Into The Portal: Monster Invasion

Chapter 407: Adam and Val

“Who are you?” For the first time ever, Miles was sure that the person in front of him wasn’t Val. Although he used this technique once again, Val had never seen him using it. And even if he did, her reaction wouldn’t be like this. Although he had his suspicions, he always thought it was some sort of mind control or a mind-beguiling technique that had affected Val. But from the latest reaction, he could certainly say that the person standing in front of him was entirely different.

Val on the other hand had an ugly expression on her face. From her eyes, it was clear that she was shocked to learn Miles was a Cross from the Empire. But the reason why she was shocked was a riddle to Miles and Coin. The Val they knew had already learned all these long ago. Miles never hid anything from her and explained everything. Val too shared everything about her family. That made them closest friends in the first place.

“Hehe! Since the cats are out of the bag I can tell you!” Val snickered hideously as she controlled her shock. She didn't want to give away her identity so soon, but her earlier outburst blew her cover and there wasn't anything she could do now, so instead of hiding, she decided to come out. She would vanish from that place soon anyway. Ten more minutes! She thought to herself, as she spoke “My name is Samuel Cross!”


“Adam, where were you?” The floating globe asked as she scanned Adam’s body. For some reason, she thought there was something wrong with the person standing in front of her. But as an entity that had survived an invasion and swum through the battles that followed afterward, she had her own ways to see if there was an impostor in front of her or a real person.

When the battle against the invasion was at its zenith in her world, Mother AI used to do these things all the time. After all, it was normal for sides to send spies to each others' camps in wars.

She scanned Adam’s body, the ancient gene, and a few mannerisms she had on him to make sure the person was indeed Adam. But the look in his eyes was a little different.

“I was working on Evelyn’s Energy Equalizer,” Adam answered as he sat on his computer. A wisp of energy flashed from his hand and activated his laptop. This was a key that could not be copied no matter what, thus not even Mother AI could enter the computer without Adam’s permission.

‘Evelyn’s?’ On the other hand, Mother AI was playing the scene over and over again. She checked her database and all the records she had on Adam when he talked about his sister. As far as she could remember, which she did splendidly, the elder Aurora had never called her sister by her name when it wasn’t a formal setting. ‘Something is wrong.’

“Adam, about the experiment we talked about last time.” Mother AI asked ambiguously. She wanted to test a few things just to be sure.

“About the alien race right?” Adam asked.

‘Check.’ Mother AI muttered.

“Yes, yes. I ran through some simulations and I am ninety percent sure that I can generate a serum to awaken your nephew’s ancient gene. What was his name?” She asked again.

“Miles? That is great news. Can I see them?” Adam turned around with a genuine smile.

“How about we experiment first?” The floating globe asked, “I think we should ensure his body is compatible with the medicine first.”

“Hmm. I am not sure about that.” Adam said as he held his chin.

‘Seems like I was being paranoid. He is still the same Adam.’ Mama Hill thought as she looked at Adam. But in the next second, her metal body almost fell from the sky.

“Sure, I wanted to see some of the miracles in his body too.”

‘He is definitely not Adam! He cannot be!’ She thought as she sent emergency signals to Mercer and Evelyn, but answered Adam anyway. “Okay, then. Can you have him come here?”

“Alright, I will do that.” As Adam pulled and asked his wristwatch to call Miles, the door of the laboratory opened, and barged in, very panicked Evelyn with battle-ready Mercer.

“What the hell is going on? Alien attack? Portal?” Mercer asked, as his eagle-like eyes swept through the room.

“Evelyn, Mercer, what is going on?” Adam asked with a frown as he looked at the floating globe.

“Evelyn?” Asked the younger Aurora in surprise, “Adam, what is wrong with you?”

“I think he is not Adam, Evelyn. That is why I called you two here.” Mother AI said as she explained her reasoning.

“You did well.” Mercer nodded, as his energy locked on Adam, “I don’t know what foul technique is this, but I will get answers soon.”

“Hehe, Mercer Cross, we met again,” Adam said with a smirk. At the same time, weird letters started to swim through his computer screen.

“Those letters!” Mother AI exclaimed in surprise.

“Same as Coin’s,” Evelyn said as she frowned.


“Samuel?” Miles asked in surprise. All the Cross members on Earth lived in the mansion. At least the Cross that descended from the Cross Empire. But from his interaction with this Samuel, Miles was certain that he wasn’t any Cross that lived on Earth but was also part of the Empire.

‘Mercer once said that all the Royal Branch members of Cross Family have names starting with the letter ‘M.’ And all the side branches have different names, but only one branch has names with the letter ‘S.’ Sworn Knights!

Sworn Knights were the branch that dedicated themselves to the Royal Family. From birth, they would be taught to serve the King and Princes. They would even die to protect the Royal Family. ‘Can he be part of the Traitor Cross that left the planet? If so, how did he find it here? And how can he have so much of Val’s stuff? He can even imitate her techniques. Can it be possession or mind control?’

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