The three major killing moves collided, and a huge explosion exploded the clouds in the sky into a black nothingness, and the powerful sword pressed and scattered.

Turning into small blue swords, the entire mountain of the earth pierced sword holes one after another.

Blastburst is the weakest, and it can only weaken the power of Prison Dragon Break.

Li Fan, to be correct, is Cong Yunya, possessed on Li Fan's body, Li Fan's power allows Cong Yunya to exert 80% of the power.

Killing Pill's brows furrowed again, the prison dragon broke Yuwei and continued to rush, and the demon dragon phantom was roaring at the two killing dogs.

The gate of the underworld was opening little by little at this time, and a burst of ghost crying sounded, and anyone who heard it, who did not have enough concentration, would be pulled into hell by this sound.

Inuyasha had reached his limit, his physical strength was exhausted, and he was panting, but his eyes were full of fighting intent, and his hands were shaking weakly with iron broken teeth.

The killing pill gathered its strength again, the ghost fighting god was held high, and an evil dragon came out proudly, straight into the sky, looking at the prison dragon that hit it, the killing pill suddenly cut down.

The blue evil dragon roared, swooped down, and rushed towards the prison dragon break: "The evil dragon breaks the sky!" The

two-style killing moves created with Li Fan were used by the killing pill one by one, and the power was so great that Inuyasha was stunned.

The strength of the killing pill made him feel ashamed of himself, and Ge Wei and his group in the distance watched the battle situation one after another, in order not to let everyone be affected by the call of hell.

The old man with the scabbard laid an enchantment with his last strength, guarding everyone, and Maitreya's face was still pale because of inhaling too much evil qi.

Cong Yunya sneered: "Killing pill, stop doing boring resistance, you know, you can't beat me now." "

Less verbosity!" Killing Pill slashed out with a sword and fought with Cong Yunya: "Do you think Li Fan will be controlled by you so simply!"

Cong Yunya said disdainfully when he heard this: "This guy's soul is incomplete, and it is easy to control him without a little effort." "

The two swords collide, and every time they collide, blue evil thunder will flash, and Cong Yunya's sword moves are very straightforward, they are all very simple to cut, split, stab, and pick.

The killing pill is different, with Dugu Jiu Sword as the base, self-created sword moves, each move is extremely exquisite, often able to do last, first come, with the least strength, hit the weakest part of the opponent's sword move.

At this time, Li Fan's soul was entangled by blood-colored tentacles, and the lack of his soul made his ability to control his mind almost zero.

In order to protect himself, Li Fan could only recycle the power of devouring and lay a protective enchantment in his soul, and the tentacles seemed to wrap around Li Fan's soul.

In fact, it did not touch the enchantment at all, and the power of devouring can swallow everything, not something that can be touched by tentacles.

Why didn't Li Fan swallow the tentacles with the power of devouring? The problem was simple, because all of Li Fan's spirit was used to fight Cong Yunya's mind control.

In addition to laying an enchantment to guard the soul, it is no longer able to control the power of devouring to counterattack, Cong Yunya's spiritual impact, but even the dog will be suppressed with iron broken teeth and innate teeth.

If Li Fan was in his prime, he was not afraid at all, but after cutting off his soul, Li Fan would be powerless.

"Even if you can have the enchantment guard..." Cong Yunya shouted in Li Fan's consciousness: "The control of the body is still controlled by me, don't resist, join me and rule the whole world!"

Li Fan gritted his teeth and stared at Cong Yunya's consciousness light mass: "Wait for me to get out of trouble!" Will kill you!


Cong Yunya laughed three times: "Do you think you still have the ability to get out of trouble?"

Li Fan didn't answer, just kept calling in his heart to swallow the sky, as long as the devouring sky awakened, Cong Yunya would definitely die!

Outside, after Inuyasha rested, he also joined the battle, and the two brothers were crazy about Cong Yunya.

"Li Fan!" Inuyasha waved his iron crushed teeth and roared, "Are you being manipulated by Cong Yunya like this!" Have you forgotten your wife? "

It's useless." Cong Yunya controlled Li Fan's body, and one person pressed the killing dog and beat two people: "He is only half of his soul, he is no longer able to resist, you go to die!" "

A sword swept across, split two three meters, held high the cloud teeth, the demon dragon was blue again, the gray demon dragon was like substance, and a sword chopped down: "Prison dragon broke!" The

faces of the two killing dogs changed, and the power of the prison dragon breaking at this time was obviously much stronger than before.

After taking a pose, the two prepared the strongest killing move to confront, and the old man in the scabbard in the distance shook his head and said: "No, if the two of them are not united, they will not be able to defeat Cong Yunya." When

Ge Wei heard this, he picked up the bow and arrow on the ground regardless, rushed out of the enchantment, and rushed to the edge of the cliff against the call of hell and the yin wind.

Blast burst!

The sword breaks through the sky!

The same collision, but at this time it is no longer a level, Cong Yunya's strength continues to increase, and Orochimaru and Inuyasha are already strong crossbows.

Dodging the attack of the prison dragon break, the two rushed towards Cong Yunya one left and one right, supporting the killing dog battle, only domineering and protecting.

The swords collided, sparks burst out, and Gowei's voice suddenly came: "Inuyasha! Quickly join forces with Killing Pills!

Inuyasha gritted his teeth, Cong Yunya and he had a mother-killing vendetta, he wanted to kill Cong Yunya alone to take revenge: "I can't do this kind of thing!" After

saying that, he slashed at Cong Yunya again, Ge Wei really wanted to beat Inuyasha, when was it, and he was still playing sex!

In desperation, he opened his mouth again and shouted to Sesshomaru, "Sesshomaru, please help Inuyasha." Killing

Pill turned a deaf ear to Ge Wei's words, and slashed towards Cong Yunya with one sword after another.

Ge Wei was furious, and none of the two people listened, Zhang bow pulled the arrow: "You two ignorant guys, I still don't expect you!" The

bowstring was released, and the demon-breaking arrow dodged, and Li Fan held Cong Yunya's left hand in the middle, and the demon-breaking power carried the light of purification.

The evil qi of Cong Yunya was dispersed by a point, and the light of purification entered his body, and Li Fan's long-sleeping heaven-swallowing sky suddenly moved.

Suddenly the fluctuation, Cong Yunya also felt: "Huh! Is there another soul hidden in your body, is it your other half of the soul? Interesting! As

soon as the words fell, the tentacles split in half and headed towards the depths of Li Fan's sea of consciousness.

When Cong Yunya saw Li Fan's sea of consciousness going deep, a huge strange beast rolled into a sphere, he couldn't help but exclaim: "What is that!" "

The appearance of Swallowing Sky is very majestic and terrifying, and the huge body does not exude power due to sleep, but the huge pressure still makes Cong Yunya feel dangerous.

He turned his head and wanted to escape, but the eyes of the Heaven-Swallowing Heaven were closed, so that Cong Yunya stopped again, looking at the Heaven-Swallowing Beast, Cong Yunya's greedy heart soared.

(I don't know what kind of monster it is, but it's definitely not simple, and it seems to be sleeping, which just gives me the opportunity to manipulate!)

Li Fan saw that Cong Yunya wanted to attack Swallowing the World, and his heart was anxious, if Cong Yunya manipulated Devouring the Sky, then this world would be completely over.

"Swallow the sky! Wake up! Swallow the sky! Li Fan shouted, his consciousness constantly calling to swallow the sky.

When Cong Yunya heard Li Fan's words, he confirmed his conjecture, as long as he was sleeping, then he was at his mercy: "Hahaha!" Swallow the sky? Is it its name, a very good name, from today onwards, it will be my slave of Cong Yunya! The

tentacles stabbed out suddenly, heading towards the sky.

"Swallow the sky! Wake up! "

The poofing

tentacles stabbed into the heaven-swallowing beast soul fiercely, and at this moment, the mutation protruded.

Cong Yunya's face changed suddenly: "No! No way! "

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