Into The Portal: Monster Invasion

Chapter 405: Finding Val

"Using the Tower seed allowed me to advance to the peak of High-Tier in one go. Although my energy level reached there, I still need to use the 8th Mind and Body Serums and create another ultimate, so although I am pretty strong energy-wise, I still need a lot of time to adjust to the 7th series. Then, only then can I create my third ultimate and advance once again."

Miles thought it in his head. Although he just advanced to High-tier, when he used the 7th Mind Serum, with the use of Tower Seed, his energy exploded and only settled at the peak of High-Tier. "I bet if it wasn't the absurdly unique condition I have, the energy supplied by the seed would allow me to reach the peak of Pinnacle-Tier."

"What now?" Coin asked at this time.

"Among the files you sent, there was something about the pyramids, can you bring them out, please?" Miles said, as a virtual screen before him.

These three pyramids were built for communication purposes. They were built in a sense that every similar structure was able to instantly communicate despite the distance between them. These three pyramids were the same as well, but later, much later than they were built, Dawn turned them into utility rooms, where he kept his captives, experimented on them, and many other things.

The thing was, there was an open triangle where three pyramids were connected. Beneath that opening was a secret room, and in that room were some instruments Dawn built. The documents in the computer weren't revealing what those instruments were for, but Miles had a hunch that Val was there.

For two reasons, first, it was impossible to enter the pyramids without Coin's language. Second, to enter that secret place, one needed to see the entrance and it could only be seen with an advanced Mind Branch Technique, Energy Vision.

Miles heard of this technique before in the academy. At first, he thought it was the same with his eyes, but when the teacher explained, he realized it wasn't even close to what he had. Energy Vision was a cheap copy of what he could do. It only allowed people to see energy in a limited area. And this technique could only be mastered in Devote-Rank.

Of course, it was needless to say, no Devote-Rank could reach there. Stepping into E-Circle would make them much more uncomfortable, and into F-Circle, would kill them. So, it was safe to say that, only a few people could find that area. Miles, thanks to his eyes, and Val, thanks to her superpower. Even when she was just a child, she could see energy around people. Now that she was much stronger, a secret place was nothing to her.

Leaving the pyramid from the way he entered, he arrived at the opening between giant structures. There wasn't any plant or creature there, as if something had poisoned the earth. He activated energy vision and looked around, soon a blinding light appeared at the center of the opening.

Miles walked up to it and started to study. Although he hoped when he stood at the center, the energy there would allow him to pass, that would make the whole seeing energy thing useless. After all, this place was an interesting site. Many people would walk in that opening, and if any person who could touch it would be permitted to enter, then the place wouldn't be so secret anymore.

After studying for a while, Miles understood the purpose of the rune on the ground. It was a clever way of using technology and energy together. It was Miles's second time seeing something like this.

"This is a lot similar to devices in the Grading Competition Site. The teleporting devices there, the arenas, the place where old weapons were hidden. They are all so advanced! They can mix energy with technology. Compared to this, what Mother made is akin to Nuclear Weapons and muskets." Miles sighed as he analyzed more. From what he could understand, the Rune was taking electricity from the pyramids and using the energy in the atmosphere. There was a trap door beneath the earth, just under the rune and when the password was spoken out loud, the trap door would turn intangible, and the person could seep right through it.

"Fascinating." He muttered as he muttered the next word that was hidden in the rune.

"God Dawn"

As soon as he said that, he lost his footing. He was free-falling in a dark space, which was extremely scary. He couldn't see the ground, so there was no way for him to know for how long he would fall. "Since Val survived, I can too!"

After falling for five seconds, he saw the marble ground and crouched to roll lest he is crushed to death. But as he did, he realized the ground was as soft as cotton and as stretchy as rubber. It made sense, if Val were to fall from 78 meters, she would die. Even he would take several heavy injuries, let alone anyone else in Form-Rank.

Heaving a sigh of relief, Miles looked ahead. The cotton ground room had only one path ahead. It was a long corridor that went for hundreds of meters. Although it was well-lit, Miles couldn't see clearly what was at the end.

Resolving his courage, he walked towards the end and after a few minutes, he saw a steel door ahead. The door was a bit ajar, allowing Miles to see what was within. She was a giant metal bed in the middle of the room. The bed looked like the virtual apparatus he was using to battle in the Virtual Arena on Earth but much more advanced. There were thousands of carvings on the bed. It was connected to a wireless electric supplier standing in the corner of the room. And just in front of the bed was kneeling Val, looking at the bed in dread. Her left hand was resting on the bed, and her eyes were shut.

"I delivered the item now, Lorthew. Please allow me to come there too. There is no more life for me in this world."

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