After Orochimaru occupied a castle, he did not move again, and after breaking it with the Escape Dragon, Orochimaru's arm seemed to be rejecting Orochimaru.

And Inuyasha came looking for the breath of Cong Yunya and stopped in front of a tomb, he was puzzled why Cong Yunya did something about the tomb of a mortal.

The iron crushed teeth at his waist sensed the approach of the innate teeth and sent out a tremor to remind Inuyasha.

Li Fan followed Sesshomaru leisurely, and when the two arrived, Inuyasha gritted his teeth and put on a vigilant look: "What are you doing here?"

Sesshomaru ignored Inuyasha, glanced at the graveyard, and snorted coldly: "Instantaneous Orochimaru... Cong Yunya chose that little miscellaneous ah. Hearing

Sesshomaru's words, Inuyasha held the knife in his right hand and said in a deep voice, "Do you know him?"

Sesshomaru glanced at Inuyasha in displeasure, and Inuyasha said sarcastically: "It's really strange, this is a human grave, what do you have to do with him!" Watching

Inuyasha draw a knife on himself, Sesshomaru had a hint of sadness in his eyes: "I have nothing to do with that little miscellaneous, if there is, it should be you and him." "


Inuyasha was confused, how could he have a relationship with this person, he didn't know him at all.

The sadness in Orochimaru's eyes turned into indifference: "Hmph, you may not know yet." Killing

Pill's voice was murderous, and he slowly drew his sword: "I was born if I didn't know anything, a half-demon who didn't know anything and lived, then you continue like this, I don't know anything... Go to hell! As

soon as the words fell, the killing pill rushed out, and the two brothers started drying, Li Fan watched from the side, and the more he looked, the more Li Fan felt wrong.

In the past, when I watched the drama, I found that it was wrong, but now that I saw it with my own eyes, Li Fan was even more sure that Orochimaru came to find Inuyasha with Gu Yi.

It's not that he wants to rob his iron broken teeth, but Cong Yunya is too strong, with Inuyasha's current strength, he can't deal with it at all.

Among them, there is also an element of gambling, he wants to prove to his dead father that only he is qualified to inherit the Iron Crushed Tooth and Cong Yun Tooth!

Killing Pill wants to defeat Cong Yunya alone, as long as he defeats Cong Yunya, he can prove that he has surpassed his father, and only in this way can he further prove that his domineering does not need the so-called guardian at all!

Li Fan looked at the fight between the two, and was really speechless about the temper of the killing pill: "It is worthy of the killing hall, the cold and arrogant are admirable, and in the face of strong enemies, they are still fearless." The

wound of the wind cut out, the body of the killing pill sword was flat on the chest, the blue evil qi emanated, and he spit out softly in his mouth: "Aoyi, the Azure Dragon Break!" The

blue evil thunder fell, blocking the wind wound, and Inuyasha swung his sword again: "I've been waiting for you for a long time!" Blast burst! "

The demon cyclone formed by the wind injury cuts towards the killing pill, as long as the Azure Dragon Break bounces back, the killing pill will be seriously injured if it is not dead.

It's just that Inuyasha seems to have forgotten that the mystery of the blast is that the knife qi overwhelms the opponent's demon qi, but who is the killing pill, and how can the explosive explosion make the killing pill shake.

Inuyasha came out of it, just a half-finished product of the blast, and the power was only a little stronger than the wind injury.

The killing pill didn't even blink his eyes, and even the second killing of Canglong Shao didn't unfold because of Li Fan's intervention.

The current killing pill is one level stronger than in the original play, and Inuyasha is not an opponent at all, allowing the dragon to break and fly.

Li Fan looked at Orochimaru with a smile, and Orochimaru said that he wanted to kill Inuyasha, but in the end he released the water, looked at the ghost fighting god, and deceived himself: "The ghost tooth fighting ghost god is just that, it seems that this time it will not be able to kill you." "

Put away the ghost fighting god, it seems that the words to Inuyasha are actually telling Li Fan that he is not not killing Inuyasha, but that the fighting ghost god is not powerful.

Li Fan forced a smile, and the killing pill left without looking back, leaving Inuyasha, who fell to the ground, and on his chest, lay the scabbard with iron teeth.

At a critical moment, it was the scabbard of the iron tooth that saved his life.

In the distance, Ge Wei and his party were on the way here, and Ge Wei was puzzled: "Inuyasha has never mentioned his father so far, and I asked him why, and he said that because he had never even seen his father's face."

If so, why was he so attached to his father's sword? Why insist on solving it yourself?

Maitreya and Coral sat on the back of mica, and Maitreya said in his heart: "As a man, this is how it is, no matter what happens, there is always a father above his head. "

It's always annoying, it's unbearable." Maitreya's eyes were full of reminiscence: "My father can do what he can do, and one day, I must surpass my father, and in the end, I always think about things according to my father's standards." Shippo

lay on Maitreya's shoulder, and after listening, he said with a heart: "Then, if the father is too perfect, it will be miserable..."

Maitreya saw that several people were brought into a state of contemplation by his own words, and the instinct of the Maitreya family was activated, such a good opportunity.

How could Maitreya miss it, and his hand touched Coral's butt dishonestly: "You can also say so."

Coral was hearing something, and Maitreya suddenly sneaked up, which made her very angry: "Stupid! What are you saying while touching me!

Maitreya's hand movements did not stop, and he said with a straight face: "This is also my father's inheritance, and one day it must be surpassed."

Coral couldn't bear it when he heard this, and punched Maitreya in the eyes with his backhand: "There is no need to surpass this kind of thing!" "

In the castle on the mountain, under a round of blood moon, the possessed instant fierce pill, the first born a single horn, the right shoulder demon dragon head turned into shoulder armor, and a blood-colored demon dragon thorn was born on the back.

Under the chest of the magic dragon armor, a red hair made it even more enchanting, and the arms were also wrapped in red magic dragon armor.

Under the blood moon, the fierce pill pointed at the red moon in an instant, and called out in a deep voice: "All the dead warriors, hurry up and wake up from the country of the yellow spring!" Cong

Yunya's sword slowly oozed blood, and in the blink of an eye, Cong Yunya became a blood sword, and blood flowed from the sword.

Along the roof, falling like a waterfall, the entire castle became a city of blood seas, with the castle as the center under the ability of Cong Yunya.

Fang Yuan Baili suddenly became a dead place, and where the sea of blood passed, the soldiers killed by Cong Yunya in the city turned into dead spirits and stood up from the pool of blood.

Blood-colored giant thorns stabbed out from the ground, and the castle had turned into a hell on earth in a short period of time.

Looking at all this, Shomaru was extremely confident: "Come on! I'm waiting for you right here, Sesshomaru and Inuyasha!

Killing Pill felt the evil qi in front of him, and Orochimaru trembled in disbelief in his waist: (I want to use this hand to hold my father's Cong Yunya, and then I will be able to have the same power as my father!)

Li Fan felt Cong Yunya's evil qi, and his heart couldn't help but be slightly shocked, Cong Yunya's strength was more than a little stronger than at that time, was it because of my realm fall that made me feel like this....

On the castle, the sword pointed forward, and as a general, he would not be too careless at any time, shouting: "Battle!" "

The legion of necromancers summoned by Cong Yunya is advancing outside the castle, and the role of the legion is to consume the physical strength of Inuyasha and his group.

Simple revenge is not what he wants, he wants to torture Inuyasha little bit, and when they are exhausted and desperate, he kills Sesshomaru and Inuyasha, as well as their companions, little by little!

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