The evil qi stained the sky and rained, no matter how the undead legion was attacked and suffered multiple injuries, it would recover from the power of Cong Yunya.

The protagonist group of Gowei is already sweating, Inuyasha is also panting, and although Orochimaru is powerful, it also consumes a lot of physical strength.

On the other hand, Li Fan, because of Cong Yunya's jealousy of Li Fan, and Li Fan also said that he would not interfere, the Undead Legion did not take the initiative to provoke Li Fan.

Cong Yunya did not forget that Li Fan's demon power was very strange, but whenever he was injured, the wound would be devoured little by little by the demon force until it turned into bone powder.

Holding the killing pill of the Ghost Fighting God, although his physical strength was consumed, his face was still calm and cold, and the undead legion in front of him was shocked by the momentum exuding from his body.

The Azure Dragon Break reappeared, the Dao Evil Thunder fell, and the undead legions were killed and shattered, but they soon returned to their original state.

The frequent use of Azure Dragon Break, the Ghost Fighting God's body flashed blue, and the Dao thunder and lightning were entangled, and he had reached the limit of using evil qi.

Killing Pill looked at the fighting ghost god with dissatisfaction: "After all, it is a ghost tooth..." Abandoning

the sword for a claw, the killing pill poisonous claw swung out, cutting an undead soul into two sections: "Don't get in the way!" "

The undead saw that the killing pill abandoned the sword, and they all rushed to it, and the poisonous claws of the killing pill flew, but it was difficult to defeat the group of ghosts with one claw, and an undead demon received the order of the instant fierce pill.

Snatched away the natural tooth of the killing pill, the whole body lit up, and with a bang, the evil ghost blew itself up, blowing the natural tooth out of sight.

After the dust passed, Sesshomaru's face was as usual, but he was very unhappy in his heart: (Innate Fang, although it is not a sword that will be regretted if it is destroyed, Father-sama...

Orochimaru frowned, the killing intent spread out, Innate Fang was no longer treated by him, and it was also a relic of the dog general, and Orochimaru was angry.

The natural tooth that was self-exploded by the evil ghost accidentally landed a few meters away from Xiao Ling's side, and when she saw the natural tooth, Xiao Ling ran over without thinking and held it in her arms.

Because of this small accident, Rei and Gowei were captured by a huge evil spirit, and Inuyasha saw this and once again burst out with guardian power.

Xiao Ling's call for help made Orochimaru's calm heart suddenly shake, and he chased the evil ghost.

The evil ghost brought Ling and Ge Wei to Orochimaru's body, and the sword sheath was a little surprised by Cong Yunya's possession to Instantaneous Orochimaru's body.

Cong Yunya saw the two captured girls and tempted Orochimaru to kill them, and during the conversation, Gowei also learned that Inuyasha's mother was killed by the person in front of him.

In an instant, Orochimaru approached step by step, and a sword was placed in front of Gewei's throat: "You are all women who are the same as Sixteen Nights, mixed with monsters, and you are all hated Sixteen Nights!" In

an instant, Orochimaru's expression was hideous, thinking of the sixteenth night, he couldn't control the fury, and his expression alone scared Ge Wei so much that he didn't dare to move.

Outside the castle, Inuyasha and Sesshomaru came up to kill, and when they saw Inuyasha, Sesshomaru still spoke coldly: "Guy who didn't die, what are you doing here." "

Less verbosity!" Inuyasha killed all the way, and the evil spirits could not be killed at all, and they could not be killed at all.

Inuyasha rushed towards Sesshomaru, and at this moment, the two of them actually had a very tacit understanding, back to back, Inuyasha said unconvinced: "Sesshomaru, when this is over, I will settle the last account with you." "

The words are clear, how can Orochimaru not understand, with Orochimaru's arrogance, he would not have paid attention to Inuyasha, but the evil ghost can't kill.

Rei is in danger again now, Inuyasha can just use it to block this annoying guy, Sesshomaru snorted coldly, "Then it depends on whether you live until then."

Inuyasha was not convinced and retorted, "You are!" Don't let guys other than me do it. "

I have to say that the personalities of the two brothers, even the words of concern, are a tone of picking quarrels and provoking trouble.

The wound of the wind was cut out, and the group of demons was chopped off, and Inuyasha said proudly: "How is it!"

Sesshomaru didn't answer, taking advantage of the demon being swept away, he simply rushed out, and after Inuyasha reacted, it was too late, and Sesshomaru ran early.

"Stop! Sesshomaru, you are so despicable! In

the castle, Ge Wei and Ling dodged Instant Fierce Pill's sword, fled to the side, held Cong Yunya's sword scabbard, and confronted Instant Fierce Pill: "You have the ability to come here!"

The old man in the scabbard said puzzled: "What do you want to do with that?"

Ge Wei said reasonably: "At least you can make an enchantment!"

Instantly, Orochimaru smiled when he heard this: "It's just a broken sword scabbard, it's useless!" The

old man in the scabbard was not happy when he heard this, and roared: "What do you say!" "

Instantaneous Orochimaru is not nonsense, and proves with his actions that a sword slashed into the scabbard, splitting Ge Wei and the scabbard away, and Ge Wei slammed into the wall.

Ling didn't know how thick the sky was in front of Ge Wei: "How can you be like this, how can a big man bully a girl!" "

Xiao Ling..." Ge Wei's weak voice sounded: "You go quickly..." Ling

turned around and gave Ge Wei a smile, on her face, she didn't see the slightest expression of horror, but a kind of confidence: "Don't worry, Young Master Killing Pill will definitely come to save us." "

I have to say that Ling's trust in the killing pill has reached the bone, and she believes that the killing pill will not let her down.

But looking at the instant fierce pill that was close at hand, the hideous expression still made Ling feel afraid.

"Stop dreaming!" In an instant, the fierce pill slashed down, Ling gritted his teeth and tilted his head, still did not take a step back, and called in his heart: "Young Master Killing Pill..."

With a ding, the sword did not fall on Ling's body, at the moment of crisis, the killing hall blocked the fatal blow with the ghost fighting god, and Ling's face showed joy.

As long as there is a killing pill, she will not be in danger, because he is a killing pill, an extremely powerful killing pill!

A sword swept across, forcing Orochimaru back, and Orochimaru said coldly: "Hurry up, you guys staying here will hinder my battle." Ling

was very obedient to Orochimaru's words, and after leaving Innate Fang, he turned around and left.

Orochimaru and Instant Pill really began to fight, and in the original plot, Killing Pill was too physically consumed and was picked up by Instant Pill to fly his sword.

But because of Li Fan's intervention, the strength of the killing pill is now stronger than in the original play, and it is on the same level as the instant fierce pill.

The sword pressed the demon qi splashed, and in an instant, the fierce pill became more and more courageous, and the killing pill felt more and more inadequate, and his physical strength was almost unable to hold on to the strong collision.

Orochimaru mocked, "What, how does it feel to be pressed and beaten by your own arm?"

Killing Pill gasped slightly, and his voice was still cold: "It seems that you are only to this extent, obviously controlled by Cong Yunya, but you don't notice it, and you think it's your own strength, and it's really a pathetic undead."

"Shut up!" Instantly, Orochimaru was furious when he heard this: "The humiliation that your father gave me, I will double back to you!" "

A sword was slashed out, and the Ghost Fighting God of the Killing Pill was chopped off, and the physical strength was too large, and the Killing Pill could not even hold the Fighting Ghost God.

Seeing that the fierce pill slashed again, the killing pill shook in vain, picked up the innate tooth, drew the knife, and the action was done in one go: "I will defeat you with my father's knife now." "

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