, out of her passion for war, she also did not take it lightly.

At this moment, it is in a star system about fifty light-years away from the Red Flame Civilization Fleet.

One size is not too big.

But the extremely elite fleet is like a ghost, lurking in a planetary belt.

Quietly locked on a natural wormhole ahead.

This is naturally Shen Er's handwriting.

Not only in this place, but in many key node star systems, Shen Er has arranged the fleet in advance.

Has a star map of the Thousand Spins Civilization.

Coupled with the wormhole fluctuation detector, she can easily complete the rest of the star map.

Another player hired an artificial wormhole beacon ship to send the fleet directly.

It can be said that she directly saved a lot of time.

And this time is enough for Shen Er to complete the next layout.

Time passed bit by bit, and the fleet of the Scarlet Flame Empire also slowly advanced.

However, when they have a small team, a total of 1 C-class (arm-spinning) battleship, 50 D-class (arm-spinning) battleships, 500 S-class (arm-spinning) battleships, 5,000 A-class (arm-spinning) battleships The moment when 50,000 B-class (arm-spinning) battleships and 50,000 B-class (arm-spinning) battleships passed through the natural wormhole.

The fleet hidden in the nearby asteroid belt is on the move!

Countless artillery fires came from the side and rear of this Scarlet Flame Empire fleet in an instant.

In just an instant, nearly a thousand battleships turned into wrecks.

There was even a D-class (arm-rotor-class) battleship among them, which was severely damaged, and the damage to the hull was as high as 60%.

"What's the matter! There are actually enemies here!?

The commander of this fleet was a little frightened.

Although Milesey had reminded them of this before.

To be honest, he didn't take it to heart at all.

After all, in his mind, even if there are some remnants of the Qianxuan civilization that has been destroyed once, how many are left?

Is it possible that the other party can fight on two fronts, harassing Stormwind Civilization, and at the same time attacking them?

Even their Scarlet Flame Civilization dare not say that they can fight on two fronts!

As a result, now the fact hit him hard in the face.

The opponent really dared to fight on two fronts.

Is this looking down on their Chiyan civilization!

"Check the level of the opponent's battleship, and then give Lao Tzu a hard counterattack!"

"Damn, it really gave them a face!"

The commander stood up directly and looked at the asteroid belt thrown out by the attack, his eyes were full of anger.

However, just after he finished speaking, he heard the soldier in charge of the radar say with a trembling voice: "referring to... Commander... Judging from the energy fluctuations on the opposite side, the other side has at least 200 D-class (armor) ships. Rotary class) battleship!

This sentence made the commander's heart suddenly startled.

200 D-class (arm-spinning) warships...

This is 4 times as much as them!

To say that such a fleet does not have C-class (arm-spinning) level battleships to lead the team, he does not believe it.

This Nima's one of them is bad, but they will all be left behind!

"No, immediately notify the support, this enemy fleet is not something we can contend with!"

The squad commander made a quick decision.

What a joke, although they have a lot of brush collars, they can face the enemy's elite squad.

It's basically no different from a live target.

In other words, it is a moving steel coffin.

Even their D-class (arm-spinning) warships may be in danger.

Especially when he saw the 50 huge energy barriers lit up in front of the enemy fleet, the corners of his mouth twitched fiercely.

What family is opposite this Nima!

A fleet of no more than 250 ships, equipped with 50 D-class (arm-spinning) frigates?

Is this Nima a little too extravagant?

Even an elite team, it shouldn't be so exaggerated!

However, if the revolving door is used to snipe the Chiyan Empire fleet, it is not incomprehensible.

After all, if all the C-class (arm-spinning) frigates of the Red Flame Empire were taken out.

That's enough to make up 50 ships.

In interstellar combat, the role of frigates is too important.

It has fully assumed the important responsibility of protecting its own output.

Otherwise, even if it is a powerful battleship, it cannot withstand a wave of enemy attacks, it is no different from garbage.

There is no need for second men in war!

"Yes, Lord Commander!"

The adjutant said quickly.

Suddenly being attacked by the enemy's elite squad is also a very terrifying thing for them.

Although they also have C-class (arm-spinning) battleships that have not yet been dispatched.

But so what?

The enemy still has four huge warships that have not moved!

Although the size of the opponent's battleship should be only S-class (stellar) level.

But after seeing the energy fluctuations of those ships that are only A-class (stellar-class), no one feels that those warships that are similar to the S-class (stellar-class) appearance.

Still that power level.

The opponent has a high probability of being a C-class (arm-spinning) battleship...

In the case where the C-class (arm-spinning) battleships and the D-class (arm-spinning) battleships are all crushed.

They have no chance of winning this battle at all.

Little did they know, however, that they were not the only fleet sending a distress signal.

Eight fleets have already fallen into fishing nets and are suffering devastating blows.

On the flagship of the Scarlet Flame Fleet, the Scarlet Flame Tiger Milesey's brows were already wrinkled enough to kill flies.

They actually had a full eight fleets that were attacked.

Moreover, the configuration of the other party is exactly the same.

All are 4 C-class (arm-spin class) battleships at the head, and 250 D-class (arm-spin class) fleets form the backbone.

This means that the other party has at least 32 C-class (arm-spinning) battleships and 2,000 D-class (arm-spinning) battleships.  …

Isn't this a little too outrageous?

A thousand-spin civilization, which is in decline, still has such strength in the case of two-front warfare?

Or is it that their side is actually the place where the other party is strictly guarded?

Moreover, these eight fleets were attacked at almost the same time.

This shows that the other party has already planned to ambush here.

In this way, the possibility of the other party strictly guarding against the Scarlet Flame Empire's side is even greater.

This is not good news for him and Chiyan civilization.

"Let's retreat, retreat as much as you can, and the nearest fleet will take over.

Miles said in a low voice.

Of course he doesn't want to retreat if he can, but now their front is too wide.

Before he could figure out the opponent's strength, he didn't dare to send the fleet to press him.

If you are in a stalemate with the other party and are raided by the other party's large army, then the situation will be bad.

I am afraid that even the supporting fleet will be folded in.

further expansion of losses.

"Yes, General!"

A famous general on the screen did not have any opinion.

There is no idiot who asks the question of what to do with the abandoned soldiers.

The current situation is that the enemy's situation is unknown, and the total strength of the fleet surpasses its own.

As long as the commander wasn't thinking of burying the entire fleet here, he wouldn't ask such a stupid question.

It's just a pity for those soldiers who were left behind.

However, Chiyang Civilization will not forget their sacrifices, they will all be inscribed on the Wanling Stele, and will be admired by all the people of Chiyan Civilization!

With such thoughts in mind, the eight fleets that were attacked quickly began to shrink and retreat.

In the case that the final flagship also started, Shen Er only left 60% of the other party.

Among them, most of them are only S-class (star-class) warships below.

As long as Milesey's order is issued with some hesitation, it will not be just the current result.

However, after giving the order, Myersey's face was not good-looking.

Because, the other party's actions made his plan fall through.

He didn't expect that the opponent's defense center would actually be on their side.

"Is it because Chiyan Civilization was the first to invade the main star system of Qianxuan Civilization?"

Milesey groaned in a low voice.

He vaguely believed that this unknown enemy was Qianxuan Civilization.

After all, the style of the opponent's battleship is not much different from that of Qianxuan Civilization, but it may be slightly smaller in size.

There are some changes in appearance.

However, other features and the like are no different from the battleships of Qianxuan Civilization.

"No one can stand in my way, and no one can stand in the way of Chiyan Civilization! Since I was able to destroy you once, I can also trample you to death this time!

There was a flash of violence in Milesey's eyes.

Said to the adjutant beside him: "Gather six elite fleets consisting of 50 C-class (arm-spinning) battleships and 500 D-class (arm-swinging) battleships, and go to the follow-up fleet to clear the channel!" 9

"Since the other party wants to play elite tactics, then we will play with them! I want to see how a destroyed civilization has the ability to fight with us!

The original Qianxuan civilization had never played him, and he did not think that the now resurgent Qianxuan civilization would be able to fight him.

And, there's another reason he's so urgent.

That is, the Thousand Spins Civilization put the focus of Defense 3.6 on their side.

Wouldn't the defensive strength be much worse for Stormwind Civilization?

This means that Stormwind Civilization will be very easy to attack the hinterland of the second forearm.

With Chen Wen's temperament that was firmly engraved into his genes.

If those important nodes are stuck by the opponent, it will be very difficult for him to attack again.

"Yes, General!"

The adjutant immediately saluted respectfully, and then conveyed the order.

The fleets responsible for the fast attack immediately began to assemble rapidly, forming six huge fleets.

Afterwards, almost all of the C-class (arm-spinning) warships were dispatched.

They each led 500 D-class (arm-spinning) battleships and swept forward, opening the way for the fleet behind.

With the huge size of this fleet, if you continue to encounter the fleet of the previous 'Qianxuan Civilization', it will definitely be able to easily defeat the other party...

At this moment, the Storm Civilization on the other side also encountered the same situation.

And Chen Wen, God of War of the Storm, also raised the same guess as Milesey in his heart.

"Could it be because the Storm Civilization took the lead in launching a devastating attack on the main star system of the Qianxuan Civilization, so the other party hated the Storm Civilization so much and laid all its strength here?""

Chen Wen's elegant face was covered with clouds.

If that's the case, it's not good news for them.

The chief general of the Red Flame Empire, Milesey, is good at blitzkrieg.

Once the opponent has the advantage.

Their side is in danger. Even if they can defeat Qianxuan Civilization, I am afraid that the situation will completely fall on the side of Chiyan Civilization.

If you wait until Milesey occupies the main points of the second forearm.

It will definitely bring the blitzkrieg that the opponent is good at to the extreme.

At that point, even he would find it extremely difficult.

What's more, the strength of Chiyan civilization itself is to surpass Stormwind civilization.

"No, we can't be passive like this. If we are really taken advantage of by Chiyan Civilization, Storm Wind Civilization will fall into a passive situation!""

Chen Wen gritted his teeth, he planned to ignore Qianxuan Civilization's targeting.

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