After Naraku's castle and his group, Inuyasha's group relaxed a lot, and although they couldn't find Naraku, at least the four soul fragments of the steel teeth were snatched back.

Ge Wei decided to return to the present world for a few days, and as soon as the final exam was approaching, she had already left many subjects, and she had to go back to make up for the subjects.

Inuyasha was afraid that she would forget the time to go back, and also followed, a certain high school playground in Japan, a group of young and beautiful and energetic girls.

The upper body is wearing a sports shorts, the lower body is only wearing briefs sweatpants, and the white thighs make people who lack concentration see it, and they will definitely have nosebleeds.

This is an extracurricular sport, and Gowei is very difficult to come back and is playing volleyball with his classmates, but Inuyasha's appearance gives Gowei a headache.

Not only did he suddenly snatch it away because the volleyball attacked him, but he also greeted Ge Wei on the roof of the teaching building in the distance.

Ge Wei was really angry with him, and he said that he should not follow, but he still came.

On the other side, in the Nippon Shrine, Grandpa Gewei held a sword in both hands, very careful, and the expression on his face was extremely solemn.

Behind him, there was Gowei's mother, holding a long box in her arms, which was supposed to be a long box for storing swords.

Gewei's younger brother, Kusanagi, had just returned from school and was very curious when he saw what his grandfather was holding: "What is that?"

As my mother was about to speak, my grandfather turned back with a serious face: "This is the sword Cong Yun Sword that has been passed down from generation to generation at our shrine."

Mom chimed in: "That's it. Seeing

that Grass Tai looked confused, his grandfather's flaunting heart was raised, and he was happy to tell his juniors about his ancestors.

"Speaking of this Cong Yun sword..." Grandpa looked at Kusuta seriously and said: "It is the alias of the Kusanagi sword that is recorded in the Ancient Records and the Japanese Shoji, in short, it is a national treasure."

Ge Wei walked home and said very dissatisfied: "What are you doing, why are you running to school."

Inuyasha, wearing a cap, walked on the fence by the side of the road, crossing his arms over his chest: "I'm afraid something will happen to you." Ge

Wei's heart was sweet when he heard this, but this is modern, what will happen.

Inuyasha compensated, "If I don't keep my eyes peeled, you're always going to do something dangerous." "

Ge Wei is not happy, what does this mean, is it saying that he has no brains in doing things! "It's modern, it's not as dangerous as yours." A

truck drove by, and Inuyasha put on a vigilant posture to pull out his knife, staring back at the rear of the car, and let out a low roar like a vicious dog food.

Ge Wei stopped, looked at Inuyasha who was like a great enemy, sighed softly, and thought: "It's really a wrong decision to let Inuyasha come to modern times, it's really tiring..."

Ignoring Inuyasha, Gowei walked forward, Inuyasha jumped down, quickly followed, Gewei explained: "That one just now is called volleyball, it's a sport." "

Sports?" Inuyasha asked, "Is it like kicking a hairball?" Hearing

this, Gewei finally got a little happy, sometimes explaining modern things with Inuyasha, he didn't understand, it was rare that he knew something similar: "Yes, yes, that's it, have you ever played Inuyasha?"

Gowei's words reminded Inuyasha of his childhood, because of his identity, no one treated him as a human except his mother.

Everywhere he went, he was disliked: "I don't have any good memories of that kind of thing."

He remembers very well when he saw a group of people playing furball as a child, and he wanted to play with them, but they were only left with a "half-demon" afterward.

So he threw the hairball, and it was also at that time that he asked his mother what a half-demon was, and her mother did not answer, but just hugged herself.

At that time, the look in his mother's eyes was clearly sad and self-blamed, and when he grew up, he knew why his mother was sad and why she blamed herself at that time.

Because he is a half-demon, an alien born of humans and monsters, monsters do not agree, humans do not accept existence, and the mother is sorry for herself.

The mother blamed herself for not giving herself a good environment, and until she died, her mother died with self-blame and worry.

Seeing Inuyasha's worried look, Gowei was very worried, and Inuyasha said something with the rosary on his neck in order to ease the atmosphere.

Pulling up the rosary: "Can't you think of a way to do this rosary?" If I was told to "sit down" all year round, I would have to eat it physically.

Ge Wei said innocently: "But have I often said 'sit down'..."Bang



Inuyasha fell headlong, and Ge Wei quickly covered his mouth and apologized: "I'm sorry, that one just now doesn't count."

"It's too late!"

At the Nippon Shrine, grandpa held the sword, walked into the warehouse, and said: "To talk about the history of this sword, it is the spiritual sword that ran out of the snake's tail when Suji Mingzun defeated the Great Snake of Yagi, that sword, this is this Cong Yun sword."

Mom told the truth at this time: "So sometimes I have to take it out to remove mold."

Grandpa was a little helpless, and his voice rose again: "Even so, this sword seems to be rusty and unable to pull out its scabbard."

Kusanagi on the side was listening carefully, and suddenly saw a few small words on the scabbard and said, "There are words on it."

Grandpa snorted softly: "It says" Cong Yunjian."

Kusanagi denied, "No, the last word on it is the word (tooth)."

When my mother heard this, she also ran over: "Isn't that going to be read as (Cong Yunya)?" "

Kusao Tai was happy for a while, such an oolong incident, his grandfather is not the first time, gloating: "What, it turns out that it is an impostor."

Grandpa said very confidently: "Impossible, this sword was dug out of the dry well of the shrine by the previous master, it is an orthodox sword!"

Kusanagi was even more sure when he heard this: "This sounds more like a fake."

In order to prove his words, Grandpa ran to the side of the bookshelf and rummaged: "No, I remember that there was a scroll that wrote about what happened at that time, strange, how could I not find it..."

Kusata looked at the three words (Cong Yunya) on the scabbard and carved the head of an old grandfather, and reached out to touch it.

Suddenly, a large mouth appeared and bit Kusanagi's hand, and Kusanagi exclaimed and retracted the handle violently: "This sword will bite!"

The mother turned her head, and her tone was dissatisfied with her son's nonsense: "What the hell are you talking nonsense."

As soon as the words fell, a bright light suddenly rose on the scabbard, and a sharp old man's voice sounded: "Hey, when did I bite!"

The three were surprised, and their mother was worthy of being Gewei's biological mother, and when she saw such a strange thing, she was curious: "This sword can actually speak."

The sharp voice rose again: "The person who spoke was me, not Cong Yunya."

After Grandpa was surprised, he became excited: "Oh! It is truly worthy of the heirloom of our shrine.

Without waiting for Grandpa to be proud, the whole house suddenly shook, and the sharp voice carried some horror: "Oops, the seven-hundred-year-old seal is about to be unsealed."

When my mother heard this, she looked incredulous: "What! Seven hundred years of seal!

Ignoring his mother's words, his sharp voice became more urgent: "Cong Yunya is about to run out of me, hey, are there any powerful monsters near here?"

Looking at the expressions of the three, the light group was disappointed: "It's over, Cong Yunya is a terrifying demon sword, if it goes on like this, things will be very bad..." As

soon as the words fell, the whole sword suddenly emitted a pink evil light, and the sword Cong Yunya rose from the box, flew out the door, and headed towards the distance.

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