Into The Flash.


The cold night breeze blew all over the city. Only the sounds of car could be heard moving in the distance. The city, silent in the still of the night apart from hotels, industries.....

On top of one of the sky scr.a.p.ers, a figure could be seen crouching....

"This Sonar device should yield better results now that I'm on high ground"

He held the sonar device in one hand and points it out in a direction, he continues to move his hand in various directions until the the frequency reader of the machine suddenly shot up...


"Experience points, here I come" he said

At lightening speed, he ran vertically down the building.

***WHOOSH*** He runs along the street until he gets to the front of a warehouse. He looks around and slowly enters the building, making sure nobody saw him. He searches through the warehouse for a while....

"This place looks empty to me. Does this mean Caitlin did it wrong? I better check if it has a glitch"

He leans against the wall and brought out the Sonar machine. As he was about to check it out, the wall turned around...

"Huh? A secret passage way? "

He finds himself inside a cave-like place. He continues to move quietly but still picking up the pace a little.

At the end of the road, he finds a steel door with a code. It was sealed shut.

"Piece of cake"

(Are these goons. If so, who are they working for?)

In the distance he could hear what some of them were saying..

"If we could complete our operation this night, maybe the boss will start noticing us",one of them said.

"Yeah. Let's focus now. We cannot afford to screw up" the second replied

"You're so serious. It's not your life you're transporting ya know" the first one said laughing.

(What exactly are they planning on doing. For all I care, the only operation they'll be doing is washing Iron Heights toilets)

He started vibrating his body. Quantum tunnelling active!!

With the effect of quantum tunnelling. It was almost impossible to see him. And this bunch of carefree folks are about to get it hard.

"A total of 18. Okay! "

"What happened "

Confusion spreads as they discover one of their members go down.

"What happened to him"

"Maybe the work was too much for a weakling like him"

They laughed and continued their work.

(Seems, they've not found me out. Bunch of idiots.)

They continued their work for a little while, then;


"What the... Ah!! "


"Noo... "

Pandemonium breaks out as four of their members fall at the same time.

"Dammit. My stamina has taken a deep plunge. I overused that skill. I can't stay hidden for long",he mumbled.

"I need to find a safe spot and recover. Thanks to rapid recuperation, recovery won't take long"

He quickly hid behind one large container and deactivated quantum tunnelling.

"Phew... That was a close one"

(There's still eight of them left and they're all armed. I need a plan to do this)

The gang members check the body of their congrats and find out that they only passed out.

"What is going on", one of them said.

"Can it be from over working them?" another said.

"Get back to work. The one who seemed like the leader said. "Bunch of slackers" he added.

Then from behind a container, Barry superspeeds and punched one of them in the gut. Blood gushed out from his mouth. Before the others even moved a step, **BAM**, with his insane agility. He moved over to two others who were close to each other and gave them a kick on the face.

"Arrgh" both of them cried...

...In just a period of three seconds, seven of them fell right to the ground, almost at the same time. The remaining one who happened to be the gang leader shook in fear.

Then a guy came out from a door at the far end of the room. He was clothed in a large furry coat and black trousers. On his right hand was a gun that emitted frosty smoke...

"If it isn't the red blur. Or should I say the Flash?" the man smirked.

"Len Snart."Barry said.

"You know me I'm honoured "Snart said

"Whatever you're doing here, you better stop it now and quietly follow me to jail."Barry said

"You're way in over your head. Ya see this gun in my hand, it can bring temperature to absolute zero. You disturbed my operation. How do you want me to recover my cash" he said and pointed the gun at Barry.

(That gun is one of my weaknesses. I better try to avoid contact with it.)

Snart shot the gun at Barry and out came frosty gas. Everything it came in contact with froze immediately. He kept shooting it around.

Barry kept evading, dodging....

(I can't keep this up for longer.)

He started running towards Snart. Then suddenly a ray of frost caught him.


"Ha ha ha" Snart laughed viciously.

Barry activates quantum tunnelling and the gas escapes through him.

"What?" Snart said, suprise written all over his face .

"Where the f.u.c.k did he go "

Barry made his way towards him almost invisible.

Snart kept shooting in all directions.

Then he suddenly felt chills run down his spine as someone tapped his shoulder.

He slowly turned his head, he immediately raised his frost gun. But before, he could fire it, Barry throws a barrage of punches at him.

Snart falls to the ground, unconscious , blood flowing from his mouth and nose.

Barry felt pain all over as the effect of the earlier frost gas starts to take its toll on him.

"I almost forgot you" he said as he walked up to the gang leader and knocked him out.

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