Inuyasha entrusted Gomicro to Sakusai and walked towards the place where he sensed in his heart.

As night fell, Sesshomaru looked at the bright moon in the sky, and the battle with Cong Yunya made him deepen his obsession with the knife left by his father again.

Cong Yunya's strength, as well as the ability to crush iron teeth, killing pills really want to get, but what my father left me, why not Cong Yun or iron broken teeth, but this innate tooth....

Li Fan sighed secretly in his heart, killing pills with such an expression, he should be thinking about Cong Yunya, no wonder, Cong Yunya is indeed a sword.

If it is in his hands, he can definitely exert great power, but is Cong Yunya so easy to control? Even the dog will have to build iron broken teeth and natural teeth to suppress Cong Yunya.

Li Fan walked up and patted Killing Pill's shoulder: "Killing Hall, do you want to get Cong Yunya?"

Sesshomaru looked at the moon, his voice still cold: "That's my father's relics, I want to take it back, shouldn't it?" "


Li Fan sighed lightly: "Killing the temple, Cong Yunya is a magic sword, you have also seen its power, even your father has to suppress it with iron broken teeth and natural teeth, if you want it, you must also snatch it together with Inuyasha's iron broken teeth." Cong

Yunya landed on a mountainside, and through summoning, summoned a demon and after possessing, his body slowly disappeared under the moonlight.

A space shrouded in mist for many years, this is a different space where the world and the underworld meet, and in this alien space is where the tomb of the dog general Douya King is located.

In the huge corpse, the ghost controlled by Cong Yunya appeared, and it was not too much to be able to cut open the Cong Yunya of the underworld at will, and it was not too much to come to the cemetery of the dog general.

It came here for only one purpose, that is, the broken arm of the killing pill, Cong Yunya smiled evilly: "As long as I have this, I can cast the Prison Dragon Break." "

There has always been a mystery about Sesshomaru's broken arm, why Sesshomaru didn't take the broken arm back, but instead looked for a substitute to fight Inuyasha's iron tooth.

There are many opinions on the Internet, some say that the entrance to the cemetery is in Inuyasha's eyes, and the killing pill cannot enter.

This is simply impossible, Sesshomaru wants to go in, how can Inuyasha stop it.

It is also said that the arm has been broken, and the killing pill can no longer be connected. This is even more a matter of pulling the calf, with the ability of the killing pill, it is just a thought to take back the arm.

Some people also say that the killing pill does not take back the arm to remind himself not to underestimate the enemy.

But none of the above is true. Li Fan also asked about the killing pill, and the killing pill's answer was: "The arm that can be cut off by the half-demon, don't swing it too!"

At that time, Li Fan listened to it for a minute, the killing pill was ruthless, and he was ruthless, and he could beat the ocelot family and flee with one person.

I didn't expect to be ruthless, and I didn't even let myself go, but this is a very killing pill, domineering!

Looking at Killing Pill's left arm, Cong Yunya said confidently: "Innate Teeth and Iron Crushed Teeth, let me Cong Yunya bury you all together!" Picking

up Orochimaru's arm, Cong Yunya came to the grave of the Instant Pill again, controlled the evil ghost, and put the sword on the ground.

Cong Yunya used his power to call on the momentary fierce pill that had become a dry bone: "Wake up, the momentary fierce pill, I am Cong Yunya." "

In an instant, Orochimaru woke up under the power of Cong Yunya, and had helped him fight the Douya King.

Cong Yunya? Why wake me up?

Let me save your wandering soul, come with me to take revenge, find the sons who killed your guy, Sesshomaru and Inuyasha to take revenge! Snow your long-accumulated resentment!


Cong Yunya continued to tempt: "The woman who abandoned you, Sixteen Nights, the woman you loved deeply, but he snatched that woman!" Resent that guy, resent that woman!

Cong Yunya's seductive voice was heavier, and every sentence fell on the heart of Orochimaru: "Resentful of his clan!" Otherwise, your soul will be trapped here forever, come, wake up now, and go to their people to take revenge! Under

the temptation of Cong Yunya, in an instant, Orochimaru crawled out from the bottom of the grave, and pieces of carrion flew towards his skeleton, under the power of Cong Yunya.

Instantly, Orochimaru quickly returned to his previous appearance: "I resent, resentful Inuyasha! Resentment Killing Pill! And! Resentment Sixteen Nights!

On the other side, Ge Wei slowly opened his eyes, everyone was very worried about Inuyasha going to find Cong Yunya alone, and took the rosary that Rei handed over, which had been dispersed.

Gewei was even more worried about Inuyasha, and even the rosary was scattered because of this, you can imagine how powerful Cong Yunya is.

Ge Wei suddenly asked, "But why did Cong Yunya appear in our family's shrine?" When

Hakka heard this, he recalled: "This incident began two hundred years ago, it was when Inuyasha's father died..." It

turned out that after the Inu-shogun died in battle, Haka, Dao Daosai, and the old man with the scabbard received the last words of the Inu-general.

Hades sealed the iron tooth and the body of the dog general into a black pearl, and the black pearl is the entrance to the place where the human world meets the underworld.

Because Inuyasha was still a baby, Iron Crush could only be given to Inuyasha when he grew up.

And Dao Daozhai's task is to give the Innate Fang to the Killing Pill, but what kind of knife the Innate Tooth is, Dao Daozai will not know.

For the killing pill who pursues strength, giving such a knife to him will definitely kill himself, and in desperation, Dao Daozai can only hang his innate teeth on Park Xianweng's tree.

With a card written (Killing Pill Receive) four big characters, Killing Pill saw that what his father left for him turned out to be a useless knife, and he was naturally angry.

What he wants is the iron tooth that can kill tens of thousands of monsters with one blow, and the world's domineering sword Cong Yunya!

Although he was not convinced, Killing Pill still received the innate tooth, after all, this is his father's relic, and he can't lose it no matter what.

And the rest of Cong Yunya, the dog general did not have any arrangement, after the three old men discussed it, they decided to use the scabbard as a seal and throw Cong Yunya into the bone eating well.

Since then, the three domineering swords of the world have fallen into the hands of Inuyasha and Orochimaru, and as for Cong Yunya, they were sealed because they were too domineering.

And the bone-eating well of Musashi Country is the place where Cong Yunya is sealed, this ancient well is very strange, and the bones of the monsters thrown into it will disappear the next day, and no one knows why.

During the conversation, the scabbard also said that the only way to destroy Cong Yunya was to combine the natural tooth and the iron crushed tooth, but it was more difficult to get Inuyasha and Sesshomaru to cooperate than ascending to the sky!

Maitreya has no hope at all, Inuyasha and Sesshomaru have an extremely poor relationship, let alone cooperation, it is already very good if they meet and do not fight.

But at this time, Maitreya suddenly thought of a person, a blue-haired young man, Li Fan, who was known as the demon king, maybe he could ask Li Fan to take a move and put Cong Yunya away....

Maitreya said his thoughts, and everyone agreed, but the scabbard looked confused: "Who are you talking about Li Fan?" "

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