Obey was anxious to speak, but Xi Ling pressed a single finger on his lips!

    "Also...my jealousy is too strong, I know it's not good, but I really can't change it, but I will try my best to restrain it! Sorry wife, I made you sad. I suddenly visited , disrupting your plan, and giving the Orcs an excuse to attack you, I'm sorry!"

    Xi Ling licked his wife's lips, very pleasing, like I was really wrong, and I don't even think about who the guy was angry just now →_→

    "No," Aobe said quickly: "I like it very much, you are like this because you love me, I am very happy. As for the other bugs, even if we are right, they will not let go ."

    "Yeah, I love you so much, I can't wait to hide it, **** male, wait a few days to clean him up, dare to think about my wife, it's too long!"

    The reconciliation was as good as ever, Aobe was very happy, and shrank down: "Master~ let's have a male worm?"

    I have to give birth, I have to give birth, I have already decided, I have to get it, of course, Xi Ling doesn't want to put pressure on Aubei!

    So after a while, there was a sound that made the insect blush and heartbeat.

    Xi Ling deliberately declared sovereignty!

    Obey also deliberately didn't mention it. He used to be unable to let go in the wild without insects, but now he is very firm. Aobei's purpose is very clear, Xi Ling is mine, don't think about it !

    That night, the family of five finally reunited, Xi Ling hugged Aobe's waist, and the three children in Aobe's arms were rolling and having fun, and there was no sign of discord. Previously, Xi Ling walked away in a rage, scaring the second child and the eldest. They were still young, but they knew that the male father didn't like the act of fighting.

    I didn't know about the injury, which made Xi Ling even more uncomfortable.

    When Xi Ling woke up and just opened his eyes, he saw Dabao's shell scratched and Erbao's golden hair flying all over the sky. What is the concept? The beast has a lot of hair, and the bite must be two mouths of hair. This is unavoidable, but Xi Ling is not used to it. Dabao is usually very well behaved, even if he fights with his younger brother, he is measured. The cubs don't really fight, but their bluff is real.

    It's actually a kind of practice to jump around, not to mention the difference between the baby teeth and soft armor and the fangs and claws when they grow up.

    Xi Ling's heart softened, watching the three little guys play cute and blow bubbles at Ao Bei, and his heart was a lot more peaceful.

    "It's up to you to teach them in the future. It's a heavy burden. Don't blame me for being the hand-lover."

    Delegating power in a joking way, Xi Ling is for Aobe's mood.

    Obey was wise, already understood that Xi Ling had figured it out, he hooked his hand back, put his arms around the male's neck, and offered a kiss: "We are still young, there will be many cubs in the future, it's me Too anxious..."

    Xi Ling pressed one finger on Aubei's lips again: "Why did you mention it again? The other worms all hope that the cubs will have a future. Let's not raise a dummy!"

    The hero has a beautiful little face, and Aubei loves it so much that he kisses and bites again. Xi Ling's face was covered in circles, and his eyes were rounded. The black eyes are as mysterious as the abyss, shining with different rays of light, making Aubei unable to look away, his heartbeat is violent, and the breath is sprayed on his face, hot, as if he is about to burn.

    Obey was in love, her eyes were blurred, her breath was unsteady, and she slowly approached Xi Ling... Suddenly there were a few tongues on her face, and they rushed to lick them together, Aobei froze, stunned.

    Xi Ling laughed out loud, darlings, she is really cuter than an angel!

    The three treasures use their front legs to hug the female father's neck to compete for favor, you push me away, I push you away, the three treasures who can't grab the slot simply bite the second treasure's tail and pull it back, but it can't be pulled , the strength is too small. Out of nowhere, Sanbao began to shift positions and bite Dabao's legs. When the baby-like Dabao was in pain, he stepped aside and looked at his younger brother eagerly.

    Although we separated from the female father not long ago, we have been together before. Even if the female father is busy during the day, we can get together for a long time at night. disturbed. Xi Ling shook his head, and helplessly took Da Bao into his arms and kissed him. Da Bao also hugged Xi Ling's neck, rubbing and rubbing, blowing bubbles.

    Then the big quilt slept together, Xi Ling on the side, Aobe on the innermost, and the three little ones in the middle.

    Xi Ling thought that he would not be able to sleep, and Ao Bei also thought that he would be insomnia. On the contrary, everyone slept very sweetly and had no dreams all night, as beautiful as a painting.

    The next morning, Dabao was the first to wake up. He rubbed his eyes and saw that both the male father and the female father were sleeping. The little fat hand patted the younger brothers and told them to hurry up Get up and water. Erbao bared his teeth, glanced at the beast father secretly, stretched his waist, picked up a picture of his third brother, who seemed to be awake, and jumped out of bed, Dabao also turned into a worm, and followed uneasy.

    Obey opened his eyes, Xi Ling also looked at each other at the same time, smiled warmly, and the time was quiet.

    The entire bedroom was under Xi Ling's monitoring.

    Xi Ling approached Aobe, and Aobe winked like silk, but pushed the male insect's chest: "I won't come, the babies don't hear well."

    "No one can hear me if I want to."

    "I..." Aobe rolled up his toes shyly: "But I..."

    After that, Aobe didn't dare to be too intimate with the child immediately, and always felt very ashamed. Xi Ling found out and knew how to respect his wife's feelings, so he hugged, kissed, grinded After taking two bites of the little red bean, I let it go. Aubei was also a little unbearable, after all, it was for the sake of the cub, and he didn't roll with Xi Ling.

    The family of five ate breakfast, which was very rich. All of them were prepared by Xi Ling in advance and put in the light brain. Just took it out, the aroma was full of fragrance, and the three little guys looked straight Now, saliva is flowing, and his eyes are sharp.

    Obey laughed. In the past, Xi Ling fed himself, but now that there are three of them, Aobei dare not let Xi Ling work alone.

    Dabao is the eldest. Although he covets the arms of the male father, he also has the idea of ​​​​caring for the younger brothers, so he sits generously and considerately in the arms of the female father. The two little beasts really sat in Xi Ling's arms and opened their mouths happily, as if I was disabled and fed me. Dabao shook his head and opened his mouth, waiting for the female father to feed him.

    Although the children are small, they also know who is the master of this family! He always revolves around Xi Ling, and if he is wronged, he will complain to Xi Ling as soon as possible. The position in Xi Ling's arms is the first choice! But when Aubei started to take care of them, he was very serious and severe. The little boy was not used to it at first, so he complained to the male father, but the male father did not smile.

    The little guy understands that the head of the house is the female father! They kept getting it wrong, so when Aubei opened his mouth, they all obeyed.

    Lone Star has a charming scenery, blue sky, snow-white clouds, green grassland, beautiful creatures.

    But most of them are poisonous, which is innocuous to females, and to males... Anyway, it is no problem for Xi Ling!

    The two little ones practiced fluttering butterflies in the space, and Dabao was able to follow the female father, so he received the task of catching living things!

    Dabao turned into a worm, quietly crawling into the flowery world full of plants, and a strange-looking little thing crawled over. Is this a living thing? Dabao tilted his head, stared at it for a while and crawled forward. A few small flying insects flew by in front of my eyes, is this a living thing? Tangled staring at them disappear.

    Dabao went deeper and found a half-sized cub!

    Dabao was surprised, stared at the silver special eyes full of mesh, and analyzed the little beast, no danger, no poison, no attack power, how did he live? Lost with the beast mother? Dabao was very sympathetic and made a clucking noise. The little beast was very frightened, and stepped back vigilantly until his butt/butt touched the tree. It was so terrifying that it didn't dare to look back, for fear that a dangerous creature would suddenly come over and bite its neck.


    Is this a living creature?

    Dabao leaned down, and the last two legs began to gather force, calculating the speed and distance, to win in one fell swoop!

    The little beast sensed Dabao's intention and sent out a warning sound, his eyes were wet with fright, but he never relaxed!

    A small flying insect passed by very strong, and made a small buzzing sound when its wings flapped, which happened to distract the little beast for 0.01 seconds! When the chance came, Dabao suddenly burst into flames. When the little beast felt the wind, it was too late. Dabao landed on its back, trapped the prey with its claws, and strangled it tightly.


    Dabao was stupid for a while, and immediately chased after him!

    This is a living creature. If you can't complete the task of the female father, you can't eat the rice cooked by the male father!

    Although most creatures on Lone Star are poisonous, all animals and plants are vegetarian, which makes Lone Star a tourist attraction. Way. That's why Xi Ling and Aubei let Dabao go out with confidence. The inexperienced little guy can't listen to what he says. Only when he really suffers can he realize how precious the elders' experience is.

    Dabao was in a state of embarrassment. He came back in the evening, limping and panting from exhaustion. His body was covered in animal blood, and on his back was a half-sized beast with more air and less air.

     Mission accomplished! Dabao's eyes are very sharp!

    This is the nature of female insects, Xi Ling is sighing, but she can only stand by! This world has its own unique rules, that is, laws. Gods understand it, and only when they fully understand it can they become gods. Xi Ling suddenly felt a lot lighter all over her body, with a confused/forced expression, I'm about to break through? o(╯□╰)o

    The aurora in the sky is colorful, and there are many colorful clouds in an instant.

    Obey naturally found that Xi Ling's state was not right, the surrounding forces were out of balance, and the gusts of wind were a little unstoppable. Aobei was extremely shocked, what happened? If something goes wrong, what does the vision in the sky mean? Seeing Xi Ling's eyes closed, Ao Bei did not dare to disturb, and was nervously vigilant until Xi Ling opened his eyes... The youth was extremely dazzling, and the green light full of vitality disappeared in a flash.

    The wind stops, the sun shines on the earth, and it is peaceful!

    "What happened to you?" Aubei was worried, and Dabao was also frightened.

    "It's nothing, I just understood the natural laws here," Xi Ling shrugged and didn't elaborate, because epiphany is a big opportunity that can't be met. After being a little **** for so many years, he finally became an intermediate god. The sublimation of the godhead has brought many benefits, and even the bloodline has been purified. It is a pity that Dabao and Erbao and Sanbao did not catch up with high-quality cars.

    Otherwise, the three children are already minor gods. Under normal circumstances, it is enough to grow up, but the child of an intermediate **** is a minor **** when he is born.

    Xi Ling squinted and stared at Aobe, constantly scanning from top to bottom, Aobe was at a loss: "What's wrong?"

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