Directly send out the elite fleet first, and seize those important points.

Even if you can't grab all of them, you must grab most of them as much as possible.

Otherwise, they have no chance at all to make a comeback.

"Pass my order... Assemble the arm-spin elite fleet and reach these node positions as quickly as possible!""

Milesey and Chen Wen almost made the same decision.

As for the remnants of Qianxuan Civilization, who forcibly inserted in and tried to find a sense of existence, they were directly ignored by them.

Today, Qianxuan Civilization has only displayed 32 S-class (arm-spinning) battleships.

This strength simply cannot attract their attention.

Even if the intelligence of the two sides added up, they learned that the opposite side was also attacked.

It also doesn't pay too much attention.

Even if they add up, there are only 64 C-class (armspin class) battleships.

This is really unable to attract the slightest attention to them.

Not to mention that it can be easily destroyed, but it definitely poses no threat to them.

After all, war is about high technology, and it is about top warships.

As long as the other party does not take refuge in the other party, it is a mob for them.

However, they didn't know.

This step of his own fell into the second step of Shen Er's plan.

In the base of the Death Star Fortress, Shen Yi shuddered when he saw Shen Er who had a cold smile on his face.

Then, he sighed and said: "Shen Er, in terms of tactics, I would like to call you the strongest! I'm afraid they don't even know how they were killed by you!"5

After sacrificing two fleets, the trend of Stormwind Civilization and Chiyan Civilization has been completely discerned by Shen Er.

And all of this is indeed exactly the same as Shen Er deduced.

These two come from the primary arm-spin civilization of the first arm spin and the third arm spin.

After suffering a wave of losses, they will quickly assemble the arm-spin-class elite fleet to launch a fast attack.

Try to quickly grab those level points of the second forearm spin.

And this will also lead to emptiness behind them...

What will be the result of the emptiness in the rear?

A large number of fleets on Shen Yi's side will directly protrude!

Directly eliminate the opponent's living force in the rear, and continue to harass the opponent.

After mastering the technology of wormhole wave detector.

They can find the location of natural wormholes more easily than Chiyan civilization and Stormwind civilization.

In other words, they can completely rely on the terrain advantage to engage in guerrilla warfare with the opponent, and wreak havoc in the opponent's rear.

In such a situation, should the opponent choose 07 to defend?

However, no matter the opponent announces that they choose to return to defense, they will eventually fall into the big net woven by Shen Er.

Because, Shen Er had already calculated all kinds of possibilities.

This is the ability of the Star Wars battle commander at the B-level (arm-spinning level).

Even in the face of an intermediate-level arm-spin battle, Shen Er was also able to handle it with ease.

But at this moment, after the elite fleets of Storm Civilization and Chiyan Civilization were separated from the main force.

Shen Er immediately killed the fleet hidden in various hidden natural wormholes.

Begin to frantically encircle and suppress each other's large troops.

Among these large units, there are a lot of arm-spin-class battleships remaining.

But after drawing out the elite fleet, how much is left?

Coupled with the part of the fleet left behind, they simply can't compete with the 2,250 arm-spin battleships of Shen Er at the moment.

He could only lose a lot of battleships under Shen Er's crazy sneak attack.

And, under compelled circumstances.

They can only withdraw the advance fleet that was sent out before.

Otherwise, the rear battle will definitely be extremely tragic.

The Glory-level Sky Eye flagship under Shen Yi's command, although the attack power is in the C-level (arm-spin level), it can only be regarded as average, but it is also C-level (arm-spin level).

Moreover, it is the main artillery attack as the flagship, and the attack range is extremely huge.

The threat to warships below the C-class (arm-spinning class) is particularly high...

Plus three Aegis-class frigates at the C-class (arm-spinning) level.

The lethality of that combination is simply abnormal...

With almost one shot, it can take away a large number of battleships from Chiyan Civilization and Stormwind Civilization.

On the other hand, most of the opponent's counterattacks were blocked by the three Sacred Shield-class frigates.

Moreover, since it was a guerrilla attack, Shen Er would naturally not let the battleship continue to fight.

Basically just hit a shot and immediately retreat.

In the case that the elite warships are basically sent out.

Neither Chen Wen nor Miles dared to send a fleet to pursue them.

What if there is an ambush?

These are all bad things to say.

The other party was crazy enough to use only one-third of their arm-spin-class battleships, and rushed directly to their army.

What else can't be done?

"If I knew earlier, I should have killed all these Qianxuan civilizations! Otherwise, where would there be so many things now! 35

"Damn Chen Wen, if he hadn't stopped him at the beginning, I wouldn't let anyone from the Qianxuan civilization let go!

Among the flagships of Chiyan Civilization, Milesey gritted his teeth and roared.

In fact, when they destroyed the Qianxuan civilization.

A group of people from Qianxuan civilization escaped.

It's not that he doesn't want to kill the opponent.

It's really Chen Wen's stupid shit, it's really not a thing.

It was at that time that a surprise attack was made against him.

So that at that time he could only be forced to defend and resist the attack of Stormwind Civilization.

He could only watch the remnants of Qianxuan Civilization escape.

And it is precisely because of this that he feels that this group of enemies are the remnants of Qianxuan civilization.

If it wasn't for Chen Wen's cowardly manipulation, how could he have encountered such trouble today!

Now he was so dragged in place that he could barely move.

I am afraid that Chen Wen will have to rush to those nodes long ago, and even cross the nodes to counterattack him!

"Damn, it's really poisonous!

Milesey slammed a heavy punch on the armrest and scolded angrily.

Just then, a confidant adjutant suddenly hurried over.

He leaned into his ear and whispered: "Master General, according to the news from the spy, Storm Wind Civilization was also dragged down by this Qianxuan Civilization, and the other party caused a lot of losses to Chen Wen."

"The number of D-class (arm-rotor-class) battleships lost will not be less than 3,000. Chen Wen is now estimated to be mad!"

A light suddenly flashed in Milesey's eyes: "Huh? Chen Wen was also attacked by Qianxuan civilization? And the loss of D-class (arm-spinning) battleships was as high as 3,000? 35

"Hahahaha! Deserving it! This bastard has tasted the bitter fruit he planted that day!"

This sudden good news made Miles burst into laughter.

The previous depression was completely swept away.

Although his current situation is not very good, those battleships of Qianxuan civilization are like mice.

When he got the chance, he rushed out and took a bite, and it was so annoying.

But if Chen Wen is unlucky with him, then he will be happy.

Moreover, there is no movement on Chen Wen's side, which is a good thing!

At least both sides are still on the same starting line!

"Since the Storm Civilization has no achievements, then we will compare with them, who can destroy the Qianxuan Civilization first!

After laughing, a sullen look flashed in Milesey's eyes.

He didn't think that he, who was good at fast break, would be inferior to Chen Wen.

Perhaps Chen Wen's military ability is indeed very good.

But so what?

The opponent is good at fighting steadily, not at the fastest speed to solve the enemy.

"Pass my order, send out all the reconnaissance ships, and lock the position of the enemy for me! The elite fleet is ready to be dispatched at any time! 35

Milesey ordered sharply, his eyes full of heat.

This time, he not only wanted to defeat Qianxuan Civilization, but also took down the second arm.

At the same time, he has to take it together with the fleet of Stormwind Civilization.

Decapitate this acclaimed Storm God of War!

On the other side, Chen Wen obviously received information from Chi Yan Civilization.

Qianxuan Civilization's two-line battle really made him a little confused.

This civilization that was destroyed by them at the beginning still has the energy to fight with their two civilizations at the same time?

Isn't this a little too outrageous?

"According to the news from there, this Qianxuan civilization still has more than 60 C-class (Jihuan-class) battleships and more than 4,500 D-class (Jihuan-class) battleships... The primary Jixuan-class civilization It's really difficult!

Chen Wen sighed.

In just a few decades, he has regained such a huge strength.

If they hesitated at that time, they would launch a war of aggression a few decades later.

I am afraid that the other party will really restore the strength of the peak period!

However, what worries him the most is the star system with the artificial wormhole attack method.

He couldn't be sure whether that was the means of Qianxuan Civilization.

If so, then the situation is not good.

That level of attack, even in the C-level (arm rotation level) is very terrifying.

Moreover, the killing range even exceeds the killing range of the C-class (arm-spinning) flagship.

That's definitely a stationary super weapon...

They also have this weapon in Stormwind civilization.

Can easily destroy a fleet led by an unsuspecting C-class (Spin-class) warship.

Therefore, he was not shocked by this weapon.

On the contrary, the method of tearing apart the wormhole made him extremely jealous.

This is equivalent to pulling this fixed super weapon directly onto the battlefield.

Moreover, it may appear in any position.

If the other party gives them a shot from time to time, the consequences are really terrible...

However, the only fluke he is holding now is the appearance of this battleship, which does not seem to be the usual appearance of Qianxuan Civilization.

Otherwise, how dare he arbitrarily divide his troops to pursue him...

Mmmm...this is definitely Shen Yi's cauldron!

If not to say hi to each other.

The other party will not feel jealous because of the artificial wormhole and dare not send out the army at will.

Of course, Shen Er naturally has countermeasures in the face of this method.

It just takes a little sacrifice.

"Marshal, a fleet has flown towards that area that is listed as a forbidden area, shall we catch up?

On the flagship of Storm Civilization, the adjutant reported to Chen Wenhui with an ugly face.

"What? Flying over there? Could it be that there is their base?

The expression on Chen Wen's face changed instantly.

This possibility is still very high.

After all, this is the second small arm rotation, and that place is not the base of Qianxuan civilization.

That definitely has a lot to do with Qianxuan civilization.

After all, this was once the site of Qianxuan civilization.

"Send a reconnaissance fleet to follow behind the other party to see! Confirm whether the other party is Qianxuan civilization or whether it is related to Qianxuan civilization!

Chen Wen's face showed a trace of cruelty: "If you are sure that the other party is the base of Qianxuan civilization, then kill them all at all costs!

The remnants of Qianxuan Civilization have caused them too much loss.

In just a few days, under the blow of the opponent regardless of casualties.

They lost a full 43 C-class (arm-spin) battleships and 1,725 ​​D-class (arm-spin class) battleships.

And what about the other side?

The casualties were only half of theirs.

This humiliation made Chen Wen somewhat unacceptable.

Moreover, if the Qianxuan civilization is not destroyed, they have no way to continue to advance.

Now, what they want to compete with Chiyan Civilization is who can push Qianxuan Civilization faster.

And what is more troublesome for them than Chiyan civilization is that they have an existence on their side who do not know whether it is Qianxuan civilization or a higher level civilization.

This is also the reason that has been preventing him from continuing to advance.

Of course, if the other party is a higher level civilization, then they can only retreat.

In the face of higher civilizations, it is not something that their Stormwind civilization can contend with.

It can be said that even if they are trapped together by the three small arm rotation civilizations, it is not enough for those intermediate arm rotation level civilizations of the Horton River System.

"Yes, Master Marshal!"

The adjutant respectfully salutes.

A reconnaissance fleet immediately followed carefully and fell far behind the 'fleeing' fleet.

Because in order to see what this fleet has to do with this dangerous star system.

Therefore, the fleet guarding around has also loosened its openings.

Let this fleet break into it.

And Chen Wen also clenched his fists, staring at the news from the reconnaissance fleet.

Now there are only two possibilities. One is that Qianxuan Civilization has mastered the artificial wormhole technology and can carry out long-range strikes through the wormhole.

Another possibility is that a powerful advanced civilization appeared here for some unknown reason.

These two possibilities, no matter what kind, are actually not a good thing for them.

But if you can only choose one of these two possibilities.

Then he would rather choose the second one.

Because, if it is the first type, they will definitely be hit by the madness of Qianxuan civilization.

This can be seen from the fact that the warships of Qianxuan Civilization are called suicide attacks.

The other party doesn't seem to care about the loss at all.

Even if it is death, it will be exchanged with them one by one.

This kind of cold-blooded play has made people in the fleet panic.

If the other party also masters this powerful ability, it will definitely be a huge threat to their fleet.

As far as the attack of the previous level is concerned, I am afraid that even C-class (arm-spinning) battleships may be in danger.

Of course, if it is the second type of 900 energy, it is not a good thing for them.

However, relatively speaking, they can bypass this area.

The big deal is to just cut off this area directly.

As long as the other party doesn't want the entire second arm spin, they can all accept it.

Soon, this 'fleeing' fleet, and the reconnaissance ships that followed carefully behind, all entered the star system where Li Huaqiang was located.

Seeing this scene, Shen Er in the base raised a sensible smile: "If that's the case, you're going to be hooked!

What she wants is to make the two parties frantically set their goal on solving the 'Qianxuan Civilization's remnants' first.

In this way, in order to be able to occupy a favorable position faster than the opponent.

They will definitely invest their maximum strength to eliminate the 'Qianxuan Civilization's remnants'.

This is exactly what Shen Er wanted to see.

With sufficient troops, she is not afraid of a war of attrition at all.

Using a bunch of stellar-type warships to exchange arm-spin-class warships, isn't this business a bloody profit?

As long as the follow-up resources are recovered, the benefits obtained are simply incalculable.

Look at the actors and audience who have entered the stage.

Without any hesitation, Shen Er directly let the artificial wormhole beacon ship appear.

The huge cross-shaped warship stood quietly in the void, as if to judge the world.

Even if he didn't see it for the first time, Chen Wen on the other side still felt terrified.

That is the ability to master the tearing space!

Although this can only be used to create artificial wormholes and deliver attacks.

But it's still very scary!

That is justice from heaven!

The deterrent effect of the justice that appeared directly above his head was too great.

However, the next moment the opposing warship launched an attack.

No, it should be said that the other party opened the wormhole.

An incomparably thick and huge beam of light shot out directly from the huge vortex.

Violently bombarded the batch of fleeing warships.

Almost just for a moment.

This fleeing warship left only the wreckage in the sky.

Even the few C-class (arm-spinning) level warships only lasted for less than five seconds.

"Hi... This attack has already reached the pinnacle of C-level (arm-spinning)... The opponent is definitely at least an intermediate arm-spinning civilization!

Chen Wen's pupils contracted slightly, and he took a deep breath.

Watching the C-class (armspin class) warships shred before his eyes.

This feeling is much more shocking than watching the D-class (arm-spinning) battleship being torn apart in front of my eyes.

Moreover, the other party's unreasonable overbearing.

It also made him firm up his thoughts.

The forces that exist here, although I don't know which side it is.

But definitely not the existence they can provoke...

However, at this moment, an icy voice suddenly sounded in the cabin.

"Trash, this is the last warning..."

There was nothing special about that icy voice.

But Chen Wen instantly felt a chill go straight to the top of his head, causing his scalp to go numb.

Because, he knew that this time came from the other side's warning.

If there is another time, the other party will probably do something to them!

"Quick, withdraw all the reconnaissance ships, and at the same time completely block this area, don't break in here, and don't let others break in!

Chen Wen's eyes were full of fear, and he hurriedly ordered.

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