Into The Flash.

Chapter 28 - DARKSEID 2: I am THE FLASH, remember it!!!

"Does anyone here know what the heck, anti-life and equation means?",Jordan said.

"Let's just say, it allows the user to gain huge amount of powers that seemed impossible. But it's almost impossible to find it", Barry said.

"For someone able to withstand the lasso of truth, he's quite the strong warrior.",Diana said.

"It seems like you know something boy, tell me about the anti-life equation and I'll spare you",Darkseid said.

"Oh, why not. Lemme just grab a chair and get you a cup of coffee and we can discuss", Barry replied sarcastically.

"Oh. You won't like what's going to happen next", Darkseid said and started using telepathy on Barry.

Barry gets down on his knees and screamed, "Ahhh!!!". He starts squirming. Then he suddenly gets up, dusts his cloth and said, "Sorry dude, telepathy don't work on me", he said and gave him a punch in the eye.

"Damn you", he screamed in agony, "Then I'll just beat it out of you". That said, he flew towards Barry at a supersonic speed. The rest didn't have time to react as he made his way towards Barry with a powerful right fist.

His fists abruptly stops midway as Clark caught it squarely.

"Now I'm mad",Clark shouted as he threw a right hook towards him while gripping his other hand.

"I shall intervene now", J'onn said and shape shifted his arm into a chain and bounded Darkseid's second arm with it.

Superman begins a barrage of punches on Darkseid's face. After some seconds, blood begins to trickle slowly down Darkseid's face after the assault. Darkseid suddenly focuses all his energy and broke free from their grip, but before he could counter attack, he is blasted as lasers struck him. He quickly switches and blocked the incoming strike with his arms.

He is turned into an ice sculpture the next second as he couldn't block Superman's freeze breath.

Just as they were about to relax, Darkseid eyes started glowing a bright red, melting the ice.

"If anybody has a plan, this would be the perfect time to speak up!!",Clark shouted busy restraining Darkseid.

Barry was brainstorming and suddenly thought of something as he superspeeds to each member whispering something in their ears. They all got the message and retreated.

"Are you getting scared. Perhaps, you don't want to play anymore", he asked a tinge of scorn in his voice after he broke the ice prison.

"You flatter yourself too much, Darkseid",Barry said smiling.

"I'll wipe that smile right off your face", Darkseid screamed and started running towards them.

"Now",Barry yelled.

Darkseid suddenly trips and falls flat on his face. Jordan's face contracted a little as he held back his laughter.

"Humph",Darkseid grunted.

But without giving him anytime to recover, J'onn quickly shape shifted both his arms into chains and bounded Darkseid's arms. Jordan constructed chains that bound all of Darkseid limbs down to the ground. Diana also followed suit and used the lasso of truth to bound his neck as she forced it down.

** WHOOSH **. "Ahh!!! ", Barry screamed as small sparks of lightning begins to form around him as he surged forward.

(What's this feeling? It feels like I'm burning up and I'm also faster now. No time to figure that out now).

When Darkseid saw the burst of red lightning moving towards him, a look of panic appeared on his face as he thought, "Not that again!!"

Everything seemed to slow down a bit as Barry called out his system..,

"Add 50,000 points to strength."

"That will be a +5 increase to strength, Proceed?"


"Strength; 30"

(My output should be greater now),Barry thought

"Arrgh. I am the Flash, remember it", Barry screamed

The punch created shocked which forced nearby objects away. Diana, J'onn and Jordan quickly tightened their grip, using greater force.

A mouthful of blood gushes out of Darkseid's mouth. After the punch, Barry somersaulted backward and shouted, "Now!!!"

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