Into The Flash.


***** phone rings *****

Barry looks at the screen of the phone.....

" Joe's calling me, I wonder why", Barry said

" Hmm.. Hello Joe, what's up ", Barry asked.

" Get your a.s.s down here immediately Barry. You have some explaining to do ", Joe said sounding annoyed.

( What the hell did I do this time)

" I'll be there in twenty minutes", Barry said.

***** call disconnects *****

" Barry sure lives a busy life. I wonder just how he handles everything ", Barry said.

" Joe's gotta pay me overtime for this. Wonder why Barry never had a car", Barry said dreamily.

" I would have just loved to rob banks and go on heists. Money is not really my strong suit now. But maybe I was brought here for a special reason", Barry sighed.

" If not for the...Wait a minute, gosh, almost forgot about Joe ", Barry mumbled.

He walks lazily to the street and waits for some time. After a while, a cab comes by. He hails the cab and told it to head for the police station.


" Good morning, lieutenant Pete, you're early today aren't you? ", Barry greeted a man at a desk close to him.

" Yeah, morning Barry", he replied.

" Have you seen Joe around?," Barry asked.

" Yup, he's been in his office ever since he arrived", the man repied.

" Alright, thanks a lot Pete" Barry replied gratefully.

Barry walks past some offices an makes a turn before getting to the door of Joe's office.


" Come in", said a voice from behind the door

Barry opened the door and entered the office. There was a mug of hot coffee on the table with mountains of sheets of papers on his desk.

" Take a seat", Joe commanded

" Why'd you call me Joe? Is anything the matter? ", Joe asked.

" I was at a gathering honouring Staggs", Barry replied.

" What exactly happened there? ", Joe asked sending a furious glance at him.

( Seems he already knows what happened today, huh?)

" Look Joe, I had to help those people, I had no choice ", Barry relied calmly.

" No Barry ", Joe said. " You could have chosen to take Iris and run in the opposite direction. I promised your dad I will keep you safe." Joe explained.

" And you've been doing just that and I'm grateful. But it's time I took care of myself for a change" Barry said and stood up.

" It's the Police Job to take care of the citizens, not yours Barry!" Joe exclaimed.

" Seeing my Mom pass away like that made me feel like I was given this power for a special reason Joe. I couldn't save my mom nor my dad. But I have the chance to save the citizens of this city and I'm gonna take the chance" Barry said looking straight at Joe.

" Just take care of yourself Barry. I don't want to break the promise I made to your dad" Joe said and patted Barry shoulder.

" Thanks Joe " Barry muttered and walked towards the door.

Before he opened the door, he looked back one last time and said, " You should come by STAR labs when you're free"

" Alright Barry," Joe said.

He walked out of the office. He was on his way to his office when his phone rang.

" Hello" Barry said.

" Hey Barry, Cisco here. The treadmill you proposed has been built. Also, we're through with the DNA scan of Multiplex." Cisco said.

" You really have a knack for naming villains, don't you? " Barry said.

" You could say that again! Anyway, you need to get here immediately" Cisco said.

" Ok then, see you soon " Barry said and hung up.

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