In the end, Killing Pill still failed to stop the Douya King, and in front of his father Douya King, the power of Killing Pill was too weak.

In the city where Sixteen Nights was located, the general Shonamaru had already ordered that all the sergeants wear armor to guard the city, and there was also an Onmyoji with mana in the city.

Tonight the Sixteenth Night Princess is about to give birth, and with what he knows about that youkai, he will definitely come, and important information gives him a chance to kill the youkai who took away his lover.

No matter how strong he is, it is impossible for him to enter the city alive in the hands of tens of thousands of soldiers when he is seriously injured and on the verge of death!

Looking at the heavily guarded city, Orochimaru was full of confidence in an instant, and walked to the room of Sixteen Nights, who was already carried away by jealousy.

Before the Douya King comes, kill the woman who is negative in Sixteen Nights, the princess who has lost her human face!

The old servant tried to stop it, but how could Orochimaru listen: "Her Royal Highness is pregnant with the child of that big youkai, so you don't have to think too much about her." The

old servant saw that he couldn't stop the momentary pill, so he reminded, "But this is not a place for men to come. Instantly

, Orochimaru didn't talk nonsense, turned around and stabbed the old servant to death.

In the room, sixteen nights of childbirth is imminent, as a princess, because she is pregnant with a monster's child, there is no handmaid around, she can only endure the pain of childbirth, and all she thinks in her heart is the king of fighting teeth.

By the sea, Sesshomaru looked at the back of his distant father Douya, and remembered his father's words: "Do you have someone you want to protect?"

Sesshomaru turned to leave, his tone warm and angry: "Boring! "

Under the moonlight, in the forest, the king of Douya turned into a dog and ran towards the city where Sixteen Nights was, spilling his blood along the way.

A deep bone tear in his heart made him shed bright red demon blood every time he ran.

On his back, he tried to stop it: "This is ridiculous, please think twice, and when you fought with the Dragon Bone Spirit, the injuries left behind have not healed, have they?" Douya

King's eyes were firm: "I absolutely can't lose her." "


King Douya ignored the words, Sixteen Nights was his wife and the person he wanted to protect: "Besides, I haven't lived long ago. Hakuka

also knew how heavy the Douya King's injury was, but he was still unwilling to accept the facts: "Sir, don't say that..." In

an instant, Orochimaru came to the door of the sixteenth night's room and looked at the moon in the sky: "Is it a lunar eclipse?" What a good night for me to fight off the yokai. Inside

the room, Sixteen Nights felt someone approaching, and weakly spoke: "Who?" "

Your Royal Highness, I am Orochimaru."

Sixteen Nights didn't expect that the person who came turned out to be Instant Fierce Pill, and she also knew that Instant Fierce Pill had always liked herself.

Kind, she didn't want him to start a war with the Douya King, because the Douya King was very strong, and she didn't want to see the instant fierce pill killed: "You came just right, you quickly leave with the soldiers outside, you can't beat him."

Instantly, Orochimaru half-knelt on the ground and said the words in his heart: "Princess Sixteen Nights, you should know that I have always admired you very much.

In an instant, Orochimaru's face suddenly sank, and he raised his spear: "Although your heart was taken away by a youkai!" "


Blood splashed, and in an instant Orochimaru pierced Sixteen Nights' heart, and Orochimaru stood up and looked deeply at Sixteen Nights: "Even so, my feelings for you will never change." "

Wind Wound!

The golden sword smashed the city gate fiercely, and the guards at the gate did not even have the qualifications to block it.

The Douya King held the iron broken teeth, through the dust, rushed towards the city, and the soldiers stepped forward to block, but how can the power of human beings stop a big monster, even if the Douya King is seriously injured, it is not something that ordinary humans can stop.

The wind wounded the place, rubble and soldiers flew around, screams were endless, and in an instant Orochimaru walked out of the main hall: "You are finally here, you youkai, although it is a little late." When

the Douya King heard this, his heart was shocked, and a sense of unease rose from his heart: "What!

Orochimaru pointed out meaningfully, "Princess Sixteen Nights has been taken to a place you will never find, and I personally took her!" When

the Douya King heard this, he was furious: "Mess! Saying

that, he rushed out with a knife, and in an instant, Orochimaru did not want to be outdone and drew the knife to meet it, the two of them passed by mistake, and the Douya King did not turn his head.

Rushing straight in, blood fell, an arm fell from Instant Pill, Instant Pill knelt on the ground in pain, turned around and roared: "Set fire!" With

a hideous expression, he said, "Burn this monster to ashes along with the palace!" The

words fell, and arrows with flames shot towards the palace, without the slightest concern for the life and death of Sixteen Nights as a princess.

In the sea of fire, the Douya King found Sixteen Nights, but at this time, the Sixteen Nights had no breath, and the Douya King did not hesitate to pull out his innate teeth.

Looking at the corpse of Sixteen Nights, the ability of Innate Fang was activated, and one by one the messengers of the underworld appeared: "Please, Innate Fang!" "

Two swords were cut, the messenger of the underworld was cut in half by the innate tooth, and Sixteen Nights slowly opened his eyes, and the king of fighting teeth took out the fire rat robe that could avoid fire from his arms.

It was draped on the body of Sixteen Nights, and at this time, Orochimaru also broke in, he wanted to watch the Douya King being burned to death, but he couldn't think of it.

Not only did the Douya King not die, but even Sixteen Nights came back to life, and his heart couldn't help but be shocked.

After using the Innate Tooth, the Douya King felt that the injury had worsened a lot, and looked at the instant fierce pill coming, and very decisively pulled out the Cong Yun Tooth on his back.

"If I can join you, I have no regrets." Instantly, Orochimaru's tone was full of jealousy and death: "Let's embark on the road to Yellow Spring together!" Feeling

the end of his life, the Douya King held his sword in both hands and stared at the Instant Fierce Pill, but his words were to the sixteen nights behind him: "Live."


Sixteen Nights also sensed something was wrong with King Doya, and before he died, King Douya said the name of himself and Sixteen Night's son: "Inuyasha."

"What?" Instantly, Orochimaru was puzzled.

The Tooth King ignored Orochimaru, and still spoke to Sixteen Nights: "This kid's name is Inuyasha. "


Sixteen nights holding the child, her heart was at a loss, she could feel the death intention of the Douya King, she didn't want to leave, even if she died, she would die with the Douya King, but she was pregnant with the child....

"Quick!" King Douya knew Sixteen Nights' thoughts and urged, "Go quickly!" "

Although Sixteen Nights is reluctant, she does not dare to disobey the words of the Douya King, for the sake of the child, she has to go, because, this is her love with him, she wants to raise the child and tell him that his father is a big monster, the Douya King!

Sixteen nights left, and it was not difficult for the Douya King to kill the instant fierce pill and leave, but because he was seriously injured and on the verge of death, he no longer had enough strength to suppress Cong Yunya.

The demon dragon in Cong Yunya actually possessed the sword of the Instant Fierce Pill at this time, and the betrayal of the Demon Dragon gave the Instant Fierce Pill the strength to fight with the Fighting Tooth King.

Looking at the sea of fire, two lines of tears flowed from Sixteen Nights' eyes, and Inuyasha seemed to feel his father's death, and cried in Sixteen Nights' arms.

In the sea of fire, came the last words of King Douya: "Live, live with Inuyasha." "

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