Into The Portal: Monster Invasion

Chapter 408: Mind-Blowing Ending

“Enough chit-chat. It is time to kill you since you found out my identity.” Samuel said as energy started to gather in her hands. “So far, I didn’t use Mind Branch, as it is not my main, but since this body has a Mind Seed, I will just make do.”

‘In that body?’ Miles repeated Samuel’s words. ‘Did he possess Val’s body? How did he do it? Since when Val is possessed? Was it Samuel who attacked Alex? I knew Val wouldn’t do anything like that!’

“Miles, your brainwaves are strange.” Coin said in his mind.

“Is it Samuel?” Miles asked as he focused. But didn’t find anything strange.

“I don’t know, but I think you should be careful.” Coin reported. Miles nodded as he let out his mind limb. The Tentacle sprouted out from his head and started to paint an illusion. ‘Let’s give him some nightmares.’

Ever since he battled in the tower, Miles learned how to control Culga’s elements. He mainly learned the Darkness and he knew how to use the Light element, but he could also add Culga’s secondary talent Nightmare as well. Adding it to his pure, attributeless energy, he could create illusions that could terrorize his opponents.

He didn’t know what Samuel was waiting for, but from his words, Miles could understand his purpose. He wanted to be transferred from the room they were in. With this information, Miles started to draw the scene.

‘Since this room Dawn created is similar to Grader devices, Samuel probably can be teleported by that bed-like device over there. He said he already sent the item, which was probably my Safe Core. Then he is waiting for the machine to cool down so it can transfer him.’ Miles thought. ‘I play with his perception of time then.’

As he was thinking, he started to create the scene. The illusion realm was similar to the room they were in. But the time was faster inside.

“I will kill you and save Val!” Miles said in illısion, but since the time was accelerated, he was speaking faster. However because Samuel was under his technique, he failed to realize it.

“Let’s see if you can even touch me!” Val answered with a grin.

Miles didn’t waste his energy with attacks, he wanted the illusion to turn into a nightmare so Samuel would receive a backlash that would injure and hopefully comatose him. Because his energy techniques were above Miles’s, he couldn’t confront him directly.

The scene followed as he wanted. Soon, Samuel attacked with Mind Attacks to impale Miles’s Brain, but he fought back while taking some hits. Samuel was checking Val’s wristwatch from time to time, and Miles was using those windows to land sneak attacks.

Soon, ten minutes ended in the illusion realm. Miles activated Virtual Room and didn’t draw the next scene. He didn’t know how the bed-like machine would alert Samuel when the Cooldown was over. He didn’t even know if the Cooldown was really ten minutes. After all, it was Samuel who said he only had ten minutes. It could be a lie as well, so Miles left the illusion blank and let Samuel fill it with his imagination.

It wasn’t always successful as it was an error in technique. A veteran hunter could see through the illusion through the blank places, but it was better than filling it with false or unlikely events. So, Miles threw the dice.

Luckily, it worked. The machine beeped mechanically, and Samuel grinned. “It is ready. It is time for me to go.”

“I will not let you!” Miles said as he charged. Sam was faster as he jumped into the bed-like machine and pressed the button, but in the next second, a voice reverberated in the room.

“You are no longer useful to me. Stay in that room forever.”

“Lorthew?” Samuel asked in shock. “Why?”

“I got what I want, now your services are no longer required.” The same voice said. A panic appeared in Samuel’s eyes, as he turned to look at madly dashing Miles.

“No, no! Save me Lorthew!”

“Too late!” Miles reached the device and punched Samuel but in the next second, a glass breaking reverberated in his mind.


Miles fell to the ground with blood seeping from his every orifice. “When?”

“From the beginning.” Samuel, who was standing near the bed-like device, said calmly. “Do you think you can pull me into your illusion?”

“Coin, why didn’t you alert me?” Miles asked in his mind.

“I did, but he found a way to separate me from your mind.” Coin answered.

“You see Miles, I am Val. I always was. I was Val from the time we met. The girl you knew as a friend was nothing but fiction. A character I created to infiltrate your family. But when I learned you died miserably, I changed my plans. But now, I no longer need to suffer in this place, I can finally return.” Samuel said with pity.

“You are lying!” Miles howled.

“Am I?” Samuel asked, “Think Miles, think! Think about our every interaction. Weren’t there many suspicious things?”

As soon as Samuel said that, Miles started to fill the blank picture with memories. As he did so, Samuel’s illusion took him under his control. The deeper Miles delved into it, the more he lost his control.

“Sadly, I cannot kill you with the time I have.” Samuel sighed as he jumped into the bed-like device. “But let me give you a parting gift.”

As soon as he said that, Miles felt his mind exploding. He lost control of his already acting-out energy and started to bleed from his eyes profusely. While Samuel vanished, Miles lay in the pool of his blood. He lost consciousness.

"Miles! Wake up! Miles!" Coin shouted to no avail. Two back-to-back energy attacks depleted Miles's energy and injured his mind.

Ten minutes after Samuel disappeared, a voice reverberated in Miles's mind, but only Coin heard it, “Miles, thank you for this body. I will make sure to use it better than you did.”

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