Into The Flash.

Chapter 10 - MULTIPLEX


"I've found out that somehow, the cells of this man here in able to multiply rapidly and then detach themselves from the host to form an entirely new body, but of exact resemblance to the host "Caitlin explained.

" Barry's on his way here already and by the way, you can call him 'multiplex'", Cisco said.

"But shouldn't producing that many clones bring about large amount of strain on his own cells? " Cisco asked.

"Yes. And my theory is that the more clones he produces, the more fatigued he'll be," Caitlin replied.


Barry arrives in the lab holding a smoothie in hand.

"Hi everybody, good to see you again" Barry greeted.

" Hi Barry" Caitlin said

"We've got a piece of information on 'multiplex'" Caitlin said glancing at Cisco while she stressed on 'multiplex.'

(I think it would be better to let her explain. If I reveal the fact that I already know so much, they might start growing suspicious)

" So the cells of multiplex here...


" We know much about his abilities already, but we still don't know who he is" Cisco said.

"Let's try a facial scan" Barry suggested

"Alright "

Caitlin got to work on the computer. Scanning the man's features and working on the computer. After a couple of minutes, a huge picture appeared on the screen.

"Huh? ", Cisco was startled.

"Danton Black", Caitlin said

"He sure has a lot of doc.u.ments concerning him. We wouldn't be able to finish this in the days", Cisco said and sighed.

"Allow me", Barry said.

Caitlin got off the chair and Barry sat down, focused his eyes on the screen and his hand on the mouse.

***click**click**click click**click**click**click**

After one minute, Barry got off the computer and exhales hard.

"Danton Black", said Barry.

"He was a scientist. Used to work on organ cloning at Staggs Industries. He was married but his wife died like 10 months ago", Barry explained.

" That explains why he was at Staggs honouring, but we still don't know why", Caitlin said.

" According to what I found out, Staggs rejected his ideas and project, and later used it for his own benefit", Barry said.

"That's not a nice thing to do.. "Cisco said.

"Then the means his target was Staggs, he was there to kill him!!! ",Caitlin exclaimed.

All of a sudden, the clone Barry brought earlier, suddenly opens his eyes and stand up and starts moving.

"What the f.u.c.k!",Cisco shouted.

"I think Black's on the move", Barry said.

"And we all know where he's headed", Caitlin added.

"You guys restrain him, I'll go take care of Black"

With that said, he picks his suit and then.....


( I should try to save his life this time. He died back then. He might even be useful for me) Barry thought.

He keeps moving past buildings, passing by vehicles at the speed of light until he stops at the front of a sky


He quickly enters the building, going across all the rooms until he comes face to face with a man thoroughly dressed in black.

"Black, please stop this. I know Staggs has wronged you. But it's not reason enough to go after his life. "Barry said.

Behind Black is a man clad in black suit, shaking, apparently from fear.

Then all of a sudden, Black's body seems to melt. Then from his body, he forms a clone. This process continually repeats itself.

Black said amidst cloning, " The research he stole from me led to the death of my wife. If he had let me continue with it. I might have been able to save her"

"But revenge isn't gonna bring back your wife",Barry said.

"But it sure as hell's gonna make me feel good"

Saying that, he made one of his clones bound the arms and legs of Stagg.

"With the kind of Intel i have, this is all but a piece of cake."

He immediately super speeds to higher ground. He starts scanning through all the clones.

" More than 200 clones huh? This must be really tiring for him" he chuckled.

"Yeah! Found him"

He starts vibrating his body so that only light is seen and he immediately dashes through the crowd of clones. All of the clones attempt to strike him proved futile for to the effect of quantum tunnelling.

After some time, he arrives in front of Danton Black. Sweat was already forming on Barry's head as he exhaled deeply.

(Using a skill for a long time really takes a toll on my stamina)

"You have nowhere to run now Black" Barry said.

He then throws a fast jab to his stomach. Black fell to the ground. Even after that, all clones still seem to be functional. Then from the corner of his eyes, he sees a figure running towards the window.

Then the figure said, " If I cannot take my revenge, I'll go meet my wife in heaven"

Saying this, he jumped.

***KRRA.S.SSSH**** The window broke.

(Dammit. He made his clone appear to be tired, he figured out his own weaknesses!! I can't let him commit suicide.)

He super speeds over to the window pushing aside all clones in his way. But before he could grab a hold of him, ***SPLAT***, Black falls to the ground. His lifeless eyes gleaming in the moonlight, a smile on his face as he died.

Barry speeds up to Staggs, removed the tape on his mouth and unbound him.

He takes one last look at the sea of clones and left.



Barry enters the building and seats on a chair.

"What happened there", Caitlin said throwing at inquisitive glance towards Barry.

"He... M....Mar....Mardon died", Barry said looking downcast.

"Don't look so bad. You took out a bag guy, you should be happy. You're saving the world Barry", Cisco said.

"I know, Cisco. But I just don't feel the excitement. I'm exhausted. I'll see you guys early tomorrow",Barry said

"Aright dude. You deserve a rest after all that beatdown you just did", Cisco said.

"Hmmn", he nodded in reply.

He stores away the Flash costume and proceeds to leave for home.

When he got home he sits down on the chair and takes out his phone. There was a message notification on it.

"Iris? "

He opens the message and it reads;

"Hey Barry. You said you were gonna come visit me about the incident over at the gathering, but you never called me.

Anyway that's not the point here. We've never spent some quality time together ever since you awoke from Coma. See me over at the cafè which I frequent and have some chitchat."

Barry sighs as he throws his phone away on the bed.

"I couldn't even save Black. How can I guarantee that I'll save the one's closest to me",He said.

"I could have saved him but I f.u.c.k.e.d up"

"I really have to get stronger. I have to use all my Intel to my advantages. I WILL become the strongest Flash to have existed"

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