Kagura was forcibly pulled into the basement, and the remains of the surrounding youkai frightened her a lot, and Naraku's voice came to make her heart shake even more.

"Kagura, is it fun outside?"

With a calm voice tinged with mockery, Kagura saw Naraku for the first time, and the youkai that formed their bodies were separated by him.

And Naraku only has a head intact, and below the neck, there are tendons connecting the remains of the youkai, which looks very terrifying.

Seeing Naraku's appearance, Kagura suddenly understood that Naraku was also a half-demon.

Looking at Kagura's frightened look, Naraku spoke again: "Kagura, you ran out of the castle while I was asleep."

Kagura was shocked to hear this, and Naraku didn't give her a chance to explain, and four tentacles wrapped around her limbs and pulled Naraku's face.

Kagura was terrified in his heart, his heart was in Naraku's hand, and he couldn't even resist, so he could only look at Naraku in horror.

Naraku was still calm, and looked at Kagura with dead eyes: "Kagura, you are just my doppelganger, do you want to return to my body again?" Looking

at Naraku's gaze like a dead man, Kagura was afraid, she was really afraid of being sucked back into her body by Naraku, she was the wind, the wind of freedom.

It's just that... Now she had to give in: "Wait... Wait a minute! I... I'm not going to make claims anymore.

After that, Kagura lowered his head to indicate that he had submitted, and Naraku only warned Kagura that he was using people and did not intend to suck Kagura back.

"There is no second time!"

Kagura was completely dead, she couldn't free herself from Naraku's hands at all, and she was very unwilling.

Just as Naraku really wanted to attack her just now, Kagura would not hesitate to say the change in Inuyasha Shogetsu Day, and with such news, she believed that Naraku would let her go once.

But Naraku didn't set out to take her life, thinking, "Inuyasha, let you live longer." "

Thinking of Inuyasha, another cold figure came to mind, it was Sesshomaru, but Sesshomaru wouldn't help himself....

On the other side, Inuyasha and his party were noisily returning to Nippori Village, and Gowei wanted to return to the present world, and he had not returned to school for many days.

Sesshomaru's arrival caused a little wave in his heart, and that was 200 years ago:

after his father King Doiya defeated the ocelot, he became the demon king of the entire Western Kingdom, and under his leadership, the youkai also lived a peaceful life.

However, out of nowhere, a powerful demon king came, and his strength was no worse than that of the Douya King, stirring up the storm in the four countries, so that the western kingdom, which had been calm for a short time, fell into the demon war again.

The Douya King has also fought him several times, all of which ended in draws, his name is Dragon Bone Spirit, and he is a huge dragon demon.

The body is harder than steel, the wind wound cuts on him, even the skin can't hurt, even the blast breaks, because the strength of the two sides is equal.

The knife qi of the iron broken teeth can not suppress the demon qi of the dragon bone essence at all, and the blasting can not be used at all, and the premise of the use of blasting must be that the knife qi must be pressed over the other party.

In the overwhelming knife qi, cut out the wind injury, stir the opponent's demon qi and turn the power into a whirlwind and bounce back, if the knife qi cannot stir the opponent's demon qi, the blast can not be broken at all.

Because of the strength of the dragon bone essence, it gathered a lot of monsters who were dissatisfied with the Douya King, formed a monster army against the dog general, and the two sides fought a big war.

The monsters were killed and injured countless times, and the killing pill was even more famous, and the Douya King and the Dragon Bone Essence fought for three days and three nights, and the demon power of both sides was almost exhausted.

Both of them had dozens of injuries large and small, and in the end, the Douya King did not hesitate to be seriously injured and sealed the keel essence, and he was also injured by the keel essence to the heart and lungs.

The Dragon Bone Essence was sealed, and the Douya King was not pleased, because his lover, Sixteen Nights, was dissatisfied by the entire family because of his association with him.

Sixteen Nights: Daughter of the lord of the Kamakura period and a human princess.

Humans and youkai are together, and as the master of the split, she will definitely be better, not to mention, Orochimaru has always had a soft spot for the princess.

Jealousy caused Orochimaru to kill Sixteen Nights, and the King of Fighting Teeth learned that Sixteen Nights was about to give birth, and he went to take Sixteen Nights away regardless of his injuries.

At night, the sea breeze is howling and the sky is light snow, the beach is dyed white with snow, and the waves chase the wind and lap on the sand.

Douya King quietly looked at the sea, the blood in his left hand slowly fell on the snow, dyeing the white red, killing pills quietly looked at the back of his father Douya King: "Do you have to go?" Father-sama. Douya

King's voice was calm and full of breath, not at all like a serious injury: "Are you going to stop me?" Killing pills. "

Killing Pill knows how big his father's injuries are, his heart and lungs are seriously injured, and his heart is also torn in half by the dragon bone essence, no matter how strong he is, he will not be able to live for a few days.

Sesshomaru knew that he couldn't stop his father, but he wanted to leave Iron Crush Fang and Cong Yun Fang, and with these two swords, he would be able to replace his father and keep this territory.

"I won't stop you." Sesshomaru said bluntly, "But please give me the Iron Crushed Tooth and Cong Yun Tooth." "

King Douya is still calm, he knows the intention of the killing pill, but Cong Yunya is the evil dragon sword handed down by the ancestors, and with the current strength of the killing pill, it can't be controlled at all.

And the iron broken tooth is a guardian blade, without a guardian heart, the enchantment of the iron broken tooth is impossible to accept the killing pill.

"If I say I won't give it, will you kill me as a father?"

Douya King's words were a temptation, but also to see how eager Orochimaru was for power.

Killing Pill didn't speak when he heard this, and the sea breeze seemed to grow up at this time, and there was a trace of murderous intent, and the Douya King knew. This is the wind caused by the demon qi wave wave of the killing pill.

Disappointment: "Do you want power so much?" Killing

Pill still didn't speak, and King Douya's tone became serious: "Why are you so hungry for power!"

"Because our way forward is hegemonic, and the strength can represent everything." Sesshomaru replied firmly.

"Overbearing... Is it..." The Tooth King was very disappointed, he used to think so, and he did the same.

For the sake of strength, he was desperate, almost lost in power, and almost manipulated by Cong Yunya, and after waking up, he created Iron Crushed Teeth and Natural Teeth.

With these two knives, the Douya King was finally able to completely suppress the erosion of Cong Yunya's evil qi, and also comprehended the true meaning of power, that is, protection!

Because of love, to protect, because of fear of loss, so to guard.

Not wanting Killing Pill to go down his own path, King Douya opened his mouth and asked, "Killing Pill, let me ask you, do you have someone you want to protect?"

Sesshomaru's pupils shrank slightly, he felt that his father was fascinated by that human woman, as a youkai, and humans were creatures of two worlds.

Humans fear youkai, and because they are afraid, they see them as enemies.

And youkai, with their power stronger than humans, disdain to be with humans, humans, just food for youkai.

Killing Pill felt ridiculous, he was pursuing domineering, and in the face of domineering, everything had to be surrendered: "I don't need that kind of person for Killing Pill." "

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