Into The Portal: Monster Invasion

Chapter 404: Afterlife (Not Found)

“Edvard, his name will be Edvard!” A middle-aged man said with a smile. His eyes were orangish-green, and his ears were pointy. His green hairs were falling over his shoulder and there was a baby in his arms similar to him. He had a loving smile on his fair face, as he looked at the bed. There lay a tired woman with all indications except her face. Despite the exhaustion seeping out of her every cell, her face revealed nothing but smiles.

“A good name for our boy.” The woman uttered breathily. She had just delivered her beloved son and was about to fall sound asleep, but she wanted to record the scene of her two most loved people together. “Just like his grandfather.”

“It was hard on you, sweetheart. Thank you for giving me such a beautiful son.” The father said and placed the baby in his mother’s warm embrace. The uncomfortable-looking baby relaxed immediately, as he too started to doze off. The father, too, recorded the scene in his core memory and then turned away.


A four years old was walking towards the laboratory at the capital. This was the place where every kid tested for their superpowers. Edvard was now three-four years old, which meant, he too, could learn what his power was.

Lately, he was feeling strange. As if there was a strange energy brewing inside of him endlessly. He felt so close to the earth beneath his feet, from time to time thought if he was chosen by Gaia as her champion. His father would always tell him stories of heroes that battled against monsters with their everything. How they died to protect them, how monsters were shunned from their lands by the sacrifice of many heroes, and how people of his race died to give the young generation a chance.

Now, he too was becoming a warrior. Although the Shaman race usually chose soft methods, the invasion made them think once again. In the face of blood-craving beasts, they had to be tough, or they would all die. Since negotiation was out of the picture, they had to fight back. Or they would die for nothing.

Growing up after hearing those stories, he always wanted to fight on the battlefield and honor his ancestors and family. He wanted to shed his blood to pave a path for others too. He from time to time wished to die to honor his life, but something deep inside him dreaded this thought. More than all these, he wanted to live long enough to see what this world could offer. After all, there was a mountain preventing anyone from passing beyond for hundreds of years. How could he die before discovering what lies beyond that? He needs to live long enough to explore everything this world could offer.


Six years old Edvard had already started training. Most of his peers had superpowers that allowed them to summon or turn into animals. Some could create trees, ivies, and all kinds of plants with their abilities, and he? He could only take beating endlessly.

“Why? I thought I was chosen by Gaia. My powers only make me a bigger punching bag. Now that people know I cannot be killed easily, they only beat me with more and more vigorous. Why? Why can’t I have simpler power? I want to live longer, but I also want to be able to fight back. How can I fight back with a passive superpower?”

The training was brutal for him. Because of the world-ending battle just outside of their hidden cities, the children were growing faster and harder. Everyone was hot-blooded and wanted to show their worth as soon as possible. But because of their young age, they were hidden from stepping outside of the city. With their child mind, they could only bristle up and take their rage out of Edvard.

“At least, I don’t die.” He smiled depressively, as he looked at the three people coming towards him. These three were a pain in the ass, and would always bully him. And it seemed like, today, he wouldn’t skip the beating either.


Miles left his mind-scape and looked ahead. His eyes were misty for a few seconds, but then it all vanished. He checked the time and noticed it had been almost five days.

“Five whole days to see six years of memories. John, well Edvard now, lived hundreds of years before he was caught by Dawn, it will take me a helluva time before I can reach there.” He sighed.

“How do you feel?” Coin asked at this time. “Any difference?”

“Not at all.” Miles shook his head. “Everything seems fine.

“Are you sure of it? This is dangerous, Miles.” Coin asked in worry.

“All good, buddy. Don’t worry.” Miles smiled to relieve his friend. “Afterlife is a great Ultimate.


Before Miles decided to create his second ultimate,

When he saw how John was reacting to him, he decided to take what he needed from him in another way. Since John was at Crown-Rank, he couldn’t just read his mind. That could backlash and destroy his mind, then he thought when he realized he could create another ultimate.

“Conditions: Afterlife, a place for trapping minds. After a person is killed by the user after the opponent is convinced or has a strong urge to live, his/her mind will be trapped in this special plane forever.

The user can see the memories of the trapped mind. These memories are as vivid as if they were yesterday. Even the memories forgotten by the trapped mind can be surfaced.

The opponent doesn’t have to have trust in the user.

Conditions are pretty strong, I am not sure if my ultimate will be as strong as I hope with the drawbacks I set. Miles sighed, as he defined the ultimate more.

Randomness: I failed to set randomness since I don’t want to miss the memories I want. So, I can only hope for the best.

Weaknesses: Convince the other party to accept to live longer.

I cannot push or skip to the time I want, I have to start from the beginning. At least at first. As I grow stronger, more control I have over it.

I won’t be able to quicken it at first, but as I get stronger, I may be able to expedite it.

Definition: Afterlife is a special plane only I have access to. In there, the minds I trapped can be watched to see their memories. Memories start from birth and end with death. Finishing all the memories destroys the mind, and frees the person. In the beginning, time control is not possible, but later, as the ultimate gets stronger, the user will have more control over his abilities.”

As Miles finished, he felt a portal in his mind. He reached out his will, and white space with endless skies appeared. It was free for the time being, but soon, hopefully, that white space would be filled with his enemies.

“Are you going to use it now?” Coin asked as he saw Miles finish the ultimate.

“No, it is weak for now, I will first use the Tower Seed to upgrade my second ultimate!” Miles took out the black piece of stone and held it in his open palm, "It is too weak as it is!"

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