A deep ditch stretches from the village into the distance, which is the damage caused by the Prison Dragon Break, by which time Inuyasha has regained his senses.

Looking at Cong Yunya, who was wrapped in red tentacles on his hand, Inuyasha finally had time to breathe: "I actually calmed down, because I used the power of Prison Dragon Break, so I need to take a break, right..." Inuyasha

was controlled by Cong Yunya, Maitreya and others were worried, but Cong Yunya's power was too strong, and several people were helpless.

Maitreya and Shippo sat by the bone well, waiting for Gewei to return, and with Gowei there, with her (sitting down), maybe they could stop Inuyasha.

The demon slayer Coral is calming the villagers for Inuyasha's aftermath.

After a night of rain, Ge Wei finally rushed back the next morning, accompanied by Cong Yunya's scabbard .

Looking at the deep ditch that was broken out by the prison dragon, Ge Wei was even more worried in his heart, and the appearance of the sword scabbard, which made Hao Jia jump out, opened his mouth and said: "Sword scabbard!" Why does Inuyasha carry cloud teeth? The

old man with the scabbard saw Hajia and sighed: "It's really nostalgic, Hajia, aren't you running around like before?" Hearing

this, Hajia became angry and jumped to his feet: "Hurry up and answer my question!"

The old man in the scabbard looked like he didn't want to say more: "Well... It's a long story. "

Hajia is even more angry when he hears this, knowing that the scabbard is not reliable, but Cong Yunya is not an ordinary sword, this guy is still lazy!

He jumped up and down in anger: "It's obviously what you said, it's no problem to hand over Cong Yunya to you even if it is seven hundred years!" You're lazy again, aren't you!

When the scabbard heard this, he defended: "What is this word, I have never closed my eyes and guarded it in the past two hundred years."

"Impossible! The time is not right! "Hades is even more angry, what character does the scabbard he still don't know, 200 years to guard, then there are still five hundred years to be lazy!"

Ge Wei suddenly remembered the scene of being forced into the bone-eating well by Yuluo, when he seemed to be followed by something, when he looked back, it vaguely seemed to be a sword, but it was only a blink of an eye, and then disappeared.

"Could it be that it came through the Bone Eating Well?"

Li Fan and Killing Pill walked slowly, and Li Fan didn't stop talking along the way: Killing

Hall, what have you been doing recently?

Killing the temple, is the ghost fighting god still satisfied?

Killing the Temple, what do you think of Cong Yunya?

Killing the temple, do you remember Kagura?

Killing the Temple............

Killing Pill frowned all the way, and finally couldn't help it: "Li Fan, you are still as noisy as before!"

Ling couldn't listen anymore, and said: "Young Master Li Fan, Young Master Killing Pill doesn't like noisy people, if you want to talk, Ling can accompany you." The

evil opinion nodded with feeling, it was indeed very stuffy to follow the young master of the killing pill, if it weren't for Ling, he would definitely suffocate.

Li Fan was stunned, looked at Ling, and touched her head: "Still Xiao Ling is obedient, unlike some people, suffocated..." The

corners of Li Fan's mouth rose, glanced at the killing pill, and tempted: "Ling, have you seen an airplane?" Want to watch TV? It's better to come with me, don't stay with the stuffy gourd of the killing pill." Killing

Pill was obviously shocked when he heard this, and a murderous intent swept across Li Fan's body, and Ling tilted his little head in bewilderment: "Young Master Li Fan, what is a flying chicken?" What is TV chicken again? Is it tasty? Young Master Killing Pill doesn't like to eat things that are too fat.

Li Fan's expression paused, it seems that this little girl can't be abducted, and she thinks about killing pills for everything, it's no wonder, after all, she is the future wife of the killing hall.

When Orochimaru heard this, although his face was still cold, he was still very pleased in his heart: "Ling." Ling

was talking to Li Fan, and when he heard Killing Pill call himself, he put Li Fan aside without the slightest hesitation: "Yes!" Young Master Killing Pill. "

Keep up."

"Okay, Young Master Killing Pill."

The corner of Li Fan's mouth twitched, (The communication between these two people is really direct and trouble-free... Feeling

the frequency of the vibration of the innate teeth, Orochimaru looked up into the distance: "Is it close... Born teeth.

Li Fan stood next to the killing pill, looked at the Innate Fang, and thought maliciously in his heart: "This vibration... Fortunately, Sesshomaru is not a woman, if not, maybe he would have done something to Innate Fang..." Out

of the woods, Inuyasha's figure appeared, Sesshomaru looked at Inuyasha, and said calmly: "Sure enough, it's you, Inuyasha, why do you have Cong Yunya in your hand?"

Inuyasha turned to look and saw that the people who came were Killing Pill and Li Fan, and he was slightly shocked in his heart, he forcibly took Cong Yunya away, just to give it to Killing Pill.

But Cong Yunya actually entangled himself to death, and he couldn't give it if he wanted to, Inuyasha's idea was very simple, Sesshomaru had always wanted to rob his iron tooth.

As long as Cong Yunya is given to him, maybe the killing pill will no longer hit the idea of breaking the iron tooth, the idea is very good, but the variables appear.

After Cong Yunya saw Li Fan, his sword body suddenly shook and exclaimed, "Yes... It's you!

Inuyasha and Sesshomaru heard Cong Yunya's exclamation, and both looked at Li Fan, who touched the tip of his nose and raised his hand to say hello: "Hi, Cong Yunya, long time no see."

Inuyasha felt Cong Yunya's panic, and was even more puzzled, Cong Yunya saw Li Fan raise his hand, and thought that Li Fan was going to make a move, and screamed: "Inuyasha!" Fast! Kill him soon! Cong

Yunya lit up with a dazzling evil light, Inuyasha was manipulated again, slashing towards Li Fan's sword, and Sesshomaru frowned, feeling that he was ignored.

Killing Pill is very unhappy, what will happen if Killing Hall is unhappy, he will draw his sword!


The Fighting Ghost God stopped Cong Yunya, and the killing pill suppressed his anger: "Are you ignoring my killing pill!" The

evil light flashed again, Inuyasha took three steps back, and the evil qi surged wildly, staring at the killing pill.

Orochimaru stood with his sword: "Cong Yunya, I didn't expect you to choose a waste like Inuyasha!" Cong

Yunya was shocked in his heart, one Li Fan was enough for him to drink a pot, and there was another killing pill, with Inuyasha's half-demon body, he couldn't exert all his power at all.

"Killing pills." Cong Yunya said to Killing Pill, "Didn't you always want power? How about we make a deal? As long as you kill him, I will recognize you! The

tip of Cong Yunya's sword pointed at Li Fan, Li Fan was watching the play, and suddenly pointed the spearhead at himself, and he was suddenly unhappy: "Cong Yunya, have you forgotten my means, are you forcing me to beat you again?"

Cong Yunya was stunned and exclaimed, "What did you say?" You won't meddle?

Li Fan shrugged and said, "This is a matter between you and Killing Pill, I didn't think of meddling." "


Cong Yunya smiled and said, "Good! As long as you don't interfere, I won't put a killing pill in my eyes!"

"What do you say!" Orochimaru was furious, and a sword slashed away, and the fighting ghost god fell with an evil aura.

Cong Yunya controlled Inuyasha to block the Fighting Ghost God in front of him, and the two swords intersected, knocking out one after another evil qi arcs.

"Cong Yunya!" Killing Pill glared angrily and looked at Cong Yunya: "I will let you know, underestimate my Killing Pill!" "

The evil qi soared, the two of them bounced away, Inuyasha raised his cloud teeth in his hand, the void drew a circle, the Dao evil qi cyclone formed, the center of the whirlwind, an evil qi vortex formed by the evil qi appeared, and suddenly slashed towards the killing pill.

Prison Dragon Break!

Killing Pill attacked with anger, raised the fighting ghost, Dao evil thunder fell, the earth split deep pits, holding the sword in one hand, Killing Pill's eyes were like electricity, and he cut out a sword: "Canglong broke!" "

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