Kagura left unwillingly, and before leaving, he angrily cursed: "Fool!

Sesshomaru was not angry, quietly watching Kagura leave, but thinking in his heart: "Whether she can kill Naraku with the power of the four souls, but it's none of my business..." On

the other side, Inuyasha and the others and Steel Fang went towards Naraku's castle, and several people analyzed for a while, combined with the weakening of the demon qi and the weakening of the enchantment.

Guessing that Naraku is a half-demon like Inuyasha, Inuyasha will become a human on the night of the moon, then Naraku should also lose his demon power and become a human again!

And Kirito's guess is also like this, with Yan Hoof, Li Fan and Kirito soon arrived at Naraku's castle.

Looking at the dead and silent castle, the two fell directly down, Li Fan's arrival made Naraku shocked, and now he has almost no demon power.

However, Naraku's half-demon identity is different, he is a combination of many yokai and can freely control when to turn back into a human.

But this does not completely lose his demon power, but it is a period of weakness for him.

What greeted Li Fan was Shen Wu, a little girl monster, Shen Wu is a very strange doppelganger, she has no feelings, no emotions, and no self.

Like a walking corpse, a walking corpse who is very confused and only takes orders, under the influence of Kagura, God does not know when it started, and developed a little thought of his own.

"Please sit." Shen Wu led the two to a room and sat expressionlessly.

Li Fan looked around: "What about Naraku?" Isn't he there?

Shen Wu was still expressionless: "He is not there."

"What about the people in the castle, why don't there any?" Li Fan looked at Shen Wu: "And Kagura?"

Kami's voice was flat, and he didn't say a single extra word: "It's all dead, Kagura is out." "

Li Fan has a bit of a feeling of talking with Killing Pill, very boring, Shen Wu is like a square wood, kick and move, can explain one word, will definitely not make more sounds.

Kikyo spread out his spiritual power, carefully sensing the changes in the demon qi of the castle, as she thought, Naraku's demon power became weaker, as a half-demon, he should hide in the dark, silently waiting for the demon power to recover.

As soon as he got the answer, Kikyo didn't stay, turned around and left, Li Fan looked at Wu: "Help me bring a word to Naraku, tell me as soon as there is news of Yuluo."

Shinmu nodded, watching the two leave, the basement, Naraku finally breathed a sigh of relief and summoned Shinmu: "Where is Kagura now?" Let me see. "

Kami Wu had long known that Naraku had been in the basement of the castle, and the mirror lit up, and Kagura's figure appeared.

Kagura was angry, Sesshomaru actually refused her, not even the four soul fragments, and was angry, but Coral and Steel Fang chased after her.

Seeing Steel Fang and Coral together, Kagura sarcastically said, "In order to retrieve the Four Soul Fragments, did you find Inuyasha to help them?" Without the Four Soul Fragments, are you afraid to go alone?

Gangya was furious when he heard this, and said to the coral: "Kagura is up to me to defeat, don't interfere!" Coral

looked confused, this is obviously a radical method, the steel tooth was actually deceived!

Cheng Qiang's steel teeth rushed out and fought Kagura, to be correct, he was pressed by Kagura and teased, and he was not Kagura's opponent when there were four soul fragments.

Now he can't even get five meters close to Kagura, and Kagura's long-range wind blade makes it difficult for Steel Fang to even dodge.

Just as she was about to kill Steel Fang with one blow, Sesshomaru's words suddenly flashed in her mind: "If you want to be free, take down Naraku with fragments yourself."

Looking at the four soul fragments in his hand, Kagura seemed to think of something: "I know, then use it!" At

this moment, the abnormality rose again, above the sky, among the clouds, suddenly a large group of monsters flew out, and the coral couldn't help but feel numb when he saw it: "Naraku's youkai!" "

So many monsters, this is the first time she has seen them, and it is impossible to describe them as overwhelming.

Kagura's face changed drastically, Naraku's youkai came, didn't Naraku find out that he wanted to betray him? Or do you say... This is going to clean me up!

Kagura looked at the group of youkai in the sky blankly, Coral and Mica were already killing youkai, seeing Kagura stunned, how could Steel Fang miss such a good opportunity.

Run forward and punch him: "What are you in a daze!"

Kagura was unguarded for a while, and was slapped in the face by steel teeth, and the four soul fragments also came out, as for whether she was careful, then only Kagura herself knew.

The four soul fragments landed on the ground, and the steel teeth were all picked up, how could Kagura let him win so easily: "Dance of the Dragon and Serpent!" "

The fan waved, and the tornado appeared, beating the steel teeth into screams, and every time the tornado hit his body, it would bring a tearing sensation, as if it was going to smash his body.

Seeing that the steel tooth is about to die at Kagura's hands, Inuyasha can't care so much, although he can't deal with the steel tooth, but compared to Naraku, the steel tooth definitely can't die.

Moreover, Gangya once saved Gewei in the hands of Kagero Maru, so he should return the favor.

Plus the sky has begun to light up, as long as it is dawn, he can restore his half-demon body, and Kagura will not discover his secrets.

On the battlefield, the steel tooth had been beaten to the ground, and Kagura raised his fan: "It's really not the Yellow River Heart Immortal Steel Fang, let me give you the last ride!" "

The fan fell, and above the sky, a whirlwind suddenly fell, hitting the steel tooth, which had no strength to escape, and could only watch death come.

The whirlwind fell, and the sky was full of dust, but Kagura didn't smell blood: "Finished up?" "

In the dust, a figure stands proudly, very familiar, it is Inuyasha!

It's just that Inuyasha at this time turned out to be a black hair, and he couldn't feel the demon qi.

As the sun rose and Inuyasha's demon power recovered, changing from black hair back to silver, Kagura was stunned by Inuyasha's appearance, although it was only for a moment, but she was definitely not mistaken.

"Kagura." Inuyasha's demon strength recovered, his confidence returned, and he said in a deep voice: "It's nothing fun to bully a timid wolf!"

Kagura stared at Inuyasha, what he saw just now made Kagura very puzzled, but for himself, it was not a bad thing, but he discovered Inuyasha's big secret.

Thinking of last night's moon, Kagura smiled: "Inuyasha, will you lose your demon power on the day of the moon."

Inuyasha didn't care, and slashed with his knife: "So what, as long as I change back, I am the strongest!" "

The wind wound cut out, Kagura met with the dance of the dragon snake, but now the wind wound is more than a little stronger, in Kagura's terrified eyes.

The tornado was cut open, Kagura turned pale, so close that she couldn't dodge at all, and the breath of death rushed to her face.

"Can't hide! It will be killed! Just

when Kagura was desperate, a group of youkai pounced and blocked the blow for Kagura, regardless of life and death.

At such an opportunity, Kagura didn't even think about it, so he rode the wind and ran back to Naraku's castle, where Kagura had already determined that Naraku would send a youkai to save him.

That meant that he didn't find himself trying to betray him, and seeing Shin Wu, Kagura faintly felt that something was wrong and quietly followed.

Under the dungeon, there was a basement that she didn't know, and when she opened the door curiously, she looked at it, and a tentacle suddenly rolled up and pulled Kagura down.

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