Into The Flash.




A gust of wind blows as Barry arrives at the STAR labs.

"Afternoon everyone",Barry said waving his hand.

"Hi... Barry",Caitlin said in-between gulps of coffee.

"What's up dude. You're here pretty early. You must have called earlier for something quite important, "Cisco said.

"You're quite right "Barry replied

"Alright then, tell me about it" Cisco said.

Barry brought out a folded

d paper from the pocket of his jeans.

"Here's the blue print" he said as he handed it over to Cisco.

Cisco goes over it for a while and then heaves a sigh.

"You want me to help you design it"

"Yeah" Barry nodded.

"I'll see what I can do about it. Although I can't guarantee an 100% success rate"

"No problem. Thanks man. I'll treat you to lunch tomorrow. "

"Now that's my kind of reward"

They both laughed.

Barry spends a little more time before he leaves.


"I wonder what the real Barry Allen would do in this kind of position" Barry mumbled

"But I don't receive money for crime fighting I'll just have to do it Flash style" he said grinned from ear to ear...

.....Barry arrives at his house carrying a bag in one hand. He places the bag on the table. He enters the kitchen and turns on the coffee machine. He gets a cup of coffee for himself and sits down at the table.

"Time to get to work"

He poured the contents of the bag on the table. Out of the bag came electronic parts of different shapes and sizes, the type likely to be used for assembling a device. They make noise as they hit against each other. He opens a tool box beside him and brings out the screw driver....

..... 30 minutes later.....

He leans back on the chair and exhaled deeply, probably exhausted. He wipes away from the sweat dripping from his forehead with a small towel.

"It seems Barry's high IQ finally paid off" he said as he gazed at a small device the size of a fist..

"Woah! I need to take a rest. Thank goodness I have super speed to help in some places" he mumbled.

He lazily got up and walks to his room, he crawls up to the bed and quickly falls asleep.


**Yawn** Barry stretches his body. He gets off the bed and made his way to the bathroom. He slashes water all over his face and dries it with a towel.

"I've never felt better in ages. Rapid recuperation really does take twice the effect if I rest" he said

"Oh my God, This looks more like a dump site. Time for a speed clean. "

**whoosh** He moves around the house, cleaning and arranging everything. He did the dishes, folds his laundry and rushes back to the door.

He takes a look at his wrist watch.

"Woah! Record time, just ten seconds passed." he said.

He closes the door behind him as he left the house.


"This is a very strenuous process, and I don't really have the parts for that now."Cisco said working on something.

"Whinning won't help ya know. Quit whinning and get to work already. Somehow I wished I knew engineering, I would've been happy to help him" Caitlin said.

"Okay okay "Cisco said

"Hey Barry. You never come here at night, what a surprise" Caitlin said.

"I need your help on something Cait" Barry said

"What.... m... me? " she asked surprised.

"Yeah, you" he replied smiling.

He takes out a little machine from his pocket and puts it on the table and seats opposite Caitlin.

"What's that" she asked

"A sonar device" he replied

"A sonar device? What's it do? "

"It can detect high frequencies and locate their coordinates"

"With this type of functions, you can use it to sniff out all the evil people, especially those with powers." she said

"Exactly " he replied.

"You're such a smartie. So what do you want me to help you with "

"Help me configure the frequency set-up. It's a lot harder than it looks" he said.

"Lemme see what I can do" she said....

.....After a couple of minutes passed,

"I'm done with it." Caitlin said.

"Is it working" he asked.

"Only one way to find out" she said.

"I like the way you think"

Caitlin handed the device to him.

"Will someone fill me in on what's going on?" Cisco said.

"Later " Caitlin said with a wave of her hand.

"This is gonna be one hell of a night" Barry said.....

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