Into The Flash.


45 minutes later...

They all walked into an hanger which seemed empty.

"Where exactly is our ride?",Jordan asked.

"Right in front of you", Bruce said and tapped a button on his utility belt. Then a black jet begins to materialize. It had a bat logo on each wing. It's design looks similar to that of stealth sh.i.p.s.

"Now this is my kind of ride", Barry said and they laughed.

They entered and Bruce took control, steering the aircraft into the sky. They kept travelling at insane velocity...

"Do you know why he's suddenly causing this ruckus, I don't think he'll just waste his time destroying cities for fun", J'onn asked.

"Yeah. I've been wondering about that too",Barry said.

"I don't know for now. But I guess we'll find out when we get there.",Bruce said bluntly.

"In that case. I might be able to help",Diana said as she held her rope.

After some minutes, Bruce announced, "We're here"

"Oh Goddess of Amazon!!",Diana exclaimed as she looked at the scale of destruction left behind by Darkseid.

"There he is", Superman said pointing at a figure who was shooting red beams of energy from his eyes.

Green Lantern created a sphere around Barry and Batman transformed Bat mobile into a small jet and the rest flew down.

"Do you think you can stop me. You're just clown in flashy costumes",Darkseid menacingly said.

"We'll see about that, don't get to", J'onn said.

Then superman darted put with a punch, Darkseid blocked it with his arm and shot lasers straight at him. Superman too released a beam of lasers from his eyes.

Both beams clashed and cancelled each other.

Darkseid takes a few steps back. Then suddenly out of nowhere, Darkseid is blasted by a beam of lightning. The blast sent him into a wall.

Everyone's gaze turns towards Barry who was already making his way towards Darkseid at light speed. The rest jolted and started attacking.

"I'll try to support him",Jordan shouted.

He quickly constructed a tank and kept firing missiles continuously.

***BOOM***, Darkseid is thrown into the air, but he quickly adjusted and landed on his feet.

"This kid is really full of surprises", Bruce said.

"Agreed. He is quite skilled",Diana said awed by Barry's strength.

Barry was about to follow up with a kick, but Darkseid quickly caught him and threw him away.

All of a sudden a lasso wounds around Darkseid's neck. Then the lasso begins to glow a bright golden colour.

"Tell me what your purposes are",Diana growled.

"The... the.... anti-life.... the... equation.. the", before he could say more, he got a grip over himself and flung her towards him with the rope. He reached out to grab her, but Superman carries her away before Darkseid could get his hands on her.

"Thanks Clark",She muttered.

"I'll keep him at bay for now", Clark said and flew towards him.

Darkseid uses telekinesis and hundreds of scraps of materials flew towards Superman who let out a blast of lasers from his eyes.

Superman destroyed it, but the amount of objects Darkseid sent kept increasing and might bear Clark down anytime.

When Barry noticed this, he sprung into action. At superhuman speed, he dropped all the objects on the ground.

*** BOOM!!! ***

The lasers Clark shot went straight ahead and blasted Darkseid away.

Clark quickly noticed what happened and nodded at Barry who was panting as a result of using too much energy.

Barry was secretly pondering...

(The anti-life equation. So that's what this is all about. It's good though that he hasn't gotten his hand on it yet. Or we wouldn't be having it 'easy' like this.)

"Time to end this",Darkseid said and immediately flew up into the sky getting ready to unleash a deadly blast of Omega rays when a punch sent him into the ground.

Nobody noticed that Batman wasn't in the fight until a bunch of missiles shot out of the Batmobile.

*** KAABBOOOOMM!!! ***

Darkseid quickly blocks with both hands but is still sent a few metres by the impact of the blast.

"Sorry I'm late. Let's take this son of a gun down", he said.

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