A huge force erupted from Inuyasha's body, and the unwavering guardian power resonated with the iron tooth to produce great power.

In an instant, under this power, Orochimaru actually sobered up, and back then, his jealousy and hatred covered his heart.

The woman he has always liked, the noble Princess of the Sixteenth Nights, actually fell in love with a monster, he was not convinced, he was unwilling!

As a princess, as a human, he mixed with youkai, and was pregnant with a youkai's child, so many years of conquest, he only wanted her to have a peaceful life.

For her, Orochimaru gave up many, many of them, some of them to kill and fight, to be with corpses, and with blood.

All this is in order to be able to enjoy peace in the sixteen nights, and in his heart, the sixteen nights are like the white lotus flower in bloom.

Although he grew up in this era of conquest, for her, Orochimaru cleared the darkness for her without regret and laid a peace.

Let the white lotus flower, not be polluted by the outside world, continue to bloom with a charming fragrance.

In the end, she was still taken away by the youkai, and Orochimaru was very unwilling, how deep her love was, how deep her hatred was, and Instant Orochimaru killed her.

The kind of pain that kills one's favorite with one's own hands, no one can adjourn.

The huge force split the instant pill, and his mind was broken, and at this moment, he suddenly woke up, and persuaded himself to leave on the sixteenth night of that year.

It is not to go with the dog general, but she knows that the dog will be very strong, and she is afraid that she will die at the hands of the dog general.

Remembering the look in Sixteen Nights' eyes at that time, Orochimaru's heart suddenly twitched: "Princess Sixteen Nights..."

Inuyasha's blow has already dispersed Instantaneous Orochimaru's resentment, without resentment, even Cong Yunya cannot let him continue to exist in this world.

Cong Yunya's heart was anxious, and then let the instant fierce pill go on like this, once the resentment dissipated, he lost his carrier, and it was even more difficult to take revenge.

"Instant Orochimaru! What happened to you! Have you forgotten how that woman betrayed you!

In an instant, Orochimaru ignored Cong Yunya's words and said: "I remembered it, in fact, I don't hate the Princess of the Sixteenth Night, I... Always loved her. "

The unicorn on his head fell off, and in an instant Orochimaru's body was slowly dissipating, and his face was now without pain, some were relief, and there were thoughts and apologies for the sixteenth night...

Killing Pill slowly stepped forward, looking at the skeleton of Instant Pill, the innate teeth on his waist were shaking, and Killing Pill was very puzzled.

Born tooth to save him himself? Wrong!

Killing Pill guessed the intention of Tiansheng Fang, although Orochimaru died in an instant, Cong Yunya was completely fine, and if he wanted to defeat Cong Yunya, it would definitely not be so simple.

Killing Pill chose to believe in Innate Fang, and with a swing of his sword, the messenger of the netherworld disappeared, and Cong Yunya took Killing Pill's broken arm from the skeleton and flew towards the outside of the castle.

At this time, the entire castle was shaking, the broken stone and wooden pillars fell, and in an instant the death of the fierce pill, without the power of Cong Yunya to maintain, the castle began to collapse.

Outside the castle, Cong Yunya turned into a headless monster, using all his strength to open the passage of the underworld.

At this time, Li Fan, who had never made a move, felt the power of the underworld, and if he let Cong Yunya open the passage of the underworld, the world would turn into another hell.

Li Fan didn't think about it, and flew behind Cong Yunya, and Cong Yunya was shocked: "You! You said you wouldn't meddle.

Li Fan looked at the gradually opening passage of the underworld, and his heart sank: "I said I wouldn't interfere, but!" Li

Fan's face changed, his face was gloomy, he held it with one hand, the blood dragon was in his hand, the tip of the gun was picked, and the arm belonging to the killing pill was broken.

Even Cong Yunya also fell to the ground: "I moved a gun!" "


Cong Yunya hissed and roared, and Li Fan stepped on Cong Yunya's sword hilt: "Hmph! Why? Because you've gone too far! Orochimaru

and Inuyasha also came to Li Fan at this time, and Li Fan bent down and ripped Cong Yunya abruptly from Orochimaru's broken arm.

Looking at the Cong Yunya in his hand, Li Fan said with disdain: "A demon sword like you is better to disappear completely!"

"What do you want to do!" Cong Yunya felt a terrifying devouring force, and his voice said in horror: "No! No! You can't do this! I'm Cong Yunya, huh..." The

voice suddenly changed, Cong Yunya suddenly lit up with a blood-colored demon glow, hahaha laughed: "Your soul is not complete, and your strength is not as good as before, very good!" Your body! I want it! "

Blood-colored tentacles were born at the hilt of the sword, and Li Fan's left hand was entangled, and several of them were also pierced into Li Fan's blood vessels.

Li Fan's face changed drastically, and after the tentacles pierced the blood vessels, he came directly to the soul, because of the reason for the soul splitting, Li Fan only had half of his soul.

This was a very simple matter for Cong Yunya to control a big monster with only half of his soul, if Cong Yunya knew that Li Fan only had half of his soul.

It is estimated that he will not go to find the Instant Fierce Pill at all, and he will definitely find Li Fan to possess him.

In the face of Cong Yunya's manipulation, Li Fan resisted vigorously, but the power of control came from the soul, spiritual power, Li Fan only had half of his soul, how could he confront Cong Yunya.

In just a few breaths, Li Fan's eyes turned red, his face also appeared blood-colored demon entanglement, his blue hair was windless, and two blood-colored demon horns grew on his forehead.

Humph... Hahaha

Li Fan's heavy laughter came out of his mouth: "I can't imagine that your body is so strong, it's good!" Killing

Pill frowned, Li Fan in front of him had been possessed by Cong Yunya, and he had already decisively killed the hall, and the fighting ghost god pulled out, and the sword pointed to the sky.

The sword pressure is constantly condensing, and the demon power around the body is frantically impacting the sword body, colliding with the sword pressure, and the blue sword pressing on the tip of the sword is constantly compressed.

The Dao arc jumped on the sword, and the powerful sword pressure even stopped the wind, and the dark clouds in the sky avoided it.

Inuyasha also looked like a great enemy, staring at Li Fan, his teeth clenched, and on Li Fan, he felt the breath of death.

The iron crushed teeth were trembling, and the golden demon wind rose again, colliding with the wind generated by Li Fan's demon qi, and the cracks of the Dao wind flashed, and the demon qi was constantly stirring.

The knife qi of the iron broken teeth is constantly expanding, the demon qi vortex appears, Inuyasha holds the knife in both hands, staring at the vortex, as long as it is cut out, it can lead to a blast!

Li Fan's gaze suddenly looked at the two killing dogs, released the blood dragon spear with his right hand, and pointed at the two with his left hand: "Killing Pill, Inuyasha!" Today is your time to die! Cong

Yunya was raised, the demon dragon rushed into the sky, the huge evil qi swept the wind and clouds, the demon dragon let out a heaven-shaking roar, and Li Fan suddenly cut down: "Go and die!" Prison Dragon Break! "

The killing pill has pressed the sword to the limit, how strong Li Fan is, he knows very well that in the face of the possessed Li Fan, the killing pill uses the strongest killing move at present.

The blue sword pressed out a sharp sword sound, the killing pill stabbed out, the surrounding demon qi was released in an instant, a blue sword, with a powerful sword pressure, stabbed out towards the prison dragon: "The sword breaks through the sky!"

Inuyasha was surrounded by demon wind, and the sword qi was even more powerful than ever, slashing out towards the vortex at the center of the prison dragon break, and the golden storm with amazing tearing power, directly hit the wind crack torn by the vortex: "Blast break!" "

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