The Prison Dragon Break was extremely powerful, completely suppressing the Azure Dragon Break of the Killing Pill, and the blue Azure Dragon and the pink Prison Dragon Vortex collided.

A huge explosion exploded in the center, shaking the mountain for a while, and an unwilling dragon groan sounded, and the prison dragon broke the Azure Dragon to smithereens.

With the offensive, towards the killing pill, the killing pill frowned, worthy of his father's domineering sword, the power is indeed extraordinary.

The prison dragon broke the aftermath and collided, the killing pill raised his hand, the sword pointed at the prison dragon broke, the demon power around his body was dispersed, and the sword pressure was released from the tip of the ghost fighting divine sword.

After breaking the prison dragon and using the prison dragon break, Cong Yunya stopped manipulating Inuyasha again, and Inuyasha's eyes returned to clarity.

The two brothers looked at each other quietly, and Sesshomaru stared at Cong Yunya (with Inuyasha's half-demon body, does it only have the power of one blow?).

Inuyasha faced Sesshomaru and spoke, "Sesshomaru, I originally wanted to give you this sword, but it seems that you will come and get it yourself."

Sesshomaru frowned, dissatisfied with Inuyasha's words, Sesshomaru had a sense of almsgiving, and said in a deep voice: "I did this from the beginning!" "

Two holding swords, rushing out again, both belong to evil swords, one is a magic sword made of Demon Dragon Tooth, Cong Yunya.

The other is an evil sword made from the teeth of a ghost that can bite off iron and broken teeth, fighting ghosts and gods!

In terms of evil qi, the Ghost Fighting God is not as good as Cong Yunya, but Inuyasha is only a half-demon body, and he can't exert the true power of Cong Yunya at all.

So, the two fought back and forth, and Sesshomaru unleashed his anger on Inuyasha: "You don't deserve to have Iron Crushed Fang and Cong Yun Fang!" "

Thinking of Inuyasha's identity, Sesshomaru is even more angry, a half-demon who has been sealed by a human woman for 50 years and lost his face to the dog!

Sesshomaru's hatred for Inuyasha deepened: "No! The fact that you have your father's blood on your body is unforgivable in itself! The

angry killing pill forced Inuyasha to retreat, and Inuyasha was also angry when he heard this, and once again rushed out a sword and slashed out: "What is the matter with me!" The

two swords collided again, the demon power was constantly colliding, and after Cong Yunya rested, he also recovered, and the beads at the end of the sword hilt flashed red.

"Hey, hey, hey..." Cong Yunya tempted, "Killing Pill, you really want this Cong Yunya, don't you?" I only need to touch your sword to know everything about you, including your left hand, which was cut off by Inuyasha.

Sesshomaru's brows furrowed again, and Inuyasha said angrily, "It's noisy!" Give me quiet! The

two fought again, with Inuyasha, who was in a cloud tooth, the combat power gradually overwhelmed the killing pill, of course, this is also the reason why the killing pill did not kill the killer, how to say, Inuyasha is also his younger brother.

The two fought farther and farther apart, and the power also increased, and the blue evil qi collided with the evil qi of Cong Yunya, making the entire sky change color.

The sword body collided again, Cong Yunya once again accumulated strength, controlled Inuyasha, and the powerful evil qi reappeared, and Orochimaru looked at the demonized Inuyasha, his face changed slightly.

The powerful force pushed the killing pill back, and when he reached the edge of the cliff, Cong Yunya said sarcastically: "My own brothers actually killed each other, you father and son are stupid!" If he had listened to my instructions, your father would not have died so miserably. "

Shut up!

Orochimaru was furious when he heard this, King Douya was the person he respected the most, how could he allow others to point fingers, let alone a sword!

Sesshomaru burst out with angry power and pushed Inuyasha back, Cong Yunya actually said that his father was stupid, that's good! I'll cut you off with my father's iron teeth!"

Let you know that the dog will fight the prestige of the tooth king! Absolutely undefiled!

Killing Pill gritted his teeth, endured the pain from the iron broken tooth enchantment, pulled out the iron broken tooth, and the demon power soared, and suddenly cut out a knife.

The wind wound tore towards Inuyasha, and the wind wound caused by Sesshomaru was much more powerful than Inuyasha's wind wound.

But the killing pill only had the power of one blow, and the enchantment of the iron broken teeth was too domineering, and in a short time, it had already burned his palm.

The result of forcible use is the regurgitation of the enchantment, and there is nothing on the surface of the killing pill, but the demon qi in the body is already a mess.

Killing Pill knelt on the ground, looking at the burn of his palm, his heart was very unwilling, why didn't the enchantment of iron broken teeth accept himself!

And Inuyasha was unscathed after being hit by the wind injury, and Cong Yunya's control was obviously much weaker, and if you want to strengthen your control, you must have blood.

On the sidelines, in addition to Li Fan, aren't there exactly two sacrifices?

Cong Yunya controlled Inuyasha to rush towards Rei and Evil Opinion, and Orochimaru was anxious when he saw this, gritting his teeth and pressing down the chaotic demon power in his body to stop it.

But how could Evil Insight and Rei escape Inuyasha's pursuit, just when Cong Yunya was about to fall with a sword, Li Fan was about to strike.

When the killing pill desperately struck, Ge Wei finally arrived, and seeing that the killing pill had lit up with poisonous claws, Ge Wei shouted vigorously: "Sit down!" The

rosary shone with a light that had never been seen before, and Cong Yunya tried his best to resist the power of the rosary.

The poisonous claw of the killing pill was about to be inserted into the back of Inuyasha's heart, and Gowei shouted again and flew towards Inuyasha: "Sit down!" The

rosary shone brightly, Sesshomaru stopped, and Cong Yunya unwillingly broke away from Inuyasha's hand: "Smelly girl! The

power of confrontation and the power of the rosary finally exploded, Cong Yunya flew out in the explosion, and Orochimaru turned his head and stared at Cong Yunya.

In the big pit, the rosary beads on Inuyasha's neck were scattered all over the place, and Gowei fell beside Inuyasha, as well as the scabbard of Cong Yunya.

Inuyasha looked at his blood-flushed and reddened hands, and blamed himself in his heart, it was all useless, and once again put Gowei in danger.

"Inuyasha..." Gowei's weak voice sounded, looking at Inuyasha, there was still a hint of disobedient mischievous in his eyes: "I'm coming, I'm sorry..."

Inuyasha looked at the comatose Gowei worriedly and blamed. "Damn, didn't you tell you not to follow!" "

Killing Pill picked up the Fighting Ghost God, turned around and left, he was going to completely subdue Cong Yunya and seal it again.

Inuyasha suddenly stopped Sesshomaru: "Wait! I will definitely destroy Cong Yunya, don't you interfere!" The

meaning of Inuyasha's words was obvious, he wanted to destroy Cong Yunya, hoping that Sesshomaru would give up Cong Yunya, and Inuyasha, who was dominated by Cong Yunya, knew.

How strong Cong Yunya is, even if it is a killing pill, it is impossible to master.

The killing pill also knew the power of Cong Yunya, and he couldn't use it at present, but Cong Yunya dared to tarnish his father's prestige, and the killing pill didn't plan to let it go.

"You can't do it." Sesshomaru said disdainfully, "You should thank that girl well." Li

Fan saw the end from the beginning, and I have to say that watching people fight is really a pleasure, and it is much more exciting than playing by himself.

Coming to the side of the killing pill, Li Fan had no heart or lungs and said, "How do you feel?" By the way, why don't you use the other two kills?

Killing Pill glanced at Li Fan and said coldly, "It has nothing to do with you."

Li Fan was stunned, but he didn't expect Killing Pill to answer like this, and retorted: "Why is it none of my business!" I also have a share in those two killing moves, and I haven't seen you perform them!" "

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