Xi Ling touched her chin and said that the female worm is not easy to get pregnant, the higher the level, the harder it is! God's children are not so easy to be born: "When did you rise to 5s?"

    "..." Aubei was already ready, and the corners of his mouth curled up confidently: "After sending you home."

    Xi Ling took Aobe back to the officer's dormitory and released the incomparable spiritual power, which spread out in circles, waves and waves, endlessly. The whole planet is under control. This feeling of exhilaration and dripping is so-called before. The original owner's body has grown again, and Xi Ling is already taller than Aubei! It feels so good to move your fingers, full of power, and finally have a flesh/body that matches the power of God.

    "What are you thinking?"

    Xi Ling gave a strange smile, Aobe noticed something was wrong, and he was imprisoned as soon as he moved his whole body. God, when did Xi Ling's mental power become so strong, could it be some natural law just now?

    "Don't be afraid! I am who I am, and it belongs to you!"

    After Aobe was free, he was both gratified and proud. My hero is the best in the world. Aobe's eyes flashed with affection, and he couldn't help hugging Xi Ling's waist tightly: " You've grown taller!" Really excellent, unimaginably excellent, all of this belongs to me, Aubei was so moved that he rubbed the hero's cheek.

    "Huh? Well, it does grow taller. I really didn't notice if you didn't tell me."

    "Will it be longer?"

    Xi Ling smiled and narrowed her eyes comfortably: "It's very difficult, unless I become a high-level god."

    "Will you be invincible after becoming a senior god?"

    "How is it possible? There is a supreme **** on it!"

    "Is there a **** in our time and space?"

    "There must be," Xi Ling attracted the power of heaven and earth when he was upgraded. It is reasonable to say that the **** who manages this place should come and take a look, knock a few words, and warn. For example, be careful with me, if you dare to cause trouble, I will kill you. But this kind of consciousness did not come to watch, what does it mean? One: Godhead is too high to be ignored. Two: God is dead. Xi Ling felt that the second kind was more real, because the first kind of **** was too high, for example, there were several high-level gods under a supreme god, several middle gods under a high-level god, and so on.

    Xi Ling is already a middle-level god, and should not be underestimated, even the supreme **** will not ignore it.

    Xi Ling was very happy when she thought that the gods here had no IQ, and the wind/flow provoked Ao Bei's chin: "Actually, the strength of the fifth-level female insect is similar to that of the little **** under normal circumstances, you do you know?"

    Obey mused, resting his head on Xi Ling's shoulder.

    Xi Ling kissed Aobe on the side of the face, and followed his wife's back with his hands through the clothes. He felt the curve was so good, and wanted to touch the delicate skin inside: "There are sixth-grade female insects in the palace. , I have met, I was not an opponent at that time, and now the strength is not what it used to be, but I really want to know it."

    "Don't!" Aubei grabbed Xi Ling's claw and pressed it on his leg: "Would you like to pretend to be pitiful with me?"

    "You are so bad!" Playing as a pig and eating a tiger is the most fun.

    Obey's ears were red, but his eyes were a little cold: "If...if one day the male father wants my life..."

    "Well, I understand," Xi Ling's eyes were indifferent, and the bloodthirsty light flashed past. Xi Ling has never been a good man and a woman. For Aobe's sake, he is willing to stay on this three-acre land. His parents are my parents. Otherwise, Xi Ling will become a devil, making them regret coming into this world.

    In the name of inspection, they played for two more days. Ao Bei and Xi Ling walked in the jungle, enjoying the flowers and scenery, kissing me and me, just like falling in love, occasionally being honest with each other See, in-depth understanding of each other's physiological structure. This time, Aubei was able to let go, and he didn't refuse when Xi Ling tied his hands with rattan.

    After it was done, Ao Bei and Xi Ling were sweating all over, sitting on the quilt, covered with a blanket, and leaning against the tree against their backs.

    As for Dabao? Go to do the task.

    Obey is worthy of being a cold-blooded female. With so many assignments, it is as demanding as passing a checkpoint. The little guy ran into the bushes excitedly, and it is estimated that he will not be able to come back before evening.

    However, Xi Ling is not so generous, his mental power is locked on Dabao, and when there is danger, he will be there immediately.

    "Left at night," Aobe touched Xi Ling's legs, palms down to the soles of his feet, and rubbed his toes, Xi Ling's toes are very beautiful, white and tender, round, with shiny nails: "Ao Xiang has news."

    Xi Ling hummed and was very curious: "I found it before us? Who is it? Don't tell me it's Orc."

      , they were all rejected," Aubei talked eloquently, pulling Xi Ling's leg to his own, pinching and touching: "Brant has completely fallen out of favor, he can't even see the face of his father."

    This is to avoid suspicion, even if the insect emperor wants to see the insect queen, it must be in the presence of Eber.

      Like Insect Emperor, he can live without looking at any insect's face, but the premise is that his heart is still on himself.

    Xi Ling didn't say a word, Aubei simply poured it into his arms, his eyes were tender, and he smoothed Xi Ling's face: "Don't worry, I'll send a worm to stare."

      It will appear, if his strength is not good enough to compete with us, it is estimated that he will live incognito for the rest of his life."

    "Well, with his current financial and material resources, he will definitely become a party's overlord by changing his name, and he will live a happy life and feel at ease."

    "Obey, you've widened your heart."

    Obey raised her eyebrows, hooked Xi Ling's neck, Xi Ling smiled brightly, and lowered her head to kiss.

     Halfway through the kiss, Xi Ling suddenly raised her head, her eyes shining: "What did you just say?"

    "Which sentence?"

    Xi Ling is extremely depressed, this guy, how can he stay sane after being kissed by me for so long? Should I be angry? Hell, it's still business: "What did you just say Brandt? Totally out of favor?"

    "What's the matter with you?" Xi Ling's tangled expression made Aubei's heart tingle slightly, he immediately sat up, and hugged the hero in his arms to comfort him.

    "Your father..." You bitch! Once falling out of favor means losing power, and gradually betrayal and separation, how could Brandt die in silence? For the sake of infinite beauty, Brandt will definitely rebel! Xi Ling was really dumbfounded, and had to say, "He's forcing us to fight Brandt head-to-head."

    Obey nodded: "I understand."

    "You understand that you are still here with me, and the main star is about to change!"

    "Well, Brandt suddenly fell out of favor, and there must be a big move. He can't wait to clean up Ao Xiang. Most of the news released at this time is fake. If we can't figure out the key, it is fake. I will also go to find out." Aubei held Xi Ling's face, pressed his worries in his heart, and raised a confident smile on his face: "Don't worry, he can't turn the sky over."

    "My babe, I want to go back to the main star not to worry about your parents! It's us, the insect emperor is so powerful, he must have planned for a rainy day, he didn't even bother to appease Brandt It's done! This is a super big test. If we are still as quiet as before, Brandt will rush over with the insect and we will die, Brandt will also be executed by the insect emperor, and Orc is the emperor for sure!"

    Obe frowned.

    Xi Ling talked eloquently: "On the contrary, if we attract a lot of succulent defenses, or even layout, there are no walls that are not ventilated in this world. Once they are used by heartworms, we will rebel. Suspect. You are right, we will go back at night, otherwise we will stay here like blind and deaf people, but we will be more passive."

    Obey listened quietly, keeping his eyes on the hero.

    After Xi Ling said a long speech, he realized that Aubei was not attentive at all: "Baby!"

    "It's good to have you by my side. Even if we fail in the end, we have nothing to lose. It's good to stay in a pure land like now, and live with the babies. It's so carefree." Aubei said lightly, in fact, being an emperor has been a goal of struggle for many years, and he has never given up.

    But today, Aobe came into contact with things that were unimaginable before, and the main star is also in a posture of wind and rain, as if the wind is blowing, and it is risky to lose his life anytime, anywhere. Thinking that Xi Ling might be injured or even die, Aubei was so sad that he couldn't breathe, and his headache was splitting.

    Emperor and Xi Ling... the balance has already been tilted, and the answer has never been as clear as this moment.

    "What's wrong with your wife?"

    Looking at Xi Ling's caring eyes, Aubei raised the corners of his mouth, and the smile was unimaginable: "If it's really impossible to reverse the situation, we'll take our children to live with you. In the space, with your current ability, you should be able to take us in, right?"

    Xi Ling raised her eyebrows and hugged Aobe, the silver light flashed around, and the figures of the two insects disappeared.

    Obey felt like he was being dragged and flew by something, although it was only for a moment, his head stinged slightly, and then he opened his eyes, the birds and flowers were fragrant, and he had left the time and space just now.


    "Welcome to Minecraft!"

    The alien beast had a contract with Xi Ling, so he knew it immediately, and immediately brought Erbao and Sanbao to join him.

    Xi Ling took Aobe to introduce her site, and not long after, there was a rumbling in the distance, Aobe watched vigilantly, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

    "Uh...it's one of the babysitters, there are only three giant beasts in the space, and five s are sleeping," Xi Ling reached out to catch the two darlings rushing over, and watched the big beast leave depressed.

    "Contract is amazing," Aubey praised, after all, no worm in history has ever conquered a grown beast.

    "That's right, I have a lot of amazing places," Xi Ling said triumphantly.

    The two darlings are so cute and rolling around, they are very happy, after all, this is the first time the female father has come to accompany them. But after a while, the two little ones became tragic. Aubei also left homework for them, and he was also catching living creatures, and the requirement was twice as small as himself. But Aobe's experience is useless in Xi Ling's space, one: the species are different, two: the two treasures are the continuation of Xi Ling's bloodline, they can control everything here, otherwise why are the huge alien beasts depressed? ╮(╯▽╰)╭

    "Huh?" Aubei looked into the distance: "Volcano?"

    "Well, alive, I have been deliberately suppressing it to prevent it from erupting. There are a few particularly precious herbs that live on the mountainside, and it will take decades," Xi Ling hooked out. Bei's palm, with a deep smile: "I can't keep an eye on Dabao's situation here, let's go out, there's still a lot of time before the evening, can we do it again?"

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