Cong Yunya flew out of the Nippon Shrine and walked through the city streets, and many people saw the flying swords and exclaimed one after another.

In the park, Inuyasha suddenly looked in one direction with a solemn expression, and Ge looked at Inuyasha with a puzzled look: "What's wrong?"

Inuyasha's voice was heavy, and he spoke like a great enemy: "There is a very amazing demon qi.

As soon as the words fell, a long sword flew from a distance, floating five meters in front of the two, and Inuyasha blocked in front of Gowei: "Retreat to the back!"

A voice came: "Finally calm down."

Inuyasha looked at the sword in front of him warily, holding the iron broken tooth with one hand: "What is this!" "

Oh?" The voice was a little surprised: "Isn't this an iron broken tooth?" Long time no see.

Inuyasha looked at the light mass that made the sound, "What?

The light mass floated in front of Cong Yunya, a little surprised, "Are you Inuyasha?"

Inuyasha was a little surprised, "I haven't been friends with Ken!"

Hikari was unimpressed by Inuyasha's words and said, "Don't you remember it, because at that time, you were a newborn baby." The

light group appeared in shape, turned into an old man, and introduced: "I am the sword scabbard, which is the famous sword that your father once had, the domineering sword in the world, and the scabbard of Cong Yunya." As

soon as the words fell, Cong Yunya suddenly came out of the sheath three inches, the pink demon light, with an amazing evil aura, the sealing power of the scabbard kept stopping.

"It's not good." The old man in the scabbard hurriedly said, "Inuyasha, you hurry up and hold this Cong Yun tooth, otherwise the consequences will be very serious!"

Ge Wei looked at Cong Yunya, and there was a very bad feeling in his heart, an indescribable sense of fear.

Inuyasha's words made Inuyasha very disgusted, plus he felt a very powerful evil aura from the sword, he did not dare to touch it casually: "Who are you!" You are not qualified to command me!

"Can't seal it!" The old man in the scabbard covered his head and said in horror.

Cong Yunya unsheathed in the evil light, stayed in mid-air for two breaths, suddenly landed, and the moment it was inserted on the ground, an evil light centered on the sword.

Spreading outward, where the evil light passed, there was a dead silence, the earth seemed to be sucked out of life, the grass and trees withered, and even the iron products became as if they had experienced hundreds of thousands of years after this evil light.

The building collapsed suddenly after the evil light, and all living beings, after the evil light, instantly turned into dry bones, a city, just a few breaths.

The city was in ruins, the grass and trees withered, and the ground was covered with green, mold that grew from the decay of corpses.

Li Fan was bored, every day in the shrine, in addition to watching the autumn leaves and peonies practice witchcraft, it was to watch Kikyo teach the two women to cultivate their minds.

And what about him, who has nothing to do every day, cultivation? What does not exist, his cultivation can only be devoured, and Devouring Heaven is still sleeping.

Because of the forcible use of secret techniques, Li Fan's soul was reduced by half, and as long as his soul could not be completed, Li Fan could not withstand more devouring power.

The realm of cultivation can only stay in the Heavenly Immortal Realm, that is, the realm equivalent to the Great Monster, and the method of repairing the soul can only rely on devouring the sky.

"Swallow the sky, swallow the sky..." Li Fan stroked the hair of Yan's hooves boredly, and called in his heart: "When will you wake up..."

At this moment, the sky in the distance suddenly darkened, and a huge evil qi rose up into the sky, dyeing the sky black, Li Fan suddenly looked up: "This evil qi... Cong Yunya!

Kikyo also looked at the sky in the distance, and his heart suddenly shook: "What's going on with this evil qi... Naraku? No

..." Momiji and Peony turned pale, looking at the direction of the evil qi: "Lord Kikyo, what is that..."

Kikyo frowned, and said to the two women: "You guys prepare, arrange the exorcism enchantment, and don't go out of the shrine." Li

Fan came over at this time, Cong Yunya's sudden return was something he didn't expect, he beat it into the space-time passage, why could he come back, and this evil qi was heavier than at that time!

"Kikyo." Li Fan said solemnly: "You personally guard the enchantment, that thing is back, I'll go see what's going on."

"You know what that is?" Kikyo nodded and looked at Li Fan, her beautiful eyes full of question marks.

"It's a sword." Li Fan added: "The ancestral evil sword of the dog general is a sword that can split the underworld. "

Nippori Village, Back Mountain, Bone Eater Well, Inuyasha slowly rises from the well, and Shippo, who is guarding the well, sees Inuyasha return.

Ge Wei should also come back, he was gluttonous, and he was already thinking about what good food Ge Wei would bring to himself this time.

But Inuyasha was full of evil qi around him, and there was a sword in his hand, under this evil aura, Shippo felt creepy and shouted timidly: "Inuyasha..." The

moment Inuyasha returned, the innate teeth around Sesshomaru's waist suddenly trembled, looking at the evil qi rising from the bone-eating well.

Sesshomaru felt Inuyasha's breath, and another breath, this breath he was familiar with, and it was also the breath of something he really wanted to get.

That is his father's domineering sword, the breath of Cong Yunya, it's just, why would Inuyasha be with Cong Yunya, it seems that his father gave Cong Yunya to Inuyasha as well!


Sesshomaru smiled, but this kind of laughter often means that he is angry now, and this anger must be erased by blood and death.

The evil view was shocked in his heart, the young master of the killing pill actually laughed, it was over, such a laugh, the evil view was still seen in the past, when the young master of the killing pill was alone and killed the ocelot family into a river of blood.

What is the reason that makes the Young Master of Killing Teeth show a smile that represents killing!

Shippo was terrified because he saw Inuyasha's face, which was a demonized face, although Inuyasha usually bullied himself.

But never kill the killer who killed himself, but Inuyasha just now, obviously no longer sane, what to do! Now that Gowei is not there, how can he stop Inuyasha from demonizing....

Inuyasha is controlled by Cong Yunya and kills all the way to the village where he is staying, and Maitreya and Coral see that something is wrong with Inuyasha.

Hakka was also at a loss, and when he saw the sword in Inuyasha's hand, his face changed: "Isn't that Cong Yunya!" Sensing

the danger, Mica turned into a dead cat, and the cry of a small baby in the side room caught Inuyasha's attention and turned and walked inside.

Seeing a mother and son, the bead of the hilt of Cong Yunya's sword flashed a light, controlling Inuyasha: "Kill him, kill him."

Li Fan flew all the way, encountered the killing pill halfway, and landed in front of the killing pill: "You also feel the killing hall."

Killing Pill did not look at Li Fan, still step by step, slowly walking forward: "That's my father's thing, Li Fan, why are you here?" The

corner of Li Fan's mouth twitched, and he said in his heart (killing the hall is worthy of killing the hall, it's all at this time, and he still looks leisurely)

"I'm just watching the play." Li Fan said: "I'm strange, Cong Yunya was obviously beaten by me to escape into the time channel, how did it come back..." Killing

Pill heard this, and tilted his head to look at Li Fan: "You fought with Cong Yunya?"

Li Fan had a disdainful expression and corrected: "It's beaten, not a fight." "

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